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-High School From Hell [Part One]
-High School from Hell
By.Akira Urameshi

Disclaimer: None of the charicters of Dbz are mine, sadly. But I do get to play with them, yay!! So don't sue me for what the charicters do, sue the creator. Which isn't me, yay!! Warnings: Nothing much, mild laungue really and some violent activety.

Intro: High school, pure hell! Bulma, captain of the cheerleaders, Yamtcha, quarter back of the football team. Goku, head of the swim team each year. Chichi, Val Victorian. And what is Vegeta? The punk who everyone fears… this story is of all our favorite characters, only this time nobody's a cold blooded killer and they all attend the same high school.

Oh, and If you notice any spelling erros, I think you can figure out what they mean on your own, I found a few but was to lazy to change them... Opps, bad on me.

"Chichi, what the heck is all that supposed to mean?" Bulma asked her best friend after a class on chemistry. Bulma had long blue hair down to her waist, white skin and mystic blue eyes. She had on a black skirt that went to her knees and a white tank top, a black head band kept her bangs back. She was also captain of the cheer leaders and proud of it. Chichi had short black hair that went down to her shoulders, brown eyes and the I.Q of a genius. She had on a yellow summer dress. "It all comes down to, the weight of a bowling bowl is the same weight of a feather without any air really," Chichi told her friend as she moved a piece of un-tamed hair out of her eyes. "Huh?" Bulma asked as she opened her locker door and put in her books, getting ready for lunch. Just then a string of flyers came falling down the stairs of the three floors of the school. Someone had dropped a stack of papers on the top floor, to get them out faster oppose to going around and handing them out. Bulma caught one in the air and read it. "Oh goody, Vegeta's coming back tomorrow," Bulma said sarcastically. "What?" Chichi snapped as she snatched the flyer from Bulma's hand. She read it to herself. "He can't be coming back! He was banished forever last year when he got caught dealing drugs on campus!" Chichi said, rather concerned. "Well I guess mister slim shady is coming back, and frankly… we're doomed," Bulma said with a sigh. "I wonder if he has a nice body!" she then thought out loud. "Bulma," Chichi giggled, "You've got a boyfriend!" "So, he can't keep me from thinking what I want! Yamtcha does not control me!" Bulma told her friend. Chichi nodded. "Come on, lets go to lunch," Bulma then said. "Wait, I got to get the extra credit from Mr. Piccolo, I'll meet you there," Chichi said as she began heading up stairs for the Science room.

"Humph, place still sucks," Vegeta said as he looked around campus. People were gossiping as Vegeta walked up the main cement path that led to the double doors in front of him. He was wearing a white muscle shirt, a black leather jacket, dark blue genes that sagged low and round-rimmed sun glasses. He then saw two of his friends Raditz and Nappa by a tree smoking cigarettes on the lawn about ten feet to his left.

"You two morons didn't graduate last year?" Vegeta questioned, as he got closer to them. "Who gives a shit? Dose it matter, anyhow it makes us the oldest seniors in the school," Raditz said as he took his cigarette out of his mouth. "If I didn't get arrested even I would have graduated," Vegeta told the two. "Sure," Nappa answered as he handed Vegeta an already lit stick. Vegeta took it and inhaled a long puff, letting the smoke remain in his lungs for a good thirty seconds before exhaling. "Ultra lite," Vegeta laughed. "If only they new the filters suck more on these things, hell. There not lite, they're worse then regular." "You know it," Nappa answered, the three laughed. Vegeta then paused as he spotted a beautiful teen walk by. Her long blue hair waved freely in the wind, she was talking to a shorter girl with short black hair. "Raditz, who the hell is that?" Vegeta asked as he watched Bulma walk by. Bulma turned her head and looked at Vegeta, staring into his dark coal black eyes. "That's Bulma, she came to school about a month or so after you were arrested. She's a junior," Raditz answered as he noticed what Vegeta was looking at. Bulma turned her head back to Chichi and continued their conversation as they entered the school building. Vegeta dropped his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. "Anyhow, I think I'll go and harass the fat kids in gym," Vegeta said as he began to walk to the entrance of the school.

"3, 2, 1… GO!" The swim coach told Goku. Goku had on his lucky orange swim trunks. Goku dived into the pool and began to back stroke as fast as he could, reaching the other side of the pool he quickly twisted around and began to swim in the other direction. "Time," Goku said out of breath as he touched the pole that lined the pool. The couch clicked the stop watch. "You've done better Goku," Mr. Land shook his head. Goku sighed as he climbed out of the water.

"Hey Tubby, You can run faster then that!" Vegeta laughed as he watched a fat kid try out for track. He was sitting on the out door bleachers. "Damn, my grandma could ran faster then you, and she's dead!" "Vegeta!" Screamed the track team coach, Mrs. Hook. Mrs. Hook was a strong woman, and didn't like to see or hear people teasing others in any way. She had red hair put up in its usual bun and a whistle around her neck that was constantly blown. Vegeta acted like he didn't hear her. "Hey Lard Ass, weight watchers are looking for you!" Vegeta called. "VEGETA! Get down here… NOW!" Mrs. Hook yelled. Vegeta obeyed and casually walked down the bleachers and over to the teacher.

Bulma stopped in her regular routine that she and the other cheerleaders were doing. This made them all stop and listen. They could hear Vegeta being yelled at by the track team coach. Vegeta yelled back at her in disgust.

"That's it mister! You think you're so hot? I want you to run one lap against our schools best record, if you beat it you wont get a months worth of detentions!!" Mrs. Hook said sternly. Vegeta rolled his eyes, as he did he saw Bulma in her short blue skirt and top. "Okay," he answered as he took off his coat and tossed it to the ground. Then walked over to the starters position and got ready. "On your mark," Mrs. Hook held out her stop watch. "There's no way he's going to beat it. The record was set ten years ago and hasn't been beaten since!" she snickered to herself. "Get set." "Is he really going to try and beat it?" Bulma asked herself. "GO!" Vegeta burst with all his speed around the track, jumping the hurtles when it came time. His breathing quickened as he put off another burst of energy. Moving his legs furiously and keeping his head down, Vegeta finished the run and slowed down. Leaning and putting his hands on his knees to keep himself up, to catch his breath. The girls of the cheerleading team hooted and hollered after they saw Vegeta's quickly done dash. Mrs. Hooks jaw dropped. One second better then the record, one second! "Vegeta!! Do you have any clubs or sports your apart of?" Mrs. Hook questioned excitedly as she jogged over to him. "No," Vegeta breathed hard. "Would you like to be captain of the track team? We could use someone like you!"

"Twenty-two, sixty-four, thirty-eight, hut… hike!" Yamtcha called to his team and was hiked the ball. Crashing into his fellow team mates Yamtcha ran through them and dodged tackle after tackle that threatened to stop him. "Goal!" Yamtcha called as he threw the ball down to its green savior. His team ran and congratulated him as they lifted him up and repeated his name. They were wearing red and green pennies to tell who was on what team. Yamtcha was on the red team for now, when it wasn't practice everyone wore blue and white uniforms. Their school colors, they were called the Wind Riders and their logo was of a giant dragon.

