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Session 12: "Jupitar Jazz"

Spike's sitting around when he suddenly notices it is uncommonly hot onboard the Bebop. Turns out, Faye split, but not before sabotaging the Bebop so that she couldn't follow them. Spike would have been perfectly happy letting her go...if it wasn't for the fact that she also cleaned out the safe!

So, Ed traces her to a settlement on Jupitar where they pick up the codename of some form of deal...something called Julia. Spike's already out of the room headed for the Swordfish II, in search of his mystery woman. Jet runs out, trying to talk some sense in him. Fed up, Jet tells him that if he leaves, he won't be allowed back on. It's a tough choice, but Spike tells him to keep looking for his woman...he's going to find his!

On Jupitar, Faye is sitting in a bar listening to a violinist. She's spending her stolen wulongs, and rather enjoying life.

On Jupitar, Spike runs into a group of men who want to steal his money and his...drugs? Turns out, Vicious will soon be on Jupitar! Spike takes them out and runs to find out more.

Meanwhile, Faye has left and eventually goes through the same allyway. She puts up a good fight, but the violinist takes her away. After a little time with the violinist, who's name is Gren, he runs off to take a shower. While at his apartment, a phone call comes in for him. The voice on the answering machine turns out to be Vicious!

Spike has just met up with Vicious, but his bodyguard, Lin, refuses to move. Lin pulls his gun and fires...

Faye, gun drawn, heads into the batroom to ambush Gren, only to find he has...female parts? Looking down, she also notices a specific male part!

So, to recap, Faye's being held captive by a he/she, and Spike just took a bullet in the heart!