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Mai's Revenge

Written by: Beatrix

Author's Note: This is a fic that I just felt like doing. So don't be mad if there are some wierd parts in here. Oh, and be totally honest about what you think. Most of the cards I mention are the cards I have. I don't really know Mai's cards except Harpy Lady and magic cards. This is only one part of the fic. A lot more will be coming.

Mai was looking out the window of her classroom thinking about the tournament on Duelist Kingdom. "I wonder if I could ever have a second chance at that," she thought to herself, "A second chance at going for the gold." Her thoughts were interupted as the fourth period bell rang. It was Tuesday afternoon and she remembered that she had P.E. during fifth period. Today's sport was volleyball. "Dammit!" she said to herself, "I despise P.E.!" While she was yelling about fifth period, Tea came up to her.
" Hey Mai."
Mai was startled by Tea in her deep thinking. " Huh? Oh, Tea!"
" Hey just wanted to remind you that today was P.E."
" Not that I didn't know that."
Tea looked at Mai puzzled. " But today's volleyball, and your so good at it."
" I know."
" If ya know, than why do you hate P.E. so much?" ?
" It's just that I'm so good at volleyball, that the stupid coach is always showing me off in front of the other people."
" Oh. So that's why your always faking sick on volleyball day!" she laughed a suppose-to-be-evil laugh. All the students stared at Mai and Tea.
" Shut up!" her eyes glowed with fire. " The faculty doesn't need to know, let alone the whole stinkin' school!!!"
" Okay, okay! Coach just wanted me to tell ya that she wants to see you today at class or she's gonna blow."
" Fine. I'll go. But I won't like it." Tea smiled at her success. After they finished dressing, Mai and Tea looked in the mirror. Mai was putting her hair up in high ponytail as Tea asked, " Do you like Joey?"
" Hm? What kind of question is that!?"
" I dunno. Just wondering." Mai looked at Tea as they walked to the field.
" What did she mean by "Do you like Joey"?" she thought to herself.
" Well, I haven't seen you in two weeks, Ms. Valentine," said Coach Yukimura.
" Um, yeah. Well, I've been really busy, you know with Duelist Kingdom, and all."
" Right. Well, start warming up. We'll be playing a game for a half hour."
" Like I didn't know that...." Mai said in a whisper to Tea.
" You better watch that mouth of yours, Valentine!"
" Gommenassai, Coach Yukimura" Mai and Tea then left to warm up.
" You better watch what you say around Yukimura," warned Tea.
" Pssh. I don't give a damn about what Yukimura thinks. All I say is that she's a loud-mouthed, ass-hole, toothpick P.E. teacher!"
" She's no skinnier than you are, Mai."
" That's beside the point!" Tea looked at Mai with her okay-if-you-say-so expression. "Don't look at me like that!" They were both interupted by Joey, Triston, and Yugi.
" Hm? What do you want?" asked Mai.
" I can see that your still as loud-mouthed as ever!" critisized Joey.
" Is that suppose to be a criticism?"
" It depends on your definition of criticism."
" You are such a doofus."
" What!? Why you little-"
Triston held him back as he said, " Come on dude, she ain't worth it."
Mai's eyes grew with fire. " Not worth it! Excuse me Mr. I-can't be-polite-to-a-lady!"
Triston yelled back, " Well at least I can come up with better criticisms than that!"
" Oh? Try."
" Okay! Um, ur, um, pass?"
" Ha ha! You can't even come up with one thing to say!" Triston grew red. Before you knew it, they were all fighting in a cloud of dust.
Tea and Yugi sweatdroped ^_^'. " O-kay. This must be their way of warming up."
They were interupted by the Coach. " Okay. Now that you' re all warmed up, we'll split into teams of ten. The pickers will be Valentine and Wheeler."
When they finished picking teams Mai made the game more intense by saying, " Hmph! We are SO going to beat you!"
" I'm sure you will, " replied Joey.
" Enough babbling!" yelled Coach. " Okay, BEGIN!" She threw the ball up. Mai jumped up and spiked the ball on the other side, with everybody running but Joey.
