Sonic the Hedgehog in ________________ TIME AND SPACE ________________ By Shax the Raptor Part One - The Desert CHAPTER ONE: SIX HEROES Sleepily, Sonic opened his eyes. He instantly knew that he wasn't in his own bed, so he tried to remember exactly what had happened. It was a normal spring day, and Sonic was running laps around Knothole. Every day he did this, to make sure his super speed remained super. He left the safety of Knothole, and started to make his way through the forest. Suddenly, he heard a strange whirring sound. He stopped running and tried to work out what it was. The whirring grew louder, and suddenly, Sonic was engulfed in a blinding red light. He tried to run, but found he was powerless to move. And he felt so sleepy. He struggled to keep his eyelids open, but they were heavier than lead. He closed his eyes, and everything went black. As this memory came back to him, Sonic shot up out of bed. He noticed he was in a strange chamber, lying on a high, metal bed, covered with a thin layer of foam on top. Looking around, he found that he was not alone in the strange room. There were six beds, all identical to his, set out in a circle, and on each one lay another person, and all were still unconcious. To the left of his bed, Sonic saw his little fox- friend Tails. Going clockwise around the circle of beds, he then saw his old ally, Knuckles the Echidna. Then he saw two others that he had never met. One was an oddly-coloured cat. He was a shade of purple, and one strange feature was his tail - all stiffened out with a kink in it, like a lightning bolt. To the left of him, was a yellow female porcupine, wearing some sort of lipstick. Next to her, Sonic saw a face he knew all too well. It was his old girlfriend, Amy. The pink hedgehog lay on the bed, asleep, like all the others. Memories came flooding back to Sonic, all at once, about the good times they used to share. He couldn't remember exactly why they split up, they just sort of went their own ways. Sonic stood there for about three minutes, when all of a sudden he snapped out of it and his attention returned to the strange place he was in, surrounded by friends and strangers. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." said Sonic to himself. It seemed to be a dome shaped room, with no doors, windows, or exits of any kind. Sonic couldn't work out how they could possibly have entered the strange building. "Sonic" he heard a voice say. He turned around and saw his friend Tails, looking at him sleepily. "Where are we?" Sonic could only reply by shrugging his shoulders. About five minutes later, Knuckles started to moan, as if he was having a nightmare. He opened his eyes a crack, then apparently realised he didn't know where he was, and instantly jumped ten feet into the air, landed on his feet beside the bed, brandishing the sharp, pointed knuckles on his fist, as if about to beat the crud out of the first one to move. When he saw Sonic and Tails, he relaxed his fist and walked over to them. "Sonic!" he said. "I haven't seen you in ages! Where the heck are we, anyway." Once again, Sonic answered with a shrug. "I don't know" he said. "I was just walking along, minding my buisness, when this red light came and..." That's what happened to me!" said Knuckles, butting in. "And me" added Tails. At that time, the two strangers woke up, almost simultaniously, and sat on the side of the bed. "Whe..where am I?" asked the yellow porcupine, dazed. The cat simply looked around, confused. "Who are you guys?" asked Sonic. The purple cat was the first to speak. "Um...I'm Streak." he said, continuing to examine the bizarre room. "If you must know, I'm Petals" said the other stranger, as she yawned, then spat onto the ground. At that moment, Amy shot up and let out a squeal, as if just waking from a nightmare. "Huh?" she said, staring at Sonic. "Sonic! What on Earth...?" she was interrupted by a booming voice that echoed through the room. "I AM DOMINATREK" it said. The room fell silent again, then the voice started again. "NOW THAT YOU ARE ALL AWAKE, YOU WOULD BE WONDERING WHAT YOU ARE DOING HERE I SHALL EXPLAIN..." Yes, that would be nice" said Sonic. "YOU ARE ALL HEROES IN YOUR OWN LAND" began the voice again. "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG