A/N: Hey look at me writing a story and all ^_^. Well I so suck at drawing, however I have been told that I can write a story when the inspiration hits me. Well anyhoo this story takes place about one month after the Digimon 02 Ending, yes THAT ending *shudders*. Well this is a Marysue type of story, which means I have added some original characters, however I think you’ll like them so don’t judge until you’ve read the story, well at least what I have here for now. This is just a little intro to the main story just so you kinda get a feeling of what kind of story it will be. But if you know me then that means this story can just about go anywhere at anytime ^_~. OK I’m not going to give you any hints as to the pairings and stuff in here, cause some people just read stories just to read about certain couples *hears voice saying “HYPOCRITE“* Ahem as I was saying this story shall unfold to you as it progresses, or doesn’t seeing how people react to it. So anyhoo on with the show! HERE WE GO--*music starts to play*

DISCLAIMER: Oh yeah almost forgot for reasons that seem to control the natural order of the known universe people are obsessed with these damn things. OK well here it is-

Shocked? I was at first too, especially after that damn ending, trust me if I owned Digimon THAT, ending would not have happened. The rating on Digimon would go from PG to XXX VERY quickly, faster then Matt can make a fangirl faint just by winking, now that is fast! Sora (gag) would not be a part of Digimon. They would all have had MUCH better jobs (i.e. Matt would not be an astronaut). Ken and Miyako would not have gotten hitched. Mimi would have had better fashion sense, not that I’m complaining ^_^”. Iori wouldn’t look or act like he belonged to the Children of the Corn. There would have been WAY more bitch fights (i.e. Ken and Takeru fighting in the dark fortress). There would be more super cool explosions and kick-ass sound effects. OK I think that about covers it. Oh except that when I do add new characters in here and there, there will be a new disclaimer that states what is mine, so no stealing got it? Oh yeah any similarities in this story to real life people alive or dead is purely coincidental and I did not steal any of my ideas from ANYONE! I’ve had this fic floating around in my head since just about the beginning, just didn’t have the time or motivation to write the damn thing. Ok now that is it. COMPRENDEN TODO? *strange looks* DO YOU UNDERSTAND OR NOT DAMN IT?

Words in between ‘...’ and in italics means it is thought not said.
bold words are words said with strong emotions, such as anger and hate and so forth.
Words in between *.........* means it is an action.
Words in between {...........} means I’m being stupid and interjection in the story to ruin the mood.
{Katmon's Note: And this is just my screwing with dear Drakin's story!! [Did I just say DEAR?!?!?! *makes a face*] ^_^"}

To Defy Destiny
By: Drakin Tenryu
[No, that isn’t my real name, thinking about having it legally changed]


~+^The Digiworld^+~

A lone, cloaked figure silently jumped down into the ruins that were once the Digimon Emperor’s fortress. Silent for two and a half decades, the evil wreck had now started to once again ever so minutely started to pulse with dark energy as it once did so long ago. The shadow-like person seemed to glide across the broken tiles as it searched for the source of the emissions. Some unknown force, that beckoned it to come and try and stop the evil, that had led it here.

After some searching the wanderer was about to leave when a small light caught its eye. It made it's way over to investigate the strange aura. No sooner had it stepped into the room where the light was emanating from, when the whole place began to shake violently. With lightning speed the figure was back out of the ruins and trying to find the source of the vibrations. There were strange shockwave like pulses flowing into the ruins and seemed to be slowly sucking things in, much like a black hole.

Fearing for its life the would be explorer started to run. What would have seemed like a blur to most people, now seemed to be someone running quite fast. Due to the in coming pulse waves the speed of the fleeing individual was greatly reduced.

Just as the runner was about to cross the crest of the next sand dune and escape the waves, the ruins exploded violently sending a concussion blast that sent the runner hurtling through the air, landing in a heap some 50 yards from where it had previously been.

Standing up and dusting itself off, the cloaked figure looked back at the crater to examine the remains.

Five fallen control spires were at the bottom of the hole, each glowed as if being fed power from some unseen source.

“So, then it begins. The battle for both worlds once again must be fought. I’m afraid, however, that this time the light may not prevail against the night.” With that the figure quickly twirled about, and five distinct slashes of light cut through the night and the control spires vaporized.

~+^The Real World^+~

‘When is he gonna get here? Its taking him forever, just like Matt, he’s got to be Mr. Fashionably Late.’ Tai laughed at that last thought, he would finally be getting to see his old friend after many years of silence.

‘I never meant to totally cut myself off from him. It just happened, slowly, after he had started to go out with Sora. I never thought that they would get serious, just one of those teenage flings that we all have, well most of us. Then Sora got pregnant with her and Matt’s first child and I knew things were serious then. Yet they never married even after they had their second child. I never did figure Matt for the marrying type.’

