Destruction of the Innocent Written by: Doug Skiles Chapter 1: It had been another lazy day in the Great Forest. Lazy days seemed to be a common occurence around the forest. At least, it seemed that way to Tails. But now it was night, and Tails was wandering around the outskirts of the woods. To Tails, the night brought a sense of evil and mystery into all things. And it seemed like that was the only contact with evil and mystery that Tails was ever going to have. Tails felt as though he had been waiting forever for the other Freedom Fighters to finally realize that he was mature enough to handle himself. And he was growing sick of watching Sonic and Sally and the others always run off on another mission, leaving him behind in Knothole Village. But what could he do? Though he had tried to run away before to find adventure, he always ended up returning to Knothole. He cared for the others too much to leave them. So he had to be content following the same routine each day, the same boring, monotonous routine, again and again and again, day after day. Without any sort of action going on around him whatsoever. His only relief came at night, after the others had all gone to sleep, when he would venture out to the outskirts of the Great Forest in the darkness. At least, doing this, he felt like he was being SOMEWHAT adventurous. Tails jogged briskly along the trails, with the dead branches snapping under his feet the only sounds he could hear. But then he heard something else. More dead branches snapping. But THIS sound didn't seem to be coming from underneath his feet. He paused. The sound continued. It was coming from his left. And it was coming closer. Tails jumped back a step and flattened himself against the nearest tree. His muscles tensed. His heart was practically beating right out of his chest. Slowly, gradually, he peeked around the tree to see the source of the sound. And then he saw Princess Sally walk out from between two bushes. What was SHE doing out here at this time of the night? Shouldn't she be asleep already? With a single quick movement, he jerked his head back and pressed it against the tree again. He dared not let her find him out here. Not here. Not now.