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Symone's First Time Travel

Chapter 6
The Truth Is
Revealed to Trunks

Bulma stared at the girl, very dumbfounded after what she just heard.

"How long were you standing there?" Symone asked her calmly trying to control her temper.

"I came to see if you were hungry. But I heard you talking, so I was about to leave---"

"Bulma, you were listening to my concersation!" she shrieked, then abruptly covered her mouth. She forgot the silent halls can carry sounds very well. But that wasn't the problem, she yelled at the woman who looks exactly like her grandmother.

Symone dropped her hand slowly, "I'm sorry." she said holding her head down, "And no, I'm not hungry." she said and slowly shut the door.

"Symone, wait." she stopped the door with her hand, "I didn't mean to listen to your conversation, but I would have never thought that you were my granddaughter from the future."

Symone sighed alittle to relax her heart, "Not really. I'm from a different dimension from where you and Trunks are from."

"How's that?"

"Come in for a sec." she said, and opened the door wider to invite Bulma in.

She shut the door behind her, then sat on the bed facing Bulma, "Before I say, can you tell me something?" she asked her.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Why was Trunks going to use the time machine after he defeated the androids?"

"He wanted to go into the past and tell the others about his discovery."

Symone looked up in recognition, *Now I remember! Dad told me that this Trunks got killed by Cell and if I would not have interfered, then he would've been history. Along with Cell hijacking the Time Machine.*

"You saw the vehicle, and Trunks didn't tell me, huh?" she asked Symone.

"I told him I knew what it was, because I'm using the similiar technology. Thanks to my Dad."

"Is there anything going on in your timeline?"

"No. I was telling the truth when I said that I was on a vacation." she said, then looked down, "You see, I use to be a pretty bad person when I became a teenager. It was because my Dad gave me all these responsibilty to help take care of the house and my brother when he was too busy, or when my grandmother wasn't in town.

"I never had time to go to parties, hang out with friends without worrying about my brother getting into trouble. You know, the things teenage girls do most naturally. So I started making my own boundaries and slowly I began to slack off. Started to hang around in the wrong crowd." she told her, then looked at her in the eyes, "Even though, that's common for almost any teenager, my dad knew that wasn't like me." she looked back down, "I even neglected my best friend at that time.

"But after I changed my ways, I've been on my dad's good side. Said sayronora to those who got me into parties not fit for me, and said hello to the new approved future of Symone. And made up to my best friend. "That's pretty interesting." said Bulma, "What is your father like?"

"Just like your son. Only with more responsiblities." she answered, then thinking how much her father and this woman's son don't look that much different in ages, "That's why I'm a bit homesick. But I really want to travel."

"This dimension isn't where you want to be?"

"No. I know it won't make much of a difference, but this dimension I want to go to is where all the Z-Fighters are already alive, even Goku."

Bulma expression changed, "But why?"

"In that dimension, the androids are destroyed, except for the female blonde, 18. That's the dimension my dad saved Goku from that heart virus, and I was going there to met everyone since they know my dad." she chuckled alittle, "I mean, I don't want to go somewhere I don't even have a shred of evidence that my dad even exist. Especilly when I don't belong there. It took awhile for my dad to agree to let me do this, and I'm not going to screw this over worse than what is done."

"Well, I hope you have a safe journey. But don't you think my son have a right to know who you really are?" Bulma asked her.

Symone looked down, "I guess so." she sighed, "I've already screwed up when I told him I know what that vehicle he had was. And with my dad knowing what I told him made it worse." she groaned,

"How the heck did Dad manage all of this?" she got up and began to pace, "I don't even know how to tell Trunks that I'm his daughter from another timeline."

"You'll have to figure out something before you leave."

"I know. But please, don't tell him. I think I might have a way."

"Okay, I won't tell him."

"I'll tell him tomorrow."

After Bulma cooked a delicious meal for the two teenagers, Symone decided that she'll help Bulma with the dishes. While Trunks went outside to get some fresh air before the sun goes down.

Symone was drying a dish, "Bulma?"

Bulma looked at her, "Yes?"

"Now that you know who I really am, do you still want me to call you Bulma?" she asked her.

Bulma chuckled alittle, "I think it's alright."


"How does it fell to get to know your father in his teenager stage?"

