Chapter 2

“Li! Wait up!” A teenage Li turned around and grinned as he watched Sakura, his girlfriend, run towards him panting, “What’s the hurry Li?”

“Oh, it’s just that a really good friend from soccer camp is going to be coming. I just need to clean up the apartment and then meet him at the subway.” Sakura clapped her hands,

“Oh! Cleaning, can I come?” Li blushed,

“If you want Sakura, it’s really messy though and…”

“That’s okay, you’ll need help anyways.” She kissed his cheek, winked, and grabbed his wrist.

“Come on!!” She took off pulling Li with her.

Blushing, Li stumbled as Sakura pulled him towards his apartment. He quickly regained his balance and breathed deeply as Sakura stopped in front of his apartment. “Well, what are we waiting for? Don’t you hafta clean?” Li raised one hand to stop her as he panted,

“Give…me…a sec…ond…” He breathes deeply one last time “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s just walk slowly okay?” Sakura giggles and blushes,

“Gomen ne,” she apologized as she pulled him into a deep kiss, then linked arms with him, “I’ll walk.”

Li blushed furiously, it was 6 years since grade 4 and the old Card capturing days. They were in high school now, in grade 10. He’d remember when he’d confessed his feelings to Sakura; he was crushed when she ignored him and avoided eye contact for the rest of the day. At first, he thought that she didn’t love him back and decided that he’d best return to Hong Kong since all the cards were changed into Sakura Cards. He’d would return to the training of the being the future Leader of the Li Clan, but during the training, all communication was blocked and all he was suppose to concentrate on was his training.

After six years, he gave up and decided to return to Sakura, which made the Elders very angry. They kicked him out of the Clan and so he returned to Japan and lived in his old apartment. Of course, everyone was very glad that he decided to return, especially Sakura. She had come running to him telling him that she’d finally found out her real true feelings and told him that she loves him. It was the happiest day of Li’s life, having Sakura returning his feelings and now having her by his side all the time. (A/N: Okay, okay, I’m getting corny but how else am I supposed to say it? BTW, I haven’t seen the whole thing and so it’s not really what happen!)

“Hello? Li?” Sakura waved her hand in front of his face as Li returned to the present time. He blushed,

“G-gomen ne, I guess my mind wandered off again,” Sakura giggled,

“Let’s go already!” Li nodded as they both entered the building.


The minute Tai heard Kari slam the door of the apartment and fall to the floor crying, he knew something was very wrong. (A/N: Duh???)

“Kari, what’s wrong?” he rushed to her side and helped her up. Unable to talk, she gasped for air as she tried talking but a hiccup interrupted. “Kari, speak to me! Tell me what’s wrong!”

“Dav…is…is…ru…nin…g…a…way…” Kari broke into a sob as she buried her face in Tai’s lap.

“Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?” he blurted out as he lifted Kari’s tear-streaked face. All of a sudden, the phone rang. “I’ll get it…hello?”

“Hello? Is this Tai? This is Mrs. Motomiya, Davis’ mother”

“Oh hi Mrs. Motomiya, yes this is Tai”

“Hello Tai, I was wondering if you have Davis over or seen him because it’s getting late and he hasn’t returned yet.”

“...No Davis isn’t here. “

“Oh dear, I hope he’s isn’t in any trouble…do you think he’s hurt? I’m afraid it’s like he’s just…disappeared!”

“What? No, sorry, he never came back? “

“I tried his cell phone but it wasn’t on…I’m worried…” “Not on? Hmm…don’t worry; we’ll help you look, I’m so sorry.”

“Do you think I should get the police to help me?”

“Police? Well, I guess…”

“All right, thank you Tai dear. I’ll go and look now…bye.”

“Yeah, bye.”

“Davis…run…away…”Kari repeated after Tai hung up, “Says…we…don’t…want…him and…that we…don’t need…him.” She fell into Tai’s arms and sobbed a bit more. “All…my fault…” Gatomon and Agumon came out of the room curiously and went over to their partner’s side.

“Davis ran away?” asked Gatomon sadly, “What…about Veemon? Did he follow?” Kari nodded

“Partners stick together but Veemon didn’t really look too happy about it.” Tai looked up,

“Why did Davis run away? I thought he was smart enough to know not to run from problems. I guess I was wrong. Huh?” Tai looked down surprised to see Kari slam a fist into his chest.

“Stop it! We’re the reasons why he ran away! Because how we hurt him with our teasing about being dumb and people teasing him about that TK got me instead of him. It’s because of us…it’s because of us…” Kari started crying again. Tai slowly got up bringing Kari up with him.

