CHAPTER THREE: CHAOS FOUR Amy Rose stared at the locket around the bird's neck. "This is your family, huh?" she asked, staring at the family of birds in the picture. "Don't worry.. I'll help you get back to them! You must have had it rough, being on Robotnik's ship and all... was he going to turn you into a robot?" "It's not as bad as it sounds, honey." came a voice. Amy looked around.. and she saw the black robot that had chased her before! She stumbled backwards. "You!" she exclaimed. "Yes.. ME!" the robot replied. "Maybe you should learn not to run from Zero Tolerance! There's no escape.. I can track you wherever you go! Now.. stand still.. I won't hurt you..... much." "Oh really.." Amy began, slowly reaching to a stick on her belt. "yeees, REALLY!" the robot retorted. "Well... TAKE THIS!" Amy grabbed the metal stick, pressed a button, and a hammer extended from it! Before the robot knew what was coming, she brought it down hard onto his metal head. He limped around, disoriented, and Amy and the bird ran away. "Twinkle Park." Streak read. "Hey Big! You think that frog is around here?" "I saw him hop in!" Big replied. "But which way did it go?" Streak asked. Big looked around, and his eyes rested on a large lake in the middle of the theme park. "Maybe I could fish for him!" Streak sighed. "Of course!" he said, sarcastically. "Fish for a frog! Why didn't I think of that?" Big cast his lure and waited. About three hours later, at nightfall, it was still silent. "Face it, Big, your pet has flown the coop." Streak said. "Can we go home?" "We have to find Froggy!" Big insisted. "If Froggy was going to take your FISH bait, on your FISHING pole, he would have already!" Streak argued. "Come on! You've caught ten fish tonight! How would you like a fish for a pet?" "FROGGY!" Big replied. "Oh alright! I get the picture! The fish was a bad idea." Streak exclaimed. "No, I mean.. Froggy!" Big yelled. He dragged in his line, and the frog was on the end! "I don't believe it!" Streak exclaimed. He shook his head. "Well, we have the frog.. let's go home." "Alrighty then!" Big replied. He cheerfully carried the struggling frog towards Streak... and tripped over a lolly wrapper on the ground. The frog went flying into Streak! The cat yelled and tried to grab the frog as it bounced away. But it was no use, the frog was gone. "Well.. tough luck." Streak lamented. "The one that got away, eh Big? Come on.. let's go back..." "FROGGY! COME BACK HERE!" Big called. Streak frowned as his cousin took off after the frog. "You're not seriously thinking of following that thing again, are you?" he asked. But Big was gone. Streak growled and took off after him. "This is getting under my skin.." he said. "Oh my gosh." Sonic cursed, looking upon the Floating Island. Not only was it in the water, but it was nearly destroyed. It was now more like an atole than an island. A huge hole was ripped in the center, which was now an enormous salt water lake. Hidden Palace, and probably Lava Reef, were completely obliterated. "Poor Knux.." Sonic said. "He'd be devastated! I wonder where he went? No sign of him here.." "I dunno.." Tails replied, switching off the teleporter. He heard a crack in the ice below him. "Sonic, I don't like Ice Cap.." he complained. "Why'd we come here?" "I just wanted to see what happened to the island to break the Master Emerald... this is the highest point." Tails heard another crack. "Are you sure this is safe?" he asked. "Of course it is." Sonic assured him. Seconds later, they were both falling into the caverns below. They hit the ground with a soft thump.. luckily landing on a pillow of snow. "Yeah, real safe, Sonic." Tails complained, staring up at the hole above them. "Ah geez.." Sonic whinged. "Can this expedition get any worse?" They heard a rumbling, and Tails frowned at Sonic. "Oh man, I hope that's your stomach, Tails." Sonic said. I think this cave is unstable!" Tails announced. "We gotta get outta here!" Sonic looked around for an exit. But he couldn't see one.. the only things in the cave were icicles. HUGE icicles. One of them attached to the roof would have to have been a hundred metres from base to tip. There was another rumble, and a cracking sound. "Take cover!" Sonic warned, as the ground began to shake. They tumbled into a corner, as the