"Did you see me make the last goal babe?" Yamtcha asked Bulma as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Yep," Bulma answered. As she watched every practice of Yamtcha's she did her homework. "I got a new car," Yamtcha told her as they neared the parking lot. "Where is it?" Bulma asked, carrying her books in her arms. "Over there," Yamtcha pointed out. Bulma looked, it was a white car, pretty old and it looked overly used and abused. "It's lovely," Bulma lied. "I knew you'd like it," Yamtcha answered. Bulma heard the trunk of a car close and she looked over to her right. "Vegeta had finished track practice no doubt," Bulma thought to herself. Her eyes then grew as she saw his car. A red mustang convertible. Vegeta took a cigarette out of his mouth and looked their way as he opened the car door to the driver's side. Their eyes once again locked. Yamtcha noticed that Bulma was no longer watching him, or walking by his side. He stopped and turned around, then looked in her direction of what she was looking at. He saw Vegeta's nice car, and could tell it was recently waxed and buffed. He snorted in aw and quickly walked over to Bulma, taking her arm and pulling her to his car. "Ow Yamtcha, your hurting me!" Bulma whined. Yamtcha let go. "Fine then, you can just walk home if you think you can look at other men and think you can cheat on me without me knowing," Yamtcha snapped. "What?" Bulma asked, not sure she had heard correctly. "You heard me, let this be a lesson to you, I'm the only man you look at," Yamtcha told her and got in his car, then drove off. "Yamtcha!!" Bulma screamed after him. Her house was a good fifteen-mile walk, and she never even walked more then five if she didn't have to. She stamped her foot and lightly pouted.

Vegeta began to pull out of the school's parking lot and drive down the driveway. Slowing down by Bulma, as he saw her walk down the drive way alone. Bulma didn't even notice his car for she was to busy cussing over Yamtcha to notice. "Need a ride?" Vegeta then asked as he flicked his cigarette onto the road, not knowing if Bulma liked his smoking or not. Bulma looked up and her jaw wanted to drop, but she didn't let it. "Y- Yes," she stammered. "I'm getting to nice," he whispered to himself as he leaned over and unlocked the passenger car door. Bulma threw her books into his back seat and opened the car door and climbed in. Then buckled up, after she was situated Vegeta began to drive faster.

"So… umm. Where do you live?" Bulma asked Vegeta. "I should be asking you that," Vegeta answered as he neared the first red light of the busy street, he didn't bother to look at her as he said this. "Capsule Corp.," she answered. Vegeta's eyes widened, but Bulma couldn't tell if they did or not because of his sunglasses that rested nicely on his face. "You know where that is?" Bulma then asked. "Of course," Vegeta answered. "So... is it true?" she asked changing the subject. "Is what true?" Vegeta asked as he passed the red light and continued driving. "Did you really get expelled and go to jail for a year for selling crack and hitting an officer?" Vegeta gave her a strange look, "I don't smoke pot anymore and no I didn't hit him… I threw a chair at him, that's all." "Oh, but I just saw you smoking," Bulma said confused. "That was a cigarette woman," Vegeta answered. "Don't call me woman! My names Bulma!" Bulma snapped. "Okay woman," Vegeta smirked. "Stop it!" Bulma demanded. "Don't get your panties in a twist, Kami," he said. Bulma sighed and rolled her eyes. "So, why did your boyfriend make you walk anyway?" Vegeta asked, knowing the answer, it was because of him. "None of your business," Bulma told him as she crossed her arms. Vegeta felt a small water droplet hit his forehead. "It's raining!! What are we going to do? I'm going to get soaked!" Bulma complained as she to felt the water hit her. Sighing, Vegeta pushed a small button and the convertible top began to unfold and arrange itself above them. "Nice," Bulma nodded, "Why did you come to school when we had only two months left? That doesn't give you much time to graduate." "Well, I only have three more credits to earn to graduate, that's enough time for me to earn them all," Vegeta answered as he pulled into Capsule Corps. driveway. "Thanks for the ride," Bulma said with a smile as she unbuckled and got out. "Hey, don't you want your books?" Vegeta called after her, but she was already out of earshot for the rain smothered out most sound. Vegeta sighed and decided he'd give them to her tomorrow on Thursday.

"Man, what's with the books?" Nappa asked as Vegeta carried them up the steps to the second floor. "Someone forgot them in my car yesterday," Vegeta answered his friend. "You got a girlfriend already?" Nappa asked, highly doubting it. "No, I just gave someone a ride," he answered. Nappa look at the two books in his hand and read the name on the book cover. "You got to drive Bulma Briefs home?" Nappa asked in amazement. "I'm not dating the girl," Vegeta answered back as he reached the top step. "Hey you," he then pointed to a small geek who was sucking on his inhaler. "What?" he tried to sound tuff. The small geek had braces, huge glasses and a very acne populated face. Vegeta took him by the collar and pulled him his way. "Where is Bulma's locker?" he asked. "I ain't telling you nothing!" the dork answered. Vegeta lifted him up and bashed him against the lockers to his right. "Where is it?" Vegeta asked again. "How should I know?" the boy whimpered. "Because you look like the type who would stalk her, now I won't ask you again!" Vegeta told him. "322!" he shot out quickly. Vegeta dropped him. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Vegeta looked at the locker he smashed the dork against. "309," he said out load, then began to walk down the hall to find Bulma's locker, leaving Nappa behind.

Bulma closed her locker. "Dammit!" she swore to herself, she couldn't find her chemistry and math book anywhere! So she couldn't do the assignment. "What?" Chichi asked as she leaned against her locker, which was beside Bulma's. "I can't find my books… uh oh," she then whispered, remembering where the books were. "What?" Chichi asked again. "I left them in Vegeta's car!" Bulma answered, quiet shooken. "You didn't?" Chichi asked. She already heard the whole story on how Vegeta gave Bulma a lift over the phone last night. "I did," Bulma smacked her head against her locker and closed her eyes. "Looking for something?" a familiar voice came from behind her. Bulma whirled around and looked at what was in Vegeta's hand. "My books," she said with a smile. "Here," Vegeta lightly chuckled as he handed her the two books of learning. "Thank you so much," Bulma said as she looked at him with soft eyes. "Your welcome," Vegeta smirked, he never was one to smile. "Bulma, Bulma?" Chichi shook her friends shoulder. "What?" Bulma snapped, not meaning to. "Sorry," Chichi said as she walked off. Bulma turned back to Vegeta, but he wasn't there. Bulma sighed as she thought about Vegeta, and how sweet he really was.

"Goku, how is your and Chichi's relationship going?" Krillin asked his best friend. "Well, next week will be our sixth month anniversary," Goku answered his friend as he stuffed himself full of food for his lunch. "Geze, take a breath!" Tein laughed. "Hmm? Oh, sorry," Goku apologized, making Krillin and himself laugh with Tein.

