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Goku's POV *Chapter 11*

(Goku's P.O.V.)

I got out of the police car and started to walk up the walkway. They came to my house because they were concerned about Gohan. They said that he had called because of someone. But they couldn't find his place. I tagged along just to see what s up. I knew where it was. They at first didn't want me to go. But I told them if they didn t let me go, then they wouldn't ever find the place. So, they had no choice but to let me go. I walked up the walkway and then up to the door. I pulled on it to open the door. It didn't budge. I blinked and then pushed on it. It still wouldn't open. The two officers stood behind me and waited me to open it. I jiggled the handle. It was going to stay shut. Unless I gathered a Ki in my hand and blew the lock. The two officers looked at me with their eyes wide open. I shrugged and then pushed on the door. The door slowly swung open as if it was a horror movie. Then, I stepped inside. I couldn't believe what I saw.

Krillen... oh my god, Krillen... was lying in the middle of his living room. A cut piece of rope lay right by his head and his neck was covered in blood. So was all of his clothes. Gohan lay a few feet away, up against a wall and curled up in a ball. I slowly walked over to him. Then, I leaned down, grabbed his shoulders and lightly shook him awake.

"Gohan!" I called, "Wake up, son!"

Gohan groaned a bit. Then, I saw his light, hazel eyes open and look at me, "Dad?"

I smiled lightly, "Hi, Gohan..."

Gohan stared at me for a few minutes and then leaned up. He rubbed the back of his neck a bit with his hand. Then, he froze and started to shake when he saw Krillen in the middle of the room.

"Dad..." He looked at me again. The look me gave me could've make anyone cry. His beautiful hazel eyes were wide, fearful, and hurt. Then, they filled up with tears and he looked down. I felt my own eyes fill up with tears.

"Why?" He said while tears fell down his face, his face still lowered, "I called him earlier... he seemed okay!" He broke down, crying and sobbing and shaking. I put my arm around his shoulders and held him while two paramedics came in and checked Krillen. The first paramedic, a man, got the shock pads out. The other one, a woman, put some kind of goo on the pads and then man put them on his chest.

"200! Clear!" the paramedic called out. The police and everyone else moved out of the way and electricity shot throughout Krillen's body. Me and Gohan jumped at the same time. I didn't look at them. I couldn't look at them. If I did, I was afraid that I would cry.

"It's not working! He's not coming around!" the woman cried out.

"300! Clear!" the man shouted. The woman put the thing up to 300 and they all watched as the electricity show through his body again. Krillen's chest flew up as the electricity shot through him. No response. I shut my eyes tightly. I couldn t handle this. I felt the tears seep out of my eyes. I was going to crack.

"It's not working..." the woman said sadly.

"600." The man insisted.

"Doctor, it's not working..." she said sadly.

"I said '600'!" the doctor snapped, "I already lost the boy! I'm not losing another one!"

I let go of Gohan and stood up. Gohan took hold of my arm and looked into my eyes. I looked back, "I'll be right back." I told him. Then, I walked over to where Krillen and the doctors were. I leaned down on my knees and stared at him. He just looked so dead. I felt a tear slide down my face. Here I was, I finally broke. I saw the tear fall from my face and fall down on Krillen's own face. It looked like he was crying. More tears came down my face.

>"Clear!" the man shouted. I stayed where I was even though the people moved out of the way. The electricity once again shocked through Krillen s body. Then, suddenly, I heard a beep... beep... beep. I blinked in surprise. Could it be? I looked at Krillen closely. Suddenly, Krillen's eyes snapped open and he grasped my shirt with his hand. I jumped in even more surprise than the first. I heard Gohan scream out in surprise. I didn't scream. But I sure as hell felt like screaming! I just grabbed Krillen's hand, pulled it off my shirt and held it until his grip loosened on it.

The doctors hurriedly put bandages on all of his cuts to stop what blood was seeping out. Gohan came over and kneeled by his body, "Krillen..."

