Times of Darkness by: Sasha Chapter 1: Shadow and Luna (50 years ago: Space Colony ARK) -Shadow I beg of you...please do it for me...for all the people on that planet...- said a blonde girl, her light blue eyes fixed on a black hedgehog trapped in a glass capsule. -Maria!!- yelled Shadow banging on the glass. -Sayonara...Shadow...the...hedgehog- * (Present day 21:02 Prison Island: Inside the base) -Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!- repeated a voice from every speaker inside the base. Doctor Ivo Robotnick was looking for somethimg in the military base, but what was it? After destroying the SWAT robots and making his way in, Robotnick finally got to the room where the military`s secret weapon was. -Oh ho! So this is the military`s secret weapon it`s a lot smaller than I expected....Hmmm enter password, the password is M-A-R-I-A- said Robotnick. A trap door opened in front of him and a gigant metal block rose from the floor. A dark figure appeared on top of it. Th figure looked just like Sonic the Hedgehog a well known hero. -What`s that?! Is that you Sonic?! Are you trying to spoil my plans again?!- yelled Robotnick But he was wrong, it wasn`t Sonic -My name is Shadow- said the hedgehog -Since you were so kind to release me...my master I will grant you one wish- Robotnick was amazed. Shadow`s appearence was identical to Sonic`s, the only difference was their fur. Sonic`s fur was blue but Shadow`s was all black except a few spines on his head wich were red. Suddenly the gigant block exploted and a black and purple ray came out of it. Robotnick saw in awe that it traveled at lighting speed all across the room and went flying out of it. An enormous robot wich was nearby saw Robotnick and prepared to attack. When Shadow saw the robot a smile drew across his face. -Behold my power- he said and in no time Shadow destroyed the robot. -That was incredible- said Robotnick-But what was that ray? And what do you mean with granting me a wish?- Robotnick had many questions but none were answered. Shadow just said: -Bring me Chaos Emeralds,`I`ll be waitnig for you in the central control room inside the Space Clony ARK- * 13:27 Above the capital city Meanwhile Sonic was facing his own problems. He was arested and on the way to Prison Island. -Sigma-Alfa here due, south over the capital city- said a man -This is control tower report cargo status- said another -That`s a 10-4 the cargo is secure and...What?!- -Didn`t copy that- -The hedgehog is gone!- Sonic kicked the door open and jumped out of the plane, he arrived safely on the plane`s wing -Talk about low budget flights, no food or movies I`m outta here I like running better- said Sonic he took a metal piece from the wing and jumped from the wing. He landed safely on the streets of the cpital city. Sonic looked around and saw the bank being robbed. He ran got to see another hedgehog leaving the crime sceene. -Stop right there- yelled Sonic running after the black hedgehog The hedgehog stopped and turned to see who was yelling at him. Sonic saw that he was holding the Chaos Emerald. -What do you think you`re doing with that- yelled Sonic But the hedgehog didn`t answer -Now I understand they`ve mistaken me for the likes of you- said Sonic -Say something you fake hedgehog- -It all starts with this a gem containing the ultimate power- said Shadow -You must be Sonic the Hedgehog- -So you know who am I, but who are you- demanded Sonic -The name is Shadow and I`m the ultimate life form- said Shadow -Well ultimate life form or not I`m not letting you take that emerald- said Sonic and prepared to attack Shadow -I don`t have time to deal with weaklings like you- said Shadow -Chaos control!- A green light covered Shadow`s body and just when Sonic was a few inches away from him, he disapeared. Sonic ran away befor anyone could catch him again. He went to the beach.While walking on the beach Sonic saw a black figure nearby. He ran to it and saw a black hedgehog. At first he thought that it was Shadow. But there was something different instead of the red spikes thet Shadow had it had dark purple ones. He kneeled near the hedgehog and saw that it was uncouncious. Sonic extended an arm to try and wake it but the hedgehog opened its eyes. -Who are you- Sonic noticed that it hadn`t been a male hegehog but a female one. -I`m Sonic the hedgehog, who are you?- said Sonic -My name is Luna, um have you seen a hegehog that looks just like me named Shadow?- said the hedgehog -Unfortunately yes- said Sonic -Unfortunately? What did he do to you?- asked Luna -Well he robbed the Chaos Emerald- said Sonic Luna looked at the floor -Please don`t blame him- she said -It`s not his fault, he began acting strangely when that Robotnick guy freed us- -Robotnick!!- said Sonic Luna nodded -I think we better go somewhere else to talk, follow me- said Sonic He stood up. Luna tryed to stand up but fell again. -Argh its my ankle- she said -No problem let me help you- said Sonic - You can lean on me- -Thanks-