"Look at them, what losers!" Raditz pointed out to Vegeta and Nappa as they watched the three laugh. "At least they know how to have a good time," Vegeta said, the three looked at each other and burst out laughing. "VEGETA!" Barked Mr. Piccolo who was watching over the lunch room. "I didn't do it, no one saw me do it, you can't prove anything!" Vegeta quickly spat out. Mr. Piccolo walked over to the three, "Good job, see you can get an A when you want," Mr. Piccolo said as he gave Vegeta his science test. Vegeta's jaw dropped, he didn't even do the test and here he was with an A test. "Good job," Mr. Piccolo repeated before walking off. "Dude, you studied?" Nappa asked disgustedly. "Dude, this isn't my test," Vegeta answered. "Free A, alright," Raditz nodded, "Your getting pretty good Vegeta." Vegeta laughed as he folded the paper and stuffed it in his back pocket.

"Hey babe, I was thinking that you and I could go out tonight, you know. See a movie, and then maybe… go to my place later on?" Yamtcha asked. Bulma rolled her eyes. It was Friday, thank Kami! Bulma knew what "go to my place later" meant. It meant that maybe this time Yamtcha would get lucky and score one with her. But she'll just have to tell him no like she always does. She believes that all women should keep their virginity for their husband when they get married. "Still mad at me?" Yamtcha asked, Bulma had been giving him the cold shoulder for a while, just because he made her walk home from school, or at least told her to walk home. He didn't know she got a ride, better yet one with Vegeta.

"You know Chichi, I was wondering if I could take you out tonight?" Goku asked his long time girlfriend. "I'd like that," Chichi smiled at him. "Okay then, I'll pick you up at seven," Goku told her. Chichi gave him a light peck on the cheek before leaving him to go to class.

"So Krillin, are you going to tomorrow's football game?" Tein asked his long time friend as he moved his black night to E7. They were in chess club. "Most likely, unless I can find something better to do. Were playing against the gold panthers, so 75 out of a 100 percent chance we'll win," Krillin said as he moved is queen over and killed the night. "You shouldn't of done that," Tein said, shacking his head. "Why not?" Krillin questioned. Tein smirked as he moved his bishop over and killed the queen. "Check mate," he then said as he got up and left. "What?" Krillin questioned, as he looked the game over, not believing that he had finally been beaten.

Raditz and Nappa walked down the empty halls of their school. Skipping class no doubt. "Hey, you know that test we have on math Monday?" Nappa asked Radtiz. "Yeah, what about it?" "I know where to get cheats. All we have to do is pay Sproutz five bucks for a B, and we're in!" Nappa said. "Oh, that's not to steep at all, compared to what Vegeta used to have us pay. Ten bucks for a C+, Kami. Where did his head go?" Raditz asked. "Beats me," Nappa shrugged as they began to adventure downstairs to the first floor.

"Go Team Go!" Bulma and her cheerleaders yelled to their team. The score was 32 to 14. The Wind riders were winning. "W.I.N.D R.I.D.E.R.S, what does that spell? WIN, WIN, WINDRIDERS! The girls did a few cartwheels and splits as they waved their pompoms.

Vegeta yawned and walked out to his car as he grabbed an extra pack of cigarettes. Track practice was finally over!! He looked up as he heard the cheers from the crowd who were watching the football game. "What could be so interesting?" Vegeta asked himself as he took a cigarette from it's pack and put it in his mouth, then lighting it. Vegeta walked out to the bleachers after he locked his car and turned on the alarm system. The bleachers towered over him, he looked around. "Lets see… blue and white huddling on the left, red and gold huddling on the right. Score board reads 32, 14. Our favor. I guess I'm not really missing much," Vegeta whispered out loud. Just then he heard his car alarm go off. Vegeta turned around and dashed to his car. Who the hell would try and steal his car? A teen stopped and looked up. "Shit!" he swore out loud. He tried to work his magic faster under the hood of the car. In seconds Vegeta was by his side. Vegeta took him by the back of his shirt and threw him the ground. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" Vegeta yelled. The man scrambled to his feet and tried to run. Vegeta caught him before he got to far and pounded him against the side of his car. "Here's a little tip for you, next time when stealing a car. Make sure you turn off the alarm first!" he sneered. "Dude, get your hands off me!" the teen complained. Vegeta pressed him harder against the car. "I have the right mind to turn you in, but I'm going to let you go this time!" Vegeta told him as he let go of the criminal. He took his chance and ran. Vegeta rolled his eyes and went to the hood of the car. Checking if anything had been damaged in the heist. "Shit!" Vegeta said, the damage was fixable, but it would take him all night. Sighing, he rolled up his sleeves and began putting everything back in place.

"Bulma, have you heard?" Chichi asked Bulma as school began to let out. "Heard what?" Bulma asked. "Some one tried to steal Vegeta's car last night. Luckily he was able to catch him and fix the damage that had taken place," Chichi told her long time friend. "Really? Well did he get home okay?" "Someone sounds like she likes him…" Chichi winked at Bulma. "No! Anyhow, tonight I'm going with Yamtcha to his parents camp by the lake thirty miles from here," Bulma told her friend. "Sounds fun," Chichi said, knowing that Bulma always complained about going to camp with him because he always made it so boring.

Bulma sighed as she sat on the porch of Yamtcha's parents camp. Yamtcha had left her there alone so he could go out and buy some beer. He had been gone for only an hour, but he was expected to be gone for a few more hours. Then she heard it, the loud sound of a motor on the lake out in front of her. Bulma stood, it was a speed boat, a very nice one at that. The boat was white, with a long red strip across the side. Bulma ran into the shack that was called camp and grabbed a pair of binoculars. Running back out onto the porch Bulma neared them to her eyes to see who was driving. It was Vegeta! What luck! Bulma dropped the binoculars and ran down the steps to the beach. "Hey! Vegeta!" Bulma screamed from the shore.

Vegeta stopped to see who was calling for him. He squinted his eyes against the sun and noticed the blue hair easily. Vegeta turned his boat around and sped to shore.

"I wasn't aware you had a camp out here," Vegeta said as he pulled the boat up to shore. "I don't, I'm just staying with Yamtcha. The basterd left me here alone!" Bulma complained. "Well, would you like to go for a ride?" Vegeta then asked. "I don't know…" "Come on, it'll be fun." "Okay." Vegeta helped her into the boat, then climbed in after. "Hang on," he instructed. "Huh?" Bulma asked curiously. Vegeta started the boat, then stepped on the gas. Bulma screamed as she wrapped her arms around Vegeta's shirtless stomach. "VEGETA!" she screamed. Vegeta laughed to himself. "What? Oh, you want me to go faster?" he teased as he boosted the speed up to seventy-five. Bulma screamed, then began laughing. It really wasn't all that bad. Her skirt flapped in the wind as she began to get used to the speed. "FASTER!" she yelled. Vegeta's eyes grew in amazement; he smirked and sped up on her command.