icicles began to fall. One by one, the sharp spears of ice hit the ground and exploded. Then the big one fell. When it hit the ground, that was the end of the entire cave. It generated enough force to blow the entire thing open, and sent Sonic and Tails careening down the snow covered mountain. Both of them grabbed broken icicles and used them to snowboard down the mountain.. and it was a good thing, because the entire mountain was spraying after them in a massive avalanche. Sonic and Tails screamed as they missed tree after tree, collided and smashed through thin ice structures, and leapt off rocks. The rumble of the avalanche was getting closer and closer.. until their paths skewed off sideways into a natural half-pipe, avoiding the avalanche of snow, and sending them into an embankment. They lay there in a heap, and another emerald shard fell from somewhere onto Sonic's head. "I've seen more natural disasters in the last two days than I need to see in the rest of my life." the hedgehog moaned. Knuckles' foot came down next to Sonic's head. "Well well, what a pleasant surprise." he said, sarcastically. "Knuckles!" Sonic said in surprise. "Where'd you come from?" Knuckles looked at the emerald shards that Sonic and Tails were holding. "What are you doing on my island, rummaging for my emerald pieces?" he asked. Sonic looked at the shards. "Uhh.. hey Knux, I can explain!" "Oh, I have NO doubt!" Knuckles retorted. "But whatever the situation, it doesn't change the fact that you're on MY island with MY emeralds! Sonic, I've told you NEVER to touch my emerald, NEVER to meddle with my affairs, and I must have told you a THOUSAND times NEVER to come to my island when I am not there.. three simple rules, yet here you are, breaking all three of them!" "Knux, please!" Sonic begged. "Robotnik has this creature, and.." "Get up!" Knuckles demanded. "You can't boss me around!" Sonic replied, frustrated. Knux raised his fist. "ON THIS ISLAND, I AM GUARDIAN, AND I HAVE AUTHORITY OVER YOU!" he screamed angrily. "NOW GET UP!" Sonic got up. "You're being a real butthead, Knux!" he complained. Knuckles threw his fist and gave Sonic the right hook. The hedgehog went sprawling. "How DARE you take MY EMERALDS, on MY ISLAND, and CALL ME NAMES?" he demanded. "THAT'S IT!" Sonic shouted, throwing himself at Knuckles. The two toppled over and had an all-in brawl, much to Tails' horror. But Knuckles, being the better fighter, eventually threw Sonic to the ground, sending the two emerald pieces he had flying. "You can get out of my sight, Sonic." Knuckles growled. "Tails too. Both of you.. I want you off my island." The echidna didn't notice the liquid seeping out of the grass.. forming itself into a shape.. solidifying and forming body parts. "Knu...Knuckles!!" Sonic stammered, horrified. "No more talk!" Knuckles retorted. "But... behind you!" Tails added. "What?" Knux demanded. "Knuckles..." Sonic gasped, pointing. "It's grown again!" Knuckles spun around, and came face to face with Chaos. He had time to let out half a gasp before the monster sent him flying into a nearby lake. He landed in the water with a splash. "Fabulous!" Dr. Robotnik shouted from behind Sonic and Tails. The two turned to find him holding the emerald shards that Sonic dropped. "I knew I would gain an advantage from following that echidna here!" "Oh Knuckles.." Sonic sighed, shaking his head. "WHAT?" Knux asked, pulling himself out of the lake. "You were tricked again!" Sonic replied. "Like you WEREN'T?" Knux asked. Robotnik just laughed, and admired the emeralds. "You guys are too easy!" he complained. "First come first served, they say! And you three serve me better than you think!" He held the emeralds up. "Chaos!" he called. "Here, Chaos!" The giant gorilla-like monster stormed over to Robotnik, his feet making a loud splat whenever they hit the ground. He grabbed both emeralds and swallowed them in one gulp. They glowed brighter than ever before, and once again, Chaos began to transform. "PREPARE FOR CHAOS FOUR!" he yelled gluggily, before cracking up into fits of horrendous laughter. His entire body grew longer and thinner.. more prongs grew out of his head.. his arms changed shape into blade-like appendages.. his feet grew together and flattened out into one long, flat tail, and one huge fin grew