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Krillen's POV *Chapter 10*

(Krillen s P.O.V.)
Pt. 1

I felt his knife slip into my right shoulder. I grunted with pain, "Unhh!" I couldn't really scream because he still had my mouth covered. After a few seconds, he took the knife out of my shoulder and let me go. I fell to the ground and landed right in front of his feet. He stared coldly down at me. I stared back a bit and then rolled onto my side and put my hand up to my wound. When I took my hand away, dark red blood coated my hand. I looked back up at him briefly and then started to crawl away. He really wanted to kill me! I had thought this was all a big joke! But he was going to kill me! Suddenly, the guy reached down, grabbed my shirt, lifted me up and threw me against the hard house. My back hit the bricks roughly and I fell to the ground, rolling in pain. Damn... this guy sure was strong. I tried to crawl away on my stomach but he grabbed me again. He then spun me around on my back. I let myself be spun around and I stared up at my attacker. He raised the blood-covered knife in the air, hesitated for a few seconds, and then brought it down, stabbing me in the bicep.

"HUH!" I grunted badly as he stabbed me. He took it out and then stabbed me again. I couldn't tell where. Then, I felt the knife enter inside my neck. I gasped and then my eyes went wide when I realized what had happened. Then, suddenly, I heard Gohan's voice.

"No!" I thought in horror, "I forgot Gohan was coming over! I tried to ignore the pain in my neck and I kicked my killer off my body with weak force. My killer fell to the ground and I rolled on my stomach again. I crawled to the corner of my house and saw Gohan getting out of his car and he walked up to my stoop. I had to get his attention! If I didn't, he would be killed, too! I strained my voice and then tried to scream out his name. "Gohan!" My voice came out as a very, very weak whisper, "Gohan!" He couldn't and didn't hear me. Gohan walked right into my house and called out, "Krillen?! Yo, man! I'm here! You ready?! Krillen?!"

I shook my head in dispair. He couldn't hear me. He was doomed! My killer once again spun me around on my back. I stared up at him helplessly. He raised the knife up again. I suddenly felt something in my hand. I looked down at it. It was the phone! I didn't drop I when I hit him! I saw the little light flashing. It was still on that meant if Gohan picked up the phone, he could hear me! Just as if on cue, I heard Gohan's voice on the receiver, "Hello? Anyone there?"

My killer looked at the phone in my hand and then swung the knife down, stabbing me, "H-unh!!" I grunted when he stabbed me in the chest. I heard Gohan gasp on the other end. My killer stabbed me again, in the leg, "H-unh!"

Again, in the chest, "H-unh!"

"Gohan..." I gasped out in small squeaky words. The killer grabbed me by the legs and began to pull me across the ground. I kept murmuring Gohan's name, praying that he would hear me somehow.

Gohan gasped and then said in a shaky voice, "Krillen?! Is that you, man?!"

I murmured his name still, "Gohan... Gohan... Gohan... run..."

Part 2 of Chapter 10 *Gohan's POV*