Chapter 4


Disclaimer: I dun own Digimon or CCS, they belong to Saban, Foxkids, Clamp, and all those other rich people who are associated with them…I dun…WAH!!!


Davis and Meiling gave a little yelp as they flew out of the TV. A little shaken, Meiling didn’t move from her spot on top of Davis. Soon, Sakura, Li, Eriol and Madison came tumbling on top of them. Madison quickly got up from everyone and started to brush herself from all the dust. She then helped Eriol up, brushed him clean and kissed him.

Li, kissed Sakura’s forehead asking her if she was okay several times and picked her up. Meiling got up and helped a battered Davis to his feet as he groaned and supported himself on her. Veemon and Kero lay squished on the floor as Sakura plucked them both up and cradled them gently in her arms.

“Who’s this? And where’s Demiveemon?” She pointed at Veemon, who rubbed a sore spot on his head,

“I’m the rookie form, Demiveemon was my in-training form.” Sakura cuddled him with Kero still in her arms,

“Oh…you’re still cute as ever!” Veemon’s regular eyes soon switched to the dizzy spiral eyes. @_@

“Are we all here?” asked Davis rocking around holding his head. Everyone nodded. Davis looked surprised, “I’m surprised that you guys actually passed through the gate! What are those things?” Sakura closed her eyes,

“Oh key of the star, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff and shine your light! Release!” the key stretched out and formed into a staff. Li concentrated holding his orb, it flashed brightly and a sword formed. Eriol held out his key,

“Key that holds the powers of the day and night, sun and darkness, unleash your might, Release!” His key turned into the staff and he held it out to his side. Davis’ eyes grew bigger and Madison paused her video camera,

“Sakura, Eriol and Li all have magical powers. Sakura is the master of the Clow Cards; Eriol is the reincarnation of Clow Reed, who made the Clow Cards; and Li is the descendant of Clow Reed.”

“Wow! That’s awesome!” Davis was now probing the staffs. Li examined himself and pointed out something,

“Hey! Meiling and I are wearing our battle robes!” Meiling looked at herself,

“Yeah! Li’s right! I missed wearing these.” Li nodded agreeing but looked at Davis when something beeping started to sound from his digivice. Davis looked at it and opened his eyes wide,

“What? Kari told them, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted her but now Yolei, Ken, Joe and Izzy are here! In the Digiworld! I have to get away from here quickly! They’re coming closer!” Veemon looked up,

“They’re probably in their Ultimate, Exveemon is fast but won’t be able to out run Aquilimon or Stingmon.” Sakura pulled out a card,

“I could take you and Veemon away from them on Fly.” Li puffed red,

“Does Davis get to ride behind you?” Sakura frowned,

“LI!” she smacked his head playfully, “It’s an emergency!”

“Alright…” he turned to Davis and whispered in his ear, “Don’t do anything.” Davis smirked and rolled his eyes,

“Of course.” Sakura threw up the card and strike it with her staff,

“Fly Card, lend your powers to my staff! FLY!” the wings on her staff grew bigger and spread out. She got on it, “Come on Davis, and bring Veemon!”

Davis nodded, holding onto Veemon, he got on nervously behind Sakura and she started upwards. Davis gave a little yelp and clutched tightly onto the bar. He looked behind him and saw Madison and Eriol waving at them and Meiling and Li were pouting. Davis waved back,

“Bye guys, don’t say anything about me! Try and keep them busy! Bye Meiling! See you later!” He pulled out his digivice and studied the signals. “They’re noticing, Sakura, can we go a little faster?” Sakura nodded and the flying staff sped faster.


Izzy balanced himself and his laptop as Kabuterimon flew a little faster. Typing in a few stuff, he got a map of the digiworld and his signal and Davis’. Watching it, he left the spot he was before and was now going at a really fast speed. That wouldn’t be something that Exveemon, Raidramon, Flamdramon could do, more or less Veemon or Demiveemon.

“That’s so strange…” he said out loud, Joe looked over Izzy’s shoulder,

“What are you talking about, Izzy?” He was sitting behind Izzy on Kabuterimon with Gomamon. Ken was sitting behind Yolei on Aquilimon flying behind them for Izzy’s lead.

“Look,” he pointed to the screen, “Davis is flying away at a tremendous speed, none of Veemon’s forms could do that, it’s incredible!” Aquilimon flew up beside them,

“Why is he running away from us?” Joe shook his head,

“Remember? That was what he first wanted to do, run away. That counts in running away from us in the Digiworld, too.”

“Look!” Yolei had pointed with one hand in front of them. There were four people there that they didn’t recognize. Two of them were wearing funny costumes, one was holding a sword and another was holding a strange looking staff. The person with the sword turned at them and took out yellow pieces of paper. He yelled something that was too muffled up for them to hear and stuck the papers with his sword, lightning came out of them heading for the two digimons.