out of his back. He snarled deeply as the glow faded into four distinct points of light in his abdomen. Sonic gulped. "Like something out of a Spielberg movie.." he stammered. Robotnik laughed. "SICK 'EM, JAWS!" he commanded. Chaos' arms grew into tentacles, and he threw Sonic, Tails and Knuckles into the lake.. then jumped in himself. Sonic remembered the orca whale the instant he saw Chaos dive into the water with him. "I hate water!" he complained. "And I hate Chaos Liquid!" Chaos, when underwater, looked the same as the water did. The only difference was that he was a little thicker, and distorted the water, like a glob of transparent oil underwater. The three were huddled in the center of the lake, being circled by Chaos. He was closing in on them. Knuckles, thinking quickly, jumped out of the water and began to glide. Chaos, afraid of Knuckles escaping, came out of the water to catch him. As soon as his head showed, Sonic slammed into it with a spindash. Globs of Chaos flew off in every direction, and came together again in the center of the lake, where he was attacked by Sonic and Tails. Meanwhile, Robotnik was watching the skies. His airship, piloted by Mecha, could be seen approaching from the clouds. "Right on time.." he said to himself. Chaos didn't seem to be a match for all three of his attackers at once. As soon as he would attack, they would be one step ahead of him. He vanished under the water, while Sonic, Knux and Tails waited nervously for something to happen. The sun was blocked out by something, and a shadow passed over the lake. The three looked up, and saw something massive flying close to the ground. Sonic gasped. "Is that... the Chichi Bobo?" "Aw, no!" Knuckles replied. "It's just Robotnik's dumb egg-whatever ship." "Behold, my floating masterpiece!" Robotnik shouted "The Egg Carrier!" "It's not your masterpiece, you fat idiot!" Knuckles shouted "You ripped it off some aliens when they had their backs turned!" "Details!" Robotnik replied. "It can still knock you insignificant pests head-over-heels! But even it is weak compared to the power of Chaos!" "We just splattered your power of Chaos all over the bottom of the lake!" Sonic shouted back. "He is not yet complete!" Robotnik replied. "CHAOS!" A huge puddle dribbled out of the lake, and towards Robotnik. "I have yet to unleash his true power!" he chuckled. "But when I do.... BEWARE!" He gave the signal, and the Egg Carrier shot down a beam to carry them up. "ADEIU!" Robotnik saluted. "Until we meet again, my friends!" With that, both Robotnik and Chaos were gone, and the Egg Carrier silently blasted away. "We are getting nowhere.." Sonic grumbled. "Every emerald we've collected has been stolen again and fed into that thing." "Well let's not let him get away!" Tails replied. "We can go back to the Great Forest and take the Tornado to follow him!" "You guys go.." Knuckles said. "I have some unfinished business to take care of." "Sure, Knux!" Sonic acknowledged. "We'll take care of Robotnik!" "Okay... just don't come back here again, alright?" Knux asked. "I'm going to be gone." Sonic shrugged. "We won't need to!" he replied. "Good." Knuckles said. And with that, they both went their seperate ways again. "Big! The frog.. is not.. HERE!" Streak yelled. "Now, come on, why are you really so desperate to find this thing?" "He's my friend!" Big argued. "He's ALWAYS been my friend! For years! And now he's sick!" "Sick?" Streak asked. "Yeah!" Big replied. "He's grown some kind 'a tail! And he's never avoided me before!" "Maybe he's just turning into some other kind of lizard!" Streak complained. "A frog isn't a lizard!" Big corrected. "It's an amphibian! Like axolotls and salamanders!" "Alright alright, Professor! I guess you've used up all your brains on frog knowledge, huh?" Streak replied. He looked around the streets of Station Square. "Hey.. what's that?" he asked. "What?" Big asked. "That!" Streak replied, pointing. Hidden in a dark corner was something large and round. "I dunno..!" Big replied, curiously. The two cats walked over to it. It was hard and sticky, and throbbing a little. "It's kinda creepy!" Big exclaimed. "Looks like some kind of...cuccoon!" Streak commented. "That's one flipping huge caterpillar, I can tell 'ya!" The strange throbbing cuccoon suddenly began