Author's note: I'm not sexist, even though I made some of the Digi-destine girls act like airheads. Don't take it the wrong way, I just thought it would be funny. This has no plot or meaning, aside from making you laugh, hopefully. Hope you enjoy!

First Scene:

Yamato and Takeru: *are in a closet, making out, and Yamato started to get loud*

Takeru: *whispers* Shhh! We'd get into a lot of trouble if we were found!

Yamato: *copies voice* Oh, you're no fun!

Hakari: *walks up to her closet, with a folded jacket, and opens the door*

Yamato: *takes the jacket*

Hakari: *leaves*

Takeru: *closes the door*

Hakari: *out in the hallway* Hmmm . . . something doesn't seem right . . . Oh yeah! *Goes back into her room, to the closet, gets a binder near Yamato's feet, and goes back out again* Hey, Tai! Want to read my new fanfic?

Yamato: Uh . . .

Takeru: Yeah . . .

Yamato: Come on, let's go.

Takeru: What? Why?

Yamato: *shakes head* It's just not that sexy when you're found half-naked by your friend and she doesn't even realize you're there.

Takeru: Oh, okay. How about we go to Joe's place?

Yamato: And risk the boy's sanity? *evil grin* Okay!

~ Later that night ~

Hakari: *thinking on the couch* Now, what am I missing here . . . ?

Tai: *comes in a new suit* Hey, Hakari, what do you think? Do you think Mimi will like it?

Hakari: *didn't noticed her brother, thinks . . . thinks . . . Click* EEEEEEWWWW!!!! *runs out of the room*

Tai: *shoulders sag, goes back to his room* A simple "no" would have been okay . . .

Second Scene:

Takeru and Yamato: *in a bathtub "lathering it up"*

Joe: *walks in, sees the brothers getting it on in his bathtub, jaw drops to the floor*

Takeru: *sees Joe* Oh, fuck . . .

Yamato: What do you think I'm doing?

Takeru: *takes a handful of Yamato's hair and forces him to look at Joe*

Yamato: Oh! Fuck . . .

Joe: Uh . . . I . . . uh . . . uh . . .

Yamato and Takeru: *gather up their clothes, put on their pants and run home*

Joe: Uh . . . um . . .

Third Scene:

Mimi: *knocks on a door*

Dad: *opens it* Hello, Mimi! Yamato and Takeru are in Yamato's bedroom. Go right ahead. He's the second door on the left.

Mimi: Thank you, Sir. *Walks to Yamato's bedroom and goes in without knocking* Hi, you two cutIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! *Her greeting turns to a shriek*

Yamato and Takeru: *on the bed, look up, shirtless, about to become pant-less, shocked and fearful*

Yamato: M-Mimi, j-j-just hang on.

Takeru: We can explain-

Mimi: What's there to explain? I can't believe you've done this! It's a disgrace! It's just wrong! How can you have a deep brown carpet with light blue walls and live with yourself!? I-I just can't take this. I need to go...*runs out in almost tears*

Yamato and Takeru: . . .

Takeru: Do you think she noticed us?

Yamato: No, or else she would have said my shoes don't match my socks.

Takeru: *laughs, playfully hits Yamato*

Yamato: *kisses him*

Forth Scene:

Taichi: *knocks on door*

Dad: *opens it* Oh, hello, Tai. What can I do for you?

Taichi: Well, Mimi said that she'd be here, and I wanted to ask her something . . .

Dad: Oh, sorry, she just left. *frowns* She was pretty upset about something.

Taichi: What?

Dad: I don't know. She muttered something about something being wrong . . .

Taichi: *thinks* //Why would Mimi be so upset? It must be Yamato's doing!// *pretend pleasentce* Can I talk to Yamato for a minute?

Dad: Sure. Down the hall, second door on the left.

Taichi: Thank you, Sir. *walks to Yamato's room, goes in without knocking, sees Yamato and Takeru on the bed, clothes-less, blackets tangled around them* O_O

Takeru: *sees Taichi* Uh, hi, Taichi . . .

Yamato: *looks up sleeply* Damnit, doesn't anyone understand the concept of knocking anymore?

Taichi: O_O . . . WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?

Takeru: Well, you see, Yamato-


Takeru and Yamato: O_O . . . .

Yamato: Who's been hanging out with Mimi too much?

Takeru: I think he's falling for her . . .

Yamato: *snorts* More like he's hit rock-bottom and is drilling downward.

Fifth Scene:

~Next day~

Yolie: *knocks on a door*

Father of Joe: *opens the door* Oh, hello, can I help you?

Yolie: Hi, I'm Yolie. I'm looking for Joe. He and I were going to . . . work on some software.

Father: Oh, yeah, he mentioned something about you. Come on in. Joe's room straight down the hall, last door on the right.

Yolie: Thank you, Sir. *goes to Joe's room, but on the way, hears someone studdering in the bathroom, looks in and see Joe, staring at nothing and looking shocked beyond reason.* Hey, Joe?