"Weird, but I fell as if I already know him." she said then put a dish up, "I'd hate to admit it, but if I wasn' related to him, I certainly fall for his charm."

"Very few girls see that in him. They mostly judge with their eyes."

"Yeah, I use to be the same way." she said then smirked, "And don't forget to count yourself."

Bulma looked at her, slightly flushed, "What's that suppose to mean?"

Symone looked at her, still with that smirk, "Yamcha." she turned to the sink, "My dad told me you use to date him before you fell for Grandpa."

Bulma turned back to her task, "It seems that father of yours told you a lot."

"Hey, he was a Z-Fighter, too, you know." she dried another dish, "And besides, if he wasn't such a womanizer, I'd say you didn't have bad taste at all. He's very handsome." she blushed slightly at the thought of the picture her grandmother had of him.

"He was, wasn't he?" she asked as she seems to be reminiscing herself.

They both sighed dreamily. They looked at each other, then laughed at their ridiculous act.

"Do you miss him?" Symone asked her.

"Yeah. But not as much as I miss Vegeta."

"My grandmother always said she had a bond with him. Even if he was an arrogant little man."

"You got that right." Bulma said and washed the last dish in the sink.

"Well, as soon as I get done, I'm going to bed."


Symone continued to dry the dishes, *Besides, I need to figure out how I'm going to tell Trunks who I really am.*

Symone picked up the video cam that connects to the cell phone and started to dial her father's number.

The phone rang three times, before she heard her father gruff but still a slight gentliness in his voice.


"I take it you don't have your phone cam on, huh? You would've known it was me." she replied wittily.

After the short pause, she saw her father in the 2x2" screen of the phone. She can see that he was in the master bedroom, and the only light on was the one on the nightstand that reflected light on his face and a glint in his blue eyes.

"I thought it would be you." he finally answered, "So, anything new happened?" he asked wearily.

"Yeah. Don't have a heart attack when I tell you this, though." she told him.

He chuckld alittle, "Well, the only thing that'll give me a heart attack is something happening to you." his humor changed quickly to seriousness, "You didn't fall in love with anyone, did you?"

"Uh? No!" she said sternly, "I was going to tell you that while I was on the phone, Bulma overheard our conversation, by accident."

"She did?" he asked with alertness.

"Yeah, but she's not going to say anything to her son. I told her I'll tell him."

In the screen, she can see her father's worried eyes, before he reached up and rubbed his temples with one hand.

"Dad, don't worry. I'll handle it."

"I know." he aid calmly, "I just wasn't expecting all of this." he ran his hand through his lavender silk hair. The strands of hair fell neatly into its exact place as it was before.

"I know I woke you, but are you still tired?" Symone asked him.

"Not anymore. That news was a real eye opener."

"Sorry." she said, apologetically bowing her head down alittle, "I really screwed up, didn't I?"

"Symone, you're only human." he stopped, "Well, uhh... let's me rephrase that. People make mistakes. So, don't worry about it."

"But this is serious. I can really affect peoples lives this way."

"True. But don't forget, I made the same mistakes you did, and I continued my task with some new strategies and made things a hell-of-a lot better than I expected. If anything, I'll have to say, so far you're doing a lot better than I did." he smiled at her, "But I can't say it over, yet. So, until your journey is, don't judge yourself on a downhill scale, okay?"

She smiled back, "Okay. Thanks, Otousan."

"You needed alittle encouragement from the pioneer of time traveling." he told her, "Well, thanks for calling back. I want you to call me before you take the trip to the right place, okay."

"Hai, Tousan." she said.

"And be careful. Try not to let anything slip, okay?"

"Okay." she answered, then yawned, "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight."


On the other side of the door to Symone's bedroom, Trunks smiled alittle, after he heard the end of Symone's conversation, *What a daddy's girl." he thought before he used the knuckle of his forefinger to rap softly on the door.

He heard her inside, putting her phone away quickly, before she answered.

"Who is it?" she asked, slight nervously.

"Trunk-su." he answered, with a slight Asian accent.

Symone got up to answer the phone, "Oh, you're back?"

"Yeah. I wanted to ask you, when would it be a perfect time to change my bandage?"

"I can do it now." she said and opened the door wider, "Come in."

He did so.

Symone began to gather supples and instruments to change the dressing on the young man's wound.

