Chapter 3


Disclaimer: I dun own Digimon or CCS, they belong to Saban, Foxkids, Clamp, and all those other rich people who are associated with them…I dun…WAH!!!


Davis got up from the seat and placed Demiveemon in his backpack leaving his head out for some breathing space.

“Here we are Demiveemon, and act like a doll.” Demiveemon sighed as Davis exited the train and looked around for a clue of locating Li. He saw someone familiar looking with three other girls and a boy. One of the girls had a yellow stuff animal on her shoulder and had linked arms with the boy that was maybe Li. The boy spotted him and waved him over while calling his name. Davis shrugged and picked up his luggage as he started to walk over to him.

“Li?” The boy nodded as they did a traditional handshake.

“Yup, Davis, it's been a long time hasn't it. These are my friends Sakura, Meiling, Madison and Eriol.” Davis shook everybody's hand,

“Is Sakura you're girlfriend, Li?” He blushed as well as Sakura,

“Uh, well, you could say that…” Sakura turned and gave Li a full kiss on the lips.

“Hai, he's my boy friend. And Madison and Eriol are a thing.” She grinned as Li blinked. Meiling looked away feeling left out; she didn't notice Davis staring at her.

“And this is Meiling?” She turned sharply at the sound of her name coming from the boy's lips. She blushed and nodded as she shook his hand. She blushed even more when Davis continued grasping her hand while staring in her eyes. Li broke the spell between them and placed a hand on Davis' shoulder making him jump up.

“Why…don't we go outside?” Davis nodded and hastily picked up his bag and followed behind everyone else. Demiveemon popped his head out of the bag and breathed deeply.

“Ya know Davis, I can't always hide like this.” Davis nodded and took Demiveemon in his arm and continued to walk after his friends. When he reached outside, Sakura was the first one to notice Demiveemon in his arms.

“OH!! It's such a cute toy! Where did you get it?” She picked Demiveemon up and hugged him close. Madison and Meiling were also fawning over the Digimon. Li and Eriol went over to Davis,

“Don't you dare try and steal our girls away.” They whispered menacingly and jokingly to Davis. Davis blinked as a picture of TK floated into his head. He shook it away and grinned a fake smile with the other boys. “Where did you get it?”

“Uh…” Davis was stumped as he watched the girls pull Demiveemon's cheeks. `Uh oh, this is not good; he's going to act up soon…' he thought. Demiveemon finally had it and began to struggle out of the girls' reach. He got free and jumped into Davis' arms.

“Davis! Save me!” Everyone stepped back surprised. Davis blinked at Demiveemon and smiled sheepishly at everyone. The stuff animal on Sakura's shoulder began to move too, flew over to Demiveemon, and placed a paw on his head.

“ Ah ha! I knew it! This little dude has some kind of magic in him!” Sakura grabbed and placed him back on her shoulder.

“Kero!” She hissed, “Let's do this somewhere else. People are going to see!” Davis blinked,

“You have a Digimon?” Sakura shook her head,

“This is just my guardian beast, why don't we finish off the intros at Li's place?” Everyone nodded and they piled into Li's car and drove towards Li's apartment. Inside the car, Davis was sitting in the back seat with Meiling while Li and Sakura sat in the front, while Eriol and Madison sat in the middle. Demiveemon and Kero were on the floor of the back chatting together.


“So why are you called Demiveemon?” Kero asked his strange new friend. Demiveemon grinned enthusiastically,

“That's `cause my rookie form is Veemon, and I'm a demi version of it! I change into Veemon when I go to the Digital World! And when it's time to fight, I can digivolve into in Exveemon, the champion form of me. Plus, I can Armor-digivolve into Flamemon and Raidmon! They're really cool looking and tough! Oh yeah, what kind of Digimon are you? I've never seen one like you before.” Kero looked lost,

“Digimon? Digivolve? Uh…well, I'm not what you call a `Digimon'. I'm Sakura's Guardian Beast, Keroberos. I can change into my true form anytime and I'm really cool looking and tough too. Are you Davis' Guardian Beast?” Demiveemon blinked,

“No, I'm Davis' partner. Without him, I can't digivolve because he has the Digivice. But without me, he can't fight, well, Digimons that is.”