“Agumon, Gatomon, take care of Kari first. I’m gonna email the others to meet at the park.”

“No wait!” Kari grabbed hold of Tai’s arm. “He doesn’t want anyone to know! He told me that I’m not suppose to tell a word to anyone, not his mom and the gang that…he’s not part of anymore…”

“No way Kari.” Tai replied, his voice full of determination. “He’s part of the gang, an important part of the gang. And he’s not getting away. We still need him no matter what else people say.” He turned to the computer and started typing.


Sakura looked around Li’s messy apartment and stifled a giggle.

“Wow, Li-kun! You sure did a good job keeping your apartment clean” she joked, Li blushed,

“Yeah…well, you know I’m not such a organized person.” Sakura shook her head, walked over to a messy stack of Chinese magazines, and began to look through them,

“Well, Li, why don’t you clean up the rooms, is Meilin back?” Li shook his head, “Well, I guess you can’t clean her room but when she gets back, tell her to clean it.”

“Alright, it’s not that messy so we’ll clean it up before Davis arrives.” Sakura turned,

“Davis? Is that his name?” Li nodded again, “That’s a cute name…does he have a Japanese name?”

“Daisuke…Daisuke Motomiya” Li answered, Sakura’s eyes light up,

“Hey! That means courage! That’s so cool! That’s like how your name means ‘Little wolf’!” Li nodded,

“Well, I’d better start. Good luck!” Sakura giggled.


“An emergency meeting at the park right now. Everybody must come. Tai?” Yolei read the email from her D-terminal puzzlingly to Cody and TK. “I wonder what’s it’s about? Well, whatever it is, we have to go!”


“Huh?” Matt looked up from his band practice and noticed that the beeping sound came from his D-terminal. (A/N: I doubt the older kids have one but this is my story and so every digidestined has one!) “An email?” He walked over to his belongings and picked up the beeping gadget. “An emergency meeting at the park right now. Everybody must come. Signed…Tai? Hm…I guess it’s the end of practice. Oh well.”

He placed the D-Terminal in to his bag and packed up his guitar. Gabumon followed Matt in his little black cape disguise. “Sorry guys, got to run. Something came up that I have to go to. Practice’s over.” He headed out of the practice hall and noticed Mimi and Palmon sitting on a bench nearby looking at her D-terminal that had Tai’s email on it. Mimi! She came back from America! “Mimi!” Matt called out, ran over to her, and gave her a quick kiss and grinned at Palmon.

“Matt! How are you? I missed you so much.” She stood up and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

“Mimi…I missed you too much…”he muttered, “What are you doing here? Did you get Tai’s email, too?”

“Yeah, I’m staying for the rest of summer here with Sora! But right now, we got to meet Tai at the park right? I’ll walk with you.”

“Mmhm,” he wrapped his free arm around her waist and lead her to the park.


When Matt and Mimi arrived at the park, everyone else was there. It was strangely quiet and disturbed.

“Hey everyone, sorry we’re late. I met up with Mimi!” Tai looked up from his position,

“Notice anyone missing?” Matt quickly scanned the group and frowned,,

“Where’s Davis?” Tai sighed and leaned back on the bench.

“Exactly, Kari?” Kari who was sitting beside him shook her head, still looking down.

“You explain, Tai…I don’t want to…” Tai cleared his throat and looked at the group.

“Davis ran away…” Everyone looked at Tai (except Kari of course) and said in unison,


“He ran away…” Tai repeated; he looked at Kari when he heard her sniff.

“And it’s all my fault…” she started crying again and ran into the woods. TK kicked the monkey bars angrily and ran after Kari.

“Why?” asked Mimi

“One of the reasons is that…I think he’s hurt of all the teasing of being stupid…” He watched Yolei’s head look down. “And about teasing that Kari liked TK instead of him and stuff like that.” He watched as several more members of the Digidestined gang’s head go down and look at the floor guiltily. “We are part of the problem why he ran away…and so that’s why I want us to all help find him. Maybe Izzy might be able to track him down somehow and then we can ask him to forgive us and ask him to join our team again as the leader of the new digidestineds. The last part is probably Jun.” Matt clenched his fists and Joe looked up,

“Doesn’t Davis have a new cell phone that he got for a birthday present? Does anyone have the number?”

“That’s a good idea, Joe! I got his phone number in my phone book somewhere…” Sora dug out a small phone book and started to flip the pages, “Hmm…Davis Motomiya…here! She passed the booklet to Matt who took out his cell and dialed the number. Then he passed the phone to Tai who took it and waited for someone to pick it up.

