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Symone's First Time Traveling Adventure

Chapter 2
Right Time;
Wrong Timeline

"It's about time, Madam Slowpoke." Davion, Symone's baby brother said. He and Bulma, along with Trunks were waiting for Symone, in the backyard, to finish her packing. She had a handbag over her right shoulder.

As she appoached them and heard what Davion said, she narrowed her eyes at him, "I'll let that slide." Then she smiled, "You know why, twip?"

"You lost all your self-esteem, and finally believe that I'm right?"

"Nope. Because I won't see you for the next two weeks. So, you better get some name calling in while the deal is still hot. Or you can clown on Dad to improvise."

He scowled alittle, "I still don't see why I can't go. I need a vacation, too." he whined alittle.

"Maybe one day you will, Davy." Bulma put in, "Maybe when you're older." she rested her hand on his shoulder, "But right now, your sister needs a break."

"A break from what?" he asked.

"Being around you for too long." Symone cut in.

"Symone!" Trunks and Bulma said in unison.

Trunks exchanged a look at his mother, then looked at his son, "You see Davion, ever since your mother passed on, Symone and grandmother has been the only two I can depend on to take care of you when I'm working late hours or out of town. I would have hired a nanny, but believe me, you wouldn't like it. And nor would the victim."

He sighed, "Fine. But it'll be my turn next time."

*Yeah. In another lifetime.* Symone thought to herself, and folded her arm in an impatient manner.

"So, Symone, do you think we should use the Telecommunicator to give the alternative Bulma a call?" Trunks asked her, "It's been ten years since we last talked to her."

"Nah, I don't think so." she replied, then it just came to her, "Where is the Time Machine?"

Bulma reached into her pocket, "Here." she showed it to Symone, then clicked its button and threw it. After the explosion, it came into view as soon as the smoke manifetsed.

"Cool." Davion said in awe.

Trunks walked towards it. He saw where his mother had written 'Hope!'. He ran his fingers over the letters, "This brings back some good memories." he said to himself, *And some bad ones.* he thought back when Piccolo told him, Krillin, Tien, and Vegeta about how the Cell of the future stole the lives of innocence as well as the Trunks in that timeline and the time machine.

"Dad?" Symone called.

He clicked out of his thoughts. He turned towards her, "Yeah?"

"Uh, I was just wondering."

"About what?"

"When I get there, how do I make my entrance?" she asked questionly.

"Oh. Um, it depends on the area you appear; the time of the day and the first person you meet." he told her.

"Oh. Can you give me an example?"

"Well, if you make it there some where in the afternoon, like between 2:30-3:00, you can go straight to Capsule Corporation and asked for Bulma." he told her, "But if you arrive there in the morning, I'd sug- gest that you can either get to Capsule Corp. before school starts and after the alternative Trunks leaves, or just stay at your customized Capsule house."

"But I don't have one. I gave it back to you, remember?" she replied.

"You do now." he pulled out his capsule case and took a capsule out, it was longer than the others she had. He placed it in her hand, "The house is customized to suit your needs."he began, "It has a bedroom, a full bathroom, kitchen and living area. Complete with a cable and satellite, installed specially for my Princess."

"Thank you, Dad." she looked at it, "Its cool and all, but I don't really know if I would want to watch TV shows back before I was born."

He smiled, "I knew you were going to say that. That's why your cable and satellite is customized and sophisticated enough to be link to this timeline's satelite along with cable network to get your shows from here in the other timeline. And your radio's the same way, but the station's signal can sometimes be faint and pick alittle static. But it still works well." he told her.

Her eyes grew wide with amazement, "Really?"

"All thanks to your grandmother and myself." he said.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, so much!" Symone squeaked and hugged her father and grandmother, "It's just like the Telecommunicator except it's a satellite!"

"Oh, brother." Davion said rolling his eyes.

She turned to him, and so did Trunks, "I heard that." she said, "And I was going to let you hangout in my new Capsule house with me and Kimberly when I get back. Oh well." she shrugged one shoul- der and reached for her bag and took out her case full of capsules and put her new capsule inside and marked it, "Looks like you'll just be hanging out with that dork you call Jared."

"Alright, I take it back." he said, not too sincere, "And Jared is not a dork."