"So, how long had you been alone till I came?" Vegeta asked as he let down the anchor in the middle of the lake. "Oh, about an hour or so," Bulma answered, she was sitting on one of the white leather seats. "Have your bathing suit on?" Vegeta then asked her as he flicked a cigarette into the lake. "Huh?" Bulma asked, she did have it on, but what was he suggesting? Vegeta took off his pants, exposing his black swimming trunks. "Your choice," he then said as he dived into the cold water. Bulma smiled and took off her skirt and tank top. She was wearing a red bikini. The top was strapless. Bulma jumped in after him. "It's freezing!" she shivered. "Oh, it's not so bad after you body goes numb," Vegeta joked. "Haha," Bulma said sarcastically. He smirked and then sighed as he backstroked away from the boat. Bulma followed after him, swimming forward. "Your not cold?" she then asked. Vegeta faced her. "Are you that cold?" he then asked her. "Yes!" Bulma answered, a strong breeze went by, making her shiver. They were about twenty feet from the boat now. Vegeta sighed and treaded to her. Bulma watched him, with curiosity. She then swallowed hard as she felt his arms encircle her and bring her body to him. His body was warm, compared to her ice skin it felt nice. Bulma wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his chest. The warmth covered her, making her feel fine in the sixty-degree water. Vegeta couldn't believe the feelings he was developing for her, but there was no way to stop them.

Goku walked down the empty hall, on his way to the bathroom. And he heard it. Two or three boys were fighting, but about what? He only recognized one of the voices. It was Radtiz. Following the yells he went outside onto the field. Goku did have sharp hearing for a human. Under the bleachers he watched and listened.

"Dammit Vegeta, you know how big of a fool you made me and Nappa look when you didn't show up with Freeza's money? He kicked the shit out of us!" Radtiz yelled. "I told you! I'm not into that anymore!" Vegeta spat. His arms were held behind his back by Nappa. Raditz punched his stomach with such force; spit flew out of Vegeta's mouth. "Even if you don't smoke pot, you still have the money from before you got busted, where the hell is it?" Radtiz questioned. "I don't know! The cops took it after raiding my house." "Enough of the lies!" Nappa yelled. Raditz smirked as he brought his fist back for a clean punch on Vegeta's face, "Nighty Night Vegeta." His destination was not made as Goku appeared in front of Raditz and blocked the punch, advancing and doing an under hand punch to Raditz's chin. Vegeta found this as a good time to break free. He pulled his arms out of Nappa's grip and took his arm as he flipped him over his back. Goku did a round house kick and hit Raditz on the side of his face, making him fall to the ground, knocking him out. Vegeta did a spear to Nappa's throat, making him faint. Vegeta turned around to see who had helped him out. "Thanks man," Vegeta whispered. "Hey, no problem. I'm Goku," Goku said as he put out his hand for a handshake, a smile formed over his lips. "Vegeta," Vegeta took his hand and shook it. Then taking his opposite hand and wiped the blood from his bottom lip.
"Okay guys, lets get going to the movies!" Bulma cheered. They all piled up into the back of Goku's truck. Krillin, Tein, Yamtcha and Bulma were all sitting in the back of the truck, while Goku drove and Chichi sat up front with him. The back window was open so Goku and Chichi could have conversation with everyone. "I'm going to stop and get gas, okay everyone?" Goku asked. "Al'ight." Krillin answered. Goku pulled into the drive by the gas tank and got out. He went over to the tank and pulled out the tube with a nozzle at the end, inserting it into his car. "Hey, I'm going to grab some candy, anyone want something?" Bulma asked as she climbed out of the back of the truck. "I'll take a soda," Tein said. "Anything for you Yamtcha?" Bulma asked him. "No thanks, I'm good to go." Bulma nodded and walked into the small gas station. A bell rang as she opened the door and walked to the shelve stacked with candy. After grabbing a soda from the fridge, she walked over to the counter. No one was there. Bulma peered into the open door behind the counter, which led to the garage. She heard someone working back there. "Hello? Can I get some service?" Bulma yelled.

Vegeta walked through the door, as he whipped his hands from grease and oil. Bulma wanted to drop her jaw as she saw him. He defiantly had one sexy figure. His genes were covered in grease, and so was his sleeveless white muscle shirt. He had a little bit of oil on his check as well. "That all?" Vegeta asked as he looked at the two items Bulma had. "Yeah, that should be it. I didn't know you worked here," she then said. Vegeta laughed. "I can't say being a mechanic is a great job, but the pays good," he said as he typed into the cash register how much the items cost. Goku then walked in to pay for the gas. "Hey Vegeta," He greeted cheerfully. "Goku," Vegeta nodded. "Wait you two know each other?" Bulma asked. "Sadly," Vegeta smiled. Maybe he was beginning to lose his bad boy personality, but he would still be the same Vegeta. Goku laughed. "Vegeta, we're all going to the movies, would you like to come?" Goku asked him. "Sure," Vegeta nodded. Just give me a minute to check out. Vegeta said and disappeared behind the door in front of the other two. A few minutes later he came back out, with clean clothes on and a cigarette now in his mouth. "Need a ride or you got your own vehicle?" Goku asked him. "Nah, I got a car. Which theater? The multily plex, or the paramount?" Vegeta then asked as he took the cigarette out of his mouth. "Paramount, and were seeing "Attack of Mutant Space Spiders"," Bulma smiled as they walked out of the store after Goku paid for the gas. "Oh, where are you riding?" Vegeta asked her as he noticed that there was no room in the front, and it couldn't be very comfortable riding in the back of a truck. "The back," Bulma frowned as she nodded to the truck. "I could squeeze you into my car, and a few of your friends," Vegeta offered. "Oh, that would be so awesome!!" Bulma said with a large smile. "Okay, let me go around and get the car," Vegeta said as he jogged around the building to get his mustang.

Vegeta pulled out in front of Bulma and she got in. "Anyone one of you like a ride as well?" Vegeta asked the gang after Goku told them that Vegeta was going. Yamtcha wasn't pleased at all, and it made him even more pissed when he saw Bulma jump into the car of that outlaw. "Oh yeah, right here," Krillin said as he jumped out of the back and got into the back seats of Vegeta's car. "Nice Ride," Krillin then complimented. Vegeta followed Goku's truck to the theater, all the while. Yamtcha was getting more pissed at the thought that one of his friends had ditched him, but so did his girlfriend.

"Vegeta, where are you sitting?" Goku asked Vegeta, his arm around Chichi's waist. "The back, the front always hurts my eyes," Vegeta told him. "Kami, me too," Bulma said, "Yamtcha never understood that." Yamtcha hadn't heard, for he was already seated in the very front with Tein and Krillin. "Okay, well Goku and I are sitting in the middle, we couldn't figure out where to sit exactly," Chichi laughed. Bulma nodded. "Well, I guess I'll be sitting with you," Bulma told Vegeta. He nodded and walked across the back row, leaving four seats remaining on his left as he sat down. Bulma sat beside him, they both didn't bother buying any food for the video.

