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Symone's First Time Travel

Chapter 3
A Weird

The green skinned, and very tall creature stared up and down at Symone. And took another step forward.

Symone grind her teeth, *Now I know who he is. The Cell.* then she smiled, "No. You won't be having any flesh to feed off of." she said to him and stood in her fighting posture. "'Cause you'll be eating my fist, while I'm kicking your ass."

He chuckled hoarsely, "A little girl like you? You talk big." it said a stood silent for a moment, "You don't stand a chance...Especially when you're by youself."

Symone stood her position and snarled, *He's up to something.* she thought to herdelf, *I can feel it.*

Without warning, Cell darted his tail at her. Symone leapt to the side. She landed on one hand before she fell, from losing her balance. She looked up, and his tail was coming at her again. She pushed herself up from the ground in time for his tail to go under her. She landed and with no hesitation, she charged at him with a kick in the face.

The kick landed in th middle of his face and he slid across the grass.

She landed and began to walk towards him.

He got up, "Who are you, you brat?!" he demanded.

"That is none of your business." she looked at him, then smiled, "I'll tell you this; you don't stand a chance against me." she told him.

He got up quickly. Looking at her, with anger, *I can't believe this girl had a lot of power in that one kick.* he thought, *I don't remember there being any being stronger than Goku.*

"You look scared." Symone said, breaking it's thoughts, "You must've been sensing my power level to compare it to your own." she smirked, "Well, there's one thing I learned from my father that's very useful for an experienced fighter; and that's fooling the enemy by concealing your energy."

"Your father must have taught you well. But I guess he never told you that there might be other enemies out there that can probably do the same." Cell replied and blasted at Symone with a Kamehameha.

Symone stood there. Once it came at her, she used one arm and bat it into the air. It let out an explosion miles away. Then in her top speed, she launched at him and punched him rapidly in the face and stomach. Then kicked him straight in the stomach.

He flew backwards into the ground and hit a tree, breaking it in two.

*It's best to finish him, than take my time.* she thought, remembering that's how her father killed Frieza. No hesitation. She held her hands out toward him, and pressed her forefinger and thumb tips against each other. She began gathered some energy.

The Cell looked up, and saw her gathering energy. He got up, "Oh, no you don't!" he called her out, but before he could do anything, his body began to stiffen and he couldn't move, "What the..." he tried to move his arms, but they began to feel as if his body is being squeezed all around.

Symone grinned, "You like? 'Cause that's my energy, invisibly squeezing and holding you in place." her energy grew, "I'll make it visible for you." a flare slowly appeared around her body---the aura of her powers---and it shot straight towards the Cell, surrounding him. She put her hands down,


The Cell was struggling to get loose, squirming in the energy that disabled him to move, "You irrogant bitch!" he yelled.

Symone put one hand up, this time gathering energy powerful enough to destroy this ruthless and hellish creature. She remembered that Trunks said: " order for this monster to be destroyed for sure, every particle of his being had to be destroyed, or he'll regenerate himself," She blasted at him.

His shriek of fear drained in the sound of the explosion, from Symone attack. She walked to where the ground was disturbed. Looking around for any sign of the hideous creature. A sigh of relief, "Nothing. I did it!" she chortled to herself. Then she just remembered, "Dad!" she ran towards him.

The wound looked very deep. His fingers moved alittle, but he was still badly hurt. Symone saw, *Good, he's still alive.* she looked around, "I guess I should set camp here." she said to herself. Then she remembered the Time Machine. "I better put it in its capsule." she walked towards it and searched for the button on the outside. "There." she saw it and pressed it. It puffed into it's capsule. She looked at Trunks, *So, that's what Dad looked like as a teenager.* she thought, knowing this was the first time she has seen her father in this stage. Bulma never had any pictures of Trunks as a teenager. Only as a kid and an adult. Symone walked closer, *He look so handsome.* she thought, as she stared at his face, then realized what she thought, "What the hell am I thinking?!" she said loudly, "For fuck sakes!"

The first thing he saw was the ceiling. Trunks opened his eyes and blinked, "Where am I?" he asked himself. He tried to sit up, but pain struck in his chest very sharply. The bandage tighten around his mascular chest. He laid back down. He turned his head and let his eyes wander the place.

A bedroom with a table in the middle, with two chair pulled in front of it. A desk on the left side with a computer on it. He noticed his sword was in its sheath, leaning against the wall next to the desk. Along with his tanktop and boots in a pile.

*Who owns this place?* he wondered. He saw a vanity on the opposite side of the desk. It was well organized, along with beauty products, such as perfumes and hair care products. *A woman lives here.* he assumed.

He smelled something delicious. He sniffed the air, then exhaled, "Whoever she is, she sure knows how to cook." he said quietly, then closed his eyes.

A moment later, the bedroom door opened.

He opened his eyes and turned is head. Symone was dressed in a gray tanktop that had the Capsule Corperation logo in the chest area, which came down around her waist and a pair of black biker shorts that hugged her thighs smoothly. She also had her hair pulled up into two pigtails on both sides in knots, and her ends came down to her ribs. She was carrying a tray with a bowl that had steam coming from the top. The smell of chicken broth filled the room.

