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Character Proflie For This Fanfic---Symone's First Time Travel

Symone-Olivian Brief:
Age: 15 1/2-16
Gender: Female
Hair: Light Violet
Eyes: Blue
Occupation: Fighter/Daughter/Sister
Relatives: Audrey(Mother), Trunks (Father), Bulma (Grandmother), Davion (Brother)
Close Friends: Kimberly "Kimmi" Tousia
Hobby(ies): Sparring with her father and brother on a daily basis. Listening to music. Riding
her motorcycle. Hanging out with her friends. And flying.

Hate(s): Being walked in on her privacy (like when she's listening to her music or singing).
Being punished for something repulsive. And being called "Princess" by Trunks

Main Power: Shia Slash
Mentor(s): Trunks, Audrey & Vegeta (of the alternative timeline)

Necessary Info: Symone is a sweet and a compassionative person. She is Trunks and Audrey's only daughter and for a little while, the only child between her parents, until her brother was born when she was 7 years old.

Inspired by the story about her father's journey to the past, Symone decided, as a five year old girl, that she would one day travel to the past as well as meet these fighters she has heard so much about. But unfortunately, her mother, Audrey, died of what it seems to be, exhaustion, when Symone was 12 years old. And since then, Symone hasn't put much thought, into travelling the past anymore, because someone had to help take care of her baby brother, when father was working late hours and her grandmother wasn't in town.

When young Symone developed into a mid-ways troublesome teen at the age of 14, she and her father got into a terrible arguement and she ran away from home for three days, and living in a small dome-shaped house she stoled from her father. After she returned her father was worried sick, but something else was wrong, all of his worrying literally made him sick. It was heartache. She did everything she could to nurse him back to health, in order to make up for her behavior and absent days. She couldn't go through losing another parent, especially not this way. If she did, she'll live with the guilt for keeps. After those hard days, she changed her ways for her father. For good.

Symone, after a year, starts her training again, which she has neglected a week after her mother's funeral, she discovered that her brother gained the ability to become a Super Saiya-jin, which Symone has given up trying to do for five years. She becomes discouraged, after all, Davion has trained for only a little over a year to become a Super Saiya-jin.

After a year has passed Symone gets a great surprise in when her father and grandmother show her the new upgraded time machine they have secretly worked on. That's when Symone's adventure starts. (See Summaries for 'Symone First Time Travel' for her adventure in the past)

Unnecessary Info (and/or Scandals): She's a virgin, until she falls in love with Goten.
Her extremely long fine mane is real. She inherited that from her mother.
She got drunk one night and got a tattoo on her left arm. A red rose shaped like an 'S' which stands for her name.
She's not a slut, nor is she addicted to sex, well not at first. (Don't judge the girl by the way she is dressed.)
Her dad gives her nicknames that annoys her, like 'Sy-Sy', (Se-Se), 'Mone' (mon'nay), and 'Ne-Ne' (Nay-Nay)
Trunks sometimes call her 'Audrey' (In Volvania, she would be addressed as Audrey-Symone.)
Like her mother's name is originally 'Audrey-Simmone'. (Audrey named Symone after herself. Sort of.)