Krillen looked up at Gohan and smiled a weak smile, "Gohan..."

Gohan laughed in relief, tears still glimmering in his eyes, "You-you're alive..."

Krillen laughs hoarsely, "I don't die easily... ready to go to that movie...?"

Gohan wipes his face, "You can't go in this condition... you-you're hurt badly..."

"He's lucky to be alive." An officer walked over to us and said. He held up a white, plastic bag. Inside, was a knife. A relatively small knife with a black handle but very sharp blade, "We found this outside. We're going to run it with fingerprints."

"Don t bother..." Gohan spoke up. I stared at him. The police officer did also.

"You ll find mine..." he finished, looking down.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. My son wasn't a murderer... he didn't kill Krillen, did he?!

"Why are your fingerprints on this knife?!" he snapped at Gohan.

"B-Because I... I tried to help him..." Gohan stammered, "I... I mean... I wanted to help... I... I tried to get the rope off his neck... and I-"

The officer interrupted him and glared at Gohan, "This isn't good! By you just saying that, that makes you a suspect!"

"Me?!" Gohan jumps to his feet and looks really shocked and really hurt, "I'm a suspect?! I tried to help Krillen! Why would I want to hurt him?!"

"I don't know, kid!" the policeman snapped at him, "You tell me!" "STOP IT!!" I yelled over then both. Then, I pointed a finger at the policeman, "YOU! My son isn't a killer! He would never do something like that!"

"Jerk!" Gohan snapped.

I spun around and looked at Gohan, I said 'stop it'!"

Gohan crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. He looked upset and I didn't blame him. I watched helplessly as Krillen was put in a stretch bed and then rolled out of his house. Krillen waved to me and Gohan and smiled weakly again. I smiled weakly back and then waved. Gohan waved also. Gohan walked up to me and stood right beside me. I knew he did. I could feel him. I looked over at him. He looked at me, too. Our eyes met. I suddenly felt something. Something weird. I looked away. Then, me and Gohan both sighed at the same time. I looked back at him and smiled. He smiled, too and laughed a little bit.

"Like father, like son, eh?" Gohan asked me playfully. I nodded.

"Dad?" he asked.


"Is it alright to hate whoever did this to Krillen?"

I stayed silent for a minute and then I sighed again, "I don't know, son. I just don't know anymore."

"You alright?"

I turned to him and snapped, My best friend since I was eight died and then came back to life. Does that sound alright to you?!"

Gohan looked down a bit, rubbing his left arm with his right hand, then looked up at me again, "I'm... sorry Dad..."

I shook my head and then covered my face with my hands. I took a deep, shaky breath and then said, "No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that."

A woman in a white paramedical uniform walked up to me and Gohan, "Are there any relatives we can call of his?"

I shook my head sadly, "None. We re all he's got left."

The woman nodded, "Then we'll call you in the morning."

I nodded again and she left. Soon after, the police left along with them. Me and Gohan were left in Krillen's house. Gohan took my arm, just like a small child. But he wasn't so small anymore. He was a grown-up. So grown-up. I looked at him. He just looked so scared. Then, he lowered his head to the ground. Not looking at me. I took hold of his chin and raised his head so he was looking at me. Another part of me wanted to fill him with passion. To just fill his eyes with the sudden ecstasy I was feeling right then. Just to take him long and hard.

"Dad..." I heard Gohan break into my thoughts. I blinked suddenly and looked at him again. He stared up at me. I took my hand away from his face in horror. What was I thinking?! Was I really thinking about that?! I shook in fear and confusion. Why was he making me feel like this?! I couldn't... I wouldn't!! Would I?

"Dad?" He said again, "Dad? What's wrong?"

I couldn't tell him. I wouldn't tell him, "Nothing. Lets just go home." Gohan nodded and then put his arm around my waist. I smiled and then rose up into the air. Gohan rose up with me. I grabbed his hand and he grabbed mine. Together, we left for home.

Chapter 12 *Gohan's POV*