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Symone's First Time Travel

Chapter 5
Symone's Secret
Is Discovered

To Symone surprise, Trunks didn't use the elevators to go to the next floor, instead they stayed on the first floor, where the small living area was.

*Man, this looks way different from my home.* Symone thought, looking around.

Trunks opened the door that led them to the living room, "Mom?" he called, but no answer came, "She must be in her lab." he told her, then turned around to go back, "It's below this level."

Symone followed him, until they came to another door.

He opened it, "Mom?" he called down the stairs of the slightly lit room.

"Trunks?" came a voice from below.

Symone recognized the voice alright.

They heard the wheels of the computer chair slide across the floor, then approaching footsteps.

Trunks walked down the stairs, then he turned to Symone, "Watch your step." he warned her.

Symone nodded and followed.

"Trunks, who are you talking to?" Bulma asked, then stopped at the foot of the stairs.

"I brought company." he told her.

Bulma couldn't see who he was talking about, because of his height. As soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs. She met the young girl's eyes.

Symone stopped, then bowed slightly at the hips in respect of their acquaintance, "Hello." she greeted mannerly, "My name is Symone-Olivian, but just plain Symone is what I'm addressed by commonly." she told her.

"How do you do." Bulma greeted, then looked at her son.

"I can explain." he told her, "And it's not what you think." he said, fighting hard not to blush.

"Okay, but lets go to the living room, and you can explain." she said and led the way back upstairs. Symone followed behind Trunks, with a slight scowl, *Dad may be attractive as a teenager, but she didn't have to make these ridiculous assumptions. Rather she said or had a thought.* then she paused, *But she is my grandmother, and if I'm not mistaken for, she wanted grandchildren when Dad was an eligible bachlor.* she suppressed a chuckled in her throat.

Trunks explained to his mother, without putting a single clue about his vehicle, or the fact that a mysterious creature threatened to take his life, in order to keep himself from telling Symone about the vehicle in front of Bulma. Along without his mother's worry about the injury from something that might have be taken care of...or is it?

"And she let me stay at her Capsule House overnight." he finished.

Bulma looked at Trunks to Symone, then back at her son, "So, you're not involved?"

Trunks tensed with alittle embarassment, then flushed alittle, "Mom, I just met her yesterday. Why would I, all of a sudden, become intimate with a girl I barely know?" he asked her, trying not to to let his tone become disrespectful in front of their guest and at his mother.

"I have a right to ask my only teenage son. And besides that, you know as well as I do that it's common for boy your age to have that kind of behavior." she told him, "Whether he knows a girl or not?"

He looked down.

"I know you're not that kind of person, Trunks. I know you better than you know yourself. And it's possible for you to let your manners slips." she gave Symone a quick glance before continuing, "And I know there's a jillian chances to one that you'll do something like that, but anythings possible."

"I know," he said, then looked at his mother again, "But really, I'm not at that stage."

She smiled alittle, "I know."

Symone smiled alittle at her alternative relatives, *They sure are making a scene. Dad has always tried to be open to grandma. I guess no matter how many dimensions I acknowledge, the relationship between Bulma and Trunks will probably remain the same.* she thought happily, then her smile became smaller, *Have they forgotten about my presence?*

Bulma looked at Symone, "Symone, I'm as grateful as my son. Thank you for coming to his aid."

Symone smiled her sweetest smile at the woman, "You're very welcome, Ms. Brief."

"Please, call me Bulma."

"If you insist, Bulma." she replied, "I was raised to respect those around me. So I'm use to addressing people of your caliber."

"That's very respectful of you." she told Symone, then looked at Trunks, "My Trunks is the same way."

"I can tell." Symone said.

"Tell me, why are you living in the Capsule House alone?" Bulma asked her with curiosity.

"I... I'm kinda on a vacation from home, but once I saw Da--d-that Trunks was hurt I put my plans aside and decided to help him." she told her, hoping Bulma didn't slip out saying 'Dad'.

Bulma nodded alittle, "I see." she said, "Well, as you have noticed, the house is under construction, but there is still plenty of room for you to stay here, if you want. I mean, you living out there in the country side by yourself isn't too safe." Bulma told her as in not much of a choice.

"I rather not trouble you, Bulma." Symone said.

"She doesn't mind, Symone." Trunks puts in.

"Well, okay. I won't be here for a long time or anything. I'll probably leave so soon that you'll forget that I was even here." she told them, "Not to be rude or anything."

"Do you have to leave that soon?" Trunks asked her.

"Yeah. If my Dad finds out that I'm not where I'm suppose to be, he'll probably worry."

"Symone, you can stay as long as you like. Let me show you to your room." she said and got up.

Symone got up to follow.

The phone rang in the kitchen.