Trunks sat on the edge of the bed, "My mother told me you helped her clean the kitchen."

"Got something against it?" she asked him, placing 4x4s on the bed.

"No. I just thought it was nice of you to offer a hand, even if you are a guest here."

"I'm surprised, you thought so. Most guys wouldn't give a care about that kind of thing. They think it's a woman's job."

"I'm not a sexist. I even help her sometimes."

She looked at him, "You don't know how unusual that sounds."

"I know. I'm a good kid."

"You're charming." she said sweetly.

He blushes alittle.

"Take off your shirt, please."

He did so, "Do you think I should have told my mother about that ugly looking cricket that ran into toxic waste?"

Symone laughed alittle, "Yeah, but I understand why you didn't. It saves her worrying."

"I don't even know where it went off to, at the matter." he laid back on the bed, "I spent the whole time looking for it."

Symone looked at him, almost shocked, "You were? But why?"

"Because if that thing is still lurking out there, many innocent people are going to get hurt. And I'm the only one capable of stopping it."

Symone said nothing. She just started the procedure.



"Are you going to tell me what my vehicle is? I almost forgot."

"You probably forgot, because you think I don't know what it is. Right?"

"No. I've had other things on my mind before."

"Oh." she said while treating his wound.

"So, what is it?"

She stopped, "Do you really want to know? Because if I tell you, you'll be shocked."


Symone took a deep breath, "It's a time machine."

If Symone was mistaking, she could have sworn Trunks didn't breathe for a moment.

He finally caught his breath, "How did you know?"

"I know you were going to ask that." she said, still continuing her work, "Your reaction is quite normal, I may add."

"But how did you know?" he asked with alittle hardness in his tone.

"I was planning on telling you tomorrow, when I go back to the area where the Capsule house was."

"Why can't you tell me now?" he asked her.

"I'm too tired to play '20 Questions,' with you right now." she answered, then added, "Believe me, you will find out tomorrow. Trust me."

After Symone finished her work, she was putting up all her gauges and tape.

Trunks put his shirt back on, then looked at Symone as she placed everything neatly in her bag.

"Symone, before I came here, I overheard you talking to your dad."

She stopped immediately, and just stood there.

"Symone?" he called, as he noticed her strange behavior again.

She nervously went back to what she was doing, *Did he really overheard my conversation?* she thought to herself, *And if he did, why isn't he asking me questions about that?*

"I didn't spy on you or anything. I came by, but you were in the phone then. And when I came back, I heard you tell your dad goodnight." he told her.

"I see. Is there a reason why you brought it up?"

"Yeah. I was wondering how he was doing. You sounded worried on the phone." he asked her.

She smiled at him, "He's fine." she zipped up the bag, "It's nice of you to ask."

"That's good." he got up and walked to the door to let himself out, "Well, goodnight."


"And don't forget what you told me." he reminded her, before closing the door behind himself.

She looked down alittle, "Don't worry, I won't"

The next morning, Trunks hasn't asked Symone about the time machine, because she asked him to come with her for a little drive in the black convertible, and she explain to him when she reach her destination.

It was a sunny day, and the sky was clear blue with alittle cumulus clouds dotted in the sky. Symone wore a short sleeveless shirt that exposed her flat stomach with a few line of ab muscles. And a blue jean short, along with the gray strapped boots. She's not dressed her best, but it's better than nothing.

By the time they were out in the city and into the countryside, she pulled over and got out.

Trunks got out as well, "Why are we out here?" he asked as he shut the door.

"You wanted to know how I knew about the time machine, didn't you?" she asked and pulled out her case that held her capsules. She took on out and throw it a few yards away.

Trunks could not believe his eyes after the smoke cleared. He looked at the machine that stood there a few yards away, "The Time Machine." he said to himself, "But this can't be."

Symone walked towards the machine and placed her hand on the cold metal surface, "I know it's mind- boggling, but this is my Time Machine. My dad and grandmother remodeled the old one for me."

He walked up beside her and touched the time machine as well. He saw the letters of the word his mother wrote. He touched them as well, "I can't believe it." he said, then looked at Symone, who was already looking at him, "If this is the time machine you had all this time, then it means you have traveled from the future."

She nodded.

"How many years from the future?"

She thought about it, "How old are you?"


"22 years from the future." she told him.

