Warning: This is a Yaoi/Yuri story. In other words, this has boyxboy love. I don’t care what you think about such things, I do ask that if you don’t like it, don’t read it. DUH!! Don’t send flames, I will delete them immediately. This story is not centered around Taichi and Yamato as much as my last one. This is part of a series, if you read the other parts you may understand this one a little better. Guess what, we’ve made it! This is the last one in this group! Start your cheering (If you must!) but remember, there is more to come! ^_~ This one is seen in Yamato’s point of view. Thanks.

Disclaimer: Here is the deal, I DON’T OWN DIGIMON!! (I wish I did, but, you know.) So, get over it. Don’t sue, this is just for fun. (Doommon, his evolutions and the evolutions of the Mysterious Five are mine! {Note; The Mysterious Five aren’t mine, just their digivolved and de-digivolved forms!} Don’t you steal them without my permission, you hear! The poem Free at Last is also mine. Again, don’t steal it. It took me like half-an-hour to get all these poems done! And I still haven’t finished them! You steal, You die! Now that I’ve said that, enjoy! Thanks again.

If a word is in “these,” it means it is being said aloud.
If a word is in *these,* it means it is being thought.
Words that are in italic are intensified.
Words that are in bold are intensified.
Words that are underlined are usually names of things.


Digital Reunion
Part four of four

This story takes place 31 years after 02
By Katmon =^.^= Ichijouji

Free At Last
Running through,
Those iron gates,
That have always been closed before.
Coming out into the world,
And seeing the colors of the sky above,
And the ground below.

Hear the bells a ringing,
And listen to the sounds,
Of people a cheering.
That simple,
And yet wonderful word,
~Katmon =^.^=

Ten years have passed since that wonderful day, and much has happened too.

Now all can play in the DigiWorld. Each with their own Digimon. The Digiports are always open. Life is better, for us all.

Well, since it is allowed now, Taichi and I got married. We had the wedding in the DigiWorld so all could come, and fit! We have also adopted two boys that Hikari insists look like us!

Ken and Miyako have gotten married, and have a girl and two boys! Hikari and Takeru have a girl and a boy! Sora and Michael got married and have a girl! Jou and Meko got married and have a son! Mimi and Koushiro have a son and daughter now! Daisuke and Wallace adopted a son! Iori found a woman named Mara and they got married and had a son!

Then, to our surprise, we find that a fellow Digidestined, her husband, and their daughter aren’t doing too well. We ask if they want to move here and they say yes. So, Kathrine, Hamilton, and their daughter are boarders at our house for a short time. It’s quite interesting to try and get used to having a woman in the house again!

Our two boys go by the names of Taito and Yamachi. They like having two fathers and often think of Kathrine as a mother! Their Digimon are Snowagumon and Psychemon, believe it or not!

Trust me, the holders of Courage, Friendship, and Freedom together are living large. Of course we still keep up with Doommon and the other Digidestined!

So life is good. Let’s hope it stays that way!

Or is it?!


Author’s Note:
I warned you all, this one is gonna be long!

Dedications: These stories were dedicated! When, I have no idea. Well. Here we go!
To my little sis, angelkity983. She was always there for me and got me out of loads of trouble.
To my mom, Lynne. Who, even though she knew what I was doing and didn’t like it, stayed with me and helped me through, whether she knew it or not.
To my friend at school, Genny. She was always begging to read them in my notebook, now she can read them online.
To my kitten, Fox. He was there, even in the middle of the night, keeping me company.
To my other friend who moved away at the beginning of Christmas Break, Yamille. The poem for the fourth part is for her ‘cause she had a great voice, always kept us on our toes, and will always come to mind when I think of Dr. King and his ‘I Have A Dream’ speech.
To Shinigami, or whatever her name is today. ‘Cause she gave me the idea of putting my stories online.
To Drakin. Who, even though it’s taken me forever, kept putting these stories up and always will, I think.
To everyone who ever liked, and who will like, Digimon: Digital Monsters. May they live on in our hearts forever more.

Now, let’s break the mood! (I hate touching moments!) If you have any questions about my stories (That does not include my spelling problem!) e-mail me at katmon2000@earthlink.net
Flames are to be addressed to Mrs. Ichijouji (Or Green, if you prefer) at mrs_ichijouji@most_wanted.com or green_adept@thevortex.com So simple!
We bunch of nuts like feedback, so please send some it! (At least this place is never boring!) I’m only getting it from people who I direct to my stories! That’s not funny! I send feedback! Give back to the community.

Late night. Good night.
Katmon =^.^= (I’ll have everyone sign this time, just to drive all nuts! *Evil grin*)
#*meow*and Mrs. Ichijouji!#
**Don’t forget Green!**
/Ken here. Biding you all a good day!\
$Tis Poranomon!$
%Wormmon here.%
~Osamu says good-night!~
=So says Cliff!=
+And Candlemon!+
::And Vallimon::

(All of the above personal {In the good-bye section} are sole trademarks of Katmon =^.^=! Ken, Wormmon, Wizardmon, and Candlemon were borrowed from Toei and company when the show ended! Osamu’s name was borrowed, but not Osamu!)

{Some words of wisdom; Intentio caeca mala. Onus segni impone asello. Merdancem memorem esse oportet. Si fecisti nega.} The words of wisdom are in Latin! Either you look up the meaning, or you ask me in a nice little e-mail. *girns* It's one way to get feedback... {Of course, it'll probably never work.... >_<}
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