A Song of Fire, Lightning and Ice

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon. Iris, Clive, Melodye, Byron, Wraithmon, Polarmon and all the other characters I made up are mine. Copyrighted to me. Don’t steal them

N.B: The prologue is for the whole thing.


The battle between light and dark has raged on for centuries. Before the earth was made, before the digiworld was made, before time had begun, the light and the dark fought a war. Nobody knows what started it, and nobody knows if it will ever end. Even now it still rages above our heads and below our feet.

It is fabled that some time ago, before we were made, the light and the darkness took on forms. The light took on the form of a beautiful angel, and the dark took on the form of a horrid demon. This was when time started.

We’re not quite sure how it started, or how it will end. We know however that this was when the earth was made. The earth was a battleground for the light and the dark. They constructed it, in their chosen forms to suit themselves. For years still they fought their never-ending battle upon the battleground known as earth.

After many eons of fighting, the darkness seemed to be gaining the upper hand. The light, which had nothing left to do to defend itself; split the earth into five parts. Five different realms, the realm of fire and the realm of ice. The realm of Air, or the spirit world. The realm of Lightning, or the digiworld. And the realm of earth, or the human world. Among these the light hid and regained it’s power.

Because the light was easily able to move through the different realms, the darkness had no way of keeping up with it. so in order to keep track of where it was going, it made it’s own realm, linked to all the others. The realm of darkness.

So the light in order to avoid the darkness, made another realm, completely apart from the rest. The realm of light. And so the battle raged, for eons more. While it did though, life had begun to grow in each of the five realms. The inhabitants watched on in fear as the two battled.

I don’t know what happened, but it seems that over the years the battle just became a mere turning of the day into night. The battle between the light and darkness is just another faerie story. But somewhere deep beneath the surface the battle still rages on. And one day it will show, either the light or the darkness will win, and that will be the end of time.


Dear Diary:

It’s been so long since we last fought in the digiworld, almost four years now. I wonder what’s happening there. You can’t leave the digiworld for a few years without it getting itself into trouble. It seems that everything bad always happens there. maybe not, considering how long it’s managed to hold out.

A lot of things have changed since then. Actually not that much has changed. We’re all in high school now. Yolie and Ken are in their last year, TK, Davis and I are in out second year and poor little Cody has only just started. Apart from that it’s all pretty much exactly the same.

Davis still wears those stupid goggles my brother gave him. And he still plays soccer. I’m surprised now that he know there’s someone better then him, he took it pretty well. He still thinks he’s the best though, oh well him and Ken are friends.

TK plays basketball still, he’s really good, and his team always wins. He’s also become really good at writing. He wrote a poem and it was put in this young writer’s competition and won. It was about how he felt when Angemon sacrificed himself to defeat Devimon. It was really good.

Yolie is got into the habit of playing with any sort of electrical appliance that is in her sight. She tampers with them and it doesn’t always turn out good. She almost got electrocuted once, I don’t know how but she told me about it. She also has practically inherited her parents’ shop. Her other siblings hardly ever do any work there. She always has to go and work there.

Cody still does Kendo with his grandpa. I think he’s even using a real sword. It’s funny seeing little Cody with this huge sword. He’s still really quiet and reserved though. If he didn’t go to the same school as us we probably would hardly see him.

It’s the same with Ken. He doesn’t even go to our school, but I sometimes see him around. Him and Yolie are getting close, or at least I think they are. I don’t think he’s forgotten what he did. Every time I do see him he looks really guilty, as if he’s stolen a cookie and wants to admit it but wont.

Me, I’m doing photography at school. It’s really fun, I love taking pictures of things. I took some really good photos of my brothers wedding day. Sora looked so pretty, but in every picture Taichi was doing something stupid. As usual.

Also the other guys have changed, sort of. Joe is a real doctor now, I haven’t gone to his clinic yet, but that’s probably because I haven’t been sick. But if I do go there at least I know I can trust him. I remember I seen his hand writing once, it’s so messy. I wonder, my friend told me that they teach people at med. school to write like that. Well if they did Joe definitely got a good mark.

