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Title: Akira
Summary: Kaneda and Tetsuo are childhood friends who are in a motorcycle gang. One night, while fighting another bike gang, Tetsuo crashes head on into a strange little kid. The government arrives and captures Tetsuo, and conducts experiments on him that gives him extremly powerful psychic abilities. Soon Tetsuo gets out of control, and lashes out on the world! Can Kaneda save his friend before it's too late?
Plot: 8/10
Characters: 10/10
Animation: 10/10
Music: 8/10
Overall: 10/10
Age Rating: R (Breif nudity and mild language)
Running Time: 124 minutes
Reviewed By: Kayu Ishida

Akira is the movie that started it all! Katsuhiro Otomo (director) did a wonderful job, and created an anime that is still hard to match even to this day, and it was created in 1988! The art is extremly detailed, and gives you a great idea of what this futuristic world is like. The plot is really wonderful, but it IS quite confusing at times, and may require you to watch it a few times to get an idea of what's going on. Even if you don't understand the story, it's still enjoyable to watch. The character are, to me, very uniqe. I like Kaneda the best, because not only does he attempt to rescue Tetsuo from the government, but he fights Tetsuo as well. (Spoiler? O_o;) The music fits the different moments very well in my opinion. Overall, this is one of the best animations ever created, and should be owned by all sci-fi geeks, like me!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the anime, video games, or manga that you see here on this site. The music, videos, screenshots, and midis are also not mine. Do not sue me for anything, becuase I have no money, and it would only be a waist of time. If something has been stolen from you and you want credit or whatever, then email me and we can talk. Email me at All art that I draw is MINE, so don't take it! I have no idea WHY you would want to take it, but hey. All fanart, fanfics, and reviews submitted by other people belongs to them, so don't steal that either.
Layout idea came from SilverOracle[dot]com --- Kayu no Media © Kayu Ishida