Destruction of the Innocent Chapter 8: By the time he had flown all of the way to the Floating Island, Tails was exhausted. He dropped Sonic down onto the soil and then, out of breath, let himself fall to the ground. He landed on his stomach, knocking even more breath out of him. He rolled over onto his back, gasping for air. Sonic helped him up to his feet, and then led him over to a log to sit down. After resting on the log for five minutes, Tails finally caught his breath. "Okay," Sonic began when Tails was rested. "We don't know where the tunnels to the chaos emerald chamber are, so we'll have to find Knuckles... " he paused, distracted by something above. Tails looked up and saw what it was. The Freedom Fighters' biplane was flying over the island, about to land. "There's Sally flying overhead now," Tails commented, stating the obvious. "Which means that we gotta fly too - on foot!" Sonic said. Sonic raced after it, pulling Tails behind him. But the plane was too far ahead. By the time Sonic had caught up to it, on the other side of the island, it had already landed in a grassy clearing. It was longer and wider than two football fields, and, though there were bushes and large rocks scattered here and there and there was a tiny pond near the center, there were no trees. And when Tails and Sonic saw the biplane, they also noticed that Sally was no longer in it. "GREAT!!!" Sonic shouted as loud as he could, frustrated. "Now what do we -- " Sally leapt out from behind a bush and delivered a kick to the back of Sonic's head. She had been waiting for them. Sonic fell over into the dirt, onto his side. Tails' eyes widened at the sight of Sally, and he took a step back. This was not the Sally he remembered. Her hair had turned black, and was standing on end. Her eyes glowed a bright, neon green. And then she spoke... Holding up the ring two-handed, with six of the seven chaos emeralds already in it, she said, "I believe that you have come looking... for this!" in a low, gravely, demonic voice. A chill ran up Tails' spine when he heard her. She had gotten all of the chaos emeralds... except for the one keeping this island afloat. How much power did she have now, Tails wondered to himself? Sonic got up, rubbing his head. He stood next to Tails side and asked "Who... what... are you?" "I... am the Demon of Chaos. I reside within the ring. Until someone places an emerald within the ring, releasing me into their body. I grow stronger with each emerald added to the ring. So that I can do things... such as this!" she said. She slammed her hands together, causing a thunder clap. Lightning shot out from the crevices between her fingers. It shot up to the sky, and clouds filled it, black clouds, glowing with more lightning, and rumbling with more thunder. Sonic and Tails stared in awe at the darkening sky above them. Sonic looked at Sally, eyes filled with pain. How could someone he cared for so much be doing this? No. It wasn't her. It was the Demon. "Sal... " he said in a pleading voice, "Sal... if you're in there, stop this. Please. You gotta fight this thing... " "Your Princess is gone, rodent!" the hideous voice reberverated through the hills. "And you shall soon be the same!" she... it... added. The ring then slipped out of Sally's hand on to the ground. She raised her right hand towards Sonic... but nothing happened. He rushed at her, but she snatched up the ring and pointed her hand towards him again. A dagger shot out from within her palm and flew at Sonic, but he rolled underneath it just in time, and continued to roll right past her, so that now he was on one side of her, Tails on the other. Tails finally realized... without that ring, she's helpless! Then Sally put her palms together, as though to pray... And vanished in a flash of light. She reappeared in another flash of light nearly one hundred yards away, laughing at them, taunting them, goading them on. Tails raced over to Sonic, grabbing him by both of his arms. He began to twirl his tails, and then was flying, fast and low, racing towards Sally, Sonic's feet just inches off of the ground. Sally's eyes glowed with fury. She raised her palms towards the sky, the ring still dangling around her. Tails watched her curiously. Suddenly, Sonic screamed "TREE!!!" A huge redwood tree appeared right out of the ground directly in Tails' flight path, roaring as it grew taller and taller. He swerved left sharply, pulling Sonic after him. Sonic barely missed the giant trunk by just a couple of inches. "TREE!" Sonic shouted again. "RIGHT!" He added. Tails swerved right obediently. But his left elbow scraped up against a branch HARD, tearing off fur and flesh with it. Tails let out a brief cry of pain, then gritted his teeth. He could feel the hot blood streaming down his arm. "TREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Sonic SCREAMED louder than ever, terrified... "LEFT, LEFT!!!" Another redwood was growing directly in front of them. Tails pulled left, flying in between two branches, one above him, one below. Sonic raised his legs to keep them from hitting the lower branch. Leaves slapped against both of their faces. Still flying low to the ground, Tails and Sonic had nearly reached Sally. But then, when they were just five yards away, another tree appeared right in front of them. This time, Sonic didn't have enough time to scream. Tails tried to fly between two branches again, but then, just when he thought he was through, he felt himself yanked back. His tails has caught on one of the branches. Sonic slipped from his grasp and flew foward. Sonic SLAMMED directly into Sally, causing her to topple over and drop the ring. The tree stopped growing instantly, leaving Tails hanging upside down from the tree branch, almost