“Aquilimon, duck!” Ken yelled holding onto Wormon tightly not letting his partner fall. Aquilimon swerved downwards but unable to control the acceleration of his speed, he crashed into the ground and reverted back to Hawkmon. Kabuterimon saw the attack coming, turned around, and blocked the beams with his shell. Unfortunately, the shell wasn’t strong enough for the powerful force and was hit powerfully. He was reverted back into Tentemon and moved out of the way of the raining Izzy, Joe and Gomamon. Fortunately, he caught Izzy’s laptop before it would break.

Ken groaned and staggered forward, “What on earth was that?” Wormon stood up and tried to help support him unsuccessfully. Yolei sat up and looked back at the attacker. They were still there and were staring at them not too far away.

“Hey!” she called at them, “What on earth was that for? How did you guys get here?” The girl in the Chinese robe was about to speak when the boy, who attacked them, shoved his hand onto her mouth. He mumbled something to the boy holding the staff and raised his hand. Soon, a wind surrounded them blocking them from their sight. When it stopped, they were no longer there and Yolei grumbled in frustration. Joe paced around in a spot thinking while Gomamon watched him.

“Hey Joe, can you stop? It’s making me dizzy,” Joe stopped and looked at Gomamon,

“Sorry Gomamon, but it’s so strange…but,”

“Prodigious!” Izzy exclaimed, everyone gathered around him and the laptop, “Davis just came from that spot where our attackers were. I was figuring that one of them might be that ‘Li’ guy that Tai was talking about!” Yolei sighed relieved,

“Whew, I first thought that they were new evil guys in the digiworld, then we’ll have to do all that fighting and saving the world again!”

“Without Davis…” Ken added quietly, Yolei looked at him,

“That’s…right…Without Davis, you can’t DNA digivolve…” Izzy looked up from his laptop,

“I just finished sending Tai a message, we’ll go back home and sort things out with Matt’s group. Alright, Yolei?” Yolei nodded and pulled out her digivice,

“Digiport Open!”


“AHH!” everyone tumbled out from the computer onto…

“Matt?” Matt groaned and picked up Mimi who picked up TK who picked up Cody.

“What are you doing here?” Yolei groaned,

“We just came back from the digiworld obviously. We saw Davis there and…”

“He ran away from us, at a incredible speed. Then we got attack by some other people who Izzy thinks it is,” Ken interrupted,

“Li.” Joe butted in and everyone glared at each other. TK sat down on stunned,

“He ran? He actually ran?” They all nodded, TK groaned and placed his head in his hands. “How? Veemon’s forms aren’t that fast are they?” Izzy shook his head,

“They are fast but not that fast. Besides, we were going at top speed. Look at our digimons!” Everyone turned their heads towards the four digimons who just came from the computer. They were all piled up on top of each other breathing deeply as if they just came back from running a race. The digidestines all sweat dropped and turned around.

“I suggest we go back.” Matt crossed his arms as he announced his plan to the group. “Davis might not want to come back with us so we have to have a persuader.” He glared at TK who turned away from his brother’s glance.

“Tell Tai to get his group to come to the digiworld. Kari will help. I’m sure of it.” Matt sighed,

“I’m not so sure TK…”

“She will.” TK shot back angrily, “She’ll do whatever she can to get Davis back. You can count on it.” Yolei sighed,

“I’m sure of it too, TK, lets go back and meet Tai there alright?” Everyone grumbled something but she pulled out her digivice anyways, “DIGIPORT OPEN!”


Davis checked back on his digivice and breathed a sign of relief as he watched the signal dots of Yolei, Ken, Izzy and Joe’s vanish. He shifted into another comfortable position,

“It’s okay now, Sakura, they’re gone.” Sakura took a quick glance behind her,

“You sure?” Davis nodded and Sakura steered around. She scanned the area and frowned, “Where did Li go?” Davis looked down and waved,

“They’re down there!” Sakura looked down and smiled. She tilted to her right and flew down. Davis got off and the wings from the staff glowed brightly and reverted to the small wings on the circle of the star. “That was the best ride ever!” Davis stretched as Veemon hopped down excitedly,

“Yeah! I want to go again!! Please Sakura?” Sakura laughed,

“Sure, some other time!” Li stepped forward,

“Davis, when you two left, four people were flying towards up. Were those people the people you…are friends with?”

“Were friends, Li.” Davis corrected, “I haven’t exactly told you the whole truth about why I’m here. I’m here because…I’m running away from home. Well, I ran away already. My life back then…in Odaiba…wasn’t great. I was usually the butt of every joke because…well…I’m dumb…stupid…wasn’t worth being the leader…” Eriol raised his eyebrow,

“Leader of what?”