The lights soon grew dim and the movie started. And so it went, Bulma growing more and more frightened.

She screamed as she leaned into Vegeta and closed her eyes. Vegeta chuckled. "Woman, it's just a movie," he whispered to her as lifted her chin with the side of his hand. Bulma opened her eyes and looked into his dark coals. An odd feeling warmed over Vegeta's cold heart as he neared his lips to hers and lightly brushed them. He waited for her response, to his amazement; she brought her lips back to his and passionately kissed him. Vegeta placed his hand on Bulma's breast as she put her tongue in his mouth. So there they were, making out in the back of the theater while everyone else was enjoying the movie.

"So Vegeta, what did you think of the movie?" Tein asked him. "It was… interesting," Vegeta answered, although he didn't see much of the movie because he was busy with something else.

"Bulma, what's that?" Chichi asked her friend, they were in the girls bathroom. "What's what?" Bulma asked as she replaced the lip gloss that had been removed from her lips earlier. "Is that a hickey?" Chichi asked surprised, with a bit of laugh. "What? Noo! That's uh… um. I got burned when cooking breakfast for my dad the other morning," Bulma quickly lied. "Sure," Chichi said knowingly. "Dammit Vegeta!" Bulma said under her breath. "You and Vegeta made out?!" "What? No!" "Yes… you did it during the movie didn't you?" Bulma sighed, "Yes, okay. I made out with the guy, but you got to promise not to tell anyone!" she pleaded. "Your secret's safe with me, so… Is he a good kisser?" "It felt like heaven!"

Bulma walked down the school hall with Yamtcha as they walked to gym. "So Bulma, you want to go with me to South City this three day weekend?" Yamtcha asked her. "I'm sorry, I got plans," Bulma answered. She hated lying to Yamtcha, but she had already made plans with Vegeta to go up to his camp and hang out. "There's someone else isn't there?" Yamtcha asked, not daring to look at her as he asked. "No, of course not," Bulma insisted. "You think I didn't notice your hickey? That's alright Bulma. When I find out who it is I'll get him some way. Trust me!" Yamtcha said disgustedly as he turned and headed in the other direction. She swallowed hard as she watched him disappear around the corner.

"Vegeta, I can't bowl! The last time I did it was at Chichi's eighth birthday!" Bulma told him as he pulled into the parking lot. "I can teach you then, it's not that hard."

After getting their bowling shoes and picking out the perfect ball for themselves, taking the most amount of time finding one for Bulma. They went to lane 6.

Vegeta walked forward, bringing the ball in front of himself, then letting his arm swing back and coming forward as he released the ball at a fast speed. The ball rolled down the lane and hit the middle pin, then knocking the rest down. "Strike two," Vegeta said to Bulma. "I just don't understand how you can do it! I swear, you should have gotten the lanes with the bumpers!" "Come on, its you turn. This time I'll guide you." Bulma sighed as she got up from the scoring table and walked over to Vegeta, grabbing her ball from the machine. She then walked over to Vegeta, in front of the lane that she was to roll her ball into. "So what you need to do…" Vegeta said as he got behind her, pressing his body to hers as he wrapped his left arm around her waist. "Is bring the ball up close to your chin, and line it up with the pins," he said guiding her hand with his. Bulma bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling. Vegeta slowly brought back his hand, with Bulma's following. "Then you bring it back, getting ready for a release," he purred in her ear. "And you whip it forward, letting it roll to your destination." He whispered as he backed away from her. Bulma brought her hand forward and let go. The ball rolled down the lane and hit the pins, knocking them all down. "I got a strike!" Bulma jumped up cheerfully. She then turned around and faced Vegeta. "Well done," he nodded with a smile. "I only got it because I have such a good teacher," she whispered in his ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Huh?" Bulma then kissed him softly. "Okay, watch me do it again."

"Whoa, I didn't just see what I think I saw?" Sharpner asked his friend Raler. "Yamtcha's not goanna like this, not one bit!" Raler answered as they watched Bulma once more kiss Vegeta.

"What!!" Yamtcha yelled as soon as he heard Sharpner's words. "I swear dude, she was there with Vegeta. Making out!" Raler insured him. "I knew she was cheating on me. But that asshole?" Yamtcha asked out loud. "Well man, it's not like you don't cheat on her," Sharpner then said. "Shut the hell up! That's totally different. Man, that bastered is going to pay if he think's he can steal my woman! I don't know how I'll make him pay, but I'll figure out a way. I always do."

"And this, this is my apartment," Vegeta said to Bulma as he pulled into the driveway. "Is it on the top or bottom floor?" Bulma asked. "The bottom," he answered plainly. Where he lived was in a small park, where houses surrounded each other in a C like position. The house where he lived was only two stories with tan brick and clay shingles. There was a green vine growing on the front of the house, but it was very small. As well in the front was Black stairs that led to the second door above Vegeta's. "It's a beautiful place to live!" Bulma said. Vegeta nodded, then got out of his car and circled around. Opening the door for Bulma. Helping her out of the car, they went inside. It was lovelier then Bulma thought. Dividing the kitchen from the living room was a breakfast bar. And farther down the hall was Vegeta's room on the left, and a guest room across from it. As well, the bathroom. "Make yourself at home," he told her. Bulma nodded. "So, why didn't we go up to camp this weekend? I mean. That's what we've been doing every other week for the last two months," Bulma asked him. Vegeta threw his coat onto the couch. "Well the weather fore cast said that it was going to rain. Remember last time it rained? Not the greatest at camp was it?" he asked her. "Not really." "Okay then." "Where will I sleep?" she asked him. "In the guest room across from my room… Unless you want to sleep with me," Vegeta asked as he looked from Bulma's lips, back to her eyes. Bulma began to blush as a small smile formed. "I would say yes, but I don't want to be tempted," she then whispered. Vegeta sighed and nodded.

Vegeta pushed open the bathroom door and walked in. The warm steam from the shower greeted his face. "Eek! Vegeta! What the hell are you doing in here? Get out!" Bulma screamed as she noticed his appearance. Vegeta smirked at Bulma's figure through the foggy glass. "Woman, there's only one bathroom in the place. And I've got to take a piss!" Vegeta plainly answered as he stepped up to the toilet and lifted the seat. "What? Can't you hold it in?" Bulma questioned worriedly. "I could… but I wont," Vegeta answered. He watched Bulma as he did his business, almost swearing that he had soon finished. "There, you're done! Now get out!" Bulma screamed again. Vegeta smirked as his hand reached down to the handle of the toilet and he pushed it down. He waited a few seconds and he heard her. "Vegeta! You asshole! This is fuck'n freezing! Ugg! I hate you!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. He only laughed as he left the bathroom, shutting the door behind himself.