He realized he's been staring at her figure, when he finally catches her eyes. He blushes alittle.

Symone smiled alittle, "I'm glad you're awake." she said and sat the tray down on the table , "I was afraid that you wouldn't come around." she pulled up a chair near the bed and sat in it.

"Thank you." Trunks said, "You saved my life." he turned his head looked at the ceiling.

"It was nothing." she said, then smiled alittle.

"I would of bled to death if it wasn't for you. I'm grateful." he said, then it came to him, "Was it you who shouted out at that hideous creature?" he asked looking at her.

She looked down, "Yes."

"So, what happened to it?" he said, all of a sudden curious about how she managed to escape the monster without any injuries.

She sighed, "I can't exactly say, yet."

He looking at her suspiciously, "O.K., but can I at least get your name?"

She looked at him, "Symone. And you are?"


*Yeah, like didn't know that.* she thought sarcastically, "Nice to meet you."

"So, are you the only person here?"

"Yes. I'm just staying here, in my Capsule house for a few days or so." she answered, "And may I ask what you were doing out here in the open?"

"Sorry to throw your words back at you, but I can't tell you eithter."

"Fair enough." she said and shrugged her shoulders. Symone looked at the tray that was on the wood polished table, "I made some broth for you. I mean, since it's kinda cool tonight, and I think with an injury like your, you wouldn't want to eat any solids for a couple of days."

"I would like to, but it's painful for me to try and sit up." he told her.

Symone slid out of her sit to the side of the bed, "If you put your arm around my my shoulder, I can help you sit up witout you putting much pressure on you chest and arm." she offered.

"Okay." he took he offer and placed his arm around her shoulder. She put her around his, and sat him up properly.

She got up on her feet, and walked to where the tray was. She came to him with the bowl. And with a smile, she offered him the broth, "Here."

He smiled back, "Thank you." he took the bowl and began to drink the liquid. After a few sips, he looked at her, "You must be a real chief, because this taste very good."

Symone smiled at his comment, "Thank you."

While he finished the chicken broth, Symone watched him, *He's not that much different from Dad.* she thought while she had her chin prompted on the back of hand, with her elbow resting one knee.

Trunks pulled the bowl away from his thin lips, and he looked at Symone, "Thank you. I really appreciate you doing this for me."

"Don't mention it."

"But can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Can I have another helping? This broth and spice taste great."

She chuckled alittle, "Yes, of course." she took his bowl and lefted the room.

He watched as the door closed behind her, *What a nice girl...And kinda cute, too.* he thought to himself, *I wonder if she's old enough for me?* he thought, but he pushed that thought aside. He, instead, observed the surrounding of his new friend's room. The room didn't have too much stuff, just a few stuffed animals in every corner, and also one pink polyester teddy bear sitting behind one of the speakers of her computer, "For one thing, the girl love teddy bears." he said to himself. Then something hanging on the wall behind him caught his eyes, a portrait of a little girl, at the age of four or five maybe, with a sky-blue sundress with a white long-sleeve t-shirt on and a dark bluish-gray background. The little girl resembled Symone.

The door opened, and Symone came in carrying two bowls of broth. She sat one on the table and gave the other one to Trunks, "I hope you don't mind I eat with you this time." Symone said, pulling the chair around to the other side of the table to face him while eating at the table.

"Not at all." he answered and dranked his broth.

Symone began to eat hers with chopsticks, "Can you tell me alittle about yourself?" she asked him.

"There isn't much to say about myself." he told her, "Other than the fact that I'm living with my mother, at Capsule Corporation."

"Are you related to Dr. Brief in any way?" she asked him, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, I'm his grandson."

"Oh. I guess as soon as the androids are taken care of and Capsule Corp. starts up in business, you'll have a position, maybe?"

Trunks looked at her, "The androids were taken care of two weeks ago." he replied, "You didn't know that?"

She gave him a look of surprise, "They were?"

"Yeah. It may take a while, but the people around the Earth are slowly getting their lives in track." he told her and drank his broth again.

Symone looked down, smiling, *It looks like Dad destroyed the androids here.* she thought, *But why would he try and use the Time Machine again?*

She ate a carrot in her soup, "Do you know who killed the androids?" she asked him.

He seemed to tense up alittle after she asked him, "No." he replied, almost nervously.

She eyed him long enough for him to notice.

"I really don't" he convinced.

"I didn't say you knew." she said, then smiled, "But you're the kind of person who doesn't lie about things because you're a terrible liar. And you don't look like that kind of person who would lie. You do know, don't you?"

"You can see that in me?"

She nodded, "You're too descent, charming, and loyal."

He smiled alittle, "Looks aren't everything. It can be deceiving."

"Are you and your looks deceiving me now?"

"Maybe." he answered and dranked his broth.

"Tell me how you can be deceitful?"

"I don' think so."

"It was you who killed the androids, wasn't it?"

"No." he answered quickly.

"You're doing it again." she said, purposely making him nervous.

*Man, she's good.* he thought to himself, "Are you some kind of pshycologist?" he asked humorously.

She dranked her soup, "No. But you did destroy the androids." she stated.