“The younger digidestines. It’s a long story…Those four that came flying towards you, two of them were part of the original digidestine that first came to the Digital World 6 years ago. They defeated the four Dark Masters that were trying to take over the Digital World. Then four years later, me, Yolei, one of the people that were just here, and Cody, another boy, received new digivices and became part of the second group with…Kari…and TB.” Everyone looked at him weirdly,

“TB?” Davis raised his hands up,

“Sorry, TK.” Davis turned away, “Anyways, when we went to the Digital World, there was the Digital Emperor, Ken, who was another person who flew towards you. He was sort of being controlled by Arukenimon and Mummymon. We got him to realize that he was doing wrong, capturing the Digimons and making them slaves. He received the crest of kindness and joined the digidestines after I convinced him. Also, he’s my DNA digivolve partner.”

The five of them looked at him weirdly but Davis ignored it. “We found our later that Oikawa created Arukenimon and Mummymon. Myotismon, or rather MaloMyotismon possessed Oikawa turning him evil and made him plant dark spores in many children.

When we met MaloMyotismon, he brought himself out of Oikawa and harvested the dark spores giving him power. We accidentally knocked him into the Digital World where he says that this it the place where he gets all his power.

We were almost defeated when the digidestines from all over the world were brought to the Digital World.

The children whom Oikawa planted the dark spores had begun to realize that not all might be well and started to blame themselves and push away their dream of what they wanted to be in the future. I…or we got them to believe that we can be strong enough but that they have to have light in their hearts. We defeated MaloMyotismon by our dreams.” Sakura nodded,

“I sort of remember something on the new saying that there were monsters flooding into Odaiba and Li and I wanted to check it out. Unfortunately, Tori wouldn’t let me; he feared that we would get hurt. He still doesn’t know about my magic…”

“Yeah…it’s hard to make up an excuse to your parents of where you’ve gone.” Davis agreed, he frowned again when his digivice started beeping again. “What the-” He turned to Veemon and held out his digivice. “Veemon? Ready?”

Veemon gave him a blank stare but quickly caught on, “Yeah! Veemon digivolve to….Exveemon!” Davis led Meiling with him and climbed onto Exveemon’s shoulder. He waved back at the rest of the group,

“Hey guys, they came back with Matt, TK, Mimi, and Cody. I’d bet they’re gonna try and get Tai’s group here. But Tai doesn’t have a laptop. I know just the place for them not get to us.” Li climbed behind Sakura on her wand,

“Tai?” Davis nodded,

“Remember that guy with the funky hairdo? That’s him.” Li grinned,

“Oh yeah.”


“Kari, please stop crying,” Tai said comfortingly as he wiped Kari’s tears away and hugged her, “We’ll find Davis. I promise.” Kari hiccupped,

“I can’t Tai…I’m not even sure if he’s okay or not.” Tai sighed and looked at Sora pleadingly. Sora sighed sympathetically and knelt down next to Kari.

“Kari…hun…please. Mrs. Motomiya has already contacted to police and so we know that we have help. Davis has Demiveemon and so he wouldn’t really be kidnapped.”

“He ran away, I saw him do that with my very own eyes,” she snapped grumpily, Gatomon sighed,

“Please Kari, we’ll find Davis…and Demiveemon. Tai has Li’s address, but he could be in the Digital World. That problem is that we don’t have a computer to go there.” Kari’s head shot up,

“His cell phone! That’s right!” She dashed towards the nearest payphone and quickly inserted a quarter and dialed Davis’ number. She smiled faintly when she heard the operator’s machine-like voice and slammed down the phone into the receiver. She raced back,

“Tai, get us to the nearest computer. I don’t care if it’s in the library or not. Davis is most likely in the Digital World. His cell phone is turned off, that’s a possibility that it’s because of there’s no connection between the Digital World and ours except for the computer!” Tai grinned,

“To double check, we’ll go to Li’s place and see if anyone’s home, glad you’re in a better mood.” Kari’s face went neutral but then she smiled slightly back at her brother,

“Yeah, sorry I was such a baby,” Sora placed her hand on Kari’s shoulder,

“It’s okay, sweetie, I’m sure I would have acted that way if the love of my life ran away,” Kari facefaulted,

“What? Love of my life???” Sora tilted her head,

“You love Davis don’t you?” Kari blushed, “Because if you didn’t, it’s kind of strange how you would go through a phrase of serious depression, don’t you think?”

“Ah…” Tai grinned,

“That’s right Kari, when you find him, just give him a big smooch on the lips! That’ll bring him home!”



