Warning: This is a Yaoi/Yuri story. In other words, this has boyxboy love. I don’t care what you think about such things, I do ask that if you don’t like it, don’t read it. DUH!! Don’t send flames, I will delete them immedeatly. This story is not centered around Taichi and Yamato as much as my last one. This is part of a series, if you read the other parts you may understand this one a little better. Thanks.

Disclaimer: Here is the deal, I DON’T OWN DIGIMON!! (I wish I did, but, you know.) So, get over it. Don’t sue, this is just for fun. (Doommon is mine! Don’t you steal him without my permission, you hear! The poem What You Say is also mine. Again, don’t steal it. It took me like half-an-hour to get all these poems done! And I still haven’t finished them! You steal, You die! Now that I’ve said that, enjoy!) Thanks again.

If a word is in “these,” it means it is being said aloud.
If a word is in *these,* it means it is being thought.
Words that are in italic are intensified.
Words that are in bold are intensified.
Words that are underlined are usually names of things.


Digital Reunion
Part two of four
This story takes place 21 years after 02
By Katmon =^.^= Ichijouji

What You Say
If what you say is true,
You’re in love with me,
Like I’m in love with you.

But, if what you say is a lie,
You’re using me,
Just to get through.
~Katmon =^.^=

When we left the Digidestined, Taichi had just been taken, by a Flymon, to the Doom House. The other Digidestined were heading over to the Doom House to get him back.

When they got there they found Doommon waiting for them. He nodded to them, a small smile pulling at his lips.

“We want Taichi back, and we want him back now!” Hikari said quickly.

“Right to the point. Is that the way you always do things... Hikari, is it? Did I your name right? I do hope I did, because if I didn’t, that leader of yours will die.” He gestured behind him. At one of the higher windows stood Kingtemon, holding Taichi out the window.

Daisuke, Wallace, Takeru, and Ken grabbed Yamato as he tried to rush Doommon. Hikari turned back to Doommon. “Yes, my name is Hikari. I would like to have my brother back, if you don’t mind.”

“I do mind,” Doommon snorted. “I don’t care what you want, I want payment. You want him, I want something in return. You have a deal, that is, if you agree.”

“We have given you all we have. What more do you want?”

“Your Digimon. Or one of you could take his place.” Doommon said, in a careless tone.

“What will happen if we don’t give you payment?”

“I torture him until he dies, then get rid of his body.” Doommon replied in that careless tone.

NO!!” Yamato screamed, breaking free of the four holding him. “I’ll take his place! Just let him go!” Gabumon walked up beside him.

Doommon signaled to Kingtemon. Kingtemon disappered from the window and reappered at the door. He brought Taichi over and dropped him, none too gently, next to Yamato. Then he picked up both man and Digimon and headed back to the Doom House with Doommon.

All of the Digidestined held back Takeru as he fought to get to his brother. As the doors slamed shut, locking the residents inside, he fell to the ground in helpless sobs. Hikari and Jou, on the other hand, went to Taichi. Jou insisted that he be moved back to camp. Hikari then went to gather Takeru and they followed the quite line.

Inside the Doom House, Yamato, Gabumon, and Doommon watched the Digidestined disapper into the trees. Yamato and Gabumon were chained together. Doommon laughed harshly. “Fools. All of them are fools. Hahah. As are you.”

“Laugh all you want, just take me to him while you do so.” Yamato growled.

“You all always get to the point, don’t you. No matter. This way, please.” Doommon led the two to a dinning hall. There, at the head of the table, sat the real Taichi. He had a black eye to show for his flight to the Doom House.

“Yama! How nice to see you! Sit down! Eat! The food is great.” Yamato sat next to Taichi and Gabumon stood next to him.

A small Gekomon came in and removed both Yamato and Gabumon’s chains. Then it gave Yamato his Digivice and led Gabumon away with the idea of more food and a warm bath. Doommon sat across from the two humans.

“Let me see if I’ve got this right. You want to be our friends because you find us interesting. Right?”Yamato inquired.

“Right. I studied your D-3s and Digivices, and found that you all are quite an interesting bunch. I didn’t really understand you until then. Your leader and I have been discussing a few things. I would like to become your friends, but, as you can see, they don’t trust me very much.” Doommon answered.

“Did you consider talking to us?” Yamato asked.

“Yes, Yama. We did. That won’t work.”

“Could we talk to them?”

“They might think I’m controling you, or something.”

“Good point. Why not give them back their D-3s and Digivices?”

“After the stunt he just pulled?!”

“I see your problem. You know, we could really use Ken or Koushiro for this.”

“They’ll be back after they find out that’s not me.”

“Can’t we try at least something when they come back?”

“The other Digidestined are back boss.” Kingtemon inturupted.

