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Warning: This is a Yaoi/Yuri story. In other words, this has boyxboy love. I don’t care what you think about such things, I do ask that if you don’t like it, don’t read it. DUH!! Don’t send flames, I will delete them immedeatly. Thanks.
This story will switch from Yamato’s point of view to Taichi’s piont of view and back again, many times. Hope it doesn’t become too confusing.

Disclaimer: Here is the deal, I DON’T OWN DIGIMON!! (I wish I did, but, you know.) So, get over it. Don’t sue, this is just for fun. The poem ”Come Again” is mine, so please don’t take it without my permission. Thanks again.

Never Leave Me
Takes place 1 year after 02
By: Katmon =^.^= Ichijouji


Come Again
Once you promised my anything,
And then you left.
You ran away,
It tore my heart.
And I must insist,
One little thing.
You come back,
To me one day.

~By Katmon =^.^=

“Time to go Yamato!”

“Okay!” I said one last good-bye to our old apartment. We were moving. I closed and locked the front door for the last time. Then I walked over to the passenger door of my dad’s car and got in. He had agreed to take a job in Kyoto. Of course, I hadn’t told that to my friends. I didn’t want them to know where I was going, so I could start a new life. It was going to be great, I hoped. We left.


As I came running down the street I saw Yamato’s father’s car drive off. I crouched and banged my knee. Then I walked over to the nearest bench and sat down.

“Yamato...” I wispered to the air.

*Kuso, I needed to tell him something. I hoped that I would have caught him befor he had left. Baka. That’s it, I’m a baka. I knew I wouldn’t catch him, but I still ran all the way out here. I hope I see him again.* I got up and headed home.

When I got home Hikari let me in.

“Missed him.” Hikari said. It wasn’t a question. She knew everyyhing. Including my biggest secret. I love Yamato. Yeah, I know, that makes me gay. But you know, I don’t care. You heard me right, I don’t care. It used to bother me, until my sister found out. Then I wasn’t so ashamed, because she still loved me and didn’t care. For that matter, she was completly behind me the whole way, and happy for me. She was the one that told me to got try and catch Yamato.

“Yeah, I missed him. Did you call Takeru?”

“Yes. They didn’t tell Takeru or Natsuko where they were going either. Gomen.” She hung her head.

“Don’t be. It’s not your fault. I wonder why all the secrecy. I already miss him.” I felt a tear fall down my face. Hikari stepped over and gave me a hug. She really is a caring sister, a good thing to have around at a time like this. Takeru is lucky to have, Hikari. I guess I am too.

The phone rang and Hikari went to get it. I listened intently.

“Moshi-moshi.” She said.

“Yes...” A pause.

“Yes...” Another pause.

“Okay. See you then.” Hikari hung up and came over to me. “That was Mom. She and Dad are going out with some friends, so it’s just us.”

“Wanna invite Takeru over?”

“No, that’s okay. Do you wanna cook, or should I?”

“You. You know I can’t cook.” We smiled. It was true, I can’t even cook rice without burning it. Now Yamato could cook... There I go again. I kept smiling until Hikari had disappered into the kitchen. Then I got up and went into my room in the back of the house.

I layed down on my bed and cryed, softly, into my pillow.


I woke up and stared out the car window.

“Almost there now.”


“Yamato, are you okay? I saw Taichi running down the street as we left, I know you saw him too. Why didn’t you want us to stop?”

I said nothing. I couldn’t tell him the truth. He would, no doubt, hate me. I was afraid I would want to stay if we had stopped. Taichi’s face passed by in my thoughts, my forbiddened love.


I love so much it hurts. I don’t think I could ever tell him how I feel. I’m too scared. I just know that he would hate me, and I couldn’t live with that rejection. I hope that starting a new life will help. With no one knowing where we are going, I might forget all about Yagama Taichi.

When we got to the apartment building, and got inside, I went to my new room. Our stuff was moved here some time ago. I went to sleep on my bed.

The next morning I got up and my dad took me to my new high school. I got inroled and went to my first class. The annoncements came on as I orginized my stuff.

Then my head shot up in suprise. There was a school band, and they just happened to be looking for a lead singer. Tryouts were to be after school. I look forward to them. ^_^

At the end of the school day I headed to the band room for tryouts. There were others, but most of them couldn’t sing in tune. Those that could, couldn’t keep the beat, or sounded like complete and total shit. I got the spot, of course. We had practice and then went home. After I had finished my homework, I worked on some of the songs.