“I never did really understand why I cut myself off from him, just figured it was because he ended up with Sora... Still....”

“What was that dad?” Tai’s son stared up at his dad with a confused look. “What about Sora? You still not talking to her?” He made a slight accusing glare at is father at that last statement. He hated it when his father closed himself off from the other Digidestined; he had the Crest of Courage after all. He shouldn’t be trying to run from his problems.

“Its nothing son, just a little reflection on these past couple of years is all.” Tai smiled down at his son and gave him a reassuring wink that everything was fine. In truth though, Tai was starting to get a little worried that Matt might not show up. ‘What is taking him so long, if he flew on MetalGarurumon he would have been here by now’ Tai once again had to smile, he himself had had Agumon warp digivolve to WarGreymon to fly them to the small island that the Digidestined had chose long ago as their meeting spot. Tai looked at the computer and wondered if they had already gone to the Digiworld.

His thoughts were interrupted as Nefertimon and Pegasusmon landed carrying TK, Kari, and their children. No they had not married or had children together. It was a shame though. They had seemed so close when they were little. Tai sighed in the name of lost love and walked over to meet his sister and near brother. Over the years TK and Tai had gotten close like real brothers. It had happened when Matt had to leave on tour with his old band. Then he had left for extensive training to be a astronaut. TK had felt so alone and he needed someone to fill the void that Matt had left, Tai happily stepped up to fill it. He had always wanted a little brother.

“No one else is here yet Tai?” TK stepped up to the computer and checked the Digiport. “Well no one has gone through this one in a while. Looks like we are early.”

“Hi Aunt Kari, Uncle TK!” Tai’s son lit up at the sight of his aunt and “uncle”. He loved to visit them.

“Well, looks like, TK. We might as well wait a little to see who else shows up before we head off to the Digiworld.” TK nodded at Tai, Kari sat down and started to play with the three children.

A few minutes later Submarimon surfaced and deposited a very happy Cody and daughter on the beach before de-digivolving into Armadillomon. The three new comers ran over and greeted the older Digidestined and children.

Soon after, Zudomon and Garudamon appeared, showing that Sora and Joe had arrived with their children.

‘Those two have gotten close over the years. Wonder if they are together or not. Ah well, its just fate that things worked out the way they did...’ Tai went over and greeted his friends still wondering when Matt would show up.

They waited another half hour for the other, but decided that time was not to be wasted. They quickly lined up in front of the computer and transported to the Digiworld.

~+^The Digiworld^+~

Once everyone had untangled themselves from one another, the children wasted no time in running off to play and try and see if their digimon would at last digivolve to the next level.

“You would think after all those times we spent traveling back and forth between worlds we would finally learn to put pillows down or something.” Kari stated, dusting herself off.

“Well you know us, have to do everything the hard way. That or do it Tai’s way.” TK winked and started to giggle.

Just then the TV monitor whizzed to life and ejected Izzy, Mimi, Ken, Yolei, their Digimon, and their children on top of the Digidestined who had failed to get out of the way when the TV transported them to the Digiworld.

“Izzy, you can rewrite parts of the Digiworld, save the Internet from destruction and totally redesign computers. So why can’t you find a way to make it easier for us to land when we transport?” Mimi whined as she adjusted her hat back into place.

“Sorry. This is just one of those things that has to be lived with.” Izzy shrugged and smiled as he looked down at Tai and Cody who he had landed on. “Hey guys. Long time no see.”

“Yeah, well frankly the part of you I would like to see, isn’t your butt, Izzy, mind getting off?” Tai asked from under Izzy.

“Uhh, sure, of course.” He got up and helped Cody and Tai to their feet.

“Its nice to see everyone, how have you all been?” Yolei smiled and looked around at all the others. She had a small child in her arms, no more then a couple of months old, at the most.

“We’ve been good. How about all of you?” Kari asked looking at the baby and smiling.

“Just fine. Where is Davis?” Ken asked looking around for his friend.

“Not here yet. You guys heard from Matt?” Tai asked looking around as well.

“Not recently, he should be here though. Sometimes I think he makes everyone wait on him on purpose!” Mimi fumed and turned to the children and smiled. “You guys should go find the others and say hello while we old folks talk.”

“Wow, Mimi. I’m impressed, since when did you start to accept that you are aging?” Sora looked at her long time friend in awe, truly impressed at how Mimi seemed to have matured.