to move... the shell was melting away. What was inside it began to reveal itself. It was green.. it had rabbit's ears, the paws of some kind of squirrel, and, stranger still, appeared to be made out of water. It stepped out of the cuccoon and looked around. "What the heck IS it?" Streak whispered. "I've never seen an animal like that in my life!" Suddenly, the creature turned to him, and jumped onto his face! Streak thrashed around with the thing grappling onto his head, and then let out an electric shock. Taken by surprise, the creature fell off, and landed face down in the pavement. Streak noticed something new about it... It had a small purple tail sticking out of its rear.. bent into the shape of a lightning bolt. "It mimiced my tail!" Streak gasped. "What the heck is it?" The creature got up and walked away, further into the dark crevice. Streak could see several large eggs lining the area. "I don't know what laid these..." he said. "But there's something awfully spooky going on." "Sonic! Wait here for a second!" Tails said, before vanishing into the hangar. Sonic stood outside and shrugged. There was a loud noise from within the building. "What is he up to?" Sonic thought. Suddenly, all the trees between the hangar and the edge of the cliff parted, leaving a long path.. and the ground itself split apart, revealing a massive runway! Sonic was beside himself as the hangar door opened, and Tails was seated in the Tornado, ready for takeoff. "Tails! How did you do that?" Sonic asked, shocked. "It was built-in to the hangar!" Tails replied. "I just never showed anybody before!" He patted the top wing of the biplane. "Hop on!" he said. "Just like old times!" "Are you sure this thing is safe after the crash?" Sonic asked. "It doesn't have an emerald power supply, but I think it should work just dandy!" Tails replied. "Well, okay!" Sonic said, jumping onto the wing. Then they were off! They caught up to the Egg Carrier in no time, which had defense systems on the ready. "We'll pass over once, then double back and land on it!" Tails announced. "Sure thing!" Sonic replied. The plane whizzed past wave after wave of attacking missiles and rockets. When they were close enough to the ship, they opened fire on the missile launchers and attack pods. "YAHOO!" screamed Sonic as they barrel-rolled alongside the Egg Carrier. More missiles were released, narrowly missing them, and they increased speed, shooting ahead of the giant craft. "That is one huge ship!" Sonic announced. "Lets circle back and put it out of commission, Tails!" "Sure thing, Sonic!" Doctor Robotnik watched the plane on his view screen in anger. "Mecha.." he ordered. His robot co-pilot looked at him in reply. "Do you remember the big red button we tested during a test flight?" Robotnik asked him. "Yes.." Mecha replied. "Push the big red button, Mecha." The little biplane circled back, and Tails pulled up on the joystick to level it. "Ready Sonic?" he asked. "Ready as I'll ever be!" Sonic replied. The pointed nose of the Egg Carrier split in half as they headed towards it, revealing a spinning circular contraption which extended, and began to generate little zaps of electricity, which grew after time, and started making a loud whirring noise. "What's it doing?" Sonic asked, growing nervous. "I dunno, Sonic!" replied Tails. There was a crackling sound on the two-way radio. Tails took one hand off the joystick to answer it. "Yo?" he said. "Merry Christmas." came Robotnik's sinister voice from the other end. Sonic looked up to see the biggest beam he had ever seen in his life heading straight for his head. He jumped to the left just as the Tornado veered to the right. The beam collided with its right wing, sending it spiralling out of control and hurling Tails from the cockpit. Sonic flew in one direction, Tails flew in the other direction, and the Tornado went straight down the center in an inevidable collision course with the ground. Sonic landed with a loud thump in the sand. Head-first. After a while, he pulled himself out of the sand and tried to shake himself off. "Tails? Tails?" he called, before things came into focus. There was an inquisitive little girl fox standing beside him. "You're not who I'm looking for!" he realised. "Where'd Tails go? I hope he's okay..." He looked around and