Tails or Torina? Written by: Toni the Mink -------------- Tails was tied in a rope and hung from the ceiling in Torina's fortress. Torina and Coconuts stood below him, Torina holding on a small paper bag. "This time, fox, said Torina reaching into her bag, "I WILL get you!" But just then, the door to the fortress was kicked down. "Haven't you ever realized, Tori? You'll never get Tails as long as Sonic the Hedgehog's around!" He did a Sonic Spin, and cut through Tails' rope, making him drop to his feet. He pulled the ropes off himself. "Get outta here, Tails!" Sonic ordered, "While you still can!" "Oh no, you don't!" yelled Torina, pulling something out of her bag, "He'll never escape as long as I have THIS!" She held up a green stone. Sonic and Tails gasped. "Um...what is it?" Sonic asked. Torina growled, and held it up to their faces, "THIS is the Legendary Moon Stone, which had fallen from the mystic moon of Mobius, which is rarely seen. God only knows what this thing can do." "Yeah," said Tails, "They were afraid that it would posses a wierd magic, and so they kept it in the Mobius 3rd Union Bank for safekeeping, and that bank was robbed just yesterday! YOU must have robbed it!" "Correct-o-mondo," said Torina, "Tell 'im what he's won!" "GAHAHAHA!" Coconuts laughed, "You won youwself a chance to test it!" He laughed his annoying way again. Tails held up his hands, "Uh uh!" he said, "No thank you!" Torina jumped at Tails, pointing the stone at him, "Oh well," she said, "You're going to do it anyway!" She was about to toutch him with it, but Sonic pushed him away. The stone came inches from the hedgehog himself. "Hurry Tails!" he called, "Get out before she'll catch you!" Tails would of gladly gone, but was a bit too busy running away from Torina. He flew around the staircase. "Leave me alone!" he cried. But Torina kept going after him, trying to swipe him with the stone. She had just leaped to him, when Sonic grabbed her legs and pulled her down. "He said leave him alone!" he said standing back up. Torina had dropped her stone. She was so fustrated about this, she just pushed Sonic off, jumped strait at Tails, and yanked him down to the ground. They both landed on the Moon Stone, with did a glowing effect to them. Sonic tried to get close, but a burst of light sent him back. Suddenly, Torina and Tails were levitating in the air, with the Moon Stone between them. As it glowed, the two started spinning in a circle around the stone. "Tails!" Sonic cried. "Towina!" Coconuts cried after him. The two in the air then started to spin faster, and faster, and faster, until when they suddenly stopped, their heads banged right into each other, nice and hard. A moment soon, the glowing stopped, and the three figures fell to the ground. Sonic sped to Tails and layed his head in his hands, "Yo Tails!" he cried, "Speak to me, 'lil bro! It's me, Sonic!" He shook him, but Tails refused to wake up. Coconuts sat on top of Torina and shook her by her hair, "Towina! Wake up!" he said, "We gotta captuwe Tails!" Torina too didn't budge. Soon, Tails' eyes slowly opened. He awoke to see Sonic in his face. "You ok, 'lil guy?" he asked. Tails rudley pushed him off. "Elck!!" he cried, "Keep away from me, you infernal hedgehog!" Sonic raised an eyebrow, "Say what?" he said, "Are you ok? Forget who I am?" "Of course I know who you are!" said Tails frowning at him, "You're Sonic! That dang hedgehog who gets in my way when I want things done!" Sonic then noticed that Tails' voice was different. Torina, meanwhile, had just woken up too. She saw Coconuts sitting on top of her stomach. She cried out and backed up to the stairwall, "Sonic!" she cried, "Help! Coconuts got me!" "Huh?!" Coconuts cried. Sonic looked over, and saw Torina trying to back as far as she could from the robot, and back at Tails, who frowned at him. "Tails....Torina?" he said as he looked at each over and over. Tails then turned to Torina and gasped. Torina did the same thing. They crawled up to each other, their mouths hung open wide. "Tails..." spoke Tails, "You're...in my body! And that must mean..." He jumped up and rubbed his fur down his stomach, "YUCK! I'm in the body of my most hatred nemesis!" Torina shriked and jumped up, "Eeewww!!!!" she shouted, "And I'M in a body of a GIRL!" Torina (in Tails' body) picked up the Moon Stone. "So that's what this thing did!" she exclaimed, "It switched mine and Tails' minds!" She looked over at Tails (in Torina's body) while holding onto the stone tightly. "No matter!" she said, "Even if I'm killing my own body, I'm still killing you!" She launched herself at Tails, but being in a tall woman's body, Tails was able to hold her back by her (or his) head. Torina