Sonic the Hedgehog in ___________________ TIME AND SPACE ___________________ By Shax the Raptor Part Three - Impossible Temple CHAPTER NINE: DARKNESS "Ouch!" yelped Sonic, bumping his head on something hard. He had just woken up, and everything in the small room was pitch black. The air was moist and dense, and the air smelled like it had been just sitting there for a hundred years. He heard a groaning voice from elsewhere in the room, "Oooh, where are we now?" and he recognized it as Knuckles' voice. He remembered everything, being warped through the galaxy to the Planet of the Scorching Sun, being transported into a parallel universe, the Anti-Verse, right through to being teleported to this damp, dark room. He woke up as if the entire journey had been a dream, but he knew better of it. The last time he had believed it to be a dream, it had been in the Anti-Verse, and it was more like a nightmare made real. Besides, it had obviously been real, because he had woken up in this strange place, and he could hear the voices of Tails, Knux, Streak, Petals and Amy, all trying to figure out where they were. This expedition had been one strange thing after another, and nobody could figure out what the purpose was. Little did they know of Dominatrek's ulterior motive. The reason all this was being set up for them. But more about that later... "Eh, anyone got a match?" Sonic asked his invisible allies. "Right here" answered Streak's voice. There was silence for a few seconds, then the sound of frustration. "I thought I could light up the place with a spark of electricity" said Streak, "But I can't seem to get it to work just now." Suddenly, there was a crackling sound, and the room filled with a luminous light. "No matter" said Sonic. "Well" said Petals, frustrated expression on her face. "Where the *&%^%* heck you think we are now?" Sonic looked at her. "I'd hate to see the guy who thought you were delicate enough to call 'petals'." he said. Knux looked around. "It looks like the Sandopolean Pyramid, back on my island, except for the fact that it's probably more ancient, and a lot bigger." Sonic stared at the walls of the mysterious old building. "I heard that Dominatrek guy talking about some 'Impossible Temple of Ghil- something-or-other'." he said. "I don't think I like the way the word 'impossible' is used." mumbled Knux, under his breath. Their attention turned to the light that had so suddenly filled the room. There didn't seem to be any particular source to the light, it was just a light, suspended evenly in the room. "Creepy!" said Tails. As they walked down a corridor, they came to a blockage made from small, loose stones. Knux grinned. "I'll take care of this" he said, pulling his fist back. He slammed his hand, knuckles first onto the pile of rocks. At that moment, Knux's grin faded to a bizarre mouth shape. A small droplet of water appeared on his bottom eyelid, and a strange noise escaped his throat. He had tried to get a knuckle hold, to rapidly dig away the rock pile, but somehow, it had failed. He pulled back his clenched fist, to reveal a tear in the front of his glove, a narrow flow of blood slowly trickled out of it. Almost instantly, Knux realized why his attempt at digging had failed. His hand was bare. The two sharp, pointed knuckles that had once poked out of his hand had vanished utterly. He quickly checked his other hand. Like the other, the knuckles were not there, as if vanished into thin air. CHAPTER TEN: POWERLESS "What the heck are you all staring at?" asked Petals, bossily. "What is wrong with the stupid echidna?" "My knuckles are gone" replied Knux, scowling at her. "Maybe you dropped them or somethin', I dunno, who cares?" said Petals. Knux just stood and stared at her. "oh, look" said Petals, rolling her eyes. She walked up to the stone wall in an attempt to kick it down. When she swung her leg at the wall, there was a cracking sound, and she let out a squeal and fell onto the ground, her face twisted in pain. "I---pulled---a---muscle" she gasped. "Wait a minute" said Sonic, thinking. "I think that Dominatrek jerk took away our powers!" "Huh?" asked Streak. "Well," replied Sonic, "When you tried to use your electricity, it failed, right?" Streak nodded his head. "And Knux's sharp knuckles are gone, and when Petals tried to use her martial arts skills, she badly pulled a muscle." Streak started to see what he meant. "Sonic!" shouted Tails. "I'm missing a tail! I only have one!" Sonic looked down at his friend's single tail. "Well, now I'm certain" he said. "Well, I don't have any powers to lose" Amy spoke up. "But what are you missing, Sonic?" Sonic thought about it. "Probably my spin-dash" he said. "That's just about the only special power I have." he curled into a ball, and as he was about to spin-dash, he fell flat on his face. Everyone (except Petals) laughed. "Ohh" moaned Sonic. "That's it all right." Then Streak spotted a strange panel next to the pile of rocks. The panel had a picture of the sun, with sixteen little points on it, and the top point was longer. Around the sun, there were four little moons. "What the heck?" said Streak. Everyone