Matt’s still trying to be a rock star, and he’s doing a pretty good job too. He’s number one in the charts now. The song is called ‘Don’t be afraid’. All my friends are totally in love with him. They’re always asking me to get his autograph.

Mimi still lives in America. She told us that she was going to move back last year, but then she got a modeling contract so she stayed. She’s so lucky, I mean of course she’d be a model she’s so pretty. I still hope she moves back, we all miss her lots.

Izzy’s only just got out of school, last year. He hasn’t changed at all. Every time we see him he’s got his computer with him. He’s always coming up with these crazy theory’s, even now. He got offered a scholarship to go over to America to study at one of their collages, but he turned it down! He said that the people in America are useless and going to collage over here would be better. He’s a strange one. I just think he’d get home sick, that’s the reason he didn’t go.

I have a feeling something’s going to happen soon. I’m not sure what, but something. I hope the digiworld isn’t in trouble, I couldn’t stand seeing digimon getting hurt, for any reason. What am I saying? Nothing bad is going to happen it’s probably just my mom’s meatloaf, as Taichi would say.

Oh I gotta go now.
Love Kari

Chapter 1: Introduction

“Hey Kari! Wait up!” Davis yelled running up to Kari and TK.

“What is it Davis?” TK asked, looking quite annoyed.

“What are you talking about TB I just want to walk with my good friend Kari here.”

“Whatever” TK mumbled continuing next to Kari.

“Sorry Davis, but me and TK are having a… private conversation right now.”

“Wha…” Davis stopped and stared at the two in shock, “ Uhh but Kari, I was going to…” Davis trailed off noticing Kari and TK had gone back to their previous conversation, ignoring him, “invite you to my soccer match…” he whispered to himself. He glanced at the two once more before slowly turning around and walking in the other direction.


“Hee, Hee, I just feel eviler and eviler every day.” Witchmon smiled to herself.

She sat in an extravagantly decorated throne, hunched over a small crystal ball that sat on the back of some unfortunate digimon. Her long messy gray hair hung loosely from under the pointy black hat that adorned her head. Her yellow eyes were locked on an image inside the glowing ball. Her bony hands hung over the ball; occasionally a nail would scrape against the crystal, creating a screeching noise, sending shivers up the spine of any digimon in the area.

“Bakemon!” she yelled, not looking up from her ball.

“Yes mistress.” A whispering voice echoed from no where. The ghastly wraith digimon materialized in front of Witchmon.

“I think it’s about time we made our presence here noticed.” She hissed in her croaky old voice.

“Yes mistress.” The Bakemon whispered, disappearing as if it had never been there.

Witchmon shifted her eyes from the ball to the ceiling as she let out a deafening cackle. Digimon all around the area hid in terror of the malicious laughter that rang through the halls of the grey stone castle.


Yolie bustled busily about her parents’ shop; she really needed to hire some help. Her parents were going out more frequently these days, saying she was old enough and responsible enough to look after the shop by herself. At first she thought it was fun, but the amount of customers had slowly increased and she was getting overworked. And her sisters didn’t have to do half as much work as her, but it was good for the money.

“Hey, hello I’ve been waiting here for ages, you gonna serve me?” a rude customer yelled at her, waving a piece of paper in her face.

“I’m so sorry sir.” She sighed and served the man. She heard the bell of the door go again, and sighed.

‘Not another customer, I know its good for business but at the way I’m going I’m gonna have heart attack by the time I’m 20’ she thought to herself. She glanced up at the person that had just walked through the door and was pleasantly surprised to find Davis. This could be the chance of a lifetime.

“Hey Davis!” she shouted to him catching his attention, “You want to make some quick cash?” His eyes lit up at the thought.

“Sure, I’ll do anything.”

“Well then get you butt behind the counter and start serving some people.”

“Alright!” he said, quickly making his way to the cash register.

~10 minuets later ~

“No, No Davis you’re doing it all wrong!” Yolie yelled at Davis, fixing the cash register.

“I’m sorry Yolie.” Davis mumbled.

“Davis you’re causing me more stress than relief, I can handle it by myself!”

“But…” he tried, looking into her eyes pleadingly

“I said I could handle it.” She pushed him out from behind the counter.

“Fine!” He yelled stomping out of the store.

