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Title: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Summary: One day, Yugi Mouto's grandfather gave him a myserious box containing strange puzzel pieces. He solved the puzzel and released Yami, the ancient pharaoh, now he resides inside the puzzle, and comes out to help Yugi alot of the time. When Yami has taken over he is called Yami Yugi (makes sense). He come out many times when Yugi is dueling. Yugi is 'the choosen one' according the Shadi, which means he is the one who can save the world, and help Yami recover his lost memories.
Plot: 7/10
Characters: 9/10
Animation: 8/10
Music: 9/10
Overall: 8/10
Age Rating: G
Episodes: 150+
Reviewed By: Mary Beth Mason

This is one of those animes that has alot of potential if it was showed uncut. Yet I doubt it will be though sadly. Anyway, the plot is alright, fight off badguys with monsters to save the world, you know the drill. The characters are really good, I really like how they are so diverse, and you learn about their pasts which is always good. The animation is pretty good, there are alot of funny and serious scenes that are drawn really good. The music is pretty good, but the original music is better. If you like Pokemon, but want something a little different I would recommend Yu-Gi-Oh. Oh and if you can, try to see the first season, you would have to get fandubs or get the subtitled ones though. And for fun,see if you can tell the difference between Yami Yugi and Yugi, don't worry it won't take long X3.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the anime, video games, or manga that you see here on this site. The music, videos, screenshots, and midis are also not mine. Do not sue me for anything, becuase I have no money, and it would only be a waist of time. If something has been stolen from you and you want credit or whatever, then email me and we can talk. Email me at All art that I draw is MINE, so don't take it! I have no idea WHY you would want to take it, but hey. All fanart, fanfics, and reviews submitted by other people belongs to them, so don't steal that either.
Layout idea came from SilverOracle[dot]com --- Kayu no Media © Kayu Ishida