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Vegeta's POV *Chapter 5*

(Vegeta's P.O.V.)

SSJ3 Kakkarot smiled at me as he threw rapid punches. I tried to block them as best as I could. Then, I rose into the air and shot off. Kakkarot followed me. I stopped and then flew at him.

"Huh?" he said when he saw me and then he screamed, "Ahh!" I flew right into his stomach. "Oof!" he cried.

I smirked and then threw a ki at him. It hit right on. I smiled to myself, "This is it! Yes! I have finally beaten Kakkarot!"

I raised both hands in front of me, "BIG BANG!" Crackling light flew from my hands and at Kakkarot. Smoke filled the air. When it finally cleared, I saw no sign of him. I smirked again and crossed my arms over my chest. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around and gasped when I saw Kakkarot smiling at me. Not his usual 'I'm a dork' smile. But a cold, harsh smirk that I have worn almost all my life. It looked so wrong on him. He raised his hands out in front of him and then to the left side of him.

"Kaaameee..." he yelled out. I cried out and my eyes went wide. I had to get out of there! I gasped when I saw that smirk again, "No! This can t be happening!"

"Haaameeee..." he continued, his expression not changing.

"Kakkarot!! Please!!" I tried to call to him, to plead to him.

"HAAAAAAA!" white light and powerful energy flew at me. I screamed, "NOOOOO!" and raised my hands in front of my face and body as if to protect myself...

I felt someone shaking me. They were calling my name and shaking me. I opened one eye and saw Kakkarot standing over me. Kakkarot?! In his normal form! Not in SSJ3! I stared at him for what seemed to be the longest time. Kakkarot s midnight black hair was a little messed up from sleep and he was bare-chested. From the looks of him, he d been awake. His dark brown eyes seemed concerned and maybe a little afraid. His huge biceps bulged out because he had no shirt on. He stared back at me. That seemed to take me out of my trance and I pushed him away, "Let go of me, Kakkarot!"

Kakkarot let go and then sat down on the side of my bed, "I heard you screaming. I wanted to see if you were alright."

"I'm fine, you imbecile!" I snarled at him. Kakkarot looked down. He looked sorta hurt. Then, he looked at me. Well, not just looked at me, he gave me a look. The look. I gasped out when he bared his teeth and growled at me.

"Damn you, Vegeta!" he snapped at me. I gasped for a second time. I hadn't ever heard him curse before. Not unless he was truly angry. Which I knew, just by looking at him, he was. I inched across my bed, away from him.

"Why do you always do this?! I was worried about you!!" he yelled at me. Thank Kami my room was nearly soundproof. I liked it that way. I reached up and ran my own fingers through my spiky, black hair. Then, I looked at his hair again.

"Wouldn't I love to run my hands through that hair..." I blinked and then shook my head, "No way! I can t be having sexual thoughts about Kakkarot! He wouldn t even consider doing that!"

"Are you going to answer me?!" I heard Kakkarot snap. I looked away from the angry Kakkarot and then looked down at my over-sized shirt that I wore to bed.

"I m... sorry, Kakkarot..." I said solemnly. Kakkarot blinked and then scratched his head, "Um... uh... well..."

I could tell he was having a hard time dealing with my apology. I hadn't ever made one before.

"It's... alright, Vegeta... But, I really with you'd call me Goku." Kakkarot told me. I rolled my eyes. Goku was his Earth name. But, his Saiyan name was Kakkarot. I, Vegeta, was the Prince of all Saiyans. Kakkarot was really the only one who acknowledged me as his Prince. But no one, not even my own son, thought of me as a Prince! Nobody! Except Kakkarot...

I closed my eyes just as I cried, "Unh!" I tried to keep my thoughts and voice from breaking. Playing it off, you might say. I brung my knees up and hugged them against my chest.

"Vegeta...?" I heard Kakkarot say. I opened my eyes and looked at him again, "What?"

"You sorta blacked out there for a minute. Are you sure you're alright?" he asked me.

"I had a dream..." I blurted out.

"A dream?" he asked, What kind of dream? he brought his legs up and sat cross-legged on my bed.

"I can't believe I just blurted it out! Ugh! Guess it wouldn t hurt to tell him..." I thought.

"We were sparring. I almost beat you, but you used Instant Transmission and moved! Then, you blew a Kamehameha at me!" I told him.

Kakkarot blinks again, "Well, I'm sure I didn't mean to in the dream..."

"It was deliberate!" I snapped at him, "You! You were-" I gasped and then trembled a bit as I came to the horrible truth, "You were trying to kill me, Kakkarot..."

Kakkarot stares at me for the longest time. Then, he rubbed the back of his head, "I-I was? Gee... I... I m sorry, Vegeta... I mean... I didn't Vegeta!" he gasped when he saw a tear slide down my face. Then another. Then still another. I tried to hide then and wipe them away. But they still came, they always came.

Kakkarot moved to where he was sitting right next to me. Then, he put one arm around my shoulders to calm me. Then, he put the other on my leg. I sorta tensed up when I felt his hand there. Didn t he realize what he was doing?!

"Is that how you feel?" I asked him, ignoring the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, "Do you really want to kill me?"

"What?" he said in disbelief, "No! Vegeta, no! Vegeta... I'm so sorry... I mean, I swear to you, I wouldn't ever..." he trailed off when he saw his hand where it was. Very close to the inside of my legs, but also at its distance. I once again looked up at him. He stared at me deep in the eyes, not looking away for about two minutes. I stared back, losing myself in his eyes. Then, he leaned over and kissed me.

Chapter 6 *Vegeta's POV*