Meiling turned shyly to Davis and watched him slouch over with his elbows supporting his weight on his knees. `This is so strange, and I haven't felt this feeling since I became obsessed with Li a few years ago! Why is it showing up now? Is it for Davis?'

“So, uh…Davis, how come you're here?” Davis didn't reply for a second discouraging Meiling but she waited patiently for an answer.

“To…take a break…I guess.”

“You don't sound too sure of yourself, are you okay?” Davis nodded,

“I'm fine, I don't want to talk about it now.” Meiling nodded,

“I'm always there if you need anyone to talk to…because, I think I might be the only one who would probably understand people's problems the best…because I have problems of my own.” Davis turned his head and stared at her, Meiling's face flushed and she turned her head away. “Not everybody understands fully but some people will listen.” `Some…'she added again silently in her head.

“Thanks,” Davis whispered

“No prob” She whispered back as Davis got out of his slouching position and sat straight against the seat of the car, he let his hands slide naturally to his side. It brushed against Meiling's hands and they both blushed and took their hands away. “Gomen” she added


Kari sat uneasily in the front seat of Tai's car clutching Gatomon, she let another tear go and drop on Gatomon's head, which she shook away. Tai glanced at Kari and sighed, this was hard for her. She was letting all the blaming set on her and now was so broken down that she would refuse to eat. She was thinner now, her face were pale with black circle under her eyes. It was obvious that she slept very little.

He looked back in the rear view mirror and smiled slightly at the reflection of Sora sleeping beside Biyomon and Agumon. `My angel' He thought, concentrating back onto the highway. He and Sora were going out since a few years after the Digidestines defeated MaloMyotismon and brought peace between The Digital World and the real world. They were a perfect couple, everyone said so, even Matt.

Matt had changed; he still was the lead singer in his band and had a lovey-dovey moment with Mimi before she went back to America (no she did not get pregnant). After Mimi left, Izzy installed a new program in Matt's computer letting him be able to talk to Mimi on the computer online. It wasn't the same but it was better than nothing.

TK changed, ever since he and Kari started going out, he started to become protective of her, steering her clear of Davis every time he turned the corner to them. He still was the TK everybody knew before, maybe it was that Davis was still obsessed with Kari, but whatever it was, TK was afraid…afraid of losing his love, Kari.

Yolei and Ken were going out, though they were shy around each other, it was obvious that they cared about each other very deeply. Izzy was still Yolei's role model, being the president of the Odaiba High School Computer Club. She was Vice-president thanks to Izzy and Ken. She had grown prettier, her hair has grown down to her waist, and she doesn't wear the freaky clothes anymore and gets along with her siblings a lot better. Ken had pretty much stayed the same; he still was a straight-A student and had gotten some fashion sense from Davis before.

Izzy had grown more hot and had some computer girls fawning over him every now and then, he never had a steady girlfriend before though, maybe he wasn't ready or was too busy. Cody still was taking Kendo but has loosed himself from total seriousness. He's grown taller and plus hotter though he still believes that he shouldn't have a girlfriend until high school. Joe has not changed a bit; he still has the funky hairstyle and was now a doctor's apprentice. He has helped perform many surgeries before and travels back and forth between the Digital World and the Real World helping many injured patients.

Tai glanced at the road sign before him, `Readington City' it read. He turned into the street and saw the City sign greeting at the side. He grinned and pulled into a nearby gas station, pulling out his little address booklet finding the address of `Li Showron'. He turned and announced that they were there and got out to fill the car. Sora groaned slightly and sat up. She noticed Kari sitting in the front, her head was down and tears were dropping onto Gatomon's head.

“Kari?” Kari replied with a slight mumble, “Are you okay?” Kari nodded but then burst into full tears,

“I'M SORRY…I'm sorry Davis, this is all my fault…I'm sorry, I'm sorry…” Sora placed a hand on Kari's shoulder,

“Kari, don't cry, it's not all your fault…it's everybody's, and I'm sure we're all sorry.” Kari shook a little bit from crying and began hiccupping.

“No…he's not going to come back, he'll never trust us again…I know…” Sora sighed,

“Well, maybe we could try and persuade him to come back, after all, we need him. The older kids are going to University soon, who will give the courage to the rest of the team when he and Tai are gone?” Kari stopped shuddering for a few minutes and looked up. She wiped her tears away forcefully,

“You're right, Sora. We have to find him…but…what if…if he likes it there? In Readington…with Li…?” She lowered her head again. Sora took off her seatbelt and leaned forward to hug Kari,

“We'll try, Kari…we'll try.”


