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Piccolo's POV *Chapter 3*

(Piccolo's P.O.V.)

I watched as the Kai kid leaned down and kissed Dende. I bared my sharp, white teeth at the sight. What was he thinking?! I was sure Dende was going to pull away. But he didn't. A low growl escaped my throat. I hid myself behind the wall I was looking out from and pressed my body against it.

"So, what do we do from here? I heard Dende ask Kai."

I growled a second time and closed my hazel eyes, "They're playing guessing games?!" I thought to myself. I couldn't take much more of it.

"What if I said I didn't know?" I heard Kai ask.

"What if I said that wasn't an answer?" Dende shot at him.

"Stop it..." I thought, covering my ears.

"Why do you end a question with a question?" Kai shot back at Dende.

I turned my bright blue baseball cap around on my head and then walked across the entryway, praying that Dende nor Kai would see me.

"Hey-y!" I hears Dende call out, "Piccolo!"

I froze and turned to my left. Dende got up from where he and Kai were sitting and walked over to me. I crossed my arms over my massive chest and narrowed my eyes at Dende. I looked a lot like him. Or, he looked a lot like me. The truth was, Dende is my son. But he nor any of the others knew about that. I had the same bright green skin as Dende. Two attenae stick out of my forehead. But, I keep them hidden beneath my baseball cap.

Dende raised his young, black eyes to me and smiled, "Hey! You look great! Who dressed you?"

I was wearing a blue and while striped shirt and dark blue jeans. On the front of my shirt, it said, I got six words for ya! Then, on the back, it said, Deal with it, and move on!

I kept my arms over my chest and said, "I dressed myself. But if you meant who picked these out, Goku did."

Dende laughed, "It looks great! It really does! You look like one of the guys."

"Mmm," I nodded. I turned to walk away.

"Uh!" Dende seemed surprised, "Piccolo, where are you going?"

I turned back to Dende and snarled, "Somewhere where I don't have to watch you two!" Then, I turned back around and rose into the air. I flew off before Dende or Kai could say another word.

About five minutes after flying, I looked down and saw Gohan walking out of his school. He looked a bit sad. I flew a few yards ahead of him and waited in an alley. When he finally came, I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the alley with me.

Gohan jumped and cried out when I grabbed him. He turned around, looked at me, and then hit me on the chest, "What the hell are you thinking?!"

I blocked his hit and then said, "What's wrong with you?"

Gohan blinks at me and then takes a step back, "What are you talking about?"

"Why do you look upset?" I asked curiously.

"I..." Gohan looked down and then put his back pack on the ground, "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

I shrug, "You're lying to me."

Gohan stared at me with his mouth hanging open, "I beg your pardon?"

"Gohan, Ive known you since you were a child. Don't tell me you're alright when you're not."

Gohan took another step backwards, "You know nothing of me."

I took a step towards him, "You're right. I don't. But I would like to know."

He narrowed his eyes at me and then turned away from me. I hadn't ever really dealt with Gohan's feelings before. But I felt as if I should say or do something. I reached out my hand and put it on his shoulder.

Chapter 4 *Gohan's POV*