Yolie sighed watching Davis go.

‘Maybe I was a little hard on him…’

“Hey lady, you gonna serve me or what?” someone yelled from across the store. Yolie instantly forgot about Davis and rushed behind the counter.


“Stupid Yolie, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Davis muttered to himself dawdling down the street, “I was helping her, that cash register was a mess, she just doesn’t appreciate people like me.” He kicked a pebble and watched it skit across the ground and come to a stop in front of someone sitting on the grass. He shifted his eyes to the person on the grass. There was Cody, sitting in the middle of the park, completely oblivious to everything.

“Hey Cody!” He shouted and ran over to him.

“Huh?” Cody looked around himself as if he had just woken up, “Davis?”

“Hey whatcha doing?”

“I was meditating, Grampa said the best place to meditated is in the park, because there’s lots of trees.” Cody stood up and stretched his back.

“Oh well hey what are you doing now?”

Cody looked at his watch. His eyes almost bulged out of his head.

“Uh oh I gotta go, my mom’s is going to be worried, and plus it’s roast chicken night, I wouldn’t miss that for the world.” With that he ran off leaving Davis yet again alone.

“Well see ya…” He said to Cody’s disappearing.


Davis slowly walked through the front door of his house, ignoring his parent’s questions of where he had been for the past four hours. He made his way directly to his room.

“Where do you think you’re going?” His sister Jun asked standing in front of his bedroom door, blocking his entrance.

“Get out of the way Jun.” He said stiffly, avoiding eye contact.

“You have to pay a toll.” She stated, keeping her position.

“I said get out of my way.” He pushed her roughly out of the way.

“Stupid little brat!” She yelled lunging at Davis. He quickly shut the door in her face and pushed his back against it, bracing the old door from another one of its frequent onslaughts. He flinched as he felt the thud of his sister’s body against the door. It made a splintering noise as if were going to break at any second, but it held. He heard Jun mutter some death threats before getting up and leaving him in peace.

“Wow I swear the door was about to break that time.”

Davis barely took notice of DemiVeemon as he picked his way across his bedroom floor, avoiding sharp objects and valuables that lay scattered around his room, then flopping down on his bed. He groaned and pulled a pair of scissors out from under his stomach and through them to the floor.

“Maybe you should clean your room and you wouldn’t have that problem, and also it may not smell of old gym socks.” Demiveemon stated hopping down from a shelf next to Davis.

“I’ll take note of that.” Davis replied nonchalantly.

“What’s up with you Davis? You don’t seem your usual self.” Demiveemon asked in his cheery voice.

“Nothin…” Davis mumbled.

“Oh come on I know you better than that Davis, tell me what’s the matter. Is it something to do with Kari?”

“It’s none of your business.” He stated sharply. He turned over to face the roof and closed his eyes tightly.

“Maybe if you acted like your self instead of some dumb soccer player. I know you’re deeper than that Davis, and I’m sure if you showed that side of you to Kari she’ll be all over you like a cheap coat.”

“It’s not as simple as that.”

“Then what are you all upset about?”

“I’m not upset, I’ve just had a hard day.”

“Fine you do whatever but don’t come complaining to me on TK and Kari’s wedding day.” Demiveemon looked hopefully at Davis’ closed eyes. He sighed when no response came from him and jumped off the bed onto the shelf he had previously occupied.

“You don’t understand…” Davis whispered to himself


“Iris…” A small polar bear like digimon hobbled over one of the many sand dunes that made up the desert, “Iris, the sand is getting in my fur and it’s really itchy.” It complained and walked up next to a girl. She looked about 16 years of age; her long blue hair was tied up into two pigtails on each side of her head. It tugged at her pants like a small child.

“Iris… did you hear me I said that the sun is really hot and I’m not designed to walk through the desert. If we were in the snow I’d be fine, but a polar bear in the desert just doesn’t match.”

“That’s not what you said…” The girl replied, flicking her blue bangs behind her ears, “ you said the sand was getting in your fur and that you’re itchy.”

“Well at least I know you’re listening, so what are you going to do about it?” Iris ignored the small digimon; she kept her gaze locked on the horizon.

“Nothing” she simply stated.