Then sat on the ground with her back to the machine, "Let me tell you a short story. Well, I'll shorten it as much as possible." she looked at him, "When I first heard it, it was quite a long story; a saga even.

"A fighter of the Earth's Special Forces had died by a deadly virus, then the worse happened, new nemesis started to take shape on the Earth. And one by one, all the other members of the Earth's Special Forces lost their lives. It was thirteen years later, and the only people left to stop these pair of foes was a man and a boy.

"After a brutal battle, the man and boy had engaged, the man lost his arm, but that didn't stop him from training the boy.

"Even after losing his arm, the man had a rematch against his adversaries, and lost the battle and his life. He didn't want the boy to take part in this battle because he made him vulnerable. When the boy found out what happened to his master, it hurt him deeply. And he has never been the same, since then.

"Three years later, the boy is a young man, at the age of 17. He want to take on revenge for his master. His mother tries to stop him, but it was too late. When the boy faces his rivals, he learns very slowly that he is no match against them. And when it seemed like he was done for. He hears his mot- her's voice. He open his eyes, and see his mother's worried face. She was relieved to see that he was okay. He noticed that his body is wrapped in bandages. He apologied to her for running off, and he was ready.

"After a year, he was ready to take a journey, into the past."

She looked down, "He traveled into the past to find a way to destroy the androids." she told him, "I guess you know who I'm talking about." she said, then looked at him.

"You're my daughter, aren't you?" he asked her softly.

She smiled at him, "Yeah."

He sat down next to her, "I can't believe it." he said to himself, "But why are you here?"

She looked back down, "A minor mistake." she replied, with alittle shame in her voice, "I wasn't supose to be here." she caught his eyes again, "But I couldn't let you die out there. Or any other bystanders. So, I killed him; the Cell."

He gasped alittle, "You...killed that creature?"

She nodded slowly, "That's the first time I've killed something. And now that I think about it, I feel... bad and sick about it." she replied drawing her knees to her chest and hugged them.

From what Trunks can see, she looked alittle pale and scared.

"When I told my dad, I didn't think about it then. I just wanted him to be proud of me. Like he use to be." she said quietly, almost as if she was hurting emotionally.

He placed a hand on her shoulder. She became alittle tensed, as if he surprised her, or she forgot he was still sitting there. Trunks can feel her relaxing alittle.

She looked at him.

He smiled alittle, "I know how you feel." he can hear his own voice sound soothing, "I killed those androids, though I found a way to deactivate them. But after they were shut down, I still destroyed them. I did what I had to do." he rubbed her shoulder gently, "And you did, too."

She loosened her arms around her legs, "I knew what had to be done."

"And you kept other lives from being in danger. You saved a lot of people. But they don't need to know that. And it's best that way." he told her, removing his hand from her small shoulder.

"Thanks." she smiled at him, but there was still some sadness to it.

He noticed it, then something came to him, "And I think your father is already proud of you." he added.

"I guess you would know that." she said and looked back down, "So, what do you think of me?"

His expression changed alittle, "I... think it's weird, and cool at the same time."

She looked at him, "You know, I told Bulma the same thing. Well, almost."

His eyes widen alittle, "You told my mother?"

"I had to. She overheard my conversation on the phone, the first time I called my dad. I don't think you were here at that time." she told him.

"Oh." he sighed, "Why are you traveling through dimensions?"

"Well, the dimension my dad went to is distinguished from yours."

"How is that?"

"The dimension my dad went to has all the Z-Fighters alive, even Goku." she beginned, "The androids, except for 18, were destroyed."

"Androids?" he asked, "If you said 'androids except for 18', does that mean there were other androids?"

"Uh-huh. The android version of Dr. Gero and 19. They appeared before 17 and 18. And bio-android, Cell."

"How strange."

"Yeah, that's what my dad thought at that time. Well, about this dimension; the Trunks in that dimen- sion should be about sixteen or seventeen years old. And another thing is that I've talked to that Bulma, once a long time ago; when I was five years old."

"I see. Are you nervous?"

She looked down, "Yeah, alittle. I just hope that these people didn't forget about my dad. He did save Goku's life." she got up and brushed the seat of her pants.

"How did he save Goku's life?" he asked her, as he got to his feet as well.

"He brought the antidote to him, three years before the androids came."