“Hey! Is this Veemon?”

“Uh huh…yeah…well, hi…it’s Tai…where are you guys…oh…can I talk to Davis? Thanks…Hello Davis? Hey buddy! It’s Tai…listen…everyone’s sorry…we all want you back…can you please come back? Hm? But- Hello? Hello?” Tai sighed, “He hanged up on me.”


Sakura wiped her brow and looked around the spotless living room. There, that’s what I call clean! I’ll go check on Li. She pulled off her gloves and headed towards Li’s room. She opened the door and gasped. Li was sleeping on the bed in a squeaky clean room. She squealed and glomped Li.

“Oh Li!!! You finally cleaned your room!!! I’m so proud of you!!!” Li groaned as Sakura got off him. “Gomen Li, did I hurt you?” Li rubbed his stomach,

“Nah, it’s nothing. Let’s get something to eat and then we’ll go meet Davis at the Subway, okay? Do you want to bring Madison, Eriol (I know, it’s Eli in the American version but since I think it’s such a gay name for him, I’ll stick to Eriol, okie?), Meilin and the stuff animal along?” Sakura nodded brightly,

“I’m sure they’ll love to meet him! I’ll call them and we’ll all meet at the Penguin Park and get something to eat!” Li nodded as Sakura picked up the cell and started punching in the familiar numbers.


“Kari!” TK called as he ran deeper into the woods, Gatomon and Patamon following closely behind him as he called again. Gatomon suddenly stopped and sniffed the air.

“I think she’s there.” She pointed with her claws to their right and they turned and pushed their way through the leaves and branches. TK spotted something pink, yellow and brown at the foot of a tree.

“Kari!” he quickly pushed away a branch and sat down beside Kari. “Kari, mind telling me what’s going on?”

“Like you’ll care about Davis” she sneered, TK raised his hands,

“I’m sorry, now would you tell what’s going on?”

“You’re the main problem of why Davis feels like this. You’re the one who’s always trying to keep him away from me and won’t let him talk to me when you’re around! Are you afraid of losing me to Davis?”

“No-o-o…” he stuttered. Kari slammed her hands down on the ground angrily,

“Then why are you doing it? Don’t you know that it’s hurting him? I know that you’re not that only one who’s teasing him like that but you’re the main. I know I don’t try to stop you ‘cause I’m afraid I’d lose you too.”

“Kari, listen…he’s gone and we don’t know where he is. Of course we’ll look for him but it’s not going to be easy, especially when he’s so reluctant to go back home. The best is that we can go on with our relationship without any interruptions! Come on, let’s go back…”He reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder. Kari swatted it off angrily and shrieked,

“Don’t touch me!” TK backed off a little bit, “All you care is that Davis is gone and that you now don’t have anyone to worry about stealing me away? What’s wrong with you? Don’t you care? I’m going to find Davis with or without your help! And don’t you dare touch me ever again, TK. Right now, our relationship is over!” She got up, picked up Gatomon and ran out the wood into the park clearing. Like we’d ever had one she sneered in her mind. Seeing the gang by the playground she headed for her bike instead, she placed Gatomon in the basket and raced home.

TK placed his head in his hands frustrated and wiped away an escaping tear. He stood up and slowly walked out of the woods and back to the playground. Cody saw him first, walking up the hill, with no Kari.

“Hey TK, where’s Kari?” TK shrugged and sat down beside Matt and placed his head in his hands and sighed. Tai handed back the cell phone to Matt,

“So did you find Kari?” TK nodded, “What happened?”

“Nothing much, she just gave me another lecture about treating Davis and…we broke up…” Yolei sighed and leaned on Ken’s shoulder.

“I’m so sorry TK. This is practically my fault…”

“No, I’m the one who’s been trying to get him to go away…but I didn’t really mean it that way…I’m sorry.” Tai shook his head,

“Well, anyways, Veemon and Davis wouldn’t tell me where they are. It sounds like they’re on a bus or subway. It was really noisy. He said that he didn’t believe me about us being sorry. And then he hanged up.” Yolei hugged Hawkmon tighter,

“He’s right though…he has a right not to believe us after all. We were so mean to him…but we have to find him! Where do you think he could be?” Her voice then suddenly was so full in determination. “Do you think he could have gone to the digiworld?”