sighed. "I'd better go find him.. hope he's not hurt.." It was nightfall again.. This night, the city was ablaze with activity, and all the Twinkle Park casinos and theme parks were opening. Sonic briefly wondered if Tails was inside one of them, when he saw a familiar figure.. Amy! "HEY AMY!" Sonic shouted over the noise of the crowds of people. Amy Rose turned around.. she was holding some kind of wounded bird. "Hey Sonic!" she called back, waving. Sonic walked up to her. "Have you seen Tails?" he asked. "Tails? No.. why?" Amy replied. "We were chasing after the Egg Carrier and it shot us down." Sonic blurted out. "Egg Carrier? What's that, a poultry shipment?" Amy asked. "No, it's Robotnik's new ship.." Sonic replied. "We wanted to get to it so we could stop Ivo from feeding Chaos into something unstoppable." Amy laughed. "Sonic, what are you talking about?" she asked. Sonic sighed. "Amy.. there's something seriously going down, and I'm not kidding. You know Robotnik is up to something, right? We worked that out before, when we went to Robotropolis on recon... well, now I know what it is." "What?" Amy asked. "A monster." Sonic replied. "It calls itself 'Chaos'. It's probably even eviller than Robotnik himself.. and every time Robotnik boosts i ts power, it grows.." He looked into Amy's eyes for a minute. "Aww, don't worry Amy.. I don't wanna drag you into this." he said at last. "I'd love to help.." Amy admitted "But I've kinda got problems of my own right now. I've gotta find a home for this bird, here, and get away from this robot who wants to steal it.." "Huh? Robot?" Sonic asked. "Yeah... some really creepy looking robot has been chasing me. I'm sure he's after this bird, because it fell off one of Robotnik's ships.." "That'd be the Egg Carrier." Sonic commented. "On a lighter note, have you ever been to one of the Twinkle Park theme parks?" Amy asked. "Nope.." Sonic replied. "Wanna go?" Amy offered. "You haven't lived until you've been there!" "Aw, I dunno, I really should find Tails.." Sonic replied. "Tails can take care of himself, I'm sure." Amy announced. with a smile. "Let him be independent." "I haven't any cash, either.. Sonic replied." "I'll shout you!" Amy offered. "Besides, there's a special on.. 'cute couples' get a discount." "You think we'll be judged as 'cute'?" Sonic asked, jokingly. Amy laughed. "Let's go!" she said. From the shadows, Zero Tolerance grinned evilly. "The cat's in the bag!" he declared. Sonic and Amy spent an hour or so in Twinkle Park's biggest amusement center, but it was easy to get lost in the crowds. After a while, Sonic realised that they had been completely seperated. "Oh great, Sonic, great." he said to himself. "First you lose Tails, now you lose Amy. You're on a roll!" He found a door marked "Twinkle Circuit". "Huh? What's that?" he asked. "Maybe she's in there?" *** "What's your name?" asked the fox, wiping his eyes. "Sonic." replied Sonic. "Sonic Hedgehog. What's yours?" "Miles." replied the fox. "Miles Prower. Although my friends call me Tails." "Why's that?" asked Sonic. Miles stood up. He had not one, but _two_ tails attached to his rear end. Sonic nearly jumped out of his skin! "Holy shemoli!" he exclaimed. "How'd that happen?" Tails began to sob again. "I know.. I'm a freak." he said. Sonic grinned. "Think so?" he asked. "Ever seen a hedgehog with fused spines and blue skin?" Tails giggled. "Guess not!" "We're just special." Sonic reassured him. "And you wanna know something else?" "What?" Tails asked. Sonic stood up, and ran down through Knothole at 200km/h! Then he ran back, and sat down. "NEAT-O!" Tails yelled. "I can do something, too!" He suddenly began to spin his tails like a rotor blade. And he _actually took off_ like a helicopter! Sonic, and a few other villagers, just stared, until Tails sat back down. "COO-OO-OOL!" Sonic exclaimed. "Wow, you've got quite a few tricks up your sleeve!" Tails giggled. "You too!" "I can tell we're both going to enjoy living here!" said Sonic. Then Tails woke up, and realised he was dreaming. A very vivid dream, about when he and Sonic had first met. Since then, they had gone just about everywhere together. "Wow.. that dream brought back memories." Tails exclaimed. "I owe so much to Sonic.." he realised. Upon looking around, he noticed he was in the