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Vegeta's POV *Part 2 of Chapter 8*
Part 2 of Chapter 8

(Vegeta's P.O.V.)

I flew through the air. I wanted to get to Dende's to see if that murderer was still there. If he was, hell was going to break loose. No one messes with the kids and kills them! I used to be like that, not anymore, but I used to be like that. And I would be damned if I let some other asshole do what I did so many years ago.

A few minutes later, I landed on the balcony. I heard the crunch of my boots stepping on broken glass. I looked down and saw the broken glass gleaming in the dark moonlight. I quickly stepped off the glass and my back hit the balcony. I turned around and looked over the side. Goten lied way down there. Unmoving. Blood splattered all around his body. I closed my eyes and then turned away. I couldn t bear to see Goten the way he was. Instead, I looked straight ahead and looked at the double doors. The glass was missing. "This must have been the door he was throw out of..." I thought to myself. I stepped through the broken doors and into the living room. The TV was blaring. He must have been just watching TV when I sighed. Then, I walked over to the TV and switched it off.

I jumped when my cell rang again. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the Caller ID. It said "Unavailable." I answered it anyway.

"What?" I said into the phone.

"Hello, Vegeta..." A rough, raspy voice said to me.

I cocked an eyebrow, "It's you, isn't it?"

The voice chuckled, "Who?"

"The guy who killed Goten."


I smirked, "Figures. Any idiot would copy off of Scream."

"How did you know it was me?"

"Lucky guess..." I looked slowly around the room, "Let me guess. You can see me, right?"

"Yup. You ll never find me..."

"Shove it up your pie-hole!" I snarled at him, "Who said I was looking for you?!"

"Who are you looking for, then?"

I fell silent for a minute, "Someone."


"Guess." My turn to tease.

"Goten is dead."

"No duh, idiot."

"That big, tall, handsome bulky guy you were with earlier?"

I froze in my tracks and then started to feel a bit scared, "How did you know that?! Were you watching me?!"

"I know everything."

"Stay away from him!"

"Oh, what am I going to do?" he said with fake innocence, "Cut him to small pieces and eat him out raw?"

"If you touch him..."

"You'll never make it back in time."

"No! Kakkarot!"

The person on the phone laughs evilly and then hangs up. I clicked off my phone, dashed out the broken double doors, jumped in the air and flew towards home.

Chapter 9 *Krillen's POV*