AND MILES PROWER, TWO MEMBERS OF THE FAMOUS FREEDOM FIGHTER MOVEMENT. KNUCKLES THE ECHIDNA, GUARDIAN AND CHAMPION OF THE FLOATING ISLAND. STREAK THE CAT, HEROIC MASTER OF ELECTRICITY. PETALS THE PORCUPINE, HEROINE OF THE ISLAND OF BIGAIL, AND AMY ROSE, LEADER OF ANOTHER, MORE NORTHERN CLAN OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS. YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN BY ME PERSONALLY AND TAKEN TO THIS PLANET AS THE BEST OF THE BEST ON THE PLANET OF MOBIUS, AND YOU WILL PERFORM A TEST TO CONFIRM THAT..." "Wait a minute" interrupted Sonic. "So you're saying we're gonna be lab rats?" "And why?" asked Knuckles. "ENOUGH TALKING" boomed the voice, louder than before, as if irritated. "ONWARD, YOU SHALL ENTER THE FIRST TEST" "Wait a minute, Mr. What's-his-name" began Streak. "You mean there is more than one test?" "SILENCE" said the voice. "How long is this going to take, anyway? asked Knux. "SILENCE!!!" screamed the voice, in anger. The room then filled with light, and Knux was thrown backwards, as if hit by a ball of force. Moaning, Knuckles got up and said "I don't think I like this guy." The room was then lit up once again, and when the light faded, there was a massive arched door on the side of the room. "ENTER" said the voice. The six were hesitant for a while, but finally walked obediantly out the door. CHAPTER TWO: THE TEST Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Streak, Petals and Amy walked along an unfamiliar landscape. After they had stumbled outside the strange building, it had disappeared, and now they were alone in a hot, dry desert. "What the heck is this!?!" cried Knux, starting to totally lose it. "It seems to be some kind of survival test" replied their new ally, Streak. "Well" said Sonic. "We'll probably be here a long, long time, so we might as well get aquainted. I'm Sonic." Streak smiled. "Pleased to meet you, Sonic!" Sonic thought Streak to be quite a polite individual, but the other stranger, the yellow porcupine called Petals, was not as polite. "What the &*%&^$% heck are we doing here, anyway?!?" she yelled, before spitting in the sand. Sonic decided to continue speaking to Streak, instead. "When we were back in that building, before," he began, "That creepy voice mentioned something about 'Master of Electricity' or something." Streak grinned. "Oh yeah, I have super-powers!" Sonic looked at him funny. "It's true!" Streak insisted. "Watch!" he searched for anything that he could find that wasn't sand. Finally, he saw a small cactus-like plant. He held out his finger and seemed to be concentrating on something. Finally, his finger started to glow, and some kind of laser beam, or something, shot out of his fingertip, and completely scorched the plant in a shower of light and sparks. "WOW! Exclaimed Tails, looking on. "WAY PAST COOL!" Sonic, Knux and Amy simply stared, mouths wide open. "H--H--HO" said Sonic, trying to spit out the word "how". "I don't exactly know" replied Streak. "Just one day I was ordinary, the next, I was a super-powered super hero! I started using my new powers to help people, but I'd hardly consider myself a hero, like that voice said back in the building. I'm sure some of you guys have had a lot better adventures than I have." Petals snorted and spat again. "Big woop" she said, her head down studying the ground. Sonic decided, for some reason, to try and talk to the foul-mouthed porcupine. "So...." he began. Petals snorted. "What heroic deeds have you done?" "Petals looked at him coldly. "If you really wanna know, hedgehog, I'm an accidental hero, and I wish people would stop calling me one. I don't belong here, that 'Dominatrek' creep stuffed it up." "An accidental hero?" asked Sonic, confused. "I'm an expert at martial arts" explained Petals. "Once my island town was attacked by an army of Swatting Bots, or whatever the &*%&^$% you call them. They started to chase after me, so I blew up the whole flipping lot of them with my two bare hands. The whole town cheered me as their savior, when I was just trying to save my own skin, and nobody has let me forget it since, and they are all becoming a real pain in the backside, and so are you." "Well so-orry!" replied Sonic. It was at this