“But Iris… this just isn’t right.” Iris spun around, her eyes scanning the horizon for something. She stopped and shaded her eyes from the sun.

“C’mon lets go.” She started off in the direction she had been facing.

“But Iris I’m tired and hot.” The bear said trailing slowly after the girl. She through it a canteen, and kept walking.

“Hurry up Polarmon, there’s a storm brewing and we need to find shelter.”

“A what…” Polarmon asked shaking the canteen above its mouth.

“A sandstorm, there very dangerous if you’re stuck out in one so hurry up.”

“Iris, this canteen is empty.” Polarmon whined throwing the canteen to the ground.

“Don’t throw it away, we need that.” Iris scalded, Polarmon quickly picked it up and threw it to Iris, “Now for the last time hurry up, I’m not gonna save you again.” She briskly walked off leaving Polarmon sitting looking dumbfounded.

“Wait up!” It yelled running to catch up with its master.


Davis glanced around his classroom for a suitable seat. He caught sight of Kari sitting by herself smiling at him. He smiled back and made his way over to her. He was intercepted by TK who moved in front of him as if he didn’t exist, and took the seat next to Kari. They started talking, taking no notice of him whatsoever. Davis dejectedly sat down in the seat behind them, glaring daggers at TKs’ back.

“Now class I want you to get your books out and turn to page 236…” The teacher started but as soon as she started reading the books contents he lost interest. He stared at Kari’s back, imagining himself sitting next to her, telling her dumb jokes. What he would give to see her smile at his knock, knock jokes again.

Over the years she had shown less interest in him and more, way more interest in that invader TK. Maybe Veemon was right. Maybe if he showed Kari his real self than she would pay more attention to him. It would be way to complicated to explain to her now though. She was so used to the dumb Davis if he all of a sudden became the deep, resourceful Davis his family knew him to be it would turn her off even more.

‘Oh well maybe if I impress her enough with my soccer skills, she’ll choose me instead of that idiot TK’ Davis thought to himself. He reached over and tapped Kari’s shoulder.

“Hey Kari, are you gonna come watch me play tomorrow?” He asked hopefully.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She smiled at him in that way she did, “But TKs got a very important Basketball game on the same day, so I can only watch you for a while.” Davis stared at her dumbfounded.

“But Kari surly I’m more important than TJ here,” He pleaded.

“Sorry Davis but I’ve know TK for ages and we’re like best friends, I can’t miss his game.”


“Daisuke Motomiya, what are you doing?” The teacher asked.

“Uh I’m talking…” He replied dumbly.

“Disrupting other students, Detention.” She said solidly, “I’ll see you after school, you know when and where.”

“Uh huh,” Davis mumbled and stared at his books angrily.


“Iris!” Polarmon yelled over the raging winds, “Iris! Where are you? I can’t see anything!” Polarmon sat down on its hunches and covered its eyes with its paws.

“Polarmon!” Polarmon heard her master calling.

“Iris! Where are you?” She shouted. She caught sight of Iris stumbling through the sandy wind. “Iris!” She shouted running over to her.

“Polarmon! We have to keep going, we’re never gonna make it if we just stay here. We should reach cover soon.”

“Alright…” Polarmon and Iris slowly stumbled through the thick sandy wind, both shielding their eyes.

“Iris!” Polarmon yelled over the howling wind, “I see rocks!”

“That’s good, we should get to a cave soon.” They continued to trudge through the sand until Iris tripped over a stone.

“Iris… are you okay?” Polarmon asked, “I think I see a cave ahead.” Iris pulled herself off the ground and squinted through the sand.

“You’re right, C’mon.” They ran into the cave, shaking themselves to get the sand out of hair and fur.

“I’m so glad to be out of that damn storm.” Polarmon exclaimed scratching at her fur sending sand flying everywhere.

“I’ll say, I’ve got sand everywhere.” Iris shook her pants and sand tumbled out forming a small mound around her feet.

“Well what’s say we go exploring?” Polarmon said looking down into the cave.

“It’s a bit dark don’t you think?” Iris replied staring into the black cave.

“Oh come on you’re not scared are you?” Polarmon chided

“No!” Iris yelled storming off into the cave.