A few murmurs went through the group but Izzy pointed out that their cells don’t work in the digiworld. Patamon asked if he just hid in the alley behind his apartment and a few others suggested ideas. Then all of a sudden, Tai sprung up excitedly.

“I got it!” All eyes turned to him, “I went to soccer camp with him last year and he was really good friends with this Chinese guy that lives in Readington. They promised to write to each other and stuff and to visit. Maybe he asked to stay there and stuff because he lives by himself! But we got to split up and look. I’ll take Readington since I know the guy, with Sora and Kari. Yolei, Ken, Joe and Izzy can take the digital world while Matt, Mimi, TK and Cody can look in the alley behind his apartment requested by Patamon and around Odaiba. But now, I gotta go home. See ya.” He got up and left, Joe looked up,

“Me too, it’s late anyways. I got summer school tomorrow.” Sora looked at Mimi,

“We’d better go back. My mom would be worried.” Izzy stood up,

“Me too, later gang!” Ken looked at Yolei blushing slightly,

“I’ll walk you back home if you’ll like Yolei,” Yolei giggled and nodded taking Ken’s hand, they left together. Cody looked at TK,

“TK, we’d better go with Yolei since we live in the same apartment.” TK sighed as Matt patted his back.

“Later TK”


“See Davis? I told you they would call.” Davis sighed

“I know Demiveemon but I told you! I won’t go back until I want to. Do you think they’ll suspect that we’re in Readington? I think Izzy might find a way to track us down.”

“I don’t know Davis, Izzy’s smart but they probably arranged a search party to look for you. Tai knows Li right? He went to soccer camp right?”

“Oh man! That’s right! He might go to Readington then! Darn.” He sighed, “It’s okay, I’ve got you to help me right?” Demiveemon shrugged casually,

“I guess so,” He changed the topic, “When do we get off? I’m hungry.” Davis rolled his eyes, and pulled out a chocolate bar and handed it over to his partner.

“We get off at the next stop, switch trains and we should meet Li there.” Demiveemon quickly finished off the chocolate,

“I’m done, can I have another one?” Davis sighed,

“No man, we have to get off anyways. You got to let me save those for the rest of the ride. I don’t have all the money in the whole!”

“Do you really want to run away like this?”

“…Not really. But it’s just like they don’t know how I feel. I’m just always the butt of every joke and no one cares how they would feel if they were in my shoes. I mean like sure, everyone makes mistakes, especially me but that doesn’t mean that I can’t change it! And there’s TC. Whenever I always try to talk to Kari, he’d would interrupt and lead her away as if only he can talk to her. But then Kari doesn’t do a single thing to stop him! All she does is follow TB away quietly like he owns her! I mean I wouldn’t do that if I were dating Kari…like in my dreams I would date her. I’m just a joke…” Demiveemon listened quietly to his partner’s sad story. Right now, he was the only he could turn to for comfort so he’d better make it good.

“Um…Davis, is this our stop?” Davis looked up and sighed as he got up,

“Yeah, let’s go…we can’t miss our stop.”


Meilin watched as Sakura snuggled up to Li under the Cherry Blossom Tree. Things have changed a lot since the last card captor. Sakura and Li were now a thing as well as Madison and Eriol. She was the only one who has no one to love her, no one that she can love that would love her back just as much. Never the right guy came across her besides Li who caught her attention. Now that she thinks of it, she wishes that she didn’t act how she did six years ago. Protective of Li, competitive with Sakura thinking she was trying to steal him from her. He never was hers in the first place, and never will be. It wasn’t fair life wasn’t fair. Sure, she changed herself, now one of Sakura’s best friends. Li cares for her as a sister and Madison even has made some tapes of her training. It was nice to be included again but something was missing in her life…love. She needed love in her life. From someone special, who hug her when she down, kiss her hand when she hurts it during training, some one who will listen to her problems when no one else will, and some one who will care for her. She needed someone like that…

“Meilin?” Meilin’s mind shot back to reality as Madison peered at her face worriedly arm in arm with Eriol. “What’s wrong?” Meilin shook her head,

“Oh, nothing.” No one understands, they listen and just pretend they feel sorry for me. No one, maybe, one day, I’ll meet the guy I’m meant to be with. And I’ll share everything with him. One day…


Holy! I wrote soo much! Yeah, I’m finished chapter 2! I hope everyone likes it! Uh, TK’s changing!!! I promise he’ll help find him! Oh yeah, I’m sorry for making Patamon look dumb. I dun like him too much. He’s kewl. Uh, yeah, no harsh flames, just fair feedback! Thankie and Arigato!!!


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