“Ah, just one of those things you come to terms with, and beside Izzy keeps me company these days.” Izzy had moved to America when his computer company decided to branch out. He agreed to go and has kept in contact with Mimi, Willis and Michael through the years. Izzy blushed as Mimi mentioned that he had helped her come to terms with her aging.

“Well we had better go and see what our little defenders of the two worlds in training are up to before we have the dark masters breathing down are necks again” Joe smiled and led the way in the direction that all the children’s giggling was coming from.

“HEY!!!!!!! WAIT UPPPPPPP!!!!!” Exveemon landed and de-digivolved into Veemon. A very red faced Davis looked at the others sheepishly. “Sorry I’m late. We got here as fast as we could, had a slight delay over the pacific, high winds and all.”

“Yeah right dad, you just didn’t get up till it was time for us to leave then you had to rush out here and nearly killed us trying to make Exveemon fly faster.” Davis’ son stated, none to kindly, and ran off ahead to find the other children.

“Humph, dang kid. We'll see who laughs last when I hold back his allowance.” He nodded his head curtly and decided that that would fix his disobedient son. “Hey, where’s Matt?”

“Wish someone knew. He hasn’t shown up yet.” Tai said, he looked at Davis and arched an eyebrow. “So it looks like you are off the hook cause at least you showed up, unlike some people.” He sighed. They all knew that Matt was in for it when, and if, he showed up.

“Well, shall we go round up the kids?” Kari asked.

“Why not, seems like the right time to go exploring the Digiworld.” TK added in.

They all nodded and headed off to go and see just what damage the kids had done to the fragile Digiworld.

After some time they managed to find all the children and just were about to ask what area of the Digiworld they would like to see first when Tai abruptly shouted for everyone to be careful and to move away.

There standing on a boulder not far from the group was a tall figure in a jet-black cloak. The figure raised its left hand to its right shoulder grabbing the fabric and whipped its arm out quickly, tossing the cloak off.
There stood a boy about nineteen in age with bright green hair. The bangs of his hair were long, long enough that they circled the sides of his face and seemed to give him an innocent look to him. The rest of his hair was cut shorter from front to back; the sides of his head were shaved. His clothes were made of the same jet-black fabric as his cloak. His arms were covered with what appeared to be strips of cloth that were circled around his arm and went up to his elbows, they had a strange way of intertwining with his fingers. The sleeves of his shirt were cut off at the shoulder in a haphazard fashion. The shirt itself was cut into a V-neck shape and hung loosely on him. His pants were bound tight to his waist and the upper portion of his pants fit loosely as well. The shin parts of his pants were bound tightly to his legs, giving off the shape of his calves. His shoes looked cloth as well, but they didn’t lose their shape as he shifted his weight, standing up from the kneeling position he had taken when he threw off the cloak.

He held out his right hand palm down and a small ball of light flew out from his chest to the area under his hand. The ball extended into a long bar and bolts of lightning flew down from the sky as it formed into a lance. The lance looked like to swords stuck together at their hilts. It was about six feet long and looked deadly sharp. At last, the boy spoke in an eerily, calm voice that seemed to float on the wind. It was soothing to the ear, but what he said chilled the Digidestined to the bone.

“You are the Digidestined are you not? Very well. Let us begin.” He twirled the lance in his hand then held it up in the air and continued to twirl it in his fingers and held it behind his back. He raised his left arm up in front of him taking a semi battle stance. He finally opened his eyes and nearly everyone’s breath caught in their throats.

His eyes were silver and where the eyes were usually white, his glowed blue and flickers of electricity flashed from the pupils outward.

“Prepare yourselves, I will not go easy on you.” He stated in that same soft hypnotizing voice, as if he was telling them that they were in the Digiworld.

~+^To Be Continued^+~


So???? You like? I might continue with this if you like it. I just might continue it if you don’t like it. Just to help the plot a little along so you can get a better feeling for the story.

Tai: Is this going to hurt?
Drakin: Unfortunately, YES! I plan on having lots of devastation and angst in this fic. *rubs hands together and grins maliciously* I LOVE BEING ABLE TO PLAY GOD WITH PPLS LIVES!!!! MMMUUUAAHHHHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHHA!!!
Matt: Awww man, and I didn’t even make it into the story yet!!! PPL YOU BETTER TELL HIM TO WRITE MORE!!!!!
{Katmon =^.^=: Yeah, do some good in your life!! *grins*}

Umm yeah, well anyways send feedback to Drakin5@yahoo.com. I really need it, this is my second fic so far!!!

Oh, yeah, remember things are not as what they always seem so this story can take a very, VERY rapid dive into another route then what you think, in fact it will if you want me to continue.

Hugs and Taichi’s smile
Drakin Tenryu
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