Joe: I . . . uh . . . I . . . um . . . uh . . .

Yolie: Uh, Joe? What are you on? Or what do you need to be on?

Joe: . . . uh . . . um . . . uh . . . I . . .

Yolie: *sighs, SLAPS Joe upside the head*

Joe: *blink* Huh? Oh, hey, Yolie, I didn't hear you come in.

Yolie: Geeze! And I thought Davis was a hard head! What were you doing?

Joe: Doing? Hmm . . . I don't remember.

Yolie: What?

Joe: I was just about to take a shower and then I saw Yamato and Takeru . . . *goes back into his comma/trance state* Uh . . . I . . . .

Yolie: ??? *decides that the only way to figure out what is going on is to go to Yamato's house. Slaps Joe and then walks out.*

Joe: Now, where was I? Oh, the shower . . . And Yamato . . . Takeru . . . I . . .

~At Yamato's house~

Yolie: *knocks on the door, hears some shuffling, cursing, shhhing and someone tripping before the door was opened* Takeru?

Takeru: *only in a bed sheet, hair messed up* Hi Yolie. What's up?

Yolie: Well, I just came from Joe's . . . *notices Takeru's look of guilt* So, you did do something to him! What is it?! Slip it, Takeru!

Takeru: Whoa! Hold on! I didn't mean to hurt him in anyway, honest!

Yamato: *stumbles to the door, ends up leaning on Takeru for support* Hey, TK, what's taking so long?

Takeru: *mumbles to Yamato* Yolie found Joe in his bathroom . . .

Yamato: *grins to Yolie* Con'grast!

Takeru: Like we left him yesterday . . .

Yamato: *smile gone!* Oh . . .

Takeru: Yeah . . .

Yamato: You think he would have snapped out of it by now, huh?

Yolie: What is going on!?

Takeru: Well, you see . . . Yamato and I are . . . We were . . .

Yolie: Oh, no! *shocked* You don't mean . . . you two . . .

Yamato: Yeah, we're an item. *hugs and kisses Takeru to prove his point*

Yolie: DAMN IT!

Yamato and Takeru: What?

Yolie: I lost the damn bet!

Takeru: What bet?

Yolie: *guilty look* Well, Cody, Daisuke, Hakari, Ken, and I made a bet that you were gay or not. Daisuke and I said you weren't, so we owe everyone else twenty bucks.

Takeru: *mouth drops to the floor!* What?! When did this happen?

Yolie: About a month ago . . .

Takeru: *fuming with anger*

Yamato: Hey, relax, TK. Look on the bright side, three out of five of your friends know you well enough to realize your gay.

Takeru: *laughs* Yeah, guess your right.

Yamato: Now, come on, let's go back and . . . *whispers, whispers*

Takeru: *eyes light up* Later, Yolie! *shuts the door and goes back the bedroom, with Yamato right beside him*

Yolie: *shrugs, walks off*

Scene Six:

Yolie: *goes to the scorrer feild where Ken and Davis were playing none other than soccer! She sees them in one-on-one and waits until they're finish, knowing that there's no use in trying to get their attention in a death match*

Ken: *steals the ball by triping Davis, makes a goal*

Davis: You cheated!

Ken: *smirk* Oh? I don't remember you calling it cheating when you punched me.

Davis: . . . *fuming*

Ken: *counts all of the goals, bigger smirk* I won!

Davis: Did not! It's only three to four!

Ken: Three to five.

Davis: *mumbles* I'm not counting the last goal . . . *sees Yolie, perks up* Hey, Yolie! What's up?

Yolie: *goes onto the battle - I mean - scorrer field* Hey, Davis! Just to let you know, we've lost the bet.

Davis and Ken: What?

Yolie: I just found out that Takeru's gay.

Ken: *raises eyebrow*

Davis: Really? *shocked*

Yolie: Yep. *nod* Save up your noodle money, Davis, you'll need to pay everyone twenty bucks.

Ken: How did you find out he's gay? *smirk* Did you get disappointed when he wouldn't take you to the movies?

Yolie: *blush* No, I never asked him out! I found him with his boyfriend . . . *blushes more at the memory of how Takeru and Yamato greeted her*

Davis: Well, who's the dude that TJ's dating?

Yolie: It's Yamato.

Davis and Ken: *mouths drop to the ground!* You're shitting us!

Yolie: I shit you not! What's the deal? Did you two think of making a threesome with Yamato? *smirk*

Davis: No! This is too weird!

Ken: Let's go . . .

Yolie: Huh? What's the big deal?

Ken and Davis: *look at her like she's crazy, run off*

Yolie: What?! Geesh! You'd think they've never heard about a gay couple before. *walks off, rolling eyes*

Scene Seven:

~ The next day ~

All of the Digi-destines (-Yamato and Takeru): *sitting or standing in a park that was mostly empty on this winters day (aside from a few people walking their dogs or going/returning to/from the shopping centers). They were all waiting around for Yamato and Takeru to show up. The two had something to tell all of them*

Mimi: *grumble* What do you think the two have to say that they couldn't say inside, closer to a heater? *shivers a little*

Ken: *whispers to Davis* You think they're going to tell everyone?