forest. He had used his tails and the trees as a fall breaker, but he still hit hard enough to pass out. He shook his head to wake himself up. "I wonder where Sonic landed?" he asked. "I think I'd better find my way back to familiar territory before anything else." He walked for what seemed like ages, before he noticed something that caught his eye. "WOW!" he exclaimed, looking at a glowing green gem. "A Master Emerald fragment! But what's it doing here?" He ran up to the gem, but its glow became so intense that he had to block his eyes. When he opened them again, he was standing in a strange village. "Huh?" he mumbled in confusion. "I thought I was in the jungle!" He walked through the strange place, and was faced with a massive temple! At the base, was a girl. She seemed to be deep in thought. What was strange about this place, despite the fact it came out of nowhere, was that everybody was an echidna! "The servers are the seven Chaos Emeralds.." she was saying. She looked up and noticed Tails standing there. "Oh, hello friend!" she greeted him. "A visitor to the village! We don't get many non-echidnas in these parts.." "What were you saying before?" Tails asked, interested. "Something my grandmother taught me." the echidna replied. "The servers are the seven Xnaoo. The controller is the one who unifies the Xnaoo. Since Xnaoo and Chaos mean the same, I was just saying that instead.. it's silly, really." She giggled. "What's your name?" she asked. "I'm Tikal." "I'm Tails!" Tails replied. "Croooo-oooak." "What?" Tails asked in surprise. "Rrribbit." The fox realised he was staring down at a frog. And he was back in the jungle again. He shook his head. "Was I just dreaming?" he asked the frog. The animal croaked in reply. Tails noticed that the frog had a strangely long tail growing out his back. "FROGGY!" came a yell. Tails looked up just in time to see a gigantic blue cat leaping through the air towards him! He fell backwards, and the cat landed in front of him. The frog croaked and hopped away. The cat cursed and ran off. "Weird!" Tails exclaimed. Then he noticed a familiar face running towards him! It was another cat.. Streak! He stopped in front of Tails. "Hey, Tails!" he greeted. "What a surprise!" "Streak!" Tails replied. "What are you doing here?" "Running after Big." Streak replied. "He's my cousin. Would you believe it? He's been chasing that darn frog all over the countryside!" Tails laughed. "Hey, have you seen Sonic?" he asked. "Nope.." Streak replied. "Sorry. Why, you lost?" "Kind of.." Tails replied. "Me too!" Streak laughed. "Hey, you can come along on this wild frog chase too, if you like!" "Naw, I'd better not." Tails replied. "I have to find my way back to the hangar and go help Sonic." "Okaly-dokaly!" Streak saluted. "I gotta go catch up.. be seeing 'ya!" "Bye!" Tails replied. The cat ran into the forest, and Tails bent over and picked up the emerald shard. "Now.." he said. "I'll get to the hangar and use one of the other planes to look for Sonic. Robotnik, here I come!" Amy sighed. "Where'd Sonic go?" she asked herself. She wandered around Twinkle Park, looking for him. "Ugh.. so many crowds in this place! You'll stick with me, won't you, birdie!" She tripped over something, and almost fell over. "What was THAT?" she asked. She bent over, and picked up a glowing green emerald. It looked like it was broken off from something bigger. "Weird!" she said, putting it in her pocket. Suddenly a hand dropped on her shoulder. She turned around, and saw the black robot standing there, grinning evilly. She dropped back and nearly fell over. "Nice to see you too!" the robot declared. "Ugh, you stupid persistant mutant coffee machine!" Amy shouted. The robot looked surprised. "THAT'S a new one!" he declared. "I'd much prefer it if you call me 'Zero', girlie, it'll save some time.. less to get your tongue around." "Zero, huh?" Amy asked. "Zero Intelligence, more like it!" She turned and bolted, the bird following suit. Zero shook his head. "She just won't learn.." he said. "I'll have to do this.. the hard and painful way." He walked through the crowds, and disappeared into the darkness. Streak and Big stood at the entrance to Emerald Coast. Inside, they could see the frog hopping around, madly. "What is WRONG with it?" Streak asked. "He's