"What makes you say that?"

"When I was bandaging your wound, I noticed your wound was very deep. And I think if anyone was in your position, they'd be dead by now, instead of drinking broth with a young girl. Anyone that strong enough to live, must have a great deal of energy within themself."

"That doesn't explain much."

"Anyone can live with a bullet in their chest." she ate alittle more, "Have you ever heard sayin' 'It's not the bullet that kills you---It's the size of the hole' ?"

"Okay. I see what you're saying." he replied, "But so I lived through this vital injury. Lucky me."

"I guess I should tell you something pretty interesting."


"The vehicle you had."

His expression became somewhat alert, "Where is it?"

"In it's capsule." she answered then ate alittle more, then pointed on the desk behind her.

He looked at the direction her finger was pointing and saw the capsule on the edge of the desk.

"What an interesting piece of machinery you got there." she said, "Will you believe me if I told you I know what it is?"

His eyes widen alittle, "Impossible."

"Sorry, baby, but anything's possible---when you have the right tools and atittude." she said, them smirked, "My dad told me that a long time ago."

Trunks was silence for three minutes, then he looked at her, "What is it?"

She looked up from her bowl, "What is what?"

"My vehicle."

"Oh, that dealy... I'm not going to say."

"What?!" he exclaimed. He managed to settle down his heartbeat, "Are you just saying that?"

"Saying what?"

"You know what." he said, growing impatient.

"The vehicle? Yeah, I know what it is. But I'm not saying 'til you admit to me that you're the person who defeated the androids." she told him, "And I'll maybe even tell you how I know."

He looked at her with an arched eyebrow, "You're blackmailing me?"


He sighed, "Maybe tomorrow or something." he said and placed the empty bowl in the chair Symone was sitting in the first time he saw her. He looked at the portrait he saw earlier, "Is that a portrait of you?"

Symone nodded, not wanting to talk with her mouth full of noodles. She swallowed, "Yeah. That's me, when I was five." she answered, then smiled alittle, "It was a birthday present for my mother, from my father. He hired someone to do the painting and I did the modeling."

"That was nice of your father." he said, "But why is it in your capsule house?"

Symone looked down, and her smile slowly faded into a small frown, "My mother died three years ago. She lefted the portrait to me. It was apart of her will."

"Oh." he said quietly, "Sorry to hear about your lost."

"Don't worry about it." she looked up at him, and forced a smile at him, "I've gotten over it." she said but still had alittle sadness in her voice, "It was my dad's lost. He's barely over it." she told him, then gasped, "Oh, no. I can't believe I've almost forgotten."


She looked at him for a hesitant moment, "My folks anniversary is next week."

"Is that a problem?"

She began to panick, *Oh, boy. I should've not said anything.* she chuckled nervously, "No."

He noticed her strange behavior, but decided that he'll dismiss it, "Okay." he said, *She's hiding something.*

A half an hour passed after Symone cleared the dishes off the table and cleaned he kitchen. She came back into the room. Trunks was half awake after she walked into her room. He opened his eyes sleepily as she began to go through her dresser drawers.

"Where the hell is it?" she said to herself.

"What's up?" he asked wearily.

She almost jumped at the sound of his voice, then calmed down, *Damn it, I keep forgetting that he's not my dimensional father.*

He noticed her reaction, "Sorry if I startled you."

She chuckled alittle, "That's okay. I'm use to being by myself. This capsule house reminds me of my quadrant." she said and started to go through her drawers again. She pulled out her pajamas.

"What time is it?" he asked her.

"One o' clock in the mo'nin'."

"Have I been sleep long?"

"Beats me. I just came in here for the first time after leaving to clean the kitchen."

"Are you always up this late?"


"Hn. You don't look like it."

"What do you mean?"

He stared at her face, and slightly blushed, "Most female night crows don't look as pretty as you."

Symone blushed, "Uh, thanks." she said nervously, "Well, you said it. It's getting late. And since you got the only bed in this house, I'm sleeping on the sofa." she said and walked towards the bathroom.

After a fifteen minutes, she walkd out wearing her two piece black and white polka dotted pajamas.

Trunks opened his eyes again, "You're still up?"

"I just came out of the bathroom."


Symone went to the corner of her room and picked up a small black teddy bear.

Trunks arched an eyebrow, "Are you going to sleep with that?" he asked almost chuckling.

She scowled alittle, "Yes. There's nothing wrong with that." she said and walked towards the door, "I'll be right back to get you a blanket." and with that, she walked out of the room.

He shook his head alittle, "What a strange girl." he said quietly.

"I heard that!" she said, outside the door.

He jerkd his head up at the sound of her voice.

She came back a minute later, "I'm not strange, just bein' myself." she said and place the blanket on the bed.

"I would've never thought that you would have an acute hearing." he said, "I guess I owe you an apology."

She smiled alittle, "Forget it. I'll forgive you this time." she said and began to walk towards the door leading to the hallway, "If you need anything, just holla. And if you happen to wake up before me, which I guarantee you may do, you can wake me. I'll be descent." she turned the lights off, "Goodnight."


Chapter 4: Slowly Revealing the Truth