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FAKE is a manga about two New York cops, Ryou and Dee who have an attraction for action and each other! Ryo gets transferred to the 27th precinct and is partnered with Dee. Dee finds him quite attractive and begins to make the moves on him. Ryo is confused on his feelings for Dee and doesn’t know how he truly feels.

Then there are the other important characters, Bikky, Carol and JJ. Carol is a girl who becomes Ryo and Dees friends after getting caught picking peoples pockets. Bikky is a badass orphan who at sometimes acts like the child he truly is. JJ is a sharp shooter who has a huge crush on Dee and trys to get himself noticed even though Dee shows no interest at all in him.

This manga is good though the story is sometimes hard to believe. Sanami Motoh does a good job at giving you a detailed description on the characters though most of the manga is focused on Ryo and Dee’s relationship it’s a good read. I give it a thumbs up!

Reviewed by Rina-chan

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the anime, video games, or manga that you see here on this site. The music, videos, screenshots, and midis are also not mine. Do not sue me for anything, becuase I have no money, and it would only be a waist of time. If something has been stolen from you and you want credit or whatever, then email me and we can talk. Email me at All art that I draw is MINE, so don't take it! I have no idea WHY you would want to take it, but hey. All fanart, fanfics, and reviews submitted by other people belongs to them, so don't steal that either.
Layout idea came from SilverOracle[dot]com --- Kayu no Media © Kayu Ishida