04/09/2003; THURSDAY 9.30AM
Different from earlier in the term, all body parts have been remodeled after discovering the abilities of subdivisional modeling to aid me with my goal of creating visibly realistic deformation of the human body. While it has its advantages and disadvantages within the modeling process, its benefits come back later as it allows easier and more controlled deformation of surfaces, which can be more readily applied to sliders.
Like earlier in the term, the shapes were modeled on artistic representations of muscle groups I collected earlier in the term. I was very happy with the results.
The chest lacks definition at this stage, as it will most likely be hidden under clothing. I would like to add more definition, which subdivisions allow plenty of, but as long as the main muscles groups are seen moving under the clothing, that is my main goal.
An example of the two modes subdivision has to offer. On the left the base polygon mode that allows the base level movement of vertex's and faces, as well as the extension and extrusion of faces. On the right, in standard mode, the object is open to vertex manipulation at a level 2 definition.
Just a silhouette to emphasis the muscle definition and the hand-placed points that make up the model.
The skeleton while quite quick and rough in design, made from mainly extended and shaped polygons, serves as an excellent reference and will serve as an excellent skeleton on which to place the muscles for deformation. These are some areas I will return to for greater definition and interaction with muscle definition later in the process. For example, I wish the scapula to influence the skin movement more.
Subdivisions make the controlling and merging of the basic polygons of objects much easier to setup, especially later in the creation process. While loosing many handy manipulation tools specific to Nurbs modeling, the ability to refine vertex's based on the chosen level of definition adds a huge advantage to subdivisions.
Unfortunately many attach and merge problems have occured during the making
of the model. An excellent experience on what not to do. I am eagerly refining
my work methods.