" Hey! This is volleyball, meaning hitting it back!" BOOM! Joey was hit smack dab in the middle of his face. " Ow!" he yelled rubbing his face. " Dammit, Mai! You don't have to hit it that hard!" But the ball came falling back down, but luckily he escaped in the knick of time. After an hour passed, the score was 50 to 0.
Tea and Mai high fived. " Go us! Go us!" they chanted in front of Joey and his team of boys. " Hehe!" giggled Mai. " Nice make-up." she said as she looked at Joey's pink face.
" That ain't funny!" yelled Joey.
" Lighten up, Joey" said Tea. " It was just a game."
" Sure. It was just a game....... THAT TURNED MY FACE BLOODY RED!!!!"
" It's a good look for you," convinced Mai. " Well, you better than you used to, at least."
" Oh! That's it!" yelled Joey. As he ran towards Mai, she put her hand on his face from keeping from moving. Steam started coming out. "YEOWWWWWW!!!!! DON'T TOUCH MY FACE!!! IT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!"
" Is it my fault that you underestimated my volleyball skills?" Joey was silent. " I didn't think so. Your just lucky that it wasn't basketball. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" She and Tea walked off into the bathroom to change.
" You really gotta stop picking fights with Mai, Joey, " warned Triston. " I mean, if your gonna ask her out, might as well do it the easy way and just ask her."
Joey stopped after Triston said these words. " 'Scuse me? Ask her out? Your talking about asking Mai Valentine. Besides, even if I do ask her, she'll just say no."
" Why don't you just ask? See for yourself, " Yugi tried to convince Joey.
" Like I said. She'll probably slap me after she's done yappin' at me."
Yugi siged. " Mai's not like that all the time Joey. You gotta give her chance." Joey was silent.
Mai and Tea came out from the restroom. " What's up guys?" asked Tea.
" Nothin'!" they all said in unicen.
" Nothing usually means something!" informed Mai. " I've known that since I was five!!!"
" No really!" Yugi defended them.
" Well, if you say so. Let's go Tea. We're gonna be late for science."
" But Mai, we don't have-"
Mai put her hand over Tea mouth. " Heheh. We'll be going now! Heheh!"
Tea took Mai's hands off her mouth. " Mai! We don't have science on Tuedays! You never lie to Yugi! What the hell is going on!?"
" I promised Akira and Sakura that we'd meet them during sixth period."
" But we can't skip that subject! We're always there! Won't he suspect?"
" Oh please! That old geezard doesn't even know our names!"
" Harsh, but true." Tea thought for a long time. " Alright. He never gives out homwork anyways." They both walked around the school until they came up to a large brick wall. " We're not gonna smoke or do drugs, are we?"
" Of course not! We may ditch, but we're not dummies!" Fifteen minutes passed. " Dammit! Where are they!" All of a sudden two figures came towards them. " Akira! Sakura! Where have you been! We almost left!"
" Sorry!" apologized Akira.
" The stupid science teacher asked us where we were going," explained Sakura.
" Anyways," said Mai," We better do what we came here to do."
" What are we doing?" asked Tea.
" Well, we're gonna-" Mai was startled by the voice she just heard.
" So, ditching english again, eh girls?"
Akira gasped. " Oh my god! Guys!" In front of them were Yugi, Joey, and Triston. " W-what are you doing here!?"
" Well," answered Yugi. " Mai and Tea were actin' pretty freaked out so we grew suspicious."
" Damn!" yelled Sakura. " Now we can't even do what we came here to do....."
" Come on guys!" said Tea pushing the boys into the building. " We're not doing anything. So you can just leave now! Heheh." After she finally convinced them nothing was happening she sighed heavily. " Anyways. What were you gonna say Mai?"
Mai, Akira, and Sakura blinked. " We were just gonna test out our skills."
" Hm? Test our skills at what?"
" Dueling, no duh! It's been three months since we came back from Duelist Kingdom."
" Oh! Okay!"
After they finished the duels the final round was between Mai and Akira. It was the last move. The life points were 500(Mai) to 600(Akira.) Akira drew a card. "Hah. Nobody has ever beaten this card!" Mai looked at her. " Okay! At least all the people I've dueled against." She showed Mai her card.
Mai gasped. " The Wingweaver! How the hell am I suppose to beat that card!?"