tried to get through, but Tails' was strong enough to push her to the ground. "Don't you get it, Tori?" said Sonic, trying to help her up, but she pushed him away, "You're bodies are telepathically connected! If you kill him, you'll end up being killed too!" "How's that bad?" said Torina, "I'll just end up killing both his mind AND body, even if I have to die myself!" "Man, you're CRAZY!" said Sonic as he sped to Tails and took his (or her) ((confusing?)) hand. "Come on, Torina, Err... I mean Tails! Let's bookit!" He sped out before neither Torina or Coconuts could catch them. There was a big cloud of dust left behind, and when it cleared, Coconuts looked over at Torina, and grabbed her arm. "HAHAA!" he cried, "I captuwed Tails!! What until Towina hews about 'dis!" 'Tails' bashed him on the head with her other fist. "YOU NINKENPOOP!" she shouted, "I am Torina! Mind switch!! Remember?" "Oh yeah..." said Coconuts scratching his head. Torina jumped up to a key holder and took off a set of car keys, "Let's go!" she said, "My car's fast enough. Maybe we can reach Sonic and me in time!" They raced outside and to the red-doored Geo. Torina climbed into the driver seat, and turned the ignition, but then got a dumbfounded face. Being in Tails' body, she couldn't quite reach the pedals. She looked up at Coconuts, her eyes rolled, "How do you do it?" she asked. "I usally pull the seat up," said Coconuts, "But if 'dat don't work, then you'll have to reach far, far as you can." Torina sighed, as she pulled up the seat. "All right," she said, "Let's roll!" She slammed down the accelrator, and the car sped off. Meanwhile, Sonic and Torina (Err...um...Tails), sat by the camp. "This is horrible, Sonic!" he cried. "Because you're stuck in your enemy's body, no way out, and she'll kill you anyway?" Sonic asked. "No," said Tails, "Because it's just HORRIBlE being in a woman's body, period!!" Sonic put his hand on his (or her) shoulder. "Don't worry, 'lil bro," he said, "I'll think of all I can to get you back into that two-tailed body of yours." "And for THAT to happen," cried a voice, "You're gonna need ME!" Out came the face of Tails, yet it was Torina. Torina, yet who was Tails, cried out and jumped behind Sonic shuddering. "This is new," Sonic muttered, "Torina's afraid of Tails for once!" "But I AM Tails!" cried the Torina behind Sonic. "And I'M Torina!" shouted the Tails next to Coconuts. "Life has many twists and turns," Sonic muttered again. Torina then held up a plasma gun, "And soon, they'll be no more of either of us, once I'm done with you!" She shot, but Sonic grabbed Tails and sped away. "Where do you think YOU'RE going?!" Torina shouted, "I'm not done with you yet!" She jumped in the car, followed by Coconuts, and sped after him. As Sonic ran through Blocky Mountains, he looked behind himself. Torina's car was just about 5 miles behind him. "She's closing in!" he told Tails, "We'll have to lose her!" "But how?" Tails questioned. "Easy," said Sonic, "Just stick by me!" He raced up the mountains, which were pretty darn high, and reached the very top in about 7 seconds. He then pointed at the path, "Torina's car is too narrow to drive on, and, no offense, you'll never catch up to me that quick." Tails then got a sour look. "What?" Sonic asked. "Well...." he said as he dragged Torina's foot along the ground, "I HAVE been practicing..." "And practice makes perfact!" said the same voice. Tails ducked behind Sonic. Torina, stepping Tails' body out forward, smirked, "Good job, Tails!" she said, "You HAVE been practicing! I grabbed Coconuts and was just able to catch up with Sonic!" "This is what I get for trying to be as cool as you..." "Forget it, Tails!" Sonic shouted, "The only thing I want you to do is DUCK!!!" He pushed Torina's body down, as Tails' body leaped forward. Torina nearly fell off the edge, but resumed her ground. At this point, Sonic's back was turned, and he didn't see Coconuts come up and grab Sonic's arms. "Hey!!" he cried. "Good, Coconuts!" said Torina, "I'll get me, OR um, Tails!" She launched herself at her body, who ducked, which caused Tails' to fall off the edge, but grab Torina's arm, and both plunged down to the rocky ground far below. Sonic kicked Coconuts off and ran to the edge. "TAILS!!!!!!!" he cried. Coconuts ran up, "Did they both fall?!" he asked. Sonic looked up at him and frowned, "No, they went to Tahiti!" "They did?" said Coconuts, "I thought they fell of the mountain!" Sonic slapped him sideways as he sped off down the mountain. Meanwhile, the two were still falling. "Torina!" Tails shouted over the falling wind, "Twirl your tails! You'll be able to fly!" Torina looked down at Tails' tails. "Huh?" she