*I hope Yamato is having a good time.* I thought as I scored a goal at my soccer game. We were winning. I heard that Yamato’s old band were looking for a lead singer. I hope they get one, soon.

I got the ball and passed it to one of my teammates who was open. He scored and our fans cheered. I saw Hikari talking to Takeru in the stands. I hope there is news this time. If there wasn’t I was going to do my best to forget all about Ishida Yamato.

I caught the two after the game, no news. Oh well. Life must go on, I guess.

*This is the last night I’ll cry for you, Yamato! I hope you’re happy!* I yelled to myself. *I hope you’re happy.*

3 months later

I still can’t believe it. Our next concert is in Odiaba! I would have cancled, but my dad and band members wouldn’t let me. It was hard enough to forget about Taichi as it was, how am I gonna forget about him if I see him again?

I wouldn’t go out and party on the town, no way, no how. So now I’m sitting in this nice little hotel room, eating whatever I can order from room service. I hope none of my friends are there. I don’t want to answer all their questions, I don’t think I can. I made my dad promise not to tell about the band concert. I told him that there was no way I was going if he told. Maybe it will be fun.


I had to turn Hikari down. I hadn’t gone to any band concerts since Yamato left. She knows that. Why she even thought about asking me I’ll never know. She wouldn’t say why. She did hint, a few times, that I might want to go. Now that I think about it, maybe I should have gone.


Everyone else was going. Maybe it was supposed to be a group thing. It might help me get over my depression. Maybe...


Maybe I’ll go anyway.

“Taichi!” My mom called from the kitchen. I walked to the door. “Would you go to the store and get me some milk? We’re out.” I nodded.

*I guess I’m not going after all.* I thought as I put on my shoes and headed out the door.

As I got closer to the square I heard the music. That’s when I remebered, there was a whole gallon of milk left, and the band concert was being held in the square. *Looks like I’m going after all.* I thought as I caught sight of the crowds, and my sister, waiting for me.

“Gaki,” I mumbled under my breath. Then louder, “Your idea, right.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes. You needed to get out of the house. Come on, we have backstage passes. Here’s yours.” She handed me a pass and led me past the guard and over to the others. They smiled and looked back to the stage. I looked...

And gasped.


Even though I only saw his back I knew him.


He had grown, and gotten even more beautiful. What I wouldn’t give to run up and hug him. I couldn’t because I had Hikari hanging on to my one arm while Takeru held on to the other. I knew he wanted to do the same thing I did. I squeezed his arm and recived a look of gratitude in return.

Hikari had told Takeru about my feelings for his older brother a while ago. He had understood, and we had agreed to share the pain of losing Yamato together. We had grown closer and were now like brothers.


When the concert was finally over we all stepped back into the shadows. The band walked down, Yamato last. Suddenly, Takeru broke free of the shadows and tackled his brother to the ground. Yamato groaned. We all laughed as we came out of the shadows.

Takeru got up and helped his brother up, only to attack him again. I wish I could do the same. When Takeru finished attacking his brother, the girls of our group went over to give him a hug. Then he exchanged hugs with all the boys but me. The others filed out.

We stood there and stared at each other, quietly, for a time. Then I walked over and gave him a hug. “I missed you. I kept thinking about you.” I told him, quietly.

“I missed you too. Taichi, I-I-I...”

“Yamato, I love you!” I blurted out, interupting him. I looked down at my feet, ashamed.

When he didn’t say anything I looked up. And was rewraded with a kiss. I stared, shocked. He was blushing. I’m guessing I was too. Then we looked into each other’s eyes, and smiled.

A giggle from the stage made me look over. I caught sight of Hikari and Takeru taking off. Yamato and I exchanged glances and then followed them.

“Gaki,” I grumbled. Yamato laughed as we ran after the two. It felt good to be running, hand in hand, with my Yamato, knowin that he was never going to leave me again.

So, how was it? If you’re wondering about the way their names were in an odd print, by themselves it was because that’s who they were of thinking of at the time. #actually, it’s her way of making her story more interesting# Ignore Mrs. Ichijouji, she has a mind of her own.

Still, what do you all think. Please send feedback. #if it’s a flame, send it to me, me like flames, they make good bondfires# She likes burning things. If it’s a flame and not sent to her, I’m giving it to her. Her address is and Green's is

My e-mail address is Please send feedback, we enjoy it. #flames!!!^_^# Yup, she’s crazy.

Thanks again,
Katmon =^.^=
#*meow*and Mrs. Ichijouji# Yeah, her too. ^_~
**Did you forget me again?!** That’s Green. She has an attitude problem. ^_~ **Do not!! >_<**