Davis looked around him following Li in his apartment. There was Chinese furniture in the perfect place making the place look larger than it really seemed. It was richly decorated; the walls were lined with many Chinese Artworks and scrolls. Li had reached the end of the hallways and has opened a large room, preferably a guestroom. Inside was a Queen size bed in green linen; the curtains were green and the hardwood floor shone brightly. There was a desk with a computer on it. Li walked inside and Davis followed looking around in awe.

“This is your room, if you need anything, just call me. You can unpack now if you want.” Davis nodded,

“Thanks Li, you're a real pal.” Li smiled faintly and started out the door,

“We'll all be in the living room, make yourself at home!” He closed the door leaving Davis some privacy. Demiveemon hopped out of Davis' arms and jumped on the bed holding his stomach.

“I'm hungry…” he complained, “Can I have some food?” Davis lugged his bags over to a corner and began unpacking.

“Ask Li yourself,” he said, “I'm busy.” Demiveemon tilted his head cutely to one side,

“What's wrong Davis?” Davis continued unpacking,


“You're thinking about…Kari again aren't you?” Davis sighed,

“No…someone else.” Demiveemon grinned,

“Ah…I get it…its that little girl!” Davis looked at Demiveemon frowning,

“Little girl?” His partner shrugged casually,

“That's what Kero calls her anyways.” Davis began to fit the folded clothes into the empty drawers,

“So what's Kero anyways?” he asked changing the topic,

“Oh, he says that he's Sakura's Guardian Beast, and that he's not a Digimon. He doesn't know what it is anyways.”

“I see…” Demiveemon jumped down

“You're not yourself lately, maybe a trip to the Digital World would cheer you up!” Davis shook his head,

“No, then the others will worry about where I am.” Demiveemon grinned and opened the door,

“Don't worry, I'll tell them for you.” Davis' head shot up,

“What? No wait!” But Demiveemon had already gone, Davis groaned and slumped on his bed. A few minutes later, Demiveemon came back with Li, Sakura, Meiling, Madison and Eriol walking behind him. Meiling went up and sat beside Davis on his bed.

“Where's this Digital World, Davis? I want to go there, too!” Davis shook his head,

“Sorry, Meiling, the Digital World can only be accessed by Digidestines who have a digivice.” He held up his own for everyone to see. Sakura held up her star key pendant.

“Maybe I could go there by my key! And Li his orb to form his sword, Eriol's key…um…and Madison's video camera!” Meiling pouted,

“Then what about me?” Li shrugged as Meiling turned her head away, tears forming in her eyes. Davis sat up and looked at Meiling,

“Meiling…there might be one way, but only Digidestines can do this…” Meiling sniffed and turned to face Davis. She nodded for him to continue. “Well, that person has to have a strong connection to the Digidestined but, they have to hold the Digivice together as one while holding hands. It sort of pulls both of them inside to the Digital World…maybe that could work.” Li frowned,

“Strong connection?” Davis blushed,

“I'm not sure, Gennai said something like that. But we could give it a try.” Eriol smiled that smile of his,

“Why don't we go to that `Digital World' of yours now?” Davis nodded and turned on the computer. While waiting, he turned to Meiling,

“Are you sure about this Meiling?” Meiling nodded bravely,

“If the others are going, I'm going too.” Davis smiled kindly and Li turned to Sakura,

“Are you sure you've got the Star Cards?” Sakura pecked Li on the cheek,

“Of course!” Li blushed slightly and turned back to Davis who already had the Digiport up.

“Ready?” He grabbed Meiling's hand and they both held out Davis' digivice towards the screen, “Digiport open!” They both yelled at the same time and they were sucked inside. Sakura dangled her necklace infront of the screen and was sucked inside the screen. Li followed behind as well as Eriol. Madison stood hesitating for a minute,

“Oh…I hope this works!” She looked through the viewing lens at the screen and was sucked inside.


YEAH!!!!!!!! I'm finished chapter 3!!!!!!!! Joy to the World!!!!!!!!! Okie, I'll stop…well, yeah, I'm finished. I hoped you enjoyed this. I worked hard to make this long and …pleasing.


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