A few days later, Vegeta wasn't seen at school. Although it was nothing unusual, Bulma had an odd feeling inside.

"Fifty-four, Fifty-five, Fifty-six," Vegeta counted off as he laid on his back and pushed up the seven hundred weight object. He was at the gym, opposed to school, there were a few other guys there, but no one he knew. Once he reached one hundred, Vegeta put the bar back up above him where it rested most of it's time. Sitting up he grabbed a towel from his side and casually put it around his neck. Then grabbing a water bottle, he squirted the cold liquid inside of his mouth. Then, leaving to at least catch what he had for homework.

It had been a long day for Goku, and he was walking home from school. He yawned, in boredom, not knowing what would happen next that would change his life forever.

A car's wheels burned as the brakes were hit, only causing it to slip on the wet street. The rain was pouring hard, harder then usual.

Goku felt the water beat him at the back of his neck. If only his truck wasn't in the garage at this time, he wouldn't be walking. Then he saw it. A blue Volvo crashed into a tour bus, casing the tour bus to wobble, making it's giant size fall onto the small vehicle. Goku raced to the seen, dropping his backpack. As he went to the bus and tried to lift it off of the small car. Most of the people in the large bus had already evacuated, making it somewhat lighter. Goku struggled, but could only make the bus move a small amount. He pushed again, nothing.

Traffic had stopped Vegeta from getting home. He honked his horn, no movement was made. With a sigh of annoyance he got out of his car, letting the cold water from the sky greet him. Vegeta's eyes grew as he saw the crash a few car's in front of him. Running to the seen, he noticed Goku try to lift the heavy object that was crushing a victim from under it. "Vegeta, thank Kami! Help me get this up will you?" Goku asked him. Vegeta nodded and got under and ready. "On the count of three," Goku said. "One, Two… Three," Vegeta then said, and they both began to lift. The bus only moved a foot above the car, the victims from under it was a man and woman, not able to move from shock and pain. "Okay, a little higher," Goku strained. Vegeta began to lift with all his might, people had now gathered around and watched them do their attempt to save two other lives. A warm blue aura began to flair around Goku, and soon one around Vegeta. "Kio Ken!" Goku cried as he lifted with more force. Vegeta let out an endless yell; the bus was now over their heads. "Do, you know how to fly yet?" Vegeta questioned, for he now knew what Goku was, he was like him. Vegeta didn't have a name for it, what they were. He had an idea though. And just knew that they were different from everyone else. "Yes," Goku grunted, he and Vegeta at the same time lifted their feet from the ground and hovered over the crowd, sitting the bus down on a safe spot where it couldn't do anymore damage.

After the TV crew had come and interviewed the two, although they wouldn't give any details of what had happened. Goku and Vegeta retreated to the pier to hang out.

"How long have you known?" Vegeta asked. "Known what?" Goku questioned, he didn't know what Vegeta was talking about. "That you were different, you know. From everyone else," Vegeta said, his hands in his pockets. "I'm not sure what you mean." "Of course you do, we're not human Goku. At least, that's the only thing that I can think of that's logical enough." "What are you talking about?" Goku questioned. "Dammit, have you ever heard of Saiyans?" he then asked. "Sure I have, there aliens from planet Vegetesi. They have wild black hair, and tails, as well they eat a lot…" Goku's eyes grew big as he realized what Vegeta had been trying to tell him. He stopped walking. "Wait a minute, you don't have a tail," he then said. "Because, I yanked it off so I wouldn't transform. Seems like you did the same thing."

From that day on, Goku and Vegeta had a strange bond between themselves. They could always telepathically talk to each other, it got quit funny sometimes. One would just burst out in class laughing because of what the other said. That's how they became such good friends.

Bulma was alone at Vegeta's apartment. He had gone out to get the pizza since no one would deliver on a day like this. It was raining out, and it was as well cold. She sighed as she realized she was thirsty and got off the couch, walking into the kitchen. Opening the fridge door, she noticed that all Vegeta had to drink right now was beer. She remembered how she had finished off the milk at breakfast. Bulma sighed again. She had never had beer before, and couldn't figure out why Vegeta liked it so much. She could just get water from the faucet, but she wasn't really in the mood for anything tasteless. Grabbing a beer from the fridge, she closed the door and opened the can. Taking a small sip from it. She thought as the cold liquid ran down her throat. "Not bad," she then whispered to herself. Taking her new found drink, Bulma walked back over to the couch to continue watching her movie.

Vegeta unlocked the door and went inside. Sitting the pizza on the breakfast bar. He had only bought ten, which to him wasn't a whole lot. Then he heard it. The small groan from the living room. He walked into the area, and saw nothing, then stepped closer to the couch and noticed Bulma lying on it. She was clutching her stomach. "What's wrong with you?" Vegeta asked, rather puzzled. He looked onto the coffee table and noticed six empty cans of beer sitting on it. He then lightly laughed. "Had to much on your first shot, aye?" "Shut up!" Bulma groaned, then heaved over the couch and hurled all over his carpet. Vegeta quickly walked around the couch and to her side, picking her up and cradling her. "You going to be okay," he whispered into her ear as he brought her to his bedroom. Lying her on the bed, he went to his own special bathroom and wetted a washcloth. Sticking it on her forehead, he walked into the kitchen and got a bucket. Coming back and sticking it by her side. "If you feel tempted in any way, just lean over and blow chunks all you want, okay?" he whispered caringly to her. "MmHmm," Bulma lightly hummed, her eyes were closed and the pain in her stomach was leaving after she had discarded what had violated her stomach in the first place.

Bulma awoke as she felt the sun kiss her face. She sat up and stretched, remembering what had happened the night before and recalling that her stomach was still somewhat hurting. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned. Looking around at her surroundings she realized that this was not her room. Jumping out of bed she ran out of the room and into the living room. Sighing deeply, she noticed Vegeta sleeping on the couch. He was on his stomach with an arm hanging off of the side, lightly snoring. Bulma smiled as she noticed Vegeta had cleaned up her mess. Walking around to the other side of the couch, she sat beside Vegeta's sleeping body. He had fallen asleep in his pants. Putting her hand on his bareback she rubbed her hand up and down his spine. "Wakey Wakey Vegeta, it's time to get up," she purred in his ear. "Go ah'way," Vegeta said lazily. "Come on, get up," she persisted. "Le'h me s'eep!" Vegeta told her, half asleep. Bulma giggled, he was so cute when he was tired. She sighed again and got up, then walking into the kitchen area, she began breakfast.