asked. "Wrap them together!" Tails called, "Left: Clockwise! Right: Counter-clockwise! You'll be able to do it warp speed in my body!" Torina tried it, and it seemd pretty easy! She gained control of her fall, and was flying in the air. "Hey! I can get use to this!" she gleamed. Tails held up Torina's hand, "Good!" he said, "Now let's get to safety!" Here, Torina just had to crack up. "Hahaa!" she cried, "You ACTUALLY thought I would save you!" Tails slapped himself with Torina's hand, "I forgot!" he cried, "How could I be so stupid?" Torina stopped falling, and watched Tails, plus her body, plunge toward the oncoming ground. "See you next fall!!" she called. She didn't notice the blue blur passing her by on the mountain. Tails covered Torina's eyes ((I'm sorry if I don't make sense)), and waited for it to end. For the first time, he couldn't use his twin tails to get to safety. Just when it felt he had reached the ground at deadly impact, he was caught. He opened his eyes, and there was Sonic. He had caught him just before he could go ker-splat. Tails let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Sonic." he said. Then there was hovering sound above them. "You INFERNAL hedgehog!!!!" Torina shouted as she landed, "Always getting in my way! Put my body down now this instant!" Sonic did so, "I never got a real kick of holding you in my arms anyway, Tori," he said. Tails ducked behind Sonic. "All right, Torina!" said Sonic, "The game's over! Use that moon stone thingy to switch your bodies back, right here, right now!" Torina pulled out the paper bag with the Moon Stone in it from Tails' shoe, "Even if a disadvantage of Tails is having no pockets," she said, "I'd rather die in his body! I have no time to make a stinkin' switch when Tails is right here, just screaming to be murdered." "I'm only screaming because I AM going to be murdured!" cried Tails, as he started to scream. Suddenly, Sonic snatched the paper bag from Torina and pulled out the Moon Stone. "Oh well," said Sonic, "Whether you like it or not, I'm putting you two back where you belong!" He pulled up Tails, and pushed him onto his body and held the stone above them. "It won't work!" he cried. He then dropped it on top of the both, but the reversal wasn't made. "Dang..." he said staring down at it on the ground, "Why won't it work now?" Suddenly, Torina flew up and grabbed her own throat. "Acck!!" Tails cried. Sonic easily pulled down Torina and grabbed Tails' hand, "We'll have to think about this, AWAY from miss pyscho woman!" As fast as he could, Sonic ran away form Torina, so she wouldn't use Tails' speed to catch up. They soon ran up to a cave, with a rock in the entrance. "Hey!" Sonic exclaimed, "This is Professer VonSclimmer's abandoned workshop!" He skidded to a halt, walked up to the rock, and started pushing it, "Ungh!! Maybe he'll have something that'll help us! Urg.... hey gimme a hand with this, will ya?" Tails walked up to the rock, and with all her strengh, he pushed the rock aside. "Maybe there are some upsides to being in Torina's body," he said. "Uh-uh!!" said Sonic waving his hands, "No way! I'm puttin' you back in your 'ol body! Just the thought of being with Torina every day..." He shuddered. Torina, meanwhile, had just started to chase after them, "I'm not failing," she groaned as she sped off, "Even if I die myself, I'm gonna kill that Tails!" Meanwhile, Sonic and Tails sped into the cave. They sped down a tunnel, until they reached an empty area where a machine stood. It like many other machines, and there were two chairs hooked up to the machine. "Thank you, professer," Sonic spoke up, "Even if he isn't here! Tails, strap yourself in! I'll look for Torina and have you two switched back in no time!" "Nice try," said a voice from behind. There was Tails, although Torina was really speaking ((Aren't I good?)). "Torina!" said Sonic, "You're right on time! I'm just about to put you two back where you belong!" "Why don't ya make me?!" Torina shouted, as she lunged towards Tails, now strapping himself into one of the seats. But for once, Sonic was actually strong enough to hold Torina back. "Let me go!!" she squeeled, trying to escape his grip, but it was no use. He easily slung her over his shoulder and took her to the other chair. "Put me down!!" she yelled kicking, "This is offensive! How dare you do this to me!!" "Geez," said Sonic, trying to keep her steady on his shoulder, "Who would've thought that Tails would be so hard to hold one day?" He finally got her onto the chair. She tried to jump out, but Sonic kept her down and placed his knee on her lap as he stripped her wrists to the chair arms. "Man, Tori, chill!" he said as he knelt