Davis: *whispers back* Maybe. *shrugs*

Joe: I . . . uh . . . um . . .

Yamato and Takeru: *come running up the path, stop a few feet away from them, catch their breaths and straighten up*

Taichi: You're late, Yamato.

Yamato: I know. His fault. *points to Takeru*

Takeru: Hey, it was your idea!

Yamato: Yeah, yeah. Let's just get this over with.

All Digi-destines (-Y and T): *look at them with "Well, come on, tell us already, we're cold!" look*

Takeru: *takes a deep breath* Well, some of you already know, but we need to tell everyone else . . .

Yamato: We're an item. *Aw, so blunt, so frank, are thee Yamato*


Takeru: We don't mean it to be funny! It's not a joke!

Sora: *stops* Are you serious?

Takeru: *nods*

Sora: *sob . . . sob . . . tear . . . sob*

Yamato: *goes over to Sora, places hand on her shoulder* Come on, it's not that bad. I thought you were in with Mimi . . .

Sora: It's *sob* not that! *sob*

Yamato: . . . Then, what is it?

Sora: *sob, sob* My little Takeru is growing up! *happy-tearful smile*

Everyone else: O_o;;;

Takeru: Uh *cough* Riiiiiiiiiiiiight . . . . .

Taichi: Well, I knew there was something off about you, Yamato.

Yamato: Hey!

Taichi: *smirk* But I guess it's cool. At least you'll stop hitting on me, right?

Yamato: I've never hit on you before.

Taichi: *rolls eyes* Oh, sure. Right, Yamato. *wink*

Yamato: Can you say "over blown ego"?

Mimi: Yeah . . . Isn't he wonderful? *.*

Everyone: *Like, gag me with a spoon!*

Izzy: *has been thinking all this time* Well, if you two really love each other, then I wish you the best of luck.

Takeru: Hey, thanks Izzy! *thankful that someone is taking the news in a mature, non-crazy way*

Izzy: Of course, you know this means that you might be out cast from society and even disowned by your parents?

Yamato: Actually, they won't disown us.

Everyone: They won't??

Yamato: *to Takeru* Did you know that Mom kept her maiden name even after all of these years?

Takeru: You mean . . . Mom and Dad . . . are siblings!?

Yamato: *nods* Yep. I was looking for some old photos for my schools project (you know, the kind where you make your family's tree) and I found pictures of when they were little. They're siblings and have been dating ever sense they knew the word, or so it seems.

Mimi: You two are . . . dating?!

Yamato: And more! *wink*

Mimi: *mind rewinds to the day she found that they had bad color-coordination, sees Yamato and Takeru in their bed* Oh my . . . This is . . . it's . . .

Takeru: *shamefully* Wrong? Digesting?

Mimi: No . . . it's kinda kinky.

Taichi, Takeru, and Yamato: O_o Kinky!?

Mimi: Yeah . . . It's different, you have to sneak around and it sounds kinky.

Yamato: *turns to Takeru* Have we made a Mimi into an incest-lover?

Takeru: This is weird . . .

Cody: You call that weird?! *had surprised everyone because he hadn't said anything all this time, so they kind of forgot him* My mother is screwing my grandfather, and you call you two weird?! Have you ever woken up to the sound of two different generations getting it on!?!

Everyone: *shocked* . . . .

Yamato: *lips curls up a little*

Takeru: *shoulders start to shake*

Cody: *sees this* What?!

Takeru and Yamato: *look at each other, then Cody, then each other again* WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! >D

Everyone else: *laughing it up*

Joe: I . . . uh . . . *snaps out of it* Huh? Where am I?

Everyone: *laughs harder*

Joe: *whining* Whaaaat?!

Yolie: *dies down to chuckles* Nothing, Honey. Come on, let's go. *leads Joe away by the arm*

Everyone else: O_O . . . .

Taichi: I would have never predicted this.

Yamato: You never predict anything.

Taichi: >=(~

Everyone: *laughs even more*

Kari: So, TK, I just have one question.

Takeru: Yeah?

Kari: Where do you guys have sex without being seen?

Yamato: *evil grin* Anywhere we can. Anywhere we can.

~ Other Scene ~

Yolie: So, what was the big deal with Yamato and Takeru?

Davis: *looks at her* You mean you weren't freaked out that Yamato and Takeru are dating?

Yolie: No, not at all. I mean, I could never get into a gay relationship, but it doesn't bother me that other people do so.

Ken: But, Yamato and Takeru are not only gay, they're BROTHERS!

Yolie: Oh, really?

Davis: -_-; You mean to tell me that all this time, you didn't know that Yamato and Takeru are brothers?

Yolie: Well, now that I think of it, they do kind of look alike.

Ken: *eyebrow twiches* And I thought Mimi was dense . . .

~ End . . . I hope. ~
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