Destruction of the Innocent Chapter 6: Rotor's eyes popped open. He heard an engine running outside. He glanced over at the clock beside his bed. "Two A.M.?" he asked himself, wearily. He raced outside, just in time to see the Freedom Fighters' biplane take off, with Sally in the cockpit. He watched her fly off, disbelieving. Sonic blazed out of his hut and ran to the launch site at incredible speed. He skidded to a stop next to Rotor. "Who... " he began. "Sally!" Rotor answered, still amazed. "But... she can't fly a plane!" "Where could Sal be goin'?" Sonic asked. "After the chaos emeralds," said a voice from behind them. They both whirled around to see Tails. "Tails, what are you talking about?" Sonic said skeptically. "Go back to bed." "The ring is gone. See for yourselves." Tails added. Sonic looked at Tails incredulously, as though seeing him for the first time. "The ring is gone?" he asked, disbelieving. Then, in an accusatory tone, he said, "What do YOU know about the ring?" Tails just looked at him, his expression distant, empty. "I gotta check this out, back in a flash," Sonic said as he sped off to Sally's hut. When he got there, he saw that Tails had spoken the truth. The ring was gone. But Nicole was still here. Sonic picked up the tiny computer. Sally never went anywhwhere without Nicole in her vest. Why did she leave her behind? "Nicole," Sonic began. "Do you know where Sal's flown off to?" "Sorry Sonic," the electronic voice said back, "that data is not in my files." Sonic looked up. Whatever Sal was doing, wherever she had gone, she must've been in one serious rush if she left Nicole behind. But why?