Vegeta lazily opened his eyes and lifted his head. The aroma of bacon and eggs cooking surrounded him. Then sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He stood, walking over to the breakfast bar and sitting down on one of the stools. "Somebody's finally awake," Bulma hummed cheerfully. "What time is it?" Vegeta asked sleepily. "About 9:30," Bulma answered as she put a plate in front of Vegeta. She had never been awake before Vegeta, and never seen him eat breakfast. Her eyes grew large as she saw him quickly stuff his face full of food. Not a single crumb was left on the plate or his face when he finished. Vegeta then got up and helped himself to more food. Bulma was speechless. "Y-Your still hungry after all that?" Bulma asked rather shocked. "What?" Vegeta asked as he sat down once more and began eating at a fast pace. "Damn it Vegeta! Take a breath!" Bulma said as she put her hands on her hips. "Woman, if your going to live with me at times, get used to my eating habits!" he told her as he once again got up to help himself again. "Okay, I think you've had enough," Bulma said as she took the frying pan out of his reach. "Woman!" he growled, "give me the fucking pan!" "No, besides I haven't eaten yet!" Bulma snapped. "Well then take what you want and give me the rest!" Vegeta told her as he sat his empty plate down on the counter. "Fine!" Bulma almost yelled. She helped herself to what was left, which wasn't much. Vegeta was as unknown to the eating habits of a human as Bulma was to a Saiyan. He sighed as he put the empty pan in the sink and began going through the fridge, looking for something else to eat. "Vegeta, are you sick?" Bulma asked him as she watched him take out a full cooked chicken that was half eaten. "I really think you should see a doctor!" Bulma said worriedly. "I'm fine, no damn doctor can fix what I am," Vegeta told her. "Huh? What you are? Do you mean you have some sort of unknown disease?" Vegeta growled, "No, it means that I'm not human!" Vegeta quickly spat before he could choke down his words. Bulma's face turned ghost white and her eyes grew large. "N-Not Human?? Th-then w-hat are you?" Bulma stammered, quit scarred now. She got out of her stool and began slowly backing away from him. Vegeta chuckled to himself. "I'm still the same guy Bulma," he laughed. "What, no your not…" Bulma slowly said as she bumped into the couch behind her. Vegeta laughed again. "It's not like I'm going to kill you, although I guess I could if I wanted to," he said as he got into deep thought. "What are you?" she screamed. "No need to get pissy about it all, if it makes you feel any better, I can tell you everything I know about my kind," he told her. "Your kind?" "Yes, I'm a Saiyan. So is your friend Goku. We have tails…" "Wait, where's your tail??" "I yanked it off you dumbass! Anyhow, Goku, Raditz, Nappa and I are the only ones left. So, I guess you could say were "extinct"."

Vegeta calmed Bulma down and told her everything that he knew, about how he was royalty and such, but she had to promise not to tell anyone about the situation.

Bulma didn't know what she was more of, shocked or surprised. The man she was falling in love with was not human. Sure, he would always be the same old Vegeta, but with this knew information, she didn't know what to think.

After school a few days after Bulma had found out about this "other race" she went home, of course with Vegeta.

Vegeta gasped, sure the house looked big on the outside, but on the inside? It was Gigantic!! "Geze, Woman! I'm going to get lost in here!" Vegeta said as he got a glimpse of most of the house. "Oh, you'll learn your way around, I promise," Bulma said as she took Vegeta's hand and led him to her room. "And this, this is my room," Bulma said as she opened the door. He looked around. It was pretty nice. Her walls were painted white, with a flower border around the edge of the ceiling. She had a light purple canopy bed, and a violet carpet. As well, one of her many couches, was a large collection of stuffed animals. "Works for me," Vegeta shrugged. Bulma nodded. "Okay, so lets go downstairs, we have an awesome indoor pool!" Bulma said as she dragged Vegeta down the stairs with her.

Vegeta yawned, damn it was getting late. He was at home, and it was at least half past 12. He had been staying up all night to study for tomorrows test.

"Geze Vegeta, you look beat! What were you doing all last night?" Goku asked Vegeta cheerfully. "Studying," he answered. "Oh, for todays science test? I hope I did well on it! That was the first class I had today. Are you headed there now?" "Sadly," Vegeta groaned as he went to Mr. Piccolo's science room to get this done and over with.

"So Vegeta, how did you do?" Bulma asked him as they walked out to his car together. Vegeta frowned as he unlocked the door. "That bad?" Bulma asked as she got in and buckled up. Vegeta handed her his test after he as well got into the car. Then started it. Bulma unfolded the paper. "Vegeta! You got an A-! That's great!" Bulma smiled as she kissed his cheek.

"So, you think your going to graduate?" Bulma asked Vegeta. They were sitting at the breakfast bar in Vegeta's apartment talking. "I hope so." "Why do you want to graduate so bad, I thought it didn't really matter to you a while ago." "If I tell you, you'll laugh," he frowned as he encircled his hand around a cold beer. "No I wont," she protested as she took a sip of her beer, she now only drank up to two a day at the most. "I want to go to collage," Vegeta said. "That's great!!" Bulma told him. "Huh?" "Vegeta, everyone's trying to go to collage these days. It's great you have something to look forward to!" "Really?" "Yes!"

The next day was Saturday, and the fair was in town. So Vegeta and Bulma decided to go to that.

"Ooo, Vegeta! Look at that!" Bulma said as she pointed to a giant white stuffed unicorn. "Please?" she then smiled at him. Vegeta sighed, "Alright." Walking up to the stand, Vegeta paid three dollars for five balls to use to knock down the three cups that sat on a long board. "I'll tell you what, if you don't make it the first five times, I'll throw in an extra ball," the man who ran the stand said. He was well confident that no one could do it. For he had super glued all the cups together and to the board. Vegeta smirked and threw the first ball as lightly as he could, knocking down the cups. The ball fell to the ground, whirling madly as it bounced. The man with the red and white striped shirt was speechless. "How did? How could? I…?" "I believe you owe me something?" Vegeta smirked. The man swallowed hard and nodded. Then getting up on a stool he took down the giant stuffed animal. Vegeta took it and handed to Bulma. "Thank you," she smiled sweetly, "Your the best!" "I know!"

"Vegeta, no! No Vegeta, I can't get on that! Stop!!" Bulma protested as Vegeta pulled her across the deck and to the ride. "Vegeta, please!" Bulma said as she tried squirming from his grip. "Do you trust me?" Vegeta asked her. "Well… yeah but. It's a roller coaster!" Bulma said. "If you trust me, you'll get on." Bulma sighed and thought about it, "Okay." Strapping the stuffed unicorn into the seat behind them, Bulma and Vegeta sat in the front row. "Here we go…" Vegeta teased. Bulma closed her eyes and it began, she held Vegeta's hand tightly. The roller coaster began to pick up speed as it got to the top of the first hill. "Open your eyes," Vegeta told her. Bulma opened them. "No! I want off!" Bulma yelled. The roller coaster then pulled forward and practically flew down the hill, turning them upside down and in circles. Bulma screamed.

The ride soon ended. "What'ya think?" Vegeta asked her. "Lets do that again!" Bulma almost yelled. Vegeta smiled as they stayed on for one more ride.