“We’re here!” Davis called and hopped off Exveemon’s shoulder that reverted back to Veemon. “Remember this place, Veemon?”

“Hey! This is the place where we first met! The cave…and the place where the digiegg was!” Davis nodded and motioned for everyone to walk deeper into the cave.

“I’m sure this is pretty safe for now. We can block up the entrance somehow…” Sakura pulled out a card,

“Earthy, I command you to create a strong pile of earth and rocks to block the entrance of this cave, Release and dispel!!!” Earthy whirled out knocking down many huge boulders creating a pile of rocks. Sakura pulled out another card, “Lock Card, secure this pile of rocks! Release and Dispel!” Lock’s visible form appeared and disappeared into the rock creating an invisible layer of stability and strong barrier.

“Wow…” Davis awed. Meiling sighed and sat next to him,

“Yeah, it’s a wonder how much stronger and smarter she has gotten since the first time she’d met Kero…”

“What about you? Don’t you have any magical abilities? Like Li, Sakura, and Eriol?” Meiling looked down depressingly,

“No…I don’t have any powers. It would have probably helped me when we all fought the Clow Cards, but all I did was get in the way…” Davis glanced upwards and was relieved to see that the other four was chatting amongst their selves at the opposite side of the cave. Demiveemon and Kero were talking about Zylon Warriors and other games.

“I guess I feel the same way as you do. I always felt like I was getting in the way. I am…was the leader but they never really saw me in that position…just as another person. Also…Kari…at that time…I was…well…you could say obsessed with her. She was just, the greatest, the kindest, the nicest…well…you get the point right. She was the best. Every guy’s dream but…she had no interest in me. TK was whom she loved, and always flirted with him to make me mad and jealous…I hated that feeling. I’d always wish that feeling would go away and leave me alone. But it never did. Whenever I thought that it was gone, the next time Kari flirted with TK, it would come back…” Meiling sighed and unconsciously leaned onto Davis’ shoulder. He flinched,

“Um…sorry,” she started to move but Davis stopped her and relaxed,

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” Meiling nodded and relaxed herself on his shoulder,

“Do find anything common between us?” Davis gave her a puzzled look, “Like, we both say that we always seemed to get in the way of the team. We both loved someone on the team but they rejected us…” Davis turned to her,

“What? Who?”

“Li” she replied simply, “Like you, I was obsessed, not only that but…protective. I’d always thought that Sakura was trying to steal him away from me. I was too blind to see that I was only a good friend to him and not a lover. I was competitive but Sakura had magical powers. So does Li! But I don’t have a single stream of magic flowing through my blood. I left to return back to Hong Kong. They finished catching all the Clow Cards without me. They didn’t need me.

I returned for a day when Auntie allowed me to visit. Everything changed, though Madison still designed outrageous costumes for Sakura and still videotaped her while Sakura was still the same clued-out girl I first met and Li still the serious guy I had fallen in love with. Li was in love with Sakura. It was obvious to me and to Madison. Sakura was too dense to realize that she loved him back but was blinded because she thought she loved Julian, her brother’s friend but Julian said that her feelings towards him were like a fatherly love and that he wasn’t for her.” Davis nodded,

“Yeah…everyone knew that I liked Kari, heck, I bet the whole school knew! They made fun of me when I got a bit over obsessed with her and it hurt. I don’t think they relieved that dumb-bums have feelings too--” A sudden banging sound filled the cave making Davis and Meiling stop their conversation and Sakura and the others trying to secure the wall of rocks from tumbling.

“Davis! I think they found you!” shouted Sakura, “What do you want to do?” Davis got up and held out his digivice at Veemon,

“Veemon digivolve to…Exveemon!” He got on his partners shoulder and helped Meiling up onto the other side,

“We’ll all get ready to leave, do you have anything that can help us Sakura?” Sakura nodded and held out a card,

“The Through Card can or could help us but I need to know how thick the wall of the back cave is,” Exveemon turned his head,

“It’s not very thick, living here for 10 years helped me know this cave inside out,” Li turned to Sakura,

“I’ll give you some of my magic to make yours stronger,” Sakura hugged Li,

“Thanks Li,” She cast the card into the air and struck it with her staff, “Through Card, grant us all the power to go through this back cave wall! THROUGH!!!” Through’s magic surrounded everybody as Kero transformed into Keroberos and Eriol and Madison got on it. Sakura and Li got on her staff. Eriol turned around before leaving,

“The walls breaking, let’s go!” They all flew through the wall as the rocks began tumbling from the opposite end. The digidestines (excluding Davis) all ran in with Kari in the lead just in time to see Exveemon’s tail go through the wall.



Joy to the World!!! I’m finally done!!! YATTA!!!!!!!!!!


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