“Hey wait for me.” Polarmon followed Iris cautiously.


The Pumpkinmon village is, and has always been a peaceful village. The little pumpkinmon children scampered around the streets while the older pumpkinmon go about their daily chores. It had been like this for eons. That was until Witchmon was brought into the digiworld.

This fated day started like any other. Manny, a pumpkinmon child in the village was happily playing ball with his friends. One of his friends would kick the ball and it would go flying across the street, they would all give chase, under and around the legs of the other pumpkinmon, till one of them found the ball and kicked it again.

Their game was unfortunately halted by the scream of a female pumpkinmon. All of a sudden the town was in an uproar. People ran and screamed for their lives. Manny heard one of the villager’s scream.

“Meramon!” He was frozen with horror; thoughts of his little hut burning to the ground brought tears to his eyes. He was snapped out of his trance by the smell of smoke. He turned towards his house, thoughts of his parents and his little sister pumpkinmon burning at the hands of a meramon made him choke.

He ran against the flow of fleeing pumpkinmon, running as fast as his little legs could carry him. He got to the spot where his little hut had once stood; now it was just a pile of smoldering rubble.

“Mama!” He shouted running through the ashes. He climbed over a large piece of charred wood, oblivious to how hot it was and how it burned his knees and hands. He caught sight of some legs sticking out from under another piece of wood. He immediately recognized them to be his little sister Kayla’s.

He scurried over the rubble to get to them. He lifted the piece of wood off her and threw it aside. He sat down next to her and cradled her little pumpkin head in his lap.

“What happened?” He asked her.

“Mama…” she choked out, coughing from the amount of soot and dirt in her mouth, “Where’s mama?”

“I don’t know Kayla,” He said softly, stroking her pumpkin head, “What happened?”

“I, I was helping mama… with the chores…” She started, tears forming in her eyes, “ And then there was this big bang, and the house next door caught on fire…” She trailed off closing her eyes and sighing.

“No Kayla, stay with me little sister, you gotta stay with me.” He bobbed her head up and down and her eyes popped open once again.

“Then… Then all of a sudden our house was on fire, and mama she said to get out as quickly as possible, so I-I ran but there was another blast and I was caught under a piece of wood…. Mama…where’s mama?”

Manny tried his best to hold back his tears. He knew his mother was dead and that soon his sister would be too, but he had be strong, for her.

“I-I don’t know…” he stuttered, tears slowly falling down his cheeks. Kayla coughed some more. Blood sliding down her cheek from the corner of her mouth.

“No Kayla, you have to stay with me…” He pleaded stroking her head.

“Mama…” she trailed off. She closed her eyes and inhaled her last breath.

Manny knew this was the end for her, her body went limp as she exhaled. Manny stared at her body for a long time, hoping that this wasn’t the end, hoping that she would wake up and say it was all just a joke. He hoped that he would wake up and find it was all just a dream, to find his family there, alive. But it never came.

He placed Kayla’s body gently on the ground, he didn’t even try to hold back his tears now, there was no use. He bent down and looked at his sister’s face one more time, his tears dripping onto her closed eye lids then sliding down her cheek, giving the effect she was crying along with him.

Manny remembered his mother had told him that crying would solve nothing. Even though it seemed as if his life was over now, he had no family, no home, nothing, he knew that crying couldn’t bring back his deceased family. He pulled himself up to his full height.

“Kayla, I promise you I will go on, I’m gonna avenge you and mama and those Meramon will pay for what they did to you.” Manny turned his back on his sisters’ dead body, determined not to look back, “ They’ll pay for what they did.”

“Oh will we.” Manny spun around to face whoever had said that. Standing there, in the rubble was a Meramon, holding his sister’s body by the foot. He looked her over then, without thought threw her into the rubble.

Manny was shocked and angered by this. His eyes lit up with grief and anger. But he knew he had to stay strong, stay with it or his families sacrifice would have been in vain.

“You’ll pay!” He yelled running up to it. He knew was no match for the taller bigger digimon, but in his anger he didn’t even notice.

The Meramon merely shrugged off Manny’s attack. It picked him up around the waist and looked him straight in the eye. Manny would never forget the look in that meramon’s eyes it was pure evil.