"If you say so." she said then smiled at him, "Since you really want to go," she said changing the subject, "instead, I'll bring you something back."

"Like what?" he asked her.

"I don't know. But it'll be something you'll like."

"No video games." said Trunks.

"Well, that throws that idea out the window." Symone said to herself, but audible, "Still, I'll think of something." she told him.

"Thanks." he said. He hugged her waist, "I hope you return safely."

Symone looked down at him, bewildered, then she place her arms around his shoulders, "Okay..." she said to herself, "Are you going to, like, plant a nuclear warhead in my room, before I get back?" she asked him.

Davion looked up at her, "No. I'm just being nice." then he smirked, "And besides, if you don't return, Dad won't let me travel to the past."

She chuckled, "I knew there was a catch to this."

"Not really. I still want you back." he told her and let her loose.

"I'll miss ya. I'll be sure to brag to everyone I meet about my little Super Saiyan brother." she told him, then smirked which made her look almost like her mother, "Even if you are a pain in the neck."

"And I love you, too." he said in return.

Symone turned to Bulma, "Thank you, Grandma." she gave her one last and long hug, "I may see a look-alike in the other timeline, but of course, I'll still miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, dear." she said returning the hug, "It's gonna be kinda lonely without you."

Symone's lips curled into a small smile. She looked at her dad.

A smile appeared on his still young and handsome looking face, "I guess I better supervise your performance, so I'll know you'll make a safe trip. She nodded. She looked at the time machine, which stood two stories tall in front of her. She levitated to the top and opened it's canopy.

He levitated to the top as well, to observe her work.

She sat in the only seat inside, the pilot's seat, "Now, let's see." she said to herself, as she studied the consoles. She turned on it's main switch, which a computer screen blink on. It had information about different timelines. Four of them. Symone noticed it, "Hey, Dad. What timeline is this info for?" she point at it.

He studied it, "That's the info for the same timeline you're going to. Except it's three years before before I was born." he told her.

"I don't think you would want to do that, Symone." Bulma said.

"Yeah, no kidding." Davion puts in, "That means Symone would meet Dad when he was a teenager."

"That wouldn't make a difference. I'm going to meet him as a teenager in the timeline I'm suppose to be going anyways." Symone told Davion, "The only difference may be his personality."

"Yeah." Trunks agreed. He reached inside the capsule and move the highlighter to its accurate destination on the screen, "This is the info you may want to use." he showed her. It had the year, district's area number and coded: Timeline C. "And don't worry about trying learn the coordinates to get back, its already in the computer's program. All you have to do is type in the codename: Timeline B.

"Is there a codename: Timeline A?" she asked him.

"Yeah, but don't get any ideas. I want you to go to the timeline you're suppose to go to." he told her.


"You do have Capsule 15-40, right?" Trunks asked her.

"If you mean my cellphone/videocam, yeah. Why?"

"Give it here." he said and held out his hand.

"What?!" she shrieked, "But I want to have it just in case I make some friends in the other timeline." she whined.

"Just hand it over for a sec. You'll get it back." he told her.

She groaned under her breath, and reached inside her bag, that was on the floor, to retrieve her capsule. She placed it in his hand.

He pressed its button and it let out a small and quiet explosion in the palm of his hand, "Okay, let have a look in here." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pocket tool which had all varieties of tools for phones, calculators and other small and sophisticated accessories. He opened the back of the phone.

"Dad's doing something on Symone's phone. I wonder what it is." Davion said out loud. He levitated, to where his father was, to look over his shoulder and observe the operation Trunks was performing on the cellphone.

Trunks put in a small computer chip betwwen the battery's negative and positive copper caps.

"What is that, Dad?" Davion asked him.

"It's a chip that can link signals between the dimensions."

Symone thought about it, "You mean I can call this timeline even if I'm in the other one?" she asked him.

"Or in short terms, you can say it's just like the Telecommunicator." he replied, "But that is correct."

"Oh, let me guess. You want me to give you call when I get there?" she asked him.

"Yep. So, I won't have to worry." he handed her phone back.

"O.K. by me." she put it in the bag, "Well," she looked at her dad, "I'll be seeing you old man."

He stroked her hair alittle, "Please stay out of trouble." he warned her, before giving her one last hug.