able to touch the ground with his fingertips... Sonic, lying on the ground, moaned in pain. Sally started to get up. She reached down for the ring, but before she could grab it, Sonic kicked it away, and it slid just underneath Tails. Tails reached down for the ring. He was just able to hook the middle finger of his left hand around it. He shut his eyes tight and concentrated. HARD. He felt his right hand being ripped apart. He screamed in pain, but still kept his eyes shut, concentrating. His right hand was burning with pain. He felt as though the skin was being ripped off of it, but he still held onto the ring as tightly as he could with the finger on his left hand and continued to concentrate. He clenched his teeth tight to keep himself from screaming anymore. Instead, now he moaned LOUDLY. Finally, the pain stopped. He let go of the ring. He looked at his right hand. In his palm, the glove and fur and been burned off by some unknown force, and he was badly bleeding, but he had gotten what he wanted. Thanks to the power of the ring and the emeralds, he now held in his right hand a laser rifle, just like the ones Robotnik's SWATbots used. Sally had finally gotten up. Tails untangled his tails from the branch and fell to the ground, landing on his back. Sally snatched up the ring, and Tails jumped up just as quickly, pointing the laser rifle at her. "Really," the Demon within Sally said, amused. "Do you honestly think that you have the strength to kill one of your best friends... Princess Sally?" "You're... you're not Sally," Tails said back, a little shaken. Sally continued, "besides, it's not really me you want to kill, is it?" she asked. The one you want dead is Sonic." The Demon of Chaos was right. Because of the evil Tails had absorbed by using the power of the ring, he now had a strange desire to murder his best friend. He shifted, pointing the rifle at Sonic instead. "No... " Sonic moaned, still lying on the ground. "Noooooo!" Sonic rolled over slightly. He managed to speak in a low, quiet voice. "Tails, c'mon little bro, it's me, Sonic! I'm your bud!" "You... " Tails glared at Sonic with an enraged fury in his eyes. "You always took the glory. You always left me behind. You never respected me. You treated me like a baby. Like a BABY!!!" he screamed furiously. "Yesss," Sally hissed cruelly. "You must kill Sonic!" Tails, holding the rifle up, ready to fire, flinched. He felt something within him still telling him that this was wrong. He shut his eyes. His ears. He listened only to his mind and heart. No. Sonic was his friend. More than that, Sonic was his hero. Yes. This WAS wrong. He opened his eyes, and again pointed the barrel at Sally. Sally's eyes glowed a brighter green than before. "I'm going to destroy you," Tails said. Then, the Demon's eyes flashed white, and then... they were normal. Sally's normal, sweet blue eyes. Tails lowered the rifle. "Sally... ?" he asked quietly. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead. "Yes, honey," said Sally, in her own voice. Her own, melodic voice. "It's over. The demon isn't in me anymore. We can go home now." Tails looked at Sally with disbelief in his eyes. Her hair was still blackened and standing on end... but otherwise this seemed to be Sally. But how? Tails swallowed hard. "C'mon," she said. "It's all okay now." Tails looked down. She was still holding the ring. He reared back and belted her across the side of the head with the butt of his laser rifle. Sally toppled to the ground. Her eyes shut tight, and her hand wrapped equally tight around the ring. Tails realized regretfully that he had just inflicted pain onto Sally's body, Sally, his friend. "Sorry, I'm sorry Aunt Sally, Sally please forgive me, I'm so sorry," he muttered quietly, hoping that the real Sally inside could somehow hear him. Then Sally opened her eyes. They glowed green again. And then she spoke: "That... was most foolish," she said, once again in the deep, demonic voice. Tails held the laser rifle up, ready to fire at any moment. "You still cannot destroy me," said the Demon. "If you shoot this body, yes, you will have stopped me from destroying your world... at least for today. But you will have killed your friend, the Princess, forever. Would you destroy your friend? Would you destroy an innocent?" "You would destroy a lot more innocents if I let you go," Tails answered back, anger burning in his voice, still holding the gun at the ready. "Of course," said the Demon within Sally, smiling. "I am the Demon of Chaos! I exist purely for that purpose. To destroy innocents. To destroy the world of these innocents. And also to destroy innocence itself." Tails felt a chill at these words. But he stood still, not letting his inner fears show through. "Go ahead, child," Sally said. "Destroy this body. Go ahead and try. I know that you can't. You can't destroy Princess Sally's body." Tails lowered the laser rifle. "You're right," he responded, smiling calmly. The Demon of Chaos looked at him curiously through Sally's eyes, surprised by this sudden action. "I can't destroy Sally's body," Tails went on. "But I can destroy yours." And with that, in one lightening-fast movement, Tails raised the rifle, aiming it at the ring, and fired. The emeralds flew out from within the ring in a brilliant flash of light as they, along with the ring itself, launched into the air, each emerald and the ring flying in seven different directions, racing thousands of miles across the skies of Mobius, until finally landing in seven separate, distant lands. The force of this blast threw Tails back against the tree he had been tangled in earlier, and Sonic was pushed back against a large rock. Sally fell where she stood. Her hair, still standing on end, turned red.