It was as if it had no soul at all, as if it were incapable of feeling. He stared deep into its purple, black eyes. Trying in vain to find any signs of life, there were none. How could something be so evil? What could have happened to it to make it like this? What could have taken its soul, depriving it of the most simple feelings.

“I’ll turn you into Pumpkinmon pie you little brat.”

Manny was frozen with fear; he saw his short life flash before his eyes. All the things he had experienced, all the happy and sad memories in his life came together in a collage before his eyes. Memories of his sister, of his mother, of his friends playing ball they all gathered in his mind in merely a second.

It seemed to take forever as he waited for the final blow. Waited for the pain and agony to be over, to be with his sister once again. To be reunited with his family in heaven. He closed his eyes and pictured them in his mind, waiting for his sadness to end.

The Meramon drew his arm back ready to send the little pumpkinmon flying to the ground. It stopped to look into its victims eyes. Usually Witchmons’ slaves would kill anything that moved without hesitation, but it stopped.

It stared into his fear filled eyes, taking in every emotion he let show. Fear, sorrow, loneliness; these were all things this Meramon had not experienced in a while. It pursed it’s lips in anger. Why couldn’t it feel these emotions anymore? Why was it deprived of such simple things? It had had enough. If it couldn’t feel these things why should anything else? Why should it miss out?

It shook it’s fiery head, brushing those thoughts aside. It brought it’s fist down and punched Manny sending him flying into the pile of rubble. He landed with a soft thud, right next to his sister’s body.

It watched as the boy writhed in pain for a moment then fell limp. It drew a deep breath and sighed. It would destroy anything that could feel those emotions. It would make them pay, make them feel what it felt. Nothing.

Manny and his family weren’t the only digimon that were sacrificed that day. Witchmon’s henchmen were sent to three other digimon villages in the area. All digimon were killed that day were in the name of Witchmon. Many other digimon were killed during the reign of the dark digimon. This is merely the tragic story of one of the unfortunate digimon that the digidestined couldn’t save.

(NB: I know this had absolutely nothing to do with the story, I was just thinking about all the poor digimon that suffered because of the dark lords. And I also know that digimon don’t have mothers or sisters, that’s just a metaphor.)


“Damn stinking teacher, making me clean computers. What the hell would she know?” Davis muttered sitting down in front of one of the computers.

“Well maybe if you weren’t talking through class you wouldn’t be in this mess.” Demiveemon said helpfully.

“You’re not helping me.” Davis said, “If you want to go clean some computers.

“Hey I wasn’t the one who got in trouble for talking in class.”

“Shut up Gatomon.” Davis replied.

“What did you call me?” Demiveemon asked fuming.

“I called you Gatomon,” Davis said with a smirk.

“I do not like Gatomon!” Demiveemon said turning away and crossing his short little arms across his chest.

“Yeah sure I know you like her ‘she’s so graceful’” Davis chided.

“Whatever Kari.” Demiveemon replied. Davis immediately stopped and glared at Demiveemon.

“Shut up!” He yelled sitting down and pouting.

“Did you ask her to come and watch you play soccer?” Demiveemon asked changing the subject, but that only seemed to upset Davis even more.

“She thinks stupid TD is more important than me.” He said slamming his hand down on the desk, “What the hell does she see in him anyway?”

“So she’s not gonna go see you play?” Demiveemon asked in shock.

“Damn right, no one wants to watch me play, there all to busy with other stuff. Not even Tai has the time to come and watch.”

“That’s disgusting!” Demiveemon said appalled by the lack of interest the others showed in Davis. It may not be a very big deal but it just shows that they’re not there to support Davis. How would that make him feel? Obviously pretty bad considering he had been in a bad mood for nearly the whole week, poor guy.

“Don’t worry Davis, I’ll be there to watch you.” Demiveemon said hopping up onto Davis’ lap.

“Thank Demiveemon.” He said.

They sat in silence for a moment, but the quiet was broken by a tapping sound coming from the computer Davis was sitting in front of. They both stared at the screen, unknown to them while they had been talking the digiport had opened and in there was a girl, about Davis’ age tapping on the screen. Behind her was a polar bear like digimon.