"I'm sure they didn't forget him. If anyone remembers him, I'm sure that Bulma of that dimension does."

She smiled, "I'm glad I finally got to tell you."

He smiled back.

Symone turned to look at the time machine, "I better go."

"Do you have to?"

"I told you, I don't belong here. And it can make things worse if I continue to stay here."

"I understand." he said quietly, "But one thing."


"Who's your mother?"

Symone seemed almost shocked about the question, "Ah, I don't know if I should tell you."

"Why not?"

"It doesn't seem right. And besides, I don't think you'll meet her anytime soon. My parents met each other when my dad was 24 years old, going to a university."

"It still wouldn't hurt to say."

Symone exhaled lightly. She walked over to her convertible and pulled out her bag. She reached in for her purse and pulled out her wallet. Going through the compartments, she finally pulled out a small photograph. She walked back towards him and handed in the picture, "That's my mother."

A woman, around her early twenties, dark brown hair which covered her shoulders; milk chocolate skin; a small curved nose; and lovely brown eyes. She smiled sweetly, as much as Symone's smile.

He studied the picture, to compare this woman Symone claimed to be her mother. When he looked up, Symone was coming back towards him. He didn't see the black convertible, though.

He handed the picture back, "You resemble her a lot." he told her, *But she looks...familiar.*

She smiled alittle, "Thanks. People say I resemble both of my parents." she put the photograph back in her wallet.

He looked at her for a while, "Yeah, I guess you do." he said casually, then smiled alittle.

She smiled back, then looked at the time machine, "I gave your mother a hug good bye." she told him softly, almost emotional.

"I'm sure she was glad to have met you." he told her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

She smiled alittle, "Are you?"

He stared into her eyes for a good five seconds, "Yeah. I'm very glad." he told her.

Her eyes began to get moisten with emotions. To the male half Saiya-jin's surprise, she hugged him around his neck, while standing on tip-toes.

He had a surprise look on his face for a second, but then noticed that she was crying happy tears. He smiled alittle, then gently returned the hug.

She slowly dropped her arms, then wiped away the tears, "Sorry about that." she said in a trembling voice from the crying, "I can easy get sentimental at points." she turned her head to the side, "I'm very sensative. Little things get to me like that." she said as she turned back.

"Don't worry about it." he told her, "And I'm glad I got to see what kind of child I may have, if I ever make plans for something like that."

"I have a little brother." she told him.

"You do?" he asked her.

She nodded, "His name is Davion Leon Brief."

"How old is he?"


"What does he look like?"

"He has thick violet hair. Brown skin, and my dad's eyes." she told him, "He looks like a smaller version of my dad. Well, his face features, I mean."

"Oh, I see."

"Hey, um, Trunks?"


"I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'm gonna try and come back to this dimension again. One day." she told him and looked at the machine, "I really want to come back and see you."

"I wouldn't want your dad getting upset about that." he said.

"Me either, but I really want to see you again." she said.

"Me, too." he said, "I want you to go, before your dad worries about his only daughter." then he smiled, "Ok?"

Symone's face became a bit cheerful, "Okay." she replied, then levitated up to the top of the capsule canopy. She opened it, then got in. With the canopy lefted opened, she leaned over the side, "So long, Trunks." she said, while looking down at him.

"Good-bye." he waved.

She closed the canopy, then started the engine. The machine began to lift off. As soon as it was high in the air, it disappeared.

Trunks continued to watch the sky, *I hope I see you again. Some day.*

When Trunks landed in the yard of Capsule Corporation, after a flight home, he saw his mother waiting at the entrance to their living area. He walked up towards her. He gave her alittle smile, "You knew about her." he said and stopped in front of her.

Bulma smiled back, "She told me not to tell you." she folded her arms, "So, what do you think of her?"

"She was a nice kid." he said, "Though, she reminds me of someone." he said to himself, *Or is it that she resembles someone?*

Bulma looked at her son, "Are you gonna miss her?" she asked him, "You look like you're deep in thoughts."

He looked at her, "Not really."

She arched an eyebrow, "Oh? And why not?"

"She'll be back." he smiled alittle wider.

"What?" she tilted her head, "What makes you so sure?"

"She still has my sword at her capsule house."

The End Of Part 1. And Part Two Coming Soon...

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