Warning: This is a Yaoi/Yuri story. In other words, this has boyxboy love. I don’t care what you think about such things, I do ask that if you don’t like it, don’t read it. DUH!! Don’t send flames, I will delete them immedeatly. This story is not centered around Taichi and Yamato as much as my last one. This is part of a series, if you read the other parts you may understand this one a little better. Thanks.

This story is supposed to come after Digital Reunion. Some parts in this story will only make sense if you have read Digital Reuion. If you have read Digital Reuion, I hope you have also read Never Leave Me (the one before). If you haven’t, well, that’s your problem and you can try to figure out what is happening. I am using the Japanese names for the humans.

Ken:47 ~ Miyako:48 ~ Daisuke:47 ~ Wallace:47 ~ Hikari:47 ~ Takeru:47 ~ Koushiro:49 ~ Mimi:49 ~ Iori:44 ~ Mara:48 ~ Sora:50 ~ Jou:51 ~ Micheal:49
Osamu:12 ~ Lesa:13 ~ Taro:12 ~ Kara:12 ~ Donald:12 ~ Brian:11 ~ Clifford:12 ~ Jen:12

DISCLAIMER: (I hate this >_<) Okay, Yamachi, Taito, most of their friends, the Digimon of most of their friends (except for Candlemon & his evolutions), Mara, the evolutions of the Mysterious Five (not their rookie forms mind you, I found those on the D-terminal toy), & Doommon and his forms are all mine. The Digidestineds’ kids crests were my idea, but I won’t take the crests (‘cause I got the ideas for a few of them from other sites ^_~). The poem, Losing Time is mine. Don’t steal it!

Words that are in *these things* are thoughts.
Words that are in “these things” are being said out loud.
Words that are in italic are intensified.
Words that are in bold are intensified.
Words that are underlined are usually names of things.


A Day In The DigiWorld
35 years after 02

By:Katmon Ichijouji =^.^=

Losing Time
An annoying brother,
That I’ve hurt.
Wonder why he heals so well,
And goes to play with his little friends.

Go flying through two worlds,
Seven friends at my side.
Then meeting more,
When we land.

Up and down the mountain,
All ‘cause a scream.
Two we meet anew,
One in great pain,
And the other holds her there.

Let her go.
Then let’s go,
Let’s all go home.
~Katmon =^.^=

“Boys, time to go!”

“O.K., Yamato! We’re coming!” I yelled back at my father. My brother and I walked to the front of our house and put on our shoes, then followed owr two fathers out the door.

“Picnic! Picnic! Taito, we’re going on the picnic!” Yamachi (my little brother) said, dancing around us.

I sighed at my little brother. “I know Yamachi. It’s the same place we go every year. Would you quit dancing around us, you’re giving me a headache.”

“Taito gots a heads ache! Taito gots a heads ache!” Yamachi sang, dancing in my face.

“Back off kooky head! Leave me alone!” I yelled at him. I immeadeatly regreted it though. He looked soooo sad. I should know better.

When we got there, he was cheerful again. Ignoring me, like always. So, I went over to join the older Digidestined kids. We had made our own little group. There was me, Osamu (one of Ken and Miyako’s three), Lesa (Ken and Miyako’s eldest), Taro (Daisuke and Wallace’s son), Kara (Hikari and Takeru’s daughter), Donald, a.k.a. Don (Koushiro and Mimi’s son), and Brian (Iori and Mara’s son )

“Hello, Taito. How are you today? Ready to go to the DigiWorld?” Lesa asked. She’s really pretty. I like her, a lot.

“I’m fine. I’m ready to go to the DigiWorld. How are you all?” I replied.

“We’re all fine, and I want to go to the DigiWorld!” Taro said, loudly. He considers himself the leader of our group. He is quite wrong though. We rarely ever listen to him.

“Well then, come on!” Kara said, and dragged him over to the computer. We all followed, and went in together.


“Snowagumon! I missed you!” I cryed out to my Digimon friend and hugged him.

“Katmon!” Kara cryed out to her own Digimon.

“Hey, Lizmon!” Taro hugged his pal close.

“Linkmon! I’m back!” Lesa called out.

“Hello, Techmon!” Don called to his friend.

“Jockmon! Hey, Jockmon, come here!” Brian called to his Digimon.

Candlemon and Osamu just hugged.

We were allowed to do what we wanted in the DigiWorld. Our parents did not care, for they know that we will be safe.

