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Vegeta's POV *Chapter 6*

(Vegeta's P.O.V.)

I sucked in a breath when I felt Kakkarot s lips on mine. That allowed my lips to open and Kakkarot to stick his tongue in my mouth! His tongue explored mine depthly. It ran over the roof of my mouth, to the walls, and finally wrestled with my own tongue. I felt myself being lowered onto my bed. Then, Kakkarot s tongue left my mouth and he leaned up. I was on my back and I stared up at him. His eyes were half-lidded and full of lust.

I gasped when I realized what he wanted. He wanted sex! Good, old-fashioned sex! Then, I realized that I didn't have any boxers nor shorts on. I didn't have anything on underneath this shirt! Kakkarot leaned down and kissed my jawline. I trembled a bit more and then I felt him lap at my neck.

"K-K-Kakkarot..." I gasped out, "N-No..."

I then felt his hands find my shirt. They unbuttoned one, then the next one, then the third one was giving him trouble. So, he ripped it apart. The buttons flew over the bed and across the floor. Kakkarot then helped me out of my shirt and then tossed it on the ground. I was now lying nude underneath Kakkarot. Nude and vulnerable to his exploration. He got off me for a brief second so he could take off his jeans and boxers. Then, when that was done, he was back. I was shaking and trembling from all this that was going on.

"No..." I thought, "This can t be happening again..."

I gasped when I felt cold fingers touch my entrance. I looked at Kakkarot again, begging, pleading him with my eyes. But lust had overtaken him. He was in heat. I felt his other hand part my legs so he can get a better feel of me.

"He s doing this..." I thought in absolute and complete horror, "I wanted this but, this wasn t what I had in mind!"

Hot tears flowed down my face as I felt something hard and hot prod at my entrance. I bit my lip, waiting for him to just take me. But instead, I felt one of his fingers enter me. I squirmed at the feeling. His finger moved around, stretching me. My heart race slowed and my breathing slowed as I realized what he was doing.

"He s preparing me..." I thought to myself. Then, I felt his lips touch my face and then my eyes.

Don t worry, Vegeta... I don t want to hurt you... I want to show you what love is like..." he told me as he kissed me. He added another finger to the first. They scissored in and out of me."

"Please, let this be a dream!" I cried in my head. But I knew, deep down, this was no dream. I cringed when Kakkarot added a third and a fourth fingers.

"Mmm, Vegeta you feel so great..." Kakkarot murmured to me. I moaned. But it was accidental. I suddenly felt his fingers leave. I sighed, believing maybe he lost his nerve. But then, I felt something enter me a bit. I gasped, brought my hand up to my mouth, bit down on my hand and waited for the excruciating pain.

Then, I felt him enter me all the way through. I cried out. Heat burned my cheeks and I knew I was blushing. Kakkarot waited for me to adjust to his size. Then, he pulled almost all the way out of me before thrusting back in. I bit down harder on my palm. Blood flowed from my wound and fell down my arm. The second time he thrusted, I felt a pang of excitement in the pit of my belly.

Kakkarot soon found a pace, slow and easy. Then, he slowly started to quicken the pace, pushing in and out of me, hard.

"Ah!" I cried out in pain with each of his hard thrusts, "Ah... ah... ah... unh... ow!"

I felt a strange substance flowing inside me. Something hot; I knew he came. But, he didn t stop. Instead, it made him go even harder into me. He slipped in a bit more, which surprised me because I thought he was already in as far as he could go. He pulled my legs further apart. I once again looked up at Kakkarot and he stared at me, still thrusting. We bore into each others eyes.

"Harder..." I thought.

As if on cue, Kakkarot turned SSJ. I did the same. Our hair turning blonde and our eyes emerald green.

"Kuso!" Kakkarot cried out in ecstasy. He raised his power level to SSJ2. He thrust even harder and faster into me. I couldn't stand being at a lower level, so, I powered up to SSJ2 also. That sort of made him angry. He stared down at me. I stared back. Then, he smiled that same cold smirk that was in my nightmare. I gasped and started to shake again. Fear overpowered me.

"What is he going to do?" I thought to myself. Then, we both screamed as he raised to SSJ3. His hair growing past his hips, down his back. His eyes changed from emerald green to a light skyish blue. He slipped in even deeper and hit something deep inside me. Just by that one tap, it blurred my vision. I shook my head to clear it, but it didn't work. Kakkarot kept hitting the spot, making me cry out each time. With each hit, it blurred my vision more and more. Slowly, my vision left. My hearing soon after. I could only hear and feel the hard thrusts from Kakkarot.

After a few minutes, Kakkarot gave a short cry, came a second time, dropped to his normal power level, and then fell on top of me. I felt his hot, ragged breath on my shoulder. I came to my senses first and pushed on Kakkarot s chest until he landed beside me.

God... you re incredible, Vegeta!" Kakkarot said to me, running his hand along my hip, "You have more potential energy in your petite body than you think!"

My sight and hearing slowly returned to normal and I just lied there, trying to think about what had just happened. I knew what happened. Kakkarot made love to me, that s what happened! I looked at Kakkarot, sweat dripping from my forehead. He smiled his usual, "I m-an- idiot" smile at me and looked happy. Happier than what he has looked for a long time. Since ChiChi died, I think. I sighed and leaned up to get to my feet. When I stepped down, I immediately fell to my bottom. My damn legs stopped working!

"Damn..." I murmured to myself.

"What s wrong?" I heard Kakkarot ask me, "Are you alright, Vegeta?" Kakkarot got off the bed and sat next to me. His legs worked fine. I rubbed my legs to get the feeling back in them. He smiled his usual goofy smile and said, Your legs don t work?

I didn't answer him. Instead, I just glared at him and said, "Damn you, Kakkarot..."

Kakkarot blinks, "Damn me for what?"

"For making me fall in love with you..."

Chapter 7 *Goten's POV*

Vegeta's next POV