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You and the Nice Sesshoumaru

One day after school, you were walking home. You passed by the temple (which i forgot what it was really called) that your friends told you about. Some say it's haunted, some say it's cursed with evil demons, but you didn't believe them, so you went inside the temple anyways.You saw the well and looked into it, "It doesn't look that scary." you say and jumped in the well and a shiny bright light came out of nowhere came towards you.

Suddenly you notice you were on your butt.Then a girl and her friends comes up to you, "Hey, where did you come from?" she asked.

"I have no idea" you say.

"Well, since your here, my name is Kagome." she said, smiling. Then she point at this person that had dog ears and her friends and tell you their name.

"This is Inu yasha, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo."

"And this is Ky la la" Shippo tells you.

"Nice meeting you." everyone said except for Inu yasha.

"Nice meeting you too," and you told them your name. "Excuse, where am i exactly?" you asked

"Uh....long story" Kagome said with a slight giggle.

Miroku comes up to you and grab your hands, "You're a beautiful woman. Will you bare my--" he is silenced by hit on the head by Sango.

"Sorry, he can be an idiot sometimes." Sango said pulling Miroku away from you.

*sweatdrop* "Uh.....okay....I'll remember that." you said.

"Don't worry, we'll take you home. We promise." Kagome said.

Suddenly someone comes from out of the sky. He looks at you then hits you on the curve of your neck and shoulder. You felt pain and fainted while all your friends called out your name. Then you hear swords hitting and your friends shaking you to wake you up but you couldn't you felt paralised.

After all that you don't know what happened to you or your friends. All you know is that your friends left you behind. When you waked up in a cabin you saw a little girl.

"Hey who are you?" you asked

"Rin!" she reply, smiling at you.

You smiled back, "If, I may ask, where am I?" you asked.

"In a cabin!" Rin said.

You looked at Rin, and give her a smile and walked out the door, then a guy jumps out of the tree.

"Where are you going?" he asked you.

" I want to go back with my friends." you tell him, looking at him like you knew him.

" Well, you can't." he said.

"Why?" you asked, almost surpised.

"Because you might get lost if you try to look for them by yourself." he tells you. ,p>"I guess you have a point." you sighed.

"How about we go inside and some have tea?" he offered.

"Okay, by the way my name is..." you told him your name.

"My name is Sesshoumaru" he tells you. (you both walked in the cabin) "Sit here." he said, pulling out a chair.

"Thank you." you sat down looking at Rin and chatting with her, while Sesshoumaru was making tea. After he was done, he came out and gave you the tea cup he sat by you and Rin.

"Thank you for the tea." you said, giving him a slight smile.

"You're welcome." he said politely.

"So, will you help me go back with my friends?" you asked him.

He looks at you shockedly, "Do you really want to go back?"

"Yes!" you answer abruply.

"But I-I... Why?" he asked.

"Because they promised me they'll take me home." you said and smiled.

He slammed the table and the table break in half and the tea fall over. Rin got scared and ran outside. You were scared and looked at the table.

"But I don't want you to leave... I love you" he tells you, almost sadly.

"But we just met." you said.

"I don't care. I love you and I always will please don't leave." he begs you.

"But I--" you didn't take to finish your sentence because Sesshoumaru grabs you; one hand on your back, the other hand on your head and pulls you into him and his gentle lips was on top of yours. You had your eyes opened widely and you closed your eyes slowly and kept kissing him.

After the kiss you parted from him quickly and turned around blushing.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Uh...nothing... Nothing." you said while still blushing.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. It's just that I--" he paused, because you put your hand on his cheek and smiled.

"It's ok." you said

He smiled back. "Would you like to go back with your friends?" he asked sadly.

"Yes, please" you said and looked down.

"Okay. We better start moving then." he said

"Okay, but aren't you gonna take Rin with you?" you asked him, worried about the girl's safety.

"Rin?" he called.

The little girl walks up to Sesshoumaru.

"Would you like to come with us, Rin?" he asked her.

She shakes her head, no; she didn't want to go, so we left without her. You were worried about her but Sesshoumaru said she can take care of herself.

You catch up with your friends.

"Hello everyone. I'm back!" you said excitedly.

Everyone said hi and ask questions about where you've been. You tell them.

Then you saw InuYasha and Sesshoumaru looked at eachother.

"Inu Yasha what's wrong?" you asked.

"Him, the one who tried to kill me" Inu Yasha said.

"But it can't be. He's kind" you tell him.

"No, he isn't. He's my brother and he came back to kill me." he said.

"But he took me back to you guys. How can he be the one who wants to kill you?" you ask him, getting upset with Inu Yasha.

Inu Yasha ignores you and charge towards Sesshoumaru with his Tetsusiaga, "Die" Inu yasha yells.

But he missed causing Sesshoumaru to jump on a tree and he took out his whip and he whiped at inu Yasha but he jumped away.

"Please stop fighting!" you yelled.

Sesshoumaru looked at you but Inu yasha ignored you and slashed Sesshoumaru.

"Noooo!" you sreamed.

He fell down to the ground. You cried and ran towards him.

"Sesshoumaru, are you okay?" you ask him with tears rolling down your cheeks. He touched your face to wipe your tears.

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry." he said with a faint voice.

You glare at Inu yasha,"How could you?!" you said glaring at him.

He looked at you and turned around.

You turned to sesshoumaru.

"Come on, lets take you home." you said, putting his arm shoulder, to help him up, and took him home.

Your friends just looked at you until you dissapeared in the forest.

You got to the cabin and saw Rin playing with sticks and rocks. As she saw you come in she started crying, because she saw Sesshoumaru in pain.

"Please don't cry, he'll be ok. I promise." you tell her.

She stopped, at smiled at you.

You went to the room you were in when you were unconscious and put him on the bed.

"You'll be fine here." you said smiling and touching Sesshoumaru's cheek. "I thought you wanted to go home." he said

"I decided not to." you tell him.

"What? Why?" he asked you, surprised of your change of plans.

"Because I found my place. where I want to be and who I want to stay with." you tell him, smiling.

He smiled back and grabbed your head pulling it closer to his face and kissed you. As you two parted away from eachother you both smiled.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you, too." you say, giving him a hug

Three years later, you stayed with him and trying to forget about your home.

But you didn't care about any of that. All you cared was that you had Sesshoumaru and Rin in your life who really loved you. The End