Julian Losse
- Nicknames: Draw, Julie, Mindmaster
- Hair: black
- Eyes: brown
- Age: 15 (?)
- Color/Element Base: pink/yellow
- Weapons/Attacks: snowball dandruff attack, confuse enemy, hypnotize,book/axe, javelin, crossbow, fists/bodymass, mule kick
- Polymorph Self: Basilisk
- Familiar: ?
- Color Meanings: YELLOW-Intelligence, The Sun, Memory, Imagination, Breaking Mental Blocks, Element of Air, Self-Esteem, Charisma, Confidence, Charm, New Home, and Wisdom, Obsession. PINK- Maturity, Caring, Nuturing, Healing of Emotions, Peace, Plantetary Good Will, Honor, Friendship, Fidelity, and Morality.
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