"Kami, that was fun!" Bulma smiled as Vegeta let her inside. "Told you it would be," Vegeta said as he locked the door behind them. Sitting the stuffed unicorn down in the chair Bulma sat on the couch. "How tiring!" She then said. "You know, I think I forgot something," Vegeta said as he sat beside Bulma. "What's that?" Bulma asked him curiously. "I can't remember, but I'm sure with your help it'll come back to me," Vegeta said as he crawled over Bulma and kissed her neck. Bulma laughed as she backed up and laid on the couch. Vegeta then brushed his lips over hers, then advancing in a passionate kiss. Bulma wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, as if she never wanted to let go. Vegeta moved his hand under her shirt and expertly undid her bra in the front, then moving his hand right onto the now uncovered breast. "Vegeta… wait," Bulma said as she pulled away. "What?" he asked her. "Nothing," she shook her head, then kissed him hard on the lips. Without breaking the kiss Vegeta slid off of Bulma and picked her up, bringing her to his room for a little late night fun.

Vegeta yawned as he awoke. Memories of what had happened the night before filled his mind. Getting up out of bed, he put on a pair of boxers and baggy genes. One Month and a week left of school. Vegeta moved out onto his porch in the back yard and looked up at the light pink sky that was quickly advancing to blue. Then he heard up, a loud crashing sound. It sound like a door being torn off it's hinges. Running into the bedroom, he noticed Bulma was awake. "What was that?" she asked him. She had pulled up his comforter to cover herself. "I don't have the slightest…" he was then cut off as the police ran into his room. "Put them up, don't try anything stupid this time Vegeta!" the chief of police said as he held out his gun. "What the fuck? I didn't do anything!" "Shut up! And put your hands behind your head, or I'll shoot!" Chief Rude said. Vegeta rolled his eyes and put his hands on the back of his head. Bulma's eyes grew, what was happening? She felt like she was on the show "Cops" or something. She kept the blanket close to her. "Check in the closet!" he then said. Two officers went over to Vegeta's closet and took a shoebox off of the top shelf. There they found loads of money and crack. "It's all here chief!" One man said. "What?!! That's not mine!" Vegeta yelled. "You, keep your mouth shut!" The chief said as he put the cuffs around Vegeta's wrists. "This is bullshit!" Vegeta roared. He would have fought the cops; hell he could of blasted them all. But he didn't want to make more trouble for himself. "Did he hurt you miss?" One of the officers asked Bulma. "No," Bulma shook her head. She couldn't believe it. Vegeta? On drugs, she thought he had ended all that. "Woman, you've got to believe me, it ain't mine!" Vegeta told Bulma. "I'm sorry Vegeta, I don't know what to believe." Vegeta's jaw dropped as the cops pulled him out of his home and pushed him into the back of the cop car.

Bulma went home and called Chichi to tell her all that happened. "I told you he was nothing but trouble," Chichi said. "No you didn't," Bulma answered. "Okay, but I was thinking it." Bulma sighed. "Chichi, I had sex with him last night," Bulma then said, feeling rather ashamed. "What? I thought you believed that all women should keep there virginity till they were married?!!" "Well I did, I do. But, I don't know. I'm so confused!"

It had been a month since Vegeta's arrest. And Bulma missed him more and more each day. She never did have the guts to see him, or to tell him she was pregnant with his child. She doubted that he really did use the pot or sell it. But what could she do? Act like nothing had happened? No, she had to find out how Vegeta was evicted and who gave the police the untrue lead.

"Yamtcha, I know it was you!" Bulma yelled as she walked over to her ex-boyfriend. "What do you mean? It was me?" Yamtcha asked as he acted like he didn't know what she was talking about. His friends snickered and laughed. "Dammit, don't play stupid with me!" She said as she pushed Yamtcha into the lockers. She then put her arm on his neck and gripped his shirt. "What the hell are you doing?" Yamtcha asked her. "Your going to help me get Vegeta out of the slammer!" "Bullshit I will!" Bulma then punched Yamtcha square on the jaw. Spit flew. "Dammit! Your fucking helping me, I don't care if I have to beet the shit out of you to make you do it!"

"Alright, Come on you," An officer said as he opened the door to Vegeta's cell. "What?" Vegeta asked him as he stood up. "Your being transferred."

That night Vegeta was still in the police car. He was being moved from West Deport Jail to East Code Jail. For some odd reason they made many stops. Once again they stopped for donuts and coffee. It was dark, very dark outside. "Hmm?" Vegeta thought in his mind. Then he moved his hands together out from behind him, pulling his legs through the loop that his hands had made. Now that his arms were in front of him. He pulled his wrists apart until the metal rings gave away. He then closed his eyes and hit the glass window as hard as he could with his elbow. The glass shattered. A few shards had found it's way into his elbow. Wincing with pain, Vegeta moved his hand to the out side of the door and opened it. He was free. After closing the door behind himself, he ran as fast as he could, then leaping into the air to Capsule Corp to say his good bye.

Bulma awoke to the loud tapping on her balcony door. Opening her eyes she looked. The moonlight filled the room and outside. "Was that Vegeta? No way, he was in jail!" Bulma thought to herself, she got up out of bed anyway and went to the glass door, then opened it. "Vegeta? What are you doing here?" she asked him. "I came to say goodbye, before the cops notice I'm gone," he whispered. "What? Vegeta, you can't leave me," she said as she gripped his shirt, her eyes full of worry and concern. "I have to," he told her. "You should of stayed, I could of visited you in the prison," she said. "I've been there once, and I'm not going there again, not again," he shook his head. "When will I see you again?" she asked him. "I don't know, maybe sometime I'll give you a check up, but I can't make promises," he told her, his voice full of regret and sadness. Bulma nodded, "I understand." Vegeta gave her one last kiss. "I've gotta go, I love you," he whispered, then turned and flew into the dark sky.

Seven years later… "Happy Graduation Sweet Heart!" Bunny told her daughter. "We're so proud of you and how you were able to get your collage degree in five years instead of seven," her father then told her. "Thanks mommy, thanks dad," she said. She then cut her graduation cake, "Who wants a slice?" Bulma asked her friends. "I do," said a little boy with black hair that yanked lightly on her skirt. "Here you are Gohan," she said as she handed the four year old a plate with a piece of cake. "Now be careful and don't get it on the carpet," she told him. "I won't!" he said happily as he crawled under the table and sat on the floor, eating his cake in peace. "Where's mine?" Goku asked Bulma as he tapped on her shoulder. "I'm working on it!" Bulma said as she cut out Goku a slice. "You know Bulma, I never realized exactly how much Goku ate until after I married him," Chichi laughed after Goku got handed his cake. "I'm sure," Bulma nodded.

The party was done and over with, Bulma sat exhaustedly on the couch. Balloons still lingered in the air and strips of party confetti was everywhere. "Been cleaning for the last hour and the place still looks the same!" she said to herself. "Did I miss anything?" asked a voice that was no longer known to her memory. Bulma turned around and gasped. She quickly stood up and jumped into the man's arms. "Vegeta!!"