Who To Go To

Disclaimer: I don’t own Digimon, they belong to Saban I think and though I do wish I owned Digimon, I don’t and if I did, then I wouldn’t have to even write this!


“Where do think you’re going?” Jun stood in the doorway of the hall blocking Davis to enter his room.

“Get lost Jun,” Davis pushes his sister roughly to the side. Jun leaped up, grabbed Davis’ arm, and turned him around.

“You have to pay a fee to get to your room. What’s Matt doing now?” Davis shoved her off his arm.

“He’s dating Mimi, Jun. Get that through your head.”

“Overseas girlfriend, eh? Brat!” She squealed as she lunged for Davis but he quickly closes the door behind him and locked it before Jun could enter his territory. “I’m leaving to meet some friends.” Jun’s voice muffled behind the door as she thinks of something to get back at her brother. “Tell me when TK calls to pummel your dumb brains for interfering with Kari and him. You don’t need it anyways.”

Davis punched the door angrily after what Jun said and fumed as he heard Jun’s laugh fade and the front door slam. Demiveemon looked up from the bed.

“Hey Davis! What’s up?”

“I’m running away. Help me pack my stuff.”

“WHAT? You can’t be serious! Come on man! I mean…”

“You don’t have to come, just help me pack.” Demiveemon silently sulks at the unusual tone coming from his partner.

“Sorry, Davis. But I’m coming with you. You’re my best buddy and I can’t leave you. Besides, I need to protect you incase something happens.” Davis smiled,

“Thanks… Demiveemon”

He stuffs his clothes into his bag. I had enough of this life. Now Demiveemon and me are going to start a new life. By ourselves with true friends. He thought as he wipes away an escaping tear from his eye. I can’t stand all the teasing about me being stupid and ignores from Kari anymore. He pauses as his mind takes him back after school where it just happened.

“Hey Kari!” Davis picked up speed and ran towards Kari and TK.

“What is it Davis?” asked TK looking quite annoyed.

“Nothing of your business TK. I just want to talk to my friend Kari here.”

“We were having a private conversation I should tell you since you’re so stupid to see until you came along and interrupted it.” TK shot back. He placed his arm around Kari’s shoulder and they started walking. “Talk to her later Davis!” He called over his shoulder and then ignoring his look of hurt on his face, he kept on walking.

“Fine TK, I know you’re dating Kari but I’m still allowed to talk to her…” He balled up his fists, “But now, I think that ‘later’ will really be later and it’s too late to
stop me.”

He sighs and zips up his duffle bag starts packing his backpack. I know running away isn’t always the answer but it seems like there’s no other way. I don’t really want to run away but…it’s the only way for them to see how I feel about all this.

“Hey Davis!” Demiveemon walked out from his closet holding a bunch of Davis’ belongings, “Are you going to pack these, too? It’s your Discman…your c.d.’s…your coat…and,” he paused before handing over the last item, “and…your Digi gadgets.”

“Thanks buddy.” He took the D-3, stared at it, and then sighed. “I’m sorry Demiveemon. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I can just leave you with Tai or someone.” Demiveemon shook his head.

“Nuh-uh Davis, I’m your digimon and I stick with you. I don’t agree with your solution right now but we made our promise and I’m going to stick with you through thick and thin. Besides, Tai and Kari can’t handle 3 Digimons.” Davis smiled,

“Thanks Demiveemon. You’re a pal.” Veemon crosses his tiny arms and looks at Davis,

“Davis, are you really sure about this? I mean, running away? Where are you going to go? Do you have enough money? How are you going to go? How do you think they’ll feel?” Davis frowns.

“Of course! I emailed my friend from camp that just lives in Readington. I have the money in the bank and I’m just carrying a few bucks (or yen but in this story, I’ll stick to dollars). I’m going by subway. Readington isn’t really far. And besides, no one will really notice that I’m gone or else if they do, they won’t care! I would have picked the Digital World first but it’s easier to track me there.” He continued packing, adding his comic books, his photo album, and other junk. Demiveemon sighed in defeat. He knew there wasn’t anyone who could convince him to stay.

“How long are you planning to stay away?”

“Till they beg me to come back?” He replied jokingly. Demiveemon shook his head.

“Won’t take very long, they can track you down can’t they?” He pointed to the new cell phone he had gotten for his birthday, the D-3 and the D-terminal. (Is the d-terminal the thingy that they get the emails from?)

“No way bud. I’m not coming back till I want to come back. I won’t talk to them much and I’ll just act mad. I could hang up on them and you know…”

“What if Kari came begging you to stay?” Demiveemon asked eagerly, Davis paused and thought about it.

“No, she’s just go back to TK and ignore me again once I’m back.” Demiveemon lost hope. Davis stretched and looked at his usually messy room that was now magically clean and…somewhat empty. He turned back to his backpack and zipped it up. Demiveemon came back into his view and gave him a questionable look. Davis looked at him and returned the stare.

“What’s up Demiveemon?” His digimon hesitated before answering.

“Um…when do you plan to leave?”



