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Supreme Kai's POV *Chapter 2*

(Kai's P.O.V.)

I looked out the balcony from Dende s lookout. It was so cool up here! You can see everything! Dende stood next to me and smiled, "Cool up here, isn t it?"

I smiled back and nodded, "Yeah! Is this what you do all day, Namek?"

Dende frowned, "I'd prefer if you call me 'Dende', Kai."

I smiled again, "Charmed. I'm sure you would." Then, I blushed when he smirked at me. Dende laughed.

"Kai," he laughed, "are you blushing?!"

I blushed brighter as I looked at him from head to toe. Dende had bring green skin. His dark black eyes showed off his personality very well. Two attenae stuck out from in the middle of his forehead. He was a Namek and also the watcher of the Earth.

Not like me. I had light lavender skin and a white mohawk. I was a Prince on the planet of the Kai s. But here, I was just another weird person. A freak of nature. And I was in love. But not with something I should be. That s why I was here. To ask Dende of his opinion.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Dende standing beside me. I raised my dark brown eyes to his black eyes and I sighed.

"Kai? Are you alright?" Dende asked me, "Look, if this is about me laughing because you blushed, I'm sorry."

I looked down, "It s not that."

He took my chin in his hand and pulled my head up to he could look me in the eyes, "Then what is it?"

"Is this love...?" I thought.

I pulled away, walked to the balcony and looked out. I heard him walk up and stand beside me. I turned and looked at him, "Are you allowed to love?"

Dende blinks and then says, "Well, yeah. I mean, Piccolo prefers if I fell in love, I mean." - he rubs his head- "I mean," he sighs deeply, "what I m trying to say is that it s better if we pick who we want to mate with at a young age."

"Have you picked yours?" I asked him.

"Well, yeah. But I don t know if he, person who I want to mate with, wants to mate with me." Dende looks to the side and looks nervous.

"Who do you want to mate with?" I asked him curiously.

Dende looks even more nervous and laughs a bit, "I really don t want to say right now."

I smiled, "Why not? If you asked who I was in love with, I would tell you."

Dende blinked again and smiled, "You're in love with someone? Who s the lucky girl?"

"How little you know, Dende..." I thought to myself, "Just... someone..."

Dende nodded and then looked out the balcony, "Earth is quiet today." I looked down, left, and then back at Dende.

"Is it normally this quiet?"

"Sometimes. Then other times it s so loud, I just want to tear my ears from my face and shove them down the first person s throat I see!" he takes a deep breath and then looks at me, "Sorry. Being watcher of the Earth is very very..."

"Frustrating?" I guessed.

"No... It s..."






Dende takes another deep breath, "No, Kai. It's stressful. There s a lot of weight on my shoulders from being the watcher of the Earth." He looks down, "I-I can hardly sleep because... I hear them..."

I stayed quiet. I didn't know what to say. I hadn't known that he felt the way he did. I didn't think anyone really did. We all had thought that Dende loved his job. We never knew that it was stressful.

Dende continued, breaking me from my thoughts, "I-I can t... even... sleep. I mean... Because I hear people... Crying... screaming... I can t take it..."

I felt tears start burn into my eyes but, I shook my head to clear them. I looked at Dende again and was surprised to see tears start to run down his own face. Dende put his back to the balcony and at on the floor, "They... they won t stop..." He covers his ears.

I stood beside him, not saying anything. Then, I walked right by him. I took hold both sides of his face with my hands and pulled his face up to meet my eyes. Dende cooperated and looked at me with confusion in his eyes. My right thumb rubbed his smooth cheek and then rubbed his upper and lower lips. Dende s hands reached up and took hold of my wrists. He didn t pull them away or anything. He just held them.

I leaned over, brushed my lips against his, pulled back, and then kissed him again. Longer than the first. My tongue slipped out of my mouth and tapped against his lips, as if asking for entrance.

Dende opened his lips as if to grant me entrance and I stuck my tongue inside his mouth. Dende seemed a bit surprised but kissed back anyway. After a few minutes of our tongues wrestling, he pulled away and looked at me. I looked back.

"So..." He said, "What do we do from here?"

I sighed, put my arm around his shoulders and sat next to him. I then looked at him and smiled, "What if I said I didn t know?"

Dende smiles back and leaned on my shoulder, "What if I said that wasn't an answer?"

I smiled, "Why do you end a question with a question?"

Dende laughs. I laugh too and rest my forehead against his.

"I can live with this..." I thought to myself.

Chapter 3 *Piccolo's POV*