"Hai, Otousan." she replied, "I promised a return, didn't I?" she told him. She looked at her brother, "Bye, Short-stop."


Symone leaned over the machine, "Bye, Grandma."

"Bye, Sweetheart. Have a safe trip."

"Davy, let's get back on the ground, so, your sister can lift off." Trunks told him.

He nodded and did so.

Symone closed its canopy, and started the engine. And the machine began to lift from the ground.

Davion waved his arms out to Symone, "Bye, Sis!" he shouted over the medium noised machine.

"Behave yourself, Sy-Sy!" her father yelled out.

"Bye, everyone!" Symone called out, then a few seconds later, the machine vanished.

Trunks continued to look at the sky, "It looks like she's in for an adventure." he said to himself, "Love ya, kid." he said softly.

Bulma put a hand on his shoulder, "So, how does it feel to know that your only daughter is traveling to another time dimension?" she asked him.

"Something tells me that she's going to be okay. But I'm still worried." he said.

"It's all apart of parenthood."

"Dad, how long would it take for her to get there?" Davion asked him.

"A day or two."

Symone looked outside the canopy, it's view was dark and light was flashing at every direction, "Well, Dad did say the view would look like you're going through a thunderstorm." she said to herself, *But what did say this type of weather was?* she thought to herself, leaning against the controls.

An alarm began to blare. She looked at the computer screen. The highlighter for selecting a destination began to move randomly, from the pressure after she leaned against it, "Oh, no." she said and began to worry, "Now what's going to happen?"

The highlighter finally stopped. Symone looked at the info, "784-1170 Codename: Timeline A?" she thought about it, "When and where in the timeline will I arrive at?" she said panicky.

The machine began to have a few turbulence, then it threw Symone out of her seat. She fell back and hit the back of her head on the metal surface, and knocked her unconscious.

Symone opened her eyes, then moaned. She found herself tangled in her own extremely long hair and uncomfortably on the floor. With much effort, she managed to get herself on her feet. She looked outside the canopy. It was nighttime, and it looked like she landed somewhere in the countryside, "Great, now where the hell am I?" she opened the canopy. She leaped out and looked around, "Dad, you just had to jinx me, didn't you."

She put the time machine in its capsule and began to walk around, "I'm stranded in a forest and no civilization for miles." she said, then she began to concentrate on sensing any lifeform, "Or is there?" She looked ahead, *I can feel a lifeform... no two of them.* she smiled, "It looks like I'm not the only one camping out here." she comtinued to walk, to the direction of the energy she is feeling.

After ten minutes, the acres of trees began to grow thin and a wide plain came into view, along with the half moon, "Damn it, I wish there was a road around..." she stopped in her track. *What is that?* she thought to herself. A few hundred yards away, there was something lurking in the shadows among the trees.

Symone continued to stare, until she saw something a few yards farther from this stalker. "Who is that?" she asked herself in a quiet voice. A person, but not quite sure, had its back turned. An explosion was heard, and as soon as the cloud of smoke disappeared, a tall machine stood before that person.

Symone gasped, "The Time Machine!" she exclaimed in a whisper, "That means that person is Dad!"

The mysterious being finally came into view. The person turns around. Symone's eyes grew wide, *It is Dad!* she thought to herself, clenching her fist with excitement. "And he doesn't even look much different as I see him as my father!" she said to herself.

Trunks grind his teeth and reached for the sword's handle. He pulled it out of his sheath as fast as he could and charge the being armed with his sword in front of him.

The being pulled out his tail and grabbed Trunks by the neck and began to strangle him.

Symone began to panick, *I don't even belong here! Should I interfere?* she thought with a panicking feeling.

The creature dropped him and darted his tail deep into his torso.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Symone yelled out of anger.

The creature turned its head and looked at Symone with its pupils so narrow like a cat.

"STOP IT, NOW!!" she shouted.

It pulled it's tail out of him, which seemed to have got him in his chest. It began to walk towards Symone, slowly taking a step at a time.

Symone began to walk towards him, though, deep inside she's scared for this young man's life.

The creature approached her, it stopped a few yards away, "Hmm, it seems that you want to join me for dinner as well." it said in its raspy voice, "Is he your boyfriend or something? 'Cause if he is, I can set reservations for two."

Chapter 3: A Weird Acquaintance