" Wingweaver! Attack Fairy's Gift!" Mai's card went to the graveyard.
" Darn!" Mai drew a card. Mai grinned. " First, I'll put this card face down. Then I put down Harpie's Brother and use Horn of the Unicorn to make it's attack 2500."
" Hah! Your Harpie's Brother is still to weak to beat my Wingweaver! Wingweaver attack!"
" To bad! You activated my trap card, Waboku!"
" Shoot!"
Mai drew another card. " Yes! You are so dead! I attach Rush Recklessly to Harpie's Brother to make his attack 3200! Harpie's Brother, attack!"
Akira's card was sent to the graveyard. " No! I was so close!"
" Okay! Now hand over the $10!"
" Pssh. Fine" Akira took out her purse and gave Mai a $10 dollar bill.
" That was fun! Let's go home. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Mai then left to her house. She threw her bag on the floor of her room happy that she finished all her homework. She changed from her uniform into a light purple t-shirt and navy blue shorts. She took out her CD and put it in her CD player. It played her favorite song, 'One Card Short.' She danced to the music until her mother opened the door. Mai sat down embarrassed. " Heheh. Whatcha want?"
" Oh. This came in the mail for you," her mother smiled as her golden hair shined brightly from the sun's reflection.
Mai took the letter from her mother's hand. " Um, thanks." She opened the letter. It read:
Dear Mai Valentine,
You are invited to join us to have a shot at becoming the top duelist in a second Duelist Kingdom. The ship will depart at the docks at 3:00 p.m. sharp on May 2. You will be acomponied by 100 more duelists. Further details will be told at the meeting on the ship.
Hajime Ryojoji
" Hajime? Where have I heard that name before?" She thought for a long time. ".......... AHHHH!!!!! HE'S THE BASTARD THAT I WENT TO JUNIOR HIGH WITH!!!!"
" Hajime Ryjoji. Oh! He was such a..... such a...... well, he wasn't one of my favorite boys that you brought home."
" AW, SHUT UP!!! I am so gonna enter and then kick his ass for taking advantage of me!"
" Your leaving again?"
" I gotta!"
" Oh alright." Mai packed her clothes and her cards, and this time made sure she brought food with her. She slept peacefully thinking about ways to hurt Hajime after their duel.
The next day, during sixth period Akira, Sakura, Joey, and Yugi ran up to her. " Hm? Whaddya want?"
" That's rude!" yelled Joey.
" Whatever. What is it?"
" Did you get the letter?"
" Yup."
" You goin'?"
" Yup."
" But it's Hajime Ryojoji!" added Akira. " 'Member? The cute, but cheap guy we went to junior high with."
" Yup. That's why I'm going. I get to test out my skills, and then after I beat him in our duel, kick his ass."
" For what?" asked Yugi.
" For cheating on me and taking advantage of me. I'm just thinking about how I'm gonna hurt him. " And then she looked at Joey. " Hm. Maybe. That could really come in handy if someone tried to hurt me! Yeah!"
" What!? Is there something on my face?" asked Joey.
" Nothing. Nothing. We leave tomorrow after school, right?"
" Yup," answered Sakura. " But, one problem."
" What?" asked Akira confused. " Finals start tomorrow."
" What!? But! How! Why!"
Mai smirked. " Well, Tea and Triston weren't invited were they?"
" No," answered Tea as she interupted thier conversation. " But I'll just sneak on board. It worked last time."
" What about Triston."
" He'll probably do the same."
" Darn! Who can...... Just have your parents, or somethin' sign a paper. We can't miss this tournament!" Your folks did say 'yes' didn't they?
" Well, duh!" answered Joey.
" Come on! We're only freshmans! We can make up for it next year when we're sophmores!"
" Guess she's right. Let's go!"
The bell rang as the group went home to pack up any extra things. Mai got out her CD player and the 'One Card Short' CD. Her final thing was her trusty volleyball. She bounced it and said,
" Don't fail me now!" She slept and then after school they all met at the docks. " You guys ready?" They all nodded. Then let's go! They all boarded the ship as they awaited the duels they would have.

Author's Note: Whatcha think? Be honest! There's gonna be another part soon.

The Owner of the Site: I liked it!! Can't wait for part two! People, e-mail Beatrix