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Just Once More
By: Akane Sanjiyan

Note: This songfic is mainly for my made up character, Akane, and the girls of YYH. Mainly those who have had their loved ones go away on a mission or something. *cough* Keiko *cough* Anyways, this song goes by the theme, "Eyes On Me," from Final Fantasy 8. Which is also playing in the backround. Or, should be playing in the backround.

I'm sitting by myself.
I'm afraid, I'm alone.
I wish that you were here,
to take away every tear.
You'd always watch me worried,
but then leave me in a hurry.
Please, just come back,
to see more just once more.

I'd only see you here and there.
Never more than one week.
Please come back to me,
So I can touch your cheek.
I saw you leave that night,
to fight off that evil force.
You never came back,
I can't bear this, again.

I thought that I had found
the one that was meant for me.
But now he's gone,
to figure out his mystery.
Darling, please come to me.
So I can come out of this misery.
Just one more time, to see,
your beautiful eyes on me....

I've waited for you forever,
But not even one glimpse.
I sat on the floor giving up,
But then remembered your soft touch.
Please, just come back,
So that I will finally be home.

I thought that I had found
the one that was meant for me.
But now he's gone,
to figure out his mystery.
Darling, please come to me.
So I can come out of this misery.
Just one more time, to see,
your beautiful eyes on me...
Just once more, to feel,
your cheek...
I've been so lonely.
I just want a warm embrace.
But not just from anyone.
From you, me dear.
But I now know
that will never happen...
For now you see,
that your eyes are no longer on me...