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Caitlin Sakura's room!! Contact her at and tell her how good her stories are!!! ^_~

Crash And Burn
Pairings: Read ta find out.
Rating: G or PG
Comments: Ken and Hikari get together. Daisuke and Miyako find themselves on the same side. What'll they do?
Congratulations, Caitlin! This story won 2nd place in the fic contest!


A Song of Fire, Lightening, and Ice
Prolouge & Chapter 1
Parings: Ehehe... I'm not really sure... There are quite a few of them...
Rating: P or PG, I guess
Comments: Daisuke is feeling a little lonely, and gets in trouble.
A young girl is trapped in the Digital World in the middle of a storm in a cave.
A new enemy has appeared in the Digital World.


Have You Ever
Parings: YamatoxSora, TaichixJun
Rating: PG
Coments: I made a sequel to this story. I'll place it in my room. Other than that...
Taichi's feeling lonely. Yamato and Sora hooked up. Yamato's decided to play a joke on Jun, and Taichi finds her after. What'll happen?


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