Davion stuck his head out of the refrigerator and went to pick up the phone.


"Davion, it's me, Symone. Where's Dad?"

"You finally called, eh? And after four days, too."

"I don't need your lecture right now, twerp. Get Dad on the phone, pronto!" she said with irritablity in her tone.

"All right, all right, geez." he said, "Just hang on, will ya." he told her, and put the phone down.

He walked out the kitchen and down the hall to where the control room for the Gravity Chamber.

Davion saw on the sceen that his dad was only taking a break from training. He was resting on the floor with one hand under his head and the other grabbing for the water bottle.

Davion press some buttons to get the hologram to appear in the room, "Dad?"

Trunks looked right at the camera,"Huh?"

"Symone's on the phone. And she sounds like she's about to bust a vein if she doesn't talk to you."

Trunks got to his feet and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. If Davion was listening closely, he could have sworn his dad said, "Well it's about time she called". Trunks looked back at the camera, "Tell her I'll be there in a sec."

"Okay." he said and shut the channels off.

He came back, and picked up the receiver, "Hey, Princess? Are you still there?"

"Don't call me that!" she shouted on the phone, "You know I hate it when Dad address me by that, so why the hell do you think I'd like you calling me that?"

"I dunno." he said cluelessly, just purposely making his sister mad, "But look, Dad will be on the phone soon. Okay?"

"Fine. He's training, right?"

"Yep. So, what's your deal? You're acting as if Aunt Flo came for a visit." he said. Even if she is not in the same room with him, he can tell by the silence that she flushed with some anger and embarassment.

She took a deep breath, "No."

"Then, what's up?"

"I took the wrong route somehow and landed in a different time dimension."

"How did you do that?" Davion asked her, then heard his father approaching from down the hall, "Or better yet, explain this to Dad." Davion turned to his father, who just entered the kitchen.

Davion gave the phone to Trunks.

"Symone, are you okay?" he asked her.

"Yeah, Dad, I'm fine. I just didn't take the right route to the Taj Mahal."

"You didn't land in the accurate destination? How come?"

"I accidently leaned up against the controls and they just went out of control. I got knocked out by some turbulence and when I woke up, I wasn't in the city or anything, instead I was somewhere outside of West City."

"Have you met anyone, yet?" he asked her.

"Yeah. You as a teenager and Grandma."

"Where are you now?"

"Capsule Corp."

"Why did you go there when you're not suppose to be in that timeline?"

"I was planning on leaving, but I found the alternate Trunks in the woods. He was about to use the Time Machine, but the Cell injured him badly. And since I just couldn't let him died like that, I took action and killed Cell to the point where he couldn't regenerate himself."

He smiled alittle, *That's my girl.* he thought proudly, "But you're okay?"

"Yes. I drove him home today, and that's when I met Grandma. She offered me to stay over here for as long as I want. Since I stayed the night in the Capsule House you made for me."

"That's nice and all, but when are you planning on leaving?" he asked her.

She stood silent for a second, "I'm not sure. That's why I called you. I was wondering if you'll let me stay here for two more days, and then I'll leave and as soon as I get to where I'm really---"

"Stop right there." he cut her off, "We agreed for you to stay only two weeks where you're suppose to be."

"Yeah, I know. But I had to stay here for a day or two, I mean, I told Trunks that I knew what the Time Machine was---." then she stopped, stun from what she just told her father.

Davion stood there, looking at his father, *He look as if Symone just told him she was pregnant or something.* he stared at his father's peculiar behavior.

There was a few seconds of silence before Trunks spoke again, "You what?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"I..I told him I...I knew what his vehicle was."

"Why?!" he asked in an exclaimed manner.

"I was blackmailng him, so he'll admit to me that he destroyed the androids. Dad, I'm really sorry."

He sighed, "Well, did he tell you?" he asked her, hearing his voice calm down alittle.

"Yes. I caught him in his bluff, sort of. He has asked me once if I would tell him what his vehicle was, but I was busy tending his wound and I sort of change the subject. He probably won't ask..."

"What? Symone, I can't quite hear you." he told her. Then he heard a alittle static in the signal.

"I can't hear... that...much either."

"Look, Symone, give me a call, tonight."

"Ok..." she said and hung up.

Trunks put the receiver up, the sighed in exasperation.

"What's wrong, Dad?"

"The signal grew faint for some reason."

Symone hung up her phone, then sighed, "At least he knows where I'm at."

She laid on the bed, in the room that Bulma had recommended for her. She closed her eyes, but she heard something. Heavy breathing, as if someone was over-excited. Symone got up, and notice the door was cracked opened. She opened it wide. She stared at the turquoised hair-colored woman.


*She heard my conversation!*

Chapter 6: The Truth is Revealed to Trunks