time, that he noticed that his old friend Amy hadn't spoken to him, or even approached him since they re-met. It was as if she was avoiding him or something. "Oh, well, I can't talk" he thought to himself. "I haven't talked to her, either." So he went over to her in the hope of re-lighting the deep friendship they once shared. "Hey, Amy! I......" He didn't get any further before Amy turned quickly to Streak and said. "! Can you show me those powers again?" Heartbroken and shocked, Sonic realised that, for some reason or another, Amy really was ignoring him on purpose. He sadly slowed his pace a little. It was at that moment that Knuckles' senses kicked in. In years of being the lone inhabitant and guardian of the Floating Island, Knux had taught himself many survival skills, and his senses were more sensitive than usual. And he knew they weren't alone. They were being stalked. "Stop!" He yelled to the team. They all stopped obediantly, and looked at the suspicious Knuckles. "Hear that?" he asked, quietly. "No" replied Sonic and Tails at the same time. Knux continued his suspicions. "We aren't alone in this desert" he said. "We're being stalked by something." Sonic also began to have the feeling of being watched. "But how is it possible?" he asked. "Look around! There is nothing but perfectly flat terrain for miles around! There isn't as much as a sand dune, but still, I can't see anything alive anywhere!" Knux noticed this, too, and became confused. "Well, let's move on - but with great caution" said Knux at last. Another half hour went by, and the team was starting to get tired. "How long are we gonna be walkin' Sonic?" asked Tails. "Just until we find our way out of this desert" Sonic replied. Petals became agitated, and snapped back at him. "NEWS FLASH, Hedgie-boy! That moron back at the building said we were on another planet! For all we know, this could be a desert planet, therefore, we're never gonna get out of it!" As rude as she was, Sonic realised that she had one heck of a point. "We were sent here to perform a test" he said, sitting on a leaned-over spikeless cactus. "I just wish Dominatrek had told us exactly what we were supposed to do." he looked depressed. "Great" said Petals, sarcastically, sitting on another spike-free cactus. "I've always wanted to die of thirst and starvation in a desert on another planet surrounded by a bunch of geeks and goody-two-shoes heroes. I feel blessed." She also looked depressed. "Wait!" said Knux, survival instincts flaring up again. "We're not going to starve! Look around! We're surrounded by food!" "Sonic looked up in anticipation, only to notice the usual miles and miles of sand, blocked by a few straggly cactus-things. "Knux, that's called a mirage. Get used to it." he said, head down again. "NO!" argued Knuckles. "Look harder! What do you see?" Petals replied to that. "Look, you stupid pink thing, get it through your thick head. We are in an empty desert, surrounded by some stupid plants. No food, we are as good as dead." She went back to sulking. Knuckles, surprised at everybody's ignorance started talking a little louder. "That's just it!" he said. "Look at those plants! They are together so densly, and they are so green, just like a mini rainforest! That means there's a lot of water nearby, and not only that, but those thick, fleshy plants are bound to be edible! And the dead plant limbs on the desert floor, they're so dry and old, they'll be perfect for firewood!" Knux was right. The others hadn't noticed it, but this desert wasn't nearly as death-defying as it seemed. You just had to know where to look. They made camp amongst the strange plants, and that night, they ate well. Knuckles' suspicions were right, and there was water nearby. A large lake, actually. And the cactus-things were edible, and quite tasty. They slept beneath the stars, before a roaring campfire, fed by the dead plants. "Knux" said Sonic, just before he dozed off. "yeah?" replied Knuckles, sleepily. "How do you do it?" said Sonic. Knux answered by grinning ear to ear, and drifted to sleep. CHAPTER THREE: BEASTIES The next morning, everybody ate a breakfast of the strange plants that, when roasted on the fire, taste a bit like boiled cabbage. They left the oasis