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Krillen's POV *Chapter 9*

(A few days later.)

(Krillen's P.O.V.)

I sat down on my couch and turned on the TV. It wasn t bad living alone. Kind of lonely though. I sighed. It had only been three days after Goten's death and Goku hadn't shown a sign of getting better. I hoped he was going to be alright. I got up from my couch and looked in the mirror. I had straight black hair and was short. I hated being short. That was worst of all. Plus, I was kinda chubby. I lifted up my shirt and looked at my stomach. Not big. Just a little pooch. But then, there were my arms. I was really strong for a human. Biceps, almost as big as Gohan's, bulged out of my shirt.

"Why didn't Goten go SSJ?" I thought to myself, lying back down on the couch and putting my hands behind my head, "It doesn't make any sense. He s smarter than that. I know he is. Even though he is a little off sometimes..." I leaned up, "Vegeta said that the killer is copying Scream. So, I need to be on the lookout for any weird calls. Man, too bad I don t have Caller ID."

My phone rang. I blinked and then looked at the Phone. It rang again. I sighed, got off the couch and picked it up. I pressed the "Talk" button on the small, white, cordless phone and pressed it to my ear, "Jeepers Creepers, Krillen's Keepers."

I tried to stifle a laugh. My self-business name should confuse anyone!

"You're a riot, Krillen." Gohan said on the phone. I laughed.

"Hey, Gohan. What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing much, everyone's really uptight today, though."

"You have to remember, Gohan. There is a killer out there. I mean, come on, he murdered Goten..."

"I know what he did, Krillen!" Gohan snapped at me, "I would appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut about it. Whoever did that, is going to pay. No one, and I mean on one deserves to die like my Brother did. If I find whoever did this, all hell is going to break loose!"

"I'm sure it is." I responded to him, "I have to admit that you're very strong, Gohan. It's a wonder how you manage not to break down everyday. I mean, I find myself thinking about him everyday and I'm just his friend. If I was in your place, I don t think I could live."

"Yeah..." Gohan sighed, "It is a wonder. The worst thing of all, I didn t even get to say good- bye to him or anything... Krillen, do me a big favor, okay?"

"Sure." I shrugged, "What is it?"

"Be careful..."

I blinked, then nodded, "Yeah... sure, Gohan..." My call waiting beeped, telling me I had another message, "Oh, hold on, Gohan."


I clicked over by pushing the flash button, "Jeepers Creepers, Krillen's Keepers."

"Hello?" a raspy, harsh voice said on the other line.

"Hi." I said happily, figures. I'm always happy! "Who's this?"

"You first."

"Rowr." I imitated a Tiger growling playfully, "Okay. I'll bite. Krillen. Who's this?"

"Take a wild guess." He teased me.

"Hmm... Okay... Vegeta?" I narrowed my eyes a bit, a little curious, "Are you drunk?" I suddenly remembered Gohan, "Hey, hang on for a minute, Veg. I gotta do something." I clicked over on the other line with Gohan, "Gohan, hey it's me. I think it's Vegeta. He sounds drunk. Call you back?"

"Sure." Gohan said, "Although, being wasted isn't one of Vegeta's favorite things. Be careful, alright?" "Yeah, I will." I said, "You're still coming over to go to that movie, right?"

"Yeah. See you later."

"Okay. See you." I clicked back over and sat down on my couch again, "Okay, Vegeta, you sound wasted. What's up? You get drunk or what?"

"Who's Vegeta?" the person on the other line said curiously.

"Oh!" I laughed at myself, "I am so sorry! My bad, I thought you were someone else."

"It's alright. Happens all the time. He said, "What are you doing?"

I stretched, "Oh, just sitting here on my couch, watching TV, that kind of thing."

"What are you watching?"

"Nothing much. Nothing but scary movies on."

"I love scary movies..."

"No way! Me too."

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"You would ask me that. I don't know. I like all kinds of scary movies."

"Do you live alone?"


"I bet that's pretty scary, too."

I cocked my head a bit and felt a little scared. This was exactly the kind of calls I should be avoiding and looking out for, "Sometimes. Why do you ask me that?"

What's your favorite scary movie?" He asked again.

I had to give an answer. He would ask all day, "I don't have one."

"Oh, come on, you have to have a favorite."

"Scream." I said, "You know, the guy that calls people, talks to them, asks them what their favorite scary movies are and then kills them?"

The guy laughs, "Yeah, I liked that movie, too."

I started to feel a bit nervous, "So, um, is this what you do all day? Just call up random people and ask what scary movie they liked best?"

"I didn't ask the last person that..."

I heard something crash outside. I jumped and gasped.

"What's that noise?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I said, straining to look out my covered window. My doorbell rang suddenly. I jumped and then took a deep breath, "Wh-Who's there?"

No answer. Then, the voice on the other line snarled at me, "Don't you ever know not to ask 'Who's there' when someone knocks? It's a death wish!"

I looked around, "It's you... you killed-"

"Goten?!" He laughed cruelly.

I started to get a little scared, "You can see me, right?"

"Yup. But you can t see me..."

"Who are you?!" I demanded.

I don't think the question is 'Who am I.' I think the question is 'Where am I.'"

My hands started to shake a bit. I pressed the phone against my ear more and got up from the couch. I moved to the center of the room.

"Okay," I said, "Where are you?"

I heard a click and then a voice say behind me, "Right here."

I spun around just in time o see a man in a Scream outfit charging at me. I ducked out of the way.

"Time to fight back, Krillen!" I thought to myself. I kicked him in the stomach and then pushed him to the ground. I spun around and stared to run for the front door, but he grabbed my leg and I fell to the ground. I cried out as I hit the ground. He pulled me back underneath him and then raised a knife in midair. After a few seconds, he brought it down in attempts to stab me. I grabbed his hand and stopped him from stabbing me with both my hands. My hands held his by the wrists and held up the knife. He pushed all his weight down on the knife. I started to have a hard time keeping it up. It started to inch closer to my neck. I started to feel desperate. One of my hands shot out, trying to search for something to hit him with. His knife started to inch closer and closer to my neck. I pushed back on his hand and then my hand flew out in search for something again. Then, I felt something hit my hand. I looked over and saw my white, cordless phone on the ground. I grabbed it out of desperation and hit him over the head. Then, I crawled out from underneath him and ran out the front door.

The guy followed after me. I ran to the side of the house, trying to lose him. He followed close after me and I heard him grunt as he ran into a tree.

"That should slow him down!!" I thought to myself. I looked back and was surprised to see that he was close behind me. I gasped and tried to run faster, turning another corner. He was gaining on me fast. Just then, as if I was in slow motion, he caught up to me, covered my mouth his with hand and stabbed me.

Chapter 10 *Krillen's POV*