Davis stood up so fast it sent Demiveemon flying to the ground with a thump. Davis immediately pulled out his digivice.

“Digiport open!” He yelled. The familiar white light surrounded him as he was downloaded to the digiworld.


Polarmon sniffed the air for signs that any other digimon inhabited the cave. She found her nose was clogged with sand and every time she sniffed she just sneezed instead.

“Shhh,” Iris hushed Polarmon, “You don’t want to give away our position to any hostile digimon in the area do you?”

“I’m sorry, I got sand in my nose.”

They continued deeper into the cave, both making as little noise as possible. They soon found themselves in a huge room that was brightly lit by an unknown source. It was the most beautiful thing Iris had ever seen. Crystals grew off the walls; they were probably the source of light for the place as they emitted a faint bluish green glow.

She walked around a bit and spotted a huge crystal clear pool of water. She lent over to look into it but she couldn’t see the bottom. The water just reflected the light of the surrounding crystals. She could see her reflection as clear as if she were looking into a mirror.

She sat admiring herself for a moment but the reflection was ruined by a huge splash of water as Polarmon jumped into the pool. She stared at the pool, looking frantically for any sign of her digimon partner, but the only thing she could see was the reflection of the roof. Polarmon’s head popped up from under the water. Iris was taken aback; She couldn’t see Polarmon’s body. Where the water met her body it was just the reflection of the roof. Her body just disappeared into the water.

Iris plunged her hand into the pool and stared in shock at the place where she expected to see her hand, just the reflection of her surprised face.

“What are you gawking at Iris” Polarmon said swimming over to her.

“I can’t see below the water.” She mumbled

“So… just get in and wash yourself off.” Iris immediately snapped out of her trance.

“Is it cold?” She asked pulling off her shoes.

“Nope, its just right.” Polarmon replied rolling over onto her back and attempting a backstroke.

“Alright.” Iris ran over to the pool and jumped in. Polarmon lost sight of her for a second, but her head popped out form under the water and she let out a yelp.

“Are you insane Polarmon!” She screamed, “this water is freezing.” She swam over to the edge and jumped out.

“Well what do you expect, I’m a polar bear.”

“Damn stinking Polar bears.” She mumbled drying herself with an old piece of clothing.

She sat down on a rock and mumbled miserably. She let her eyes wander around the beautiful cave. Even though she had traveled around the digiworld and seen everything some things still amazed her.

Like this cave for instance. Above the other side of the pool was a small rocky outcropping that had been worn away by the water so it formed a sort of cove. On top of that all sorts of colorful flowers grew, making the ledge look like a miniature forest looking over the sea.

Her eyes wandered further around the cave taking in the beautiful aqua light that some crystals on the wall emitted. The crystals seemed to grow out of the wall, lining it like wallpaper. But the thing she liked most about them was the light. Aqua was her favorite color, probably why she liked polarmon. Her fur had a slight aqua tinge to it; that wasn’t the only reason though.

As her eyes wandered further he caught sight of something very out of place. She instantly jumped up and walked over to the object.

“A TV?” She asked herself

“Hey Polarmon c’mere.” She heard Polarmon splashing and then the sound of wet paws on rock.

“What’s that?” Polarmon asked shaking her fur sending fat droplets of water everywhere.

“It’s a TV.”

“What’s a TV?” Polarmon asked circling it, “Is it edible?”

“No silly, you can watch all sorts of programs on a TV,” Iris explained playing with the buttons on it, “But I don’t know what one’s doing out here, its not even plugged into anything.” She picked up the cord and twirled it around in her fingers.

“Hey Iris, who’s that?” Polarmon was staring at the screen confused.

Iris looked at the screen in surprise, there was a boy in there, and he didn’t look very happy. This wasn’t the normal programming she had seen on TV at home. It looked as if he were talking to himself. She couldn’t hear what he was saying but he was definitely not talking to anything.

Iris tapped on the screen; that seemed to get his attention. He stared at them in amazement, for a minute. He then pulled out a little gadget and yelled something into the screen. She couldn’t tell what he said but it sounded sort of like ‘digicork open.’ All of a sudden the screen went white.

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