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Rinoa's Road To Trustworthiness

Chapter 1 Bitter Memories

Rinoa looked out the window where she saw her mother in the cemetary. She walked up to Garnet in her long, white dress.

"Hi mom! Whatcha doing?"

Garnet was startled by Rinoa's gentle voice. "Oh! Rinoa! You startled me! What was that you asked?"

"What are you doing in the cemetary?"

"I was just praying for your grandmother. It's been about nine years since she died. I was only sixteen. I never will forget that day." Tears began to fall down her face. "Damn you Kuja! You bastard! If it weren't for you Mother would have lived to see this day! Shit!"


Zidane put his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Come on now. Let's leave your mother alone. Besides, we need to continue your training."

Rinoa nodded and then left with Zidane into their training area.

Zidane took out his daggers. "You ready?" Rinoa nodded and took out her "Enchanting Sword."

"Alright," he commented," You got one shot. Aim your attack atone point. Focus."

"Focus," she whispered to herself. "Focus."

A moment of silent passed. "Thunder Strike!" she yelled as a bolt of lightining shot from her sword. But it missed Zidane by a mile.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? I know you can do TONS better than that!"

She sat down with Zidane. "Well, it's about Mom." Zidane raised an eyebrow. "She's been so tense lately. I see her walking down the halls at night. Is it about Grandma?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, yes and no."

"Say what?"

"It is about your Grandmother but it's more about Kuja. You see, he's the main reason why she nearly died. Through all the troubles he caused us, he and I were actually related."

"Okay, I'm confused."

"Him and I are from the same planet. When he finally sided with us, he became lost within the Lifa tree. I had to go get him, but the others had to leave, for their safety. So I saved him, and we were good friends."

"So, even though Mom knows you and Kuja are related, she practically hates him to death? Why? How? That doesn't make any sense!"

"Well, she finally gave him a chance. But when you were twelve, for some retarded reason, he began killing again."

"So, what you're saying is that he's out there.... killing...... people....hmmmm........ okay, bye!"

"Hold on Missy! You're not going to do anything stupid are you? May I remind you what happened the last time I told you a story?"

"Okay, okay! I broke the heirloom of our family! Stop haunting me with that story already!"

"Not to mention dragging Selphie in. Do you have any idea how mad Blank was?"

She sighed heavily. "Alright..."

"Good." Zidane kissed her forehead. "Now get dressed, dinner's in 1 hour." Rinoa then left upstairs.

Arrival of the Silver Dragon