refreshed, and ready to go on. The only problem was that they didn't know where they were to go, or what they were to do. Sonic began to worry about why Amy was trying to avoid him. They had been in the strange desert for a day, and Amy hadn't spoken to him. Actually, she didn't speak to anyone, really, she just tagged along. Sonic also noticed something strange about this planet, the days were a lot longer. They had been abducted by the strange "Dominatrek" character at late afternoon, and they had walked for about four hours, made camp at the oasis, then stayed there about another four hours before it got dark. And the desert didn't seem to be thinning out at all, either. Petals might have been right. This whole planet might be the desert. Just then, Knuckles had the sensations he had felt the previous day. Suspicious feelings, like they were being watched. Watched and followed. Knux stopped and looked around, sniffed the air, and slowly resumed walking. "What's wrong?" asked Sonic. Knuckles opened his mouth to answer, but a shadow fell over the group. They instantly knew they were in trouble. Well, that was for sure. The thing that caused the shadow was a giant grotesque creature, like nothing they had ever seen before. It was a faceless figure with numerous appendages, and was covered in a very thick layer of sand. It let out a groaning/wailing kind of sound, and leaped at Sonic. Luckily, he was not caught off-guard. He jumped up, landed in a spin dash, and sliced off one of the creature's "arms". It was then that they saw the weird thing about the beast. The appendage came straight off with no trouble, and it fell cleanly to the ground, no blood or anything like blood came out, in fact, nothing did. And when it hit the ground with a muffled thump, it shattered into literally millions of grains of sand. Sonic gasped. The beast wasn't covered in a layer of sand, after all. It WAS sand. The creature simply grew another sandy tentacle in it's place, and continued walking. What could they do except run for it? They ran as fast as their legs could take them, which was luckily faster than the monster. When the monster had gone out of sight, the group was way too tired to run further, so they stopped to take a breather, and then continued walking. "This is just like Sandopolis, on Floating Island, Sonic!" said Tails, catching his breath. "Yeah" replied Sonic, "But the bad guys there could be killed." This brought back memories to Knuckles of the Floating Island, and how he was supposed to be it's guardian. He knew that if their life enemy, the maniacal Dr. Ivo Robotnik, found out he was gone, he could have the Master Emerald, the Super Emeralds, AND the island without any trouble. He wished he hadn't been abducted so quickly, so he could have had the chance to ask the Chaotix, or anyone, for that matter, to look after it while he was away. Meanwhile, Sonic and Tails were thinking about how their friends in Knothole would be looking for them, especially Slasher. Everyone was miserable, homesick and bored, and everyone wanted to get their hands on the guy who sent them here so suddenly and against their will. The guy who called himself "Dominatrek". It didn't take long for the group to be attacked once again by sand monsters. But this time, it was an army. They emerged from the very sand itself, which explains how they can watch and follow the group without being seen. Sonic repeditively spin dashed the things, which seemed to have a small effect, and Streak was using his power of elecricity to zap them, which also had a small effect, but there were so many of them, and it had such a small effect, that they were almost certainly done for. The monsters closed in on them, and they closed their eyes, exausted from running, walking and fighting non stop all day. But then they heard a terrifying squeel, and a "HIIIIYA!" Sound. Sonic opened his eyes, and saw something he didn't believe. The small yellow porcupine, Petals, was using her martial arts skills against the beasts. And it was working. With each kick, the target monster would explode into a ton of sand, and wouldn't get up again. Eventually, Petals had kicked her way through every single monster. When she finished, she spat onto the sand, and muttered "creeps." Everyone stood there, speechless. Then Tails spoke up. "You saved us!" Petals looked really angry all of a sudden. "I didn't save you jerks! I was protecting myself! This is just like that time with me and the SWAT bots! I didn't have a single one of you in mind when I was kicking the stuffing out of those things, and I never will!" She looked away suddenly, as if upset. Sonic had the feeling once again of being watched. He jerked his head around, expecting to see a sand monster, but he saw Amy. She had been staring at him, but when she saw him turn towards her, she swung her head back around to face the front. Was she ignoring him, or was she afraid to approach him? CHAPTER FOUR: WILL IT NEVER END? Night fell again. This time the group wasn't lucky enough to find an oasis. They found a few straggly pieces of bark-like stuff, and made a crappy little campfire that went out after an hour. The next morning, everyone's muscles ached something chronic. Nobody could walk without limping, and Streak and Tails had migrane headaches. Nobody thought they could go any further. They were completely beat. Most of all, everyone wanted to go home. NOW. They stayed in the one spot for a while, to give their muscles more rest. They hadn't eaten or had a drink since breakfast the previous day. Suddenly a voice spoke up. It was the booming voice of the guy that got them into this mess in the first place. "YOU HAVE DONE WELL, YOU HAVE ALMOST COMPLETED YOUR TEST" Sonic looked agitated. "Listen, you jerk! Get us out of here now, or you will regret it for the rest of your life!" Dominatrek seemed to take this very humourously, and said "AND JUST WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?" Sonic started to reply, but stopped. The voice was right. It wasn't as if Sonic could just walk up to him and beat him up. After all, it was just a voice. The voice laughed a little, and then spoke again. "YOU ARE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK TO GOING HOME. JUST GO DUE NORTH UNTIL YOU COME TO THE RUINS. I SHALL BE WAITING." So they went north until they were attacked by another sand creature. Petals refused to help, so they were forced to kill it on their own. No-one was injured, except Knux, who took a nasty gash down his arm. Bones and muscles aching, they found their way to a place that looked like Stonehenge. Entering, they found a strange doorway filled with swirling colours. "That must be the way home!" said Streak, excited. They sat around, discussing the stupidity of this whole excercise, and how great it would be to get back. Suddenly, a ghostly figure appeared. It looked a bit like a man, but they couldn't really tell. "I AM DOMINATREK" it said. So now they knew what he looked like. But they didn't really feel too angry at him, for they were just too excited that they were going home. "CONGRATULATIONS!" said Dominatrek. "YOU HAVE SURVIVED TWO WHOLE DAYS ON THE PLANET OF THE SCORCHING SUN. YOU HAVE USED YOUR OUTDOOR SURVIVAL SKILLS AND ATTACK TACTICS WELL. THAT MEANS THAT THIS TEST IS OFFICIALLY OVER." "Ok, Domino" said Knuckles. "We're ready to go home now! Lead the way!" It was then that Dominatrek cracked up laughing. "DO YOU THINK THAT YOUR HOME IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS PORTAL? HA! IT MERELY TAKES YOU TO TEST TWO!" Knuckles' smile faded rapidly. "Wait a minute!" said Sonic. "You said we were going home!" "I MERELY SAID 'YOU ARE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK TO GOING HOME'! THAT DIDN'T MEAN THAT YOU GO BACK NOW!" The group started to complain, and Dominatrek's smile turned into a scowl. "YOU SHALL BE GOING BACK TO MOBIUS NOW" "Really?" asked Sonic, confused. "But you said...." "SILENCE!" Shouted Dominatrek. He held out his hand and shot a ball of force at Sonic, throwing him back. "YOU DIDN'T LET ME FINISH! I SAID YOU SHALL BE GOING BACK, BUT IT WON'T BE THE MOBIUS YOU KNOW. YOU ARE ABOUT TO ENTER THE ANTI-VERSE." Before anyone could ask what that meant, they all began to leviate above the sand, and were thrown into the portal. Little did the group know that the "Planet of the Scorching Sun" would be like falling off a log compared to the Anti-verse, and the horrors it had in store. ----------TO BE CONTINUED--------------