Before you proceed to the media section, please keep these things in mind:
1.) I did not actually make these media files. They were gathered mainly from WinMx which is a free file sharing program. I really recommend it, because unlike KaZaa, there's TONS of files with MoMusu stuff and any other JPOP. So if you don't have it already, consider downloading it n.n.
2.) Alright, I really am generous having these files on my site. SO I really don't want these files direct linked. If I find out that these are direct linked. .I'm going to be...RAWR mad. I don't even think it's possible direct linking media files on Angelfire, so be kind and do not do it!
3.) These are not watermarked by me, so go ahead and take them and use them for personal use or on your site. All I ask is that you credit me by linking one of my buttons or banners on your site. I will love you soo much if you do that for me n.n.
4.) One word, bandwidth. So take it easy on this site. No multiple downloads, download them one at a time. If there is a problem or a broken link, please contact me or post it in the guestbook. Much thanks!
Agree to all of these? Super-Cool! (lol) Then check the box below and proceed on.
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