“Thank you, Kingtemon. Would you two like to come with? I’ll have Gabumon meet us at the door.”

The men exchanged glances. “Sure. Why not.” Taichi answered for both. They walked to the door, met up with Gabumon, and left the Doom House.


“Here he comes. He has Yamato and Taichi with him!” Biyomon called down to the humans.

“Are they the real ones? Can you tell?” Hikari asked the flying Digimon.

“They’re both walking, and Yamato has Gabumon with him. They sure look real!” Biyomon called back down. Hikari cheered some.

“Good job, Biyo. Come on down. We’ll wait for them here.” Sora called. Biyomon landed next to her partner. They waited for the little group.

“Couldn’t we have met half-way?” Taichi asked, breathless, as they walked up.

“Taichi! Yamato! Are you both okay?” Daisuke asked.

Agumon, on the other hand, ran right over and hugged Taichi. “It’s really him this time!” He shouted back to the group. Doommon was forgotten as the Digidestined cheered. Both Hikari and Takeru ran to their older brothers, tears streaming down their faces.

“Oniichan! I thought I’d lost you!” Hikari cried into her brother’s shirt.

“I thought you were gone for good this time!” Takeru said, still sobbing silently.

“No such luck, imoto.” Taichi told his sister. Then both he and Yamato pulled away and stepped back towards Doommon.

You,” Hikari growled. “You better let them go!”

“Why? Why should I do that? I think we’ve had this conve...”

“Doommon! Please! Give them back the D-3s and Digivices!” Taichi cried, wanting the arguement to end. Doommon tossed them the bag. Hikari caught it, took out her D-3, and passed along the bag.

“Now, Doommon, do you have anything else to say?” Yamato asked, giving Doommon an evil look. The other Digidestined were starting to wonder who was really in charge.

Doommon glared at Yamato for a second or two, then turned back to the others. “We have food, beds, baths, and just about anything else you may wish for at the Doom House. You may come or leave, as you wish. I have something to show the original Digidestined inside. Come if you wish.” He turned around and left with Taichi, Yamato, and their Digimon. The other hesitated for a few seconds, then followed also.


What are you taking me to see, and why didn’t you say anything about it before?” Taichi asked as Doommon led him down the hall to who knows what.

“You’ll see.” Doommon replied.

“And why only one at a time?” Taichi continued.

“You’ll see.” Doommon repeated.

Taichi sighed and they went on.


Meanwhile; Agumon, Yamato, and Hikari paced back and forth in front of the door that Taichi and Doommon had disappeared through only seconds before.

“You three are starting to give me a headache. Taichi will be fine. He can take care of himself.” Jou commented from his seat at the main table in the dinning hall. He, Koushiro, Ken, Cody, Takeru, the three pacing, and the other Digimon were in the hall together. Most of them were eating. The others not in the hall, were relaxing in their own room, our taking a bath. They had settled right in.

“Really. You three worry too much.” Gabumon told them.

Miyako and Wallace came in. They, with Koushiro and Ken, went to the far corner of the table to discuss a few things.

Takeru, Tokomon, and Nyaromon had a whispered conference. Then Takeru got up and took Hikari to a private bedroom. Some of the others in the room whistled, and Hikari stuck her tonuge out at them. That got a laugh.

After the two had left, and the laughter had died down, Gabumon shot a look at the two still standing. They both sat and ate some of the food. They both kept sneeking looks at the door, but at least they weren’t pacing anymore.

Then, suddenly, the door opened and Taichi walked out, looking dazed. Yamato ran over to him. “Are you okay?”

He nodded. “Fine, really. Go on in.” Yamato nodded and walked through the door. They slammed shut behind him. Gabumon looked up, a worried expression on his face.

Taichi walked over to the table and sat at the seat that Yamato had just left. Agumon looked at him. “Are you sure you’re okay? What happened?”

Taichi looked down at the orange Digimon. He shook his head, as if clearing it. “I’m sure I’m fine. Now stop peppering me with questions, Agumon. Biyomon, go and tell Sora that she’ll by next.” He said quietly. Biyomon got up and went to go look for her partner.

“What happened, Taichi?” Agumon asked again.

Taichi turned back to the Digimon. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” He turned to the dog-like Digimon on his other side. “Yamato should be out soon.” With that said the man turned to stare at the door.

Sora came in. “So, what’s up?” She asked. The doors opened and Yamato came out before anyone could say anything. He looked around the room. When he caught sight sight of Sora he motioned to the oped door behind him. She nodded to him as she passed him on her way in.

As Yamato walked over to Taichi he called out to Koushiro. “Koushiro, you’ll be next.”

Koushiro looked up from his computer. “Thanks, I’ll remember that.” He said and turned back to his work.

