Chapter 5


Disclaimer: I dun own Digimon or CCS, they belong to Saban, Foxkids, Clamp, and all those other rich people who are associated with them…

A/N: I’m going to try and finish it in short chapters or one loooong one.


“Whoo, I’m so glad that we lost them. I was so stupid suggesting to go back in there.” Davis flopped backwards onto the guest bed and sighed tiredly. Demiveemon hopped onto his stomach sadly,

“I’m sorry Davis,” he said with that cute accent of his, “I suggested going to the Digital World to cheer you up, you just seemed so…down…”

“Don’t worry Davis, we’ll stick with you. I don’t know about your decision to run away, that’s not usually a smart answer to your questions though…” Sakura trailed off.

“I personally don’t think that matters, Davis wants to go, he can go. It’s his decision and his friends can’t change that.” Meiling stated boldly and Davis smiled thankfully at her.

“Well, it was fun there, I hope we won’t go again and run into those people.” Li said flicking bits of dust off his shirt.

“I’m so disappointed I didn’t get to videotape Sakura-Chan in the Digital World.” Madison sighed disappointingly as she clicked her camera off. Sakura sweatdropped.


“Miss Madison, why are you always taping Miss Sakura and not me? I AM your boyfriend after all am I not?” Eriol turned away dramatically looking hurt. Madison grinned,

“Of COURSE not dear Eriol-kun, it’s just that…Sakura-Chan is much kawaiier, ne?” she kissed him giggling happily, Davis and Meling turned away uncomfortably,

“ANYWAYS!” Davis interrupted loudly, Meiling laughed and grabbed his hand.

“Let’s go somewhere else so they can have some PRIVACY!” Thundering down the hallway, they finally reached the living room before Davis flopped onto the couch pulling Meiling gently down with him. Breathing heavily from laughing, they both realized where they were. Davis was at the bottom, Meiling at the top, on the same couch, faces inches apart. Davis leaned forward, his eyes closing slowly as Meiling went and locked their lips together. Their first kiss ever.

‘Omigosh, omigosh! I’m kissing him, my first kiss…with Davis, a guy who likes me back!!’

‘Is this real? Have I finally found a girl who likes me back? Is she the one? My destiny?’


A/N: Well, that’s all, I told you I’ll keep it short. I’m so busy!!! Review please!!


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