Our younger siblings, that can walk, came in and ran to their own Digimon. We decided to leave them to their own devices and headed out into the wooded area.

We got to the bottom of a nearby mountain, and climbed it. When we got to the top, we sat down to watch around us. I saw our younger siblings and watched them play near the woods.

We all looked to the desert when a scream drifted over from that direction. There was a big black thing in the middle of the desert that should not have been there.

*What in the hell* “Come on!” I yelled. “Let’s go see what that was about!”

“Good idea. Glad I thought of it.” Taro commented as we started running towards the desert. I rolled my eyes at him. He is way too much like his father, Daisuke, for me to handle 24/7. I feel bad for Wallace.

As we got closer, I saw what the big black thing was. It was a large palace. A boy, roughly our age, stood outside it in a military uniform with dark sunglasses hiding his eyes. At his side was a young woman, who Taro was going gaa-gaa over, and it looked like she had been beaten. I felt bad for her. I frowned.

“Who are you?!” Osamu asked angrily.

“I’m General. Who are you?” The boy replied.

“I’m Taro. I’m the leader of this group. We don’t answer bakas.” Taro said, before any of us could shut him up.

Shut up, Taro.” Kara growled.

“And who are you, pretty lady?” General asked, mockingly.

None of your bussiness asshole!” Kara shot back angrily.

“Watch your mouth, little missy, or else!” Ouch, Kara must have touched a nerve. But so did General, so I guess they’re even.

“Or else what? Too stupid to come up with something.” Kara grinned. So did General, which could not be a good thing, I knew.

“Oh no. You see, I know exactly what I would do with you, little miss priss.” The girl on the ground stared at us in fright. Apparently she knew what he had in mind, and did not like it. I planned on trusting her jugdement. I stepped forward and put a hand over Kara the hothead’s mouth. Then pulled her back to the back of the group and left her with Lesa and, went back up to the front of the group.

Brian was, like always, arguing with Taro. Those two still argue as often as Daisuke and Takeru. Osamu and I looked at the two fighting, then at each other, and decided to take this into our own hands. We walked over to the girl and General. The girl stared at us, as if only we could set her free. And you know, that’s all I wanted to do at that very moment, just set her free, and touch her, and make love to her, and... *STOP THINKING THAT WAY TAITO!!!* (I really don’t like yelling at myself, but that was nessary.)

“Mind letting the girl go, I doubt that she did anything to annoy you before you brought her here and treated her like that. Also, I doubt that she was afraid of you then, like she is now.” I said, while still trying to keep my raging hormones under control. I thought of Lesa and it helped, maybe what did it was the fact that her clothing was it a bit of a shamble.

“Ah, so now you’re the boss, right? I can’t let her go anyway, she knows too much to just be let go so lightly.” He turned away from us and walked back to his fortress.

“Hey! I’m not done with you yet! Come back here!” Taro yelled at the retreating form and running to where we stood and, like always, didn’t look where he was going. So I put out a foot and tripped him. Everyone but Taro laughed as he hit the ground.

TAITO!! Your big, fat, ugly, sorry ass is mine!! Don’t trip me!” Taro yelled at me, everyone laughed even harder.

“So sorry, oh great leader. I bow to your wishes.” I commented, put my foot on his back, and made mock bows. Even Taro was laughing then.

“Get...hee-hee-hee...off my...hahahah...back you-you baka!” Taro said to the ground between giggles. I got off his back and we all picked ourselves up.

“We aught to get back.” Brian reminded us.

“Yeah, we should get going. Should we tell our parents about General?” I asked. I knew that’s what we were are all wondering. We all stood there, thinking for a few seconds.

Then Osamu shook his head. “We can take care of him if we must. They have other things to worry about. Let’s head home now, K?” We all nodded our heads and headed back to the nearest t.v. set.

This is the end of part one. What will happen to the poor girl? What will the kids do about General?

Find out all this and more next time on, A Day in the DigiWorld!^_~


So, how was it? Please send feedback. #if it’s a flame, address it to me, me like flames, they make good bondfires# That’s Mrs. Ichijouji, she likes burning things.

My e-mail address is katmon2000@earthlink.net Please send feedback, we enjoy it. #flames!!!^_^# Yup, she’s crazy.

Thanks again,
Katmon =^.^=
#*meow*and Mrs. Ichijouji!# Yup, her too.
**Did you forget me again?!** That’s Green. She has an attitude problem. ^_~ **Do not!!**
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