down to strip her ankles to the chair legs. As he did so, she kicked him in the face with her free leg. He fell backwards, but stood right back up. He pointed his finger at her chest, "All right, you're REALLY teeing me off!" he shouted, "And in Tails' body, I can take you down anytime!" He then backed off, "But since you ARE in Tails' body, I can't bring myself into doing so." He knelt back down and stripped her other leg to the chair. "Now lay off the caffeine and let me finish!" Finally, he stood back up. Torina sat in her seat, all stripped up. She struggled herself to get free furiously, but no success. "All right, now that you've been taken care of," said Sonic as he walked off, "I can get back down to business!" He walked over to Tails, who had stripped himself up, all but one wrist. "I'll get that for you," said Sonic, as he stripped it, "Man, Tails, I couldn't imagine you kickin' me in th' face!" "I'm sorry," said Tails. "Ah, it wasn't really you," said Sonic, "It was still Torina. But the thought! Man..." He then went up to the controls. "Lesse," he mumbled looking down at the buttons, "What should I do here?" He looked up at a power switch, "That'll help," he said as he pulled it. The room lights flickered, but everything was just the way it was. "Tails?" Sonic called. "Yeah?" answered the one in Torina's body. "Dang..." Sonic mumbled, snapping his fingers, "How am I gonna switch you two back?" He snapped his fingers again, "Got it! Hey Tails, Torina, chill for a second. I'll be right back." He sped off. He ran back to the Blocky Mountains, "If that Moon Stone thing switched their bodies in the first place, maybe it'll help switch back...HEY!" There was Coconuts, standing there, holding the bag with the Moon Stone in it. "Drop it, banana-breath!" Sonic yelled, skidding to a halt. Coconuts held it up, "Nuh uh!!" he taunted, "Not until you tell me whewe Towina is!" "Ok, ok, I'll tell," said Sonic, "Last I saw her, she was drowning Tails at the Never Lake. Better hurry, 'cause if she kills her own body, she'll end up killing her mind too!" Coconuts shrieked as he ran off, throwing the bag in the air. Sonic quickly caught in, "Whatta' monkey brain!" he exclaimed, "I can see now why Robotnik was eager to give him to Tori!" He raced off to the cave. He returned to see Tails, still in Torina's body, paitently waiting for Sonic to come back, as Torina sat in Tails' body, kicking her legs, screaming to be released. "Hang in there, Tails," said Sonic as he pulled the stone out of the bag, "I'll have your blood flowing calmly before Torina raises it off the chart!" He jumped up and put the stone on top of the machine, between the two chairs. "You can't do this!!" Torina yelled, "Why can't you let me do things I want to do for once!?!" "I'm doing this for your OWN good, Tori," said Sonic ready to pull down the lever, "As for Tails' too. Three... two...one...NOW!" He pulled it down. The lights flickered again, but the Moon Stone responded by glowing, bouncing around, then giving off a beam of light. Both Tails and Torina looked as if they were being shocked, then, the light seemed to transport a soul from each, Torina's coming out of Tails' body, and Tails' coming out of Torina's. They passed each other at the stone, then the souls were placed back into bodies. The glowing effect was over. Sonic raced over to Tails' body. Tails had his eyes closed. Sonic shook him alittle, "Yo Tails!" he called, "Feelin' all right, 'lil bro?" Tails' eyes then flutterd opened, and he looked over to Sonic. "Hiya, Sonic!" he called, in his original voice! He was back to his old self! Sonic couldn't help but hug him. "Great to have ya back, kiddo," he said as he started to unbuckle his strips. Just then, "Hey!! What about me?!" Torina looked to be back to herself too. Sonic and Tails, who was fully released from the chair, smirked. "I dunno, Tori," said Sonic, "Why don't you just chill here for awhile? You DEFINATLY need a time out!" "Yeah," said Tails as he flew up on top of the machine, "And just incase you DO get out," he grabbed the stone and then placed it back into the bag, "Perhaps we need to find a new home for this stone. It's WAAY too dangerous for those with hands like yours!" "Good thinking," said Sonic, "Maybe we can find it a good home...like out in the sea! Come on!" He sped out of the cave. "Coming!!" Tails called as he flew out after him. Torina stayed sat strapped in the seat. "Oh great..." she mumbled, "Am I suppose to wait until Coconuts finds out I'm here?" It was a long silence. "I'LL BE HERE FOREVER!!!!!!!!! Come back!!!" she whined, but nothing happened. She growled, "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!!!!" The End