turned to the panel. "Some kind of lock?" asked Knux. Amy pushed through the crowd made by the other five. "It's an ancient puzzle lock" she said. "It's called that because to unlock it, you have to solve a puzzle." Everyone listened closely, even though they would have already known that. Amy looked at the lock with great interest. Then she smiled and put her finger on one of the points on the star. The point lit up and a small sound came from the wall, like the sound of a small lock opening. Amy smiled wider and began touching every fourth point, each one lighting up and making a sound. As soon as four points had lit up, there was a huge noise as the stone wall crumbled. Amy giggled with satisfaction, and the others simply stared. "That was a fairly easy one" she said. "Most of them are said to be almost impossible." The others continued to stare at her. "Whassamatter?" she asked. "Don't like being beaten by a girl?" Nobody answered, they just walked down the corridor further. There was a rumbling sound in the distance. "What was that?" asked Tails, a little frightened. "I dunno" replied Sonic, still thinking about the strange temple they had been put in. The group walked into a very wide, open room. There was a closed door on the other side, with another strange puzzle on it. As soon as they entered the room, the doorway behind them crumbled, leaving a pile of old brown rocks in it's place. "WOW!!!" yelled Tails, looking up. The roof was so high it was literally out of sight. He stared up at the infinite darkness above. "I'd hate to fall from up there!" said Sonic, also staring upward. "Well, let's see this next puzzle" said Amy. There was a huge bang as Amy walked towards the closed door. There was silence for a little while, and Amy turned towards the others. They were still in the center of the room, staring hypnotically into the void above. Then Sonic spoke up, his gaze not shifting from the sky. "Uhm, Amy, could you hurry it up a bit on that puzzle?" He sounded nervous. "Why, what's wrong?" asked Amy. Sonic simply pointed upwards. Everyone was still staring at the roof, now white as a sheet. Amy looked upwards and gasped. The roof was now in sight. It was covered in small spikes, and it was falling fast. Falling to crush them into hero pancakes. CHAPTER ELEVEN: PUZZLES GALORE Amy let out a screech of terror and immediately got to work on the puzzle. She let out a whoosh of air when she realized it was another math puzzle. Thinking quickly, she pushed a couple of buttons and the door made a satisfied click and swung open. Everyone zoomed out the door, just as the roof hit the ground. "That was a little TOO close" said Sonic, panting. "Yeah" replied Amy. "I seem to have a knack for these things." They walked for about five minutes, just down a long, twisting corridor. Amy seemed to be thinking about something. At last she said, "He's setting us up for something." Sonic looked at her. "Who?" he asked. "Dominatrek." she replied. "Why? What's he setting us up for?" asked Sonic again. Amy looked up at him. "He's very clever. He's testing our warrior skills. The first place he sent us was to the desert, then to a robot-ridden planet, then to a puzzle temple. He tested our survival skills in a hostile environment, he tested our fighting skills on a planet full of evil, and now he has taken away our special powers and sent us to a place where we have to survive using nothing but our brains. Surviving, fighting and thinking." Sonic realized exactly what she meant. "You're right!" he said. "It's as if he wants us to win a war for him or something." They continued down the corridor until they found another locked door and another puzzle. Amy opened it with ease, and they gasped as they saw the other side of it. There was just an abyss. A bottomless pit with a few stepping stones going across. "OK," said Sonic. "Nobody panic, just take it slowly." Then Knux did a really bad mistake. He climbed up the wall behind them, and jumped to glide across the chasm. He had forgotten that everybody's powers had been removed, and he glided for about two seconds before the glide turned into a dive. Everyone gasped as Knux uncontrollably took a vertical dive into the dark pit. Knuckles let out a whoosh of air as he grabbed one of the tall stepping stones with the tips of his fingers. He swung around for a bit, then grabbed the platform with his other hand and pulled himself up. When he was safely on the platform, he caught his breath and muttered, "Note to self: stop doing that." Everybody else got over the shock and started balancing across the narrow paths and stones. Sonic turned to Amy. "I thought this temple was strictly an intelligence test! What's with the pit?" Amy shrugged. "I guess Dominatrek just threw this in for something to do." Except for a few wobbles, the group passed the pit without incident. They were faced with another few puzzle doors, then they came to a giant, square room with a puzzle on one of the walls. Once again, the door they came through crumbled behind them. "I sure hope the roof doesn't move in this room" said Streak. He was right, the roof didn't