“That wasn’t very nice you know TK” Kari commented as they walked away from Davis. “Our conversation wasn’t private. We were just talking about our adventures in the digital world. And you know Davis was part of the team. In fact, he was the leader. You don’t act that way to your leader…” TK clenched his teeth,

“He’s too stupid to be a leader. He doesn’t even deserve to be the leader. I bet that I would be a better…”

“Tai is the leader for the older kids. He acts just like Davis sometimes too and his decisions are acted upon their thoughts for winning and defeating the evil in the Digital World. They usually don’t consider about what might happen to our Digimon or us. They don’t give up and they are the bravest leaders anyone could ever have. Did you think that you would have been a better leader when you were in Tai’s group? Remember when we fought MaloMyotismon back then? No one wanted to fight MaloMyotismon because of what might happen to our Digimon. Only Davis was brave enough to convince everybody.” Kari shot back angrily, “Think about it TK.” She shrugged off his arm and walked away angrily.

TK watched her leave and shook his fist at his side. This is all your fault Davis. You’re going to pay. He walked the opposite direction of Kari and headed for his apartment.

Kari walked through the almost empty street that her school was on. She spotted Yolei and Ken walking hand in hand walking towards her and waved to them. Yolei waved back and quickened the pace dragging Ken along. She noticed that Poromon and Leafmon were desperately trying keep up.

“Hey guys. Weren’t we not suppose to have our Digimon at school ‘cause they usually eat out the cafeteria?” Yolei giggled and shook her head.

“Yeah but we just dropped off our bags at home and picked up our Digimons. We’re going to the park. Wanna come?” Kari smiled,

“No thanks. I’ll just leave you two together.” Yolei and Ken blushed. “And besides, I can’t leave Gatomon and Tai worrying about me.”

“Oh yeah, we just saw you walk away from TK pretty mad. What’s up with that?” Kari sighed

“Davis wanted to talk to me about something but TK told him that we were having a private conversation until he interrupted. He told him to go away. I didn’t think it was very nice. I told him that you don’t treat team members like that and you don’t treat leaders like that.” She breathed a little, “Then is told me that he’s too dumb to be a leader and that he’s doesn’t deserve to be the leader. Also, he thinks that he should be the leader instead.”

“Wow,” Yolei frowned, “What did you say?”

“I told him that…Tai is the leader for the older kids and that he sometimes acts like Davis. Not everybody agrees for their thoughts for the action the group should take. I asked him if…if he thought that he would be a better leader when he was in that group. Then I told him to think about it and I walked away.” But that’s not all… she added silently.

“I agree with you Kari. Davis doesn’t always pick the best possibilities for us but he is the leader because out of everybody, he’s the one with the leadership skills to keep the group together just like Tai. ” Ken picked up Leafmon, “So you guys broke up?”

“No, I don’t think so. I just told him to think about it.” Yolei tilted her head,

“I did always think that Davis was such a jerk before and we’d always tease him about it. I never noticed it before but have you seen the hurt look on his face whenever we do that now? I guess maybe he’s taking it a differently now. Why don’t you ask Davis what he wanted to talk to you about and apologize for what TK said?”

“That’s a great idea Yolei! Thanks!” Yolei hugged Kari,

“Don’t mention it!”

Davis jumped at the sound of the doorbell. Knowing that he was the only one in the apartment, he rushed to the door, duffel bag and all. Surprised to see Kari there, he frowned and turned his head.

“What do you want Kari?”

“Davis, I’m sorry about what TK said to you before. I gave him a piece of my mind before I left to find you.” Davis dropped his duffel bag.

“Oh?” He replied, not changing the cold tone in his voice. Kari bit her lower lip nervously.

“Are you going anywhere? You got a lot of stuff there.” Davis didn’t answer. “And…what did you want to talk to me about?” Davis sighed,

“It’s not important but here’s something else, I’m leaving.”


“I told you, I’m leaving. You people don’t want me; you people don’t need me. I’ll just leave. Happy?” He picked up his bag and motioned for Demiveemon to follow. “It was nice knowing and working with you Kari. But remember something, you are not to say a word about this to anyone. Even my mom. And the gang that I’m not part of anymore. Bye.”

He walked out and closed the door behind him. Kari was shocked at the news and looked at Davis as he walked toward the elevator. Without knowing, she quickly grabbed onto his arm forcing him to stop and stumble a little.

“Please Davis, don’t leave! I don’t want you to! Please!” Davis looked surprised as he watched one of Kari’s tears flow down her face. He looked away, shook her off his arm, and picked up his fallen bag.

“Sorry” And the door closed to the elevator that he and Demiveemon were in, leaving a crying Kari sitting on the floor. This isn’t the Davis I know…he’s not like that to run away from his problems and still not stay even when I’m begging him to stay. I have to find out where he’s going. I hope he knows what he’s doing…


Well, how do you like it? I know there’s no CCS in it yet. I can’t find a way to fit it in. I promise there will be CCS in the next chapter and I’ll try to have him meet there. It’s my first time writing a Digimon/CCS fanfic so please don’t give me harsh flames. Give me feedback and stuff like ideas. Thankie!


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