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Title: Escaflowne: The Movie
Summary: Hitomi Kanzaki is tired of life. At the end of her rope, she wishes she could just fade away. Her pain resonates with another on the world of Gaea, and when her wish is granted, she finds herself in a strange land. She is greeted as the Wing Goddess, who posesses the ability to summon the legendary Escaflowne! Hitomi's fate is intertwined with the brash young warrior king Van with,who also feels his life has lost meaning. The arrival of the Wing Goddess marks the final turning point in Van's battle with the Black Dragon Clan. By summoning Escalfowne, the Wing Goddess will choose that path of Gaea's future. But is her heart's desire salvation or destruction?
Plot: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Animation: 10/10
Music: 8/10
Overall: 9/10
Age Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 80 minutes
Reviewed By: Mary Beth Mason

If you think this happens along with the show, you are very wrong. It takes the same story, but totally redoes it, from the way they meet to the way it ends is different. The plot is pretty good. Go to another world, find out your the salvation of the world, save it, ect... You would think it would probably be boring, but it is really quite interesing. The characters are the same from the show, and they have the same personalities. The animation is superb, all the mechas( I guess thats what you would call them) are drawn very well. The music is great, especially Sora's song and the ending theme. If you like the show, you will love the movie, and even if you haven't seen the show you should watch it.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the anime, video games, or manga that you see here on this site. The music, videos, screenshots, and midis are also not mine. Do not sue me for anything, becuase I have no money, and it would only be a waist of time. If something has been stolen from you and you want credit or whatever, then email me and we can talk. Email me at All art that I draw is MINE, so don't take it! I have no idea WHY you would want to take it, but hey. All fanart, fanfics, and reviews submitted by other people belongs to them, so don't steal that either.
Layout idea came from SilverOracle[dot]com --- Kayu no Media © Kayu Ishida