move in to crush them. This time the walls did. "Oh cr**!" yelled Knux. Amy ran over to the puzzle and started working on it. "Oh oh, this one's hard" she said, worrying. The walls moved faster inward. This time, Amy wasn't so quick. Everyone ran over to help her try to solve the puzzle, but it was way over their heads. "This must be the 'impossible' bit" said Sonic, frantically. They didn't have to worry about the puzzle for long, the panel and the door were crushed by the incoming wall. No way out. Everyone was speechless. This would be where it all ended. CHAPTER TWELVE: THE GREAT ESCAPE It was about ten seconds before they would be crushed. The strange, frantic, scratching sound from behind the small scrap of wall left. Suddenly, something burst through and screamed "RUN!!!" Everyone obeyed without question. They escaped through the hole just before the walls slammed shut. "Now that was WAY too close" said Sonic. They stared at the creature who had freed them. It was a raptor, the same one who had freed them from the cages in the Anti-Verse. "Who are you?" asked Sonic. "No time to explain" replied the lizard. "You are nearly out, all you have to do is go down this way" he pointed down a path. "And whatever you do, SURVIVE!" Just at that moment, the raptor disappeared before their eyes. "Ok, well, let's go!" said Sonic. They walked down the path for about ten minutes, it was a very long, downhill slope. Tails heard a bump further back behind them, but thought it was nothing important. Boy, was he wrong. They walked a couple of meters further, then stopped as they heard a rumbling sound. They looked behind them, and saw a giant boulder rolling towards them. "What's this?" yelled Sonic, "Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom?" Knux stared at the incoming boulder. "We'll be Indiana BONES if we don't run right this second!" he screamed. Everyone ran as fast as they could. Sonic was confident that his super speed could take him to safety. Unfortunately, he didn't think that super speed might come under the "special power" category, and it wouldn't work so well. He sent his feet spinning, then he pulled a muscle and fell flat on his face. "Oh oh" he muttered. Would he get up in time? He was going to be run over by the giant rock. Luckily, one split second before he was squished, he noticed a slight cave in the wall beside him. He did a barrel roll and landed in the crevice just as the boulder speeded past him. "That was WAY, WAY, too close!" he said, panting uncontrollably. He emerged from the cave in time to see his friends run up to him. "How are you?" asked Knux, worried. Sonic grunted as he picked himself up. "Way past cool." he said, without expression. The group, eager to escape before anything else happened, ran down the path. The path eventually became a lot wider, which was how the other five had escaped the boulder. They came to a cliff with a narrow path around the outside. "This stupid temple has too many d*** bottomless pits!" said Petals, spitting off the edge of the cliff. The group started to tiptoe their way across the narrow path to the other side. While they were about halfway across, there was a sudden jolt, like a small earthquake. Everyone was able to quickly hold onto the rocky outcrops on the cliff face and avoid a nasty accident. Everyone except Amy, who lost her balance and fell over the edge. Sonic instinctively threw himself off the cliff and grabbed onto her hands. He only held onto the top of the cliff by his toes. "Eh...a little help?" he asked his friends on the cliff, who were amazed by the quick rescue. Knux and Streak ran up and grabbed onto Sonic's feet and pulled him and Amy up. Amy, still shocked from the fall, turned to face Sonic. "Sonic, you know how before, you asked if we could be friends, and I said I'd think about it?" she asked him. "Yeah" replied Sonic. "Well, I'd like to be friends, now!" she said, hugging him. They got on with crossing the narrow bridge, this time holding tighter onto the wall, in case there was another jolt. They got to the other side and found a huge door, with a small panel beside it. Another puzzle. It didn't take too long for Amy to work it out, and the door swung open, revealing that they were outside! It turned out to be the middle of a dense jungle, in the center of some ruined ancient city, like the Aztecs. "Well, now what?" asked Sonic. Suddenly, everyone felt a huge jolt of electricity, and Dominatrek appeared. Sonic looked at him angrily. "THAT WAS THE WORST PLACE YET, YOU JERK! WE WERE NEARLY KILLED SEVERAL TIMES!" Dominatrek just looked at him with a blank face. "YOU HAVE ALL DONE WELL" he boomed. "YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE THREE TESTS, AND PASSED ALL OF THEM. NOW, YOU SHALL BE TELEPORTED SOMEWHERE THAT IS NOT A TEST. THIS IS REAL. THIS IS WAR." Everyone started to talk at once, but another, more violent jolt ripped through them. They were torn away from each other, and flung into a place full of swirling colors. There was suddenly no gravity as they floated to a location that would be a mystery... ---------------TO BE CONTINUED---------------