sick!" Big insisted. "I gotta help him!" The cat trundled into the beach. "Then can we go home?" Streak called, running after him. E-102 Gamma walked across the beach. People looked at him and gasped, as they always did, but Gamma was unfazed. His mission, for over twelve hours now, was to capture the tailed frog that he had been tracking. He walked for ages across the sand, until he saw it.. plain as day! It hopped happily on the sand. Gamma was about to approach it, when two figures appeared... two cats. "Hey Big! Look, there's the frog!" one of them yelled. "FROGGY!" the other shouted. The cats ran after the frog, which hopped away, evading them. Gamma followed in persuit. "GOTCHA!" Streak shouted. He held the squirming frog in both hands. "Here you go, Big! One insane little tailed amphibian!" "Awww, Froggy!" Big exclaimed happily. "Am I glad I finally caught you, buddy! I missed you!" "Here ya go, take the thing.." Streak insisted, holding the frog out. A red robot blasted past and grabbed it. Streak still had his hands held out, and his jaw open. "I don't believe this." he stated. "Oh no, he's got my buddy!" Big shouted. "Look, you!" Streak yelled at the robot. "We have been chasing that dumb frog all over the city... my small minded cousin here isn't going to let up until we catch it, so maybe, if you didn't mind, you could let me have it?" "I cannot." the robot replied. "Why not?" Streak asked. "It is my mission to recover this frog." the robot said, turning around and starting his rocket pack. "No! COME BACK! What mission?" Streak shouted. "We have to follow him and get Froggy back!" Big shouted, running after. "How did I guess?" Streak asked, starting to persue. Knuckles was searching his island for any fragments of emerald Robotnik might have missed when he ransacked it. He had recovered surprisingly many, and left all the emeralds in a stack until he could find a way to fuse them. He was searching a temple in Marble Gardens, when suddenly a bright light came over him. He shielded his eyes and waited for it to pass over. When it didn't, he opened his eyes and realised he was staring at the sun. But he was inside a temple! When he looked around, he realised he had no idea where he was. He was standing before some kind of altar, with a huge emerald of some kind on top of it. Suddenly he recognised it.. the Havoc Gem! "Am I on the Chaos Isle?" he asked. "What's going on? Where am I?" He noticed another echidna standing there.. Tikal! "Please!" she begged the Havoc Gem. "You have to help us! I know you have before... when we did combat with that horrendous monster, Xnaoo!" Knuckles pondered what she said... Xnaoo.. in the old echidna language, that meant Chaos! "You gave us the Xnaoo Emeralds!" Tikal recalled. "And when six of us stood in a circle with them and held up the controller in the center, it trapped the creature inside! I know it's asking a lot, but my father will soon do combat with the gods, and I fear what may happen to us! So I beg you... as our protector... help us now!" Tikal fell on her knees and began to sob. Knuckles walked up to comfort her, but only ended up hugging the dirt. He was in front of the pile of emerald shards again. No Havoc Gem, no Tikal. "Unggghh..." Knux moaned. "This is beginning to blow my mind!" He dropped the remaining emeralds on the pile and waited. Nothing would happen, but he was a very hopeful echidna. After a while, he let out a long sigh. "Who am I kidding.. It's still incomplete. If I'm gonna fix this thing up, I'm gonna have to reach into Chaos' guts and pull the shards out myself." There was an uneasy silence, then he lifted his head and clenched his fist. "Maybe that's exactly what I'm going to do!" he said. "Chaos is on the Egg Carrier, so that's where I'll go! I just need a way of finding it..." At that very moment, something red streaked past. An E-101 robot? It had a large frog tucked under one arm, as it landed. "Gamma reporting... come in Master Robotnik.." he said. "I have aquired the frog. Permission to board Egg Carrier?" "Since when does an E-101 get this far away from Robotropolis?" Knux thought to himself. Then he had another thought. "If he's boarding the Egg Carrier... I can follow him there!" He grinned devilishly. "Watch out Chaos... now you've messed with Knuckles the Echidna!"