Taichi grabbed Yamato’s arm and they walked out of the hall together. Tokomon and Nyaromon went to go bother their human friends. Everything settled down in the hall. Gabumon and Agumon went to go keep Biyomon company, and reasure her, while Sora was behind the doors.


But, for now we’ll follow Taichi and Yamato to find out what they’re up to.

The two walked into the bedroom they had choosen. They sat on the bed, facing each other, and pulled out their tags and crests. Both smiled. They had their crests back after all those years.

For, you understand, the eight crests of the original Digidestined had been taken years before to heal the Digital World. Some how, Doommon had found a way to get them back. He was truly a great friend. After befriending Taichi and Yamato he had decided to give them their crests. When the others had joined the alliance, he had decided to give them theirs as well.

Even better, Wizardmon was back! Wizardmon had been destroyed when he had jumped in front of a killing blast meant for Hikari and Gatomon. That saved them and gave the Digidestined the chance to destroy Myotismon. Of course Hikari and Gatomon had both been upset. It was a large loss for all of them, and Wizardmon had bee the one to bring Hikari and Gatomon together.

Then, three years later, he came back to warn the Digidestined about the next challange. It had been on their anniversary, and the day he had sacrificed his life for them all. He had always been a great friend, and now he was back, for good, they hoped. Hikari and Nyaromon would be overjoyed.

A knock on the door sent the two scrambling to hide their tags and crests.

“Come in,” Yamato called out.

Sora walked in and closed the door behind herself. She showed them her tag and crest. They pulled out their tags and crests and offered her a spot on the bed. She took it.

“Koushiro in yet?”Yamato asked.

“Yes. Palamon is getting Mimi. Wizardmon... Did you see him?” Both men nodded. “Wonder who’s after Mimi.”

“Jou. Then Takeru.” Taichi put in.

“How...”Sora asked, looking mystified.

“Doommon told me. We’d better get those two up. They’re gonna want to be there.” Taichi said quickly.

“Not a bad idea. Then we can stuff our faces some more!” Yamato added as they all got up. They laughed as they went out into the hall. They then continued on to the room that Hikari and Takeru shared. Yamato and Taichi shot each other a grin and walked right in to the room without knocking.

An angry screech came from the bed. Hikari sat up and glared in the direction of the door, with nothing but a blanket around herself. When she saw who it was though, she changed her tune. “Taichi! You’re okay! Don’t scare me like that again! Understand!”

“Yes, oh Great Clothless Hikari. I hear and obey.” Taichi said, grinning from ear to ear.

“You are so dead! Get out! OUT!!” Hikari screamed at the two older men in the room.

They ran out into the hall, laughing, as the door slammed shut behind them. Sora couldn’t help but laugh with them. “You two are way too courageous for your own good! You are going to get yourselves in some major trouble one of these days!” Sora told them, trying not to laugh too hard.

The door banged open and a very angry Hikari stepped out, followed by Takeru, who was trying to hold her back. “Now, Hikari. Clam down. It was just a joke. Nothing major, I swear. HELP!” Taichi yelled and ran behind Yamato. Takeru, Sora, and Yamato couldn’t help but laugh.

Then Agumon, Gabumon, and Biyomon walked in. Salamon and Patamon walked out of the room at the same time. “You two digivolved!”

“Yup! I can do it again! Right Hikari?” Salamon said.

“Go ahead!” Hikari said, smiling, the fight with Taichi forgotten. She held up her D-3.

“Salamon, digivolve to... Gatomon!”

“Hurray!” Hikari shouted, running over to and hugging her Digimon. Everyone smiled.

“Err... Jou just went in, and Takeru is next.” Agumon interupted. They followed him to the dinning hall. They all sat down to eat something.

Koushiro had gone back to his group. Mimi was just sitting there, staring at the food in front of her. When she saw them she got up and came over to them. “Sora, can you join me? Please!” She whined. Sora smiled and got up. She followed Mimi over to her seat and they talked.

Not long after that, Jou came out and told Takeru to go in. He did, leaving Hikari holding Patamon and Gatomon. She was rocking back and forth, crying silently.

“What’s wrong, Hikari?” Taichi asked, a worried expression on his face.

“Don’t you worry, he’ll be back out soon. Then it will be your turn.” Yamato said lightly. The last comment only made Hikari cry harder. Taichi shot Yamato a dirty look, then went over to comfort his upset sister.


After a little while, the doors opened and Takeru came out, followed by Doommon. Seeing Doommon, Taichi got up and walked over to him. “What about Hikari?” Taichi asked. Doommon nodded towards the door. Taichi caught sight of a purple cloak. He raised his hands. “Quiet!” All the Digidestined turned to him, by now all were in there. “You all know what to do!” He shouted.

The Digidestined that had gone in to get their crests lined up in the order they went in. Koushiro pulled Ken over between Jou and Takeru. Takeru got Hikari to stand next to him in line. The idea was to go down the line and shout out the names of their crests while holding them up for all to see. The others pulled out their tags and crests, but kept them hidden in the palm of their hands. Taichi came to the front of the line and started, pulling out his tag and crest.

"Courage!" Taichi yelled, his crest starting to glow.

“Friendship!” Yamato added, his crest also glowing.

“Love!” Sora yelled, her crest also starting to shine.

“Knowledge!” Koushiro threw in, his crest lighting.

“Sincerity!” Mimi called out, a beam of light coming from her crest.

“Reliability!” Jou called, his crest burning brightly.

“Kindness!” Ken’s voice joined in, a glow radiating from his crest.

“Hope!” Takeru’s voice filled the air, his light joining the others.

Hikari stood there, a tear running down her cheek. A voice rang from the partially open door. A voice that all but Michael, Wallace, and Ken had heard before. A voice that gave them all a surge of hope.

“And Light!” Wizardmon called, stepping out from behind the door.

Wizardmon!” Hikari and Gatomon called together, throwing themselves at the old friend.

“I seem to have something of yours, again.” He said. Everyone laughed. He held out his hand to the girl in front of him. A tag and crest lay there, looking lonely in his open palm. The girl put her hand in his, on top of both tag and crest. The crest glowed a bright pink that outshone all the others. She picked up the tag and crest and placed it about her neck. Then she turned to both her brother and her husband, an evil gleam in her eyes. She advanced on the two.

“Now, Hikari. There’s a good reason for this. We’ll explain the whole thing if you give us a chance.” Takeru begged.

“Start explaining mister!” Hikari said as she chased the two around the room.

Everyone laughed. When Hikari finally caught up to the two men she jumped on them and all three fell in a laughing heap.

Later that night.
All but Doommon are asleep.
I wonder what he’s up to.
Let’s go see.

Doommon was standing in the middle of a room. The room had one big sceen. Doommon stood facing that single sceen, his face a calm mask of his true feelings. He was terrified.

The shadow of a face appeared on the screen. “Doommon.” It said.

Although Doommon was shaking in his shoes, both his face and his voice were calm. “Yes sir.”

“Do you have them all?”

“Everyone sir.”

“And they all think they sould trust you, right?”

“Of coruse sir.”

“Did you give them the fake crests and Digivices?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. I’ll be there shortly.”

“Understood sir. They shall be ready.” The screen went blank and Doommon left the room.

In Yamato and Taichi’s room.



“Do you trust Doommon?”

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know whether we should or not.”

“You’ve been talking to Ken again.”

“Yeah. How did you know?”

“That’s what Ken would have said, not you.”

“You know us all too well.”

“I’m leader. I’m supposed to. Now go to sleep. I’m trying to get some sleep.”

“Yes, sir, Oh Great Leader, sir.” Yamato said, grinning. A pillow came out of nowhere and hit him on the head. Both men laughed and went to sleep.
Is Doommon for them, or against them? Who is this myterious person? Why is Doommon working for it? And once again, Will they ever get home?

Find out all this and more, in part 3 of Digital Reunion!


So, how was it? Please send feedback. #if it’s a flame, address it to me, me like flames, they make good bondfires# That’s Mrs. Ichijouji, she likes burning things. If it’s a flame and not addressed to her, I’m giving it to her.

A note on the poem:
Yes, I know. It doesn’t seem to have much to do with the story. Well, let me explain that. The poem really has quite a bit to do with the story. I’ve no idea, what-so-ever, where the poem came from. All I know is this, I was thinking about this story, and boom, it hit me. **A book or the poem?**( GREEN!! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!!) In the end of this story, we find that we may not be able to trust Doommon. Then Yamato voices his (or Ken’s) concern for not trusting Doommon. We begin to wonder if they should trust him. It’s like, fake Digivices and crests! Wait a second here, where’s the truth in this whole matter. If what he says to the Digidestined is true, he really does want to be friends. But, if what he says is a lie, he’s using them, for something. See, I’m smart! **Wanna bet!** (Dead Green! You are sooo dead!)

My e-mail address is katmon2000@earthlink.net Please send feedback, we enjoy it. #flames!!!^_^# Yup, she’s crazy. #Look who's talking# *makes a face*

Thanks again,
Katmon =^.^=
#*meow*and Mrs. Ichijouji!# Yup, her too.
**Did you forget me again?!** That’s Green. She has an attitude problem. ^_~ **Do not!!**
@And me, Wizardmon! If you all are wondering where I got to, I’m right here, with Katmon!@ And he’s staying here too!
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