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Gohan's POV *Part 2 of Chapter 10*
Part 2 of Chapter 10

(Gohan's P.O.V.)

I walked into Krillen's house and looked around, "Krillen?! Yo, man! I'm here! You ready?" No response. "Krillen?!" Still no answer. My foot crunched on something. I blinked and then looked down and saw that Krillen's favorite vase broken to pieces. I blinked again and then bent over and studied the broken pieces. After a few moments, I dropped them to the ground. "Krillen must've just bumped into the thing when he was rushing from the phone." I thought to myself. Then, I looked over and saw one of his tables turned over. I narrowed my eyes and thought, "What? I don't believe it... what happened?"

I shook my head and then just walked over to the table and stood it up right. His other phone was off the hook. I blinked. Krillen was never careless enough to just leave a phone off the hook. I picked up the phone and then started to put it upright. Then, I heard something whoosh by the phone and a gaspy grunt, "H-unh!"

I blinked for a third time, now scared. What was going on?! Where was Krillen?! I pressed the phone to my ear more and tried to listen. Another whooshing sound and then a tearing sound and then I heard the person give out another gasping, squeaky grunt, "H-unh!!" I gasped when I heard the second grunt. Someone was definitely on the line! I hadn't the slightest idea who... but I knew I could maybe guess...

Then, suddenly, I heard the person whispering my name, almost as if he was calling out to me, "Gohan..."

My eyes went wide as I recognized the voice, "Krillen?! Is that you, man?!"

"Gohan..." the person choked out, almost as if his voice was torn and cut up, " Gohan... Gohan... Gohan... run..."

I gasped. It was a warning! I jumped up from the phone and ran to the front door. Then, I slammed it closed and locked it. I couldn't believe it! Krillen... was being murdered!! When I locked it, I immediately took out my cell and called the police. A woman answered the phone, " 911. What is your emergency?"

"Help me." I said in a calm voice, "My best friend is being murdered!"

"Where is your location, sir?" she asked me.

"Jeepers Creepers, Krillen's Keepers." I said, not knowing what to say, "It s a self-business. He made it himself."

"Mm hmm." She said, "Where are you exactly located?"

I was stumped, "Uh... I don't know. He just moved here. Look, don't you have a tracking device or something! Hurry! He s being murdered!!"

"Okay," she said to me, "Two police cars are on their way out there right now. Stay where you are! Don't move. Talk to me. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

My blood boiled. I couldn't believe it! Krillen was getting murdered and she's asking if I have a brother?! I couldn't help it. My cell fell from my hand and crashed to the floor. Hot tears of fear and anger flowed down my face.

"Hello?" I heard the woman say into the phone, "Hello? Are you there? Hello?"

My hands shook and I covered my face with my hands. The tears flowed down like they were rivers. I pressed my back into the wall and slid to the floor. I still couldn t believe it. First my brother... now Krillen?! Why him, most of all? He wouldn't hurt a fly! More to think, who's next? I shivered. Am I next? I cried for a few moments, not stopping. Then, suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. I raised my tear-covered face and looked at the front door. It rang a second time. My heartbeat slowly increased to a rapid beat. Who would be coming over at a time like this?? I slowly got up from my spot on the floor and made my way to the front door. I took a deep, shuddering breath and called out, "Wh-who's there?"

If it was the police, they would say something. But no one answered. I felt more tears come to my eyes. I knew it was the killer just playing with me. But I just had to make sure.

"Who's there?!" I nearly screamed out again. I suddenly found myself walking towards the door. What was I doing?! I had to get away! Not closer! But I didn't. Instead, I looked at the door and saw that Krillen had no peep hole. But, he did have a window by the door. I guessed that was a good thing. At least he could tell who it was. I slowly crossed to the window and pulled aside the curtains. I guessed that I was just going to see if I could see out his window. I peeked out and then screamed out in terror at what I saw.

Krillen was there, at the door. He was hung by his neck. The rope was soaked in his blood. I screamed again in shrill terror. I couldn't believe it. To make it worse, I saw Krillen s white, cordless phone underneath him. He was the one that was on the line!! I knew it!! I ran from the window and ran into the kitchen. Then, I started to open all the drawers. I had to find something to cut that rope!! I had to save Krillen! I pulled open all his drawers. No knives. Damn it!! Where did he keep his damn knives?! Finally, I found a nice, sharp, long knife. I ran out of the kitchen and to the front door. I unlocked it and opened the door.

"Hold on, Krillen!" I called to him. I hoped he heard me. I grabbed his body and cut the rope. Then, I swung the body over my shoulder and carried him in the house. His body was still warm! Maybe I still had a chance! I shut the door and locked the door with my other hand. Then, I put Krillen down on the floor and I tried my best to take the rope off of around his neck. My hands rubbed against his neck and I got blood on them. His blood. I rubbed his blood-soaked face.

"Krillen?!" I cried out to him, "Please still be alive! Please!"

He didn't wake up. His face was still warm. So, what was the deal?! Why wasn't he waking up?? Oh... I looked down at my hands. There was blood smeared all over his neck. My hands were covered in his blood. Then, I saw the small slit in his neck. Someone stabbed him in the neck! How could someone do this to him?! He was the best friend that everyone wanted!! Why would anyone want to hurt him?! I couldn't take this anymore. The police weren't coming. I just had to call my father... or someone. I scooted backwards until I hit the wall and then I pulled my knees up to my chest. Then, I hugged them against it. I lied my head down on my knees and just cried.

I stayed like that for hours. Then I fell in a great sleep.

Chapter 11 *Goku's POV*