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Summaries For The FanFic "Symone First Time Travel"

Symone-Olivian Brief
(More profiles will be up soon...)

Symone Meeting Alternate Future Trunks

Prologue Trunks, of the future timeline, has a five year old daughter. Her name isn't mentioned in the proloque. It's Symone. A cute little girl with brownish skin, blue eyes and light violet hair. She is very astonished about the story her father told her, based on his life. He didn't add or missed anything, he told her the absolute true of his past. She had a dream that one day she will travel in time to meet the Z-Fighters that sounded so interesting to her.

Chapter One: The Warm Love Of A Saiyan Father Ten years has past. A lot has gone on then; Audrey, Trunks' wife and mother of his daughter, died of exhaustion. Symone has an eight year old brother. Trunks is forty years old and still looking good. And his small family is living with Bulma now, in the big famous home of Capsule Corporation HQ. Over two years, he had made up his mind and decided that Symone deserves a vacation---A trip to the past. He tells her that he'll be worried about her and made sure she understood how he felt. (It's kind of a emotional thing)

Chapter Two: Right Time, Wrong Timeline Symone says her good-byes to her father, brother and grandmother. She's off into the unknown voids of time and space, but the controls goes haywired and she ends up in the wrong time dimension. As she explores the surroundings of the countryside, at night, she finds a familiar person in the wilderness---Trunks. But another being as well that isn't so friendly.

Chapter Three: A Weird Acquaintance After waking up in an unfamiliar room, Trunks finds himself in, he's wounded in the chest. He meet Symone, who was nice enough to let this person, who resembles her father a lot, stay overnight in her Capsule House. But Trunks finds this girl's behavior quite strange. And he wonders why.

Chapter Four: Slowly Revealing the Truth The next day, Trunks ask Symone about what she know of his vehicle. While changing his bandage, acts alittle peculiar when he calls her "Sy-Sy", which is the name her father usually calls her. Afterward Symone drives Trunks to West City to see his mother.

Chapter Five: Symone's Secret Is Discovered When the two teenagers get to Capsule Corporation, Bulma was kind enough to let Symone stay at Capsule Corp. as long as she liked. When Symone was in her room, that Bulma had recommended, she used her cellular phone to contact her father. She told him she wasn't in the right timeline, and what went on so far. But she had to call him back, since static was breaking the signal. When Symone hung up her phone, she found out she was being spied on by Bulma.

Chapter Six: The Truth Is Revealed to Trunks Symone had no choice but to tell Bulma about herself and the timeline she was making her journey to. Bulma swore to Symone that she would not tell Trunks. She know it wasn't in her position to do so. That night, Symone called her father again, to tell more of what had happened. Trunks also overheard their conversation, but luckily, Symone didn't mention anything to endanger her present. While changing his bandage, Symone told him what his vehicle was; a time machine. Trunks wanted to know how she knew, but Symone told him she will tell him the next day. The next day, she told him a story she heard in her childhood years. About her father's past. He began to understand where she was coming from, and how she know of his time machine. She said her good-bye to him and began her travels once again, to the accurate timeline.
Part II Will be coming soon.