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Constitution for the UCU JPOP Culture Club 2003

The name of the Club shall be the gUniversity of Canberra Union JPOP Culture Club Pty Ltdh herein referred to as the gClubh.

The Club shall be a Cultural and Hobby Society.

The object of the Club shall be to provide at the University of Canberra: a forum for all those interested in the popular culture of Japan. Specifically in the areas of anime, manga, and music. Other Japanese popular culture will also be shared such as computer games and movies. The gatherings of the Club is to promote Japanese popular culture in a friendly, accessible and relaxing atmosphere for members of the University of Canberra Union.

4.1 All members of the University of Canberra Union shall be eligible for membership to the Club.
4.2 Any person eligible under e4.1f of this constitution shall, upon payment for the annual subscription, be deemed a member or associate member as the case may be of the Club and be bound by these rules.
4.3 The annual subscription for membership shall be AUS$10.00 payable on or prior to attendance to screenings.

The Office bearers for this Club is recommended by the President of the Club. These recommendations are put forward to the Club members at the AGM or IGM (Inaugural General Meeting) and if there are no unsolvable objections are appointed as Office Bearers.

6.1 The club shall have an Executive Committee consisting of:
E President
E Vice President
E Treasurer
E Secretary
6.2 There will also exist a optional committee position of egeneral committee membersf that can be created by the Executive Committee.
6.3 The Committee of the Club shall be elected in accordance with clause e5f of this constitution.
6.4 The Committee shall hold office from their election until the next Annual General Meeting, provided that any member of the Committee may (at any time) retire by giving written notice to the Secretary two weeks prior to retirement, or may be dismissed from office by any general meeting of the Club. The Committee may act by majority of its members and may continue to act, not withstanding any vacancy in its membership.
6.5 If the Secretary desires to retire he or she must hand in a written notice to the President two weeks prior to retirement.
6.6 The general body of the Club may, in a general meeting, elect any member of the Club to fill any casual vacancy that may occur in the General Committee.

7.1 Signatories for the Club bank account are: the Sports Club Officer; President; Vice-President; and Treasurer.
7.2 All cheques must be signed by two (2) signatories.
7.2.1 One of the signatories as per e7.2f must be the President of the Club.

8.1 All assets and Property of the Club shall be vested in the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer for the time being of the club and they shall deal therewith in such a manner as they may be directed by the Club in general meetings or by the committee pursuant to the authority conferred on it in this regard by the Club in the General Meeting.
8.2 If, on the winding up or dissolution of the Club, there remain, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any monies or properties whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Club, but shall be paid or transferred to the University of Canberra Union, as determined by the Activities Sub-Committee of the Union Board of Management.

Where a Club or Society enters into dispute, either within or outside the Club/Society, if the Clubs and Societies Officer is satisfied that the Club/Society cannot function either effectively or appropriately, they may recommend to the Activities Committee action which the University of Canberra Union can take in order to aid in resolution of the issue.

10.1 The Presiding Officer
10.1.1 The presiding officer at any General meeting at the Club shall be the President of the Club; in the absence of the President; the Vice President shall preside.
10.1.2 In the absence of both the President and Vice President the members present and voting shall elect one of the members of their members to preside.
10.1.3 The presiding officer shall retain their deliberating vote, and in the case of an equal division of votes on an issue, may exercise a casting vote.
10.2 The quorum at the general meeting of the Club shall be a number of the memberfs equivalent to 30% of the number of persons, who are ,at the advertised opening time of the meeting, members of the Club.
10.3 Notice of intent to hold a General Meeting of the Club must be prominently displayed at Union access at least 7 days prior to the proposed date of the meeting.
10.4 The Agenda will close 4 days before the advertised date of the meeting, and will be distributed no later than 2 days before the advertised date of the meeting.
10.5 General Meetings of the Club other than the Annual General Meeting, may be called when directed by
10.5.1 50% or more members to discuss a specific area or concern to the members of the club
10.5.2 the Committee
10.5.3 The Union as there affiliate body
10.5.4 The rules and regulations that define and direct the Club
10.6 Unless otherwise stated in this document, General Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the University of Canberra Union Orders/ The normal rules for Debate.

The Annual General Meeting of the Club must be conducted in accordance with the rules for General Meetings as outlined in section e9f and must
E Receive a Presidential Report
E Receive a statement of accounts for the preceding year
E Elect Office Bearers for the ensuing year
E Transact any Business, notice of which shall have been duly submitted to the Secretary.

12.1 The Presiding Officer
12.1.1 The presiding officer at any General meeting at the Club shall be the President of the Club; in the absence of the President; the Vice President shall preside.
12.1.2 In the absence of both the President and Vice President the members present shall vote and elect one of the members of their members to preside.
12.1.3 The presiding officer shall retain their deliberating vote, and in the case of an equal division of votes on an issue, may exercise a casting vote.
12.1.4 The quorum for a committee meeting of the Club shall consist of no less than 50% of the committee as defined in clause e6.1 and 6.2f.

The committee shall have the power to manage the Club in accordance with this Constitution, and for this purpose shall have such powers, authorities, duties and functions as may be conferred on it by resolution of the Club in a general meeting.

14.1 President
The President shall be responsible to the Union Board of Management for the Financial and general management of the Club and in addition to any other duties assigned by the committed or a general meeting of the Club and shall:
14.1.1 Be the Spokesperson for and on behalf of the Club.
14.1.2 Preside at all meetings of the Club when present.
14.1.3 Liaise with the Union Board of Management through the Activities Sub Committee.
14.1.4 Prepare a report for the preceding year for the Annual General Meeting.
14.1.5 Prepare a report for the preceding year for the Clubfs & Societies Officer detailing:
E The achievement/activities throughout the year
E Participation
E Finances for the year
E Any interests or concerns regarding the Club
14.1.6 Is a signatory on the Club bank account.
14.1.7 Ensure that all expenditure is authorised
14.1.8 Is directly responsible to the Union for the actions of the Club.
14.2 Vice President
The Vice-President in addition to any other duties assigned by President, the committee or a general meeting of the Club shall
14.2.1 Act in the capacity of, and carry out the duties for the President if the President is unable to so act.
14.2.2 Disseminate any information as directed by the committee
14.2.3 Promote the Activities of the Club
14.2.4 May be a signatory on the Club Bank account
14.3 Secretary
The Secretary is responsible for the maintenance of the Club non-financial records, and in addition to any other duties assigned by the committee or a general meeting of the Club shall:
14.3.1 Update and maintain membership lists and relevant details
14.3.2 Be responsible for the production of agenda for all meetings outlined in this constitution
14.3.3 Be responsible for taking the minutes for all meetings outlined in this constitution, and the transcription of these minutes into the Club minutes.
14.3.4 Maintain the Club folder at the Union Access counter.
14.3.5 Maintain all other non-financial papers and documents of the Club.
14.3.6 Ensure that the committee is aware of all duties and responsibilities of the Club when involved in any agreement of sponsorship.
14.4 Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible for the day to day finances of the Club and, in addition to any other duties assigned by the committee or a general meeting of the Club, shall
14.4.1 Receive subscription fees from members
14.4.2 Is a signatory on the Clubs bank account
14.4.3 Issue receipts for all monies received by the Club
14.4.4 Deposit all monies received on behalf of the Club directly into the Club bank account
14.4.5 Maintain copies of all receipts issued and received on behalf of the Club
14.4.6 Maintain Club finances in a simple and legible manner approved by the Clubs & Societies Officer
14.4.7 Arrange Club annual audit with the Clubs & Societies Officer
14.4.8 Present to each committee meeting an accurate report detailing Club finances
14.4.9 Prepare a complete financial report for the Annual general Meeting, this should include a certified copy of the most recent auditors report.
14.5 Optional Committee Members
As per 6.2 of this constitution the Executive Committee holds the option to create egeneral committee membersf, whose duties are flexible and are for any purpose that the executive committee deems necessary for the smooth running of the Club.
14.5.1 This may include some minor tasks for a limited time period, that fall under the duties of the Secretary and Treasurer.

If, due to unfortunate circumstances, it becomes necessary to remove rights of membership from a member of the club, the issue must first be discussed with the Clubs & Societies Officer. If their approval is gained, and the committee gives a unanimous recommendation for loss of membership rights the committee may withdraw membership rights from the relevant member. This action must be ratified at a general meeting of the Club.
15.1 If the action involves a member of the committee of the Club, they are suspended from that position until that issue is resolved.

These rules may be replaced or amended, or new rules made, by a two thirds majority of those members present and voting, at any Annual General Meeting or Special general Meeting, provided that notice of such a proposal, repeal